[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 47, Volume 1]

[Revised as of October 1, 2005]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 47CFR0.409]

[Page 55-56]


                       TITLE 47--TELECOMMUNICATION






                      Subpart C_General Information


Sec. 0.409  Commission policy on private printing of FCC forms.

    The Commission has established a policy regarding the printing of 

blank FCC forms by private companies if they elect to do so as a matter 

of expediency and convenience to their clients or consumers. The policy 

is as follows:

    (a) Blank FCC forms may be reproduced by private companies at their 

own expense provided the following conditions are met:

    (1) Use a printing process resulting in a product that is at least 

comparable in quality to the original document, without change to the 

page size, image size, configuration of pages, folds or perforations, 

and matching as closely as possible the paper weight, paper color and 

ink color.

    (2) Delete in its entirety any and all U.S. Government Printing 

Office (GPO) indicia that may appear in the margin(s).

    (3) If the printer wishes to identify a foreign country in which the 

forms are printed, a marginal notation must be added stating ``No U.S. 

Government funds were used to print this document.''

    (4) Do not add to the form any other symbol, word or phrase that 

might be construed as personalizing the form or advertising on it.

    (5) Except as specified above, do not delete from or add to any part 

of the form, or attach anything thereto.

[[Page 56]]

    (6) Assure that the form being reproduced is an edition currently 

acceptable by the Commission, which will endeavor to keep the public 

advised of revisions to its forms, but cannot assume responsibility to 

the extent of eliminating any element of risk against the use of 

obsolete forms.

    (b) These guidelines do not apply to forms which respondents may 

wish to reproduce as completed facsimiles on automated equipment to 

satisfy application or report requirements. Requests for permission to 

submit such forms to the Commission should be addressed to the Office of 

Managing Director.

[53 FR 27861, July 25, 1988]

                          Printed Publications