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Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory

USGS/Leetown Science Center
Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory
One Migratory Way
P.O. Box 796
Turners Falls, MA 01376-0796
PHONE: (413) 863-3800
FAX: (413) 863-9810

Chief: Stephen P. Garabedian
Staff Research Studies Directions

Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory


With their unique life histories, anadromous fishes require special consideration in understanding their biology and developing management strategies. During the Industrial Revolution, many populations of anadromous fishes were severely depleted or extirpated by damming, pollution or alteration of their migratory or spawning habitats. Some measures were taken in the late 1880s to provide access for anadromous fishes around dams by construction of rudimentary fishways, or by stocking fish into habitats that historically supported large runs. However, without a complete understanding of the ecology, life history and environmental needs of these species, many of these efforts failed to restore naturally reproducing populations within their original ranges. With the passage of the Anadromous Fish Conservation Act of 1965, the federal government took an active role in assisting states in their anadromous fish enhancement efforts. However, the need for information about anadromous fish biology and ecology continues, and is critical to the success of these programs. The S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory(CAFL) has been charged to meet this need to perform research directed towards restoration and protection of anadromous fishes. In recent years fishery agency needs have expanded to include provision of fish passage facilities for many riverine species. CAFL has expanded its mission to include work on any riverine migratory species.


• Hydraulic Engineering
Fish Passage Biology
• Behavior


• Fish passage and hydraulics of steep passes
• Fishways hydraulics
• Assessment of shad and blueback herring behavior near weirs
• Biological studies of shortnose and other sturgeons
• Atlantic salmon life history studies and smolt production
• Genetic variability, stocking success, and habitat quality for ATS
• Survival of ATS fry releases
• Evaluation of burst swimming performance of upstream migrants
• Modeling growth & mortality of yoy alosids
• Investigation of migratory behaviors and passage technologies
• Impact of stream habitat improvement on smolt migration
• Salinity tolerance and stress in Shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon
• Behavior of adult Atlantic salmon
• Wild ATS smolt physiology, behavior and olfaction
• ATS smolt passage from tributaries to the mainstem Connecticut River
• Adult American shad passage at lower Connecticut River mainstem dams
• Downstream migrating anadromous fish studies at hydropower facilities
• Development of procedures for upstream fish passage evaluation
• Passage of riverine fish upstream of dams
• Dam removal criteria – status review
• Evaluation of salmon smolt passage

U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey
11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430, USA
Last Modified: January 31, 2008 jmn
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