[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 47, Volume 1]

[Revised as of October 1, 2005]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 47CFR0.406]

[Page 44-46]


                       TITLE 47--TELECOMMUNICATION






                      Subpart C_General Information


Sec. 0.406  The rules and regulations.

    Persons having business with the Commission should familiarize 

themselves with those portions of its rules and regulations pertinent to 

such business. All of the rules have been published and are readily 

available. See Sec. Sec. 0.411(b), 0.412, and 0.415. For the benefit of 

those who are not familiar with the rules, there is set forth in this 

section a brief description of their format and contents.

    (a) Format. The rules are set forth in the Code of Federal 

Regulations as chapter I of title 47. Chapter I is divided into parts 

numbered from 0-99. Each part, in turn, is divided into numbered 

sections. To allow for the addition of new parts and sections in logical 

sequence, without extensive renumbering, parts and sections are not 

always numbered consecutively. Thus, for example, part 2 is followed by 

part 5, and Sec. 1.8 is followed by Sec. 1.10; in this case, parts 3 

and 4 and Sec. 1.9 have been reserved for future use. In numbering 

sections, the number before the period is the part number; and the 

number after the period locates the section within that part. Thus, for 

example, Sec. 1.1 is the first section of part 1 and Sec. 5.1 is the 

first section in part 5. Except in the case of accounting regulations 

(parts 31-35), the period should not be read as a decimal point; thus, 

Sec. 1.511 is not located between Sec. Sec. 1.51 and 1.52 but at a 

much later point in the rules. In citing the Code of Federal 

Regulations, the citation, 47 CFR 5.1, for example, is to Sec. 5.1 (in 

part 5) of chapter I of title 47 of the Code, and permits the exact 

location of that rule. No citation to other rule units (e.g., subpart or 

chapter) is needed.

    (b) Contents. Parts 0-19 of the rules have been reserved for 

provisions of a general nature. Parts 20-69 of this chapter have been 

reserved for provisions pertaining to common carriers. Parts 20-29 and 

80-109 of this chapter have been reserved for provisions pertaining to 

the wireless telecommunications services. In the rules pertaining to 

common carriers, parts 20-25 and 80-99 of this chapter pertain to the 

use of radio; In the rules pertaining to common carriers, parts 21, 23, 

and 25 of this chapter pertain to the use of radio;

[[Page 45]]

parts 31-66 of this chapter pertain primarily to telephone and telegraph 

companies. Persons having business with the Commission will find it 

useful to consult one or more of the following parts containing 

provisions of a general nature in addition to the rules of the radio or 

wire communication service in which they are interested:

    (1) Part 0, Commission organization. Part 0 describes the structure 

and functions of the Commission, lists delegations of authority to the 

staff, and sets forth information designed to assist those desiring to 

obtain information from, or to do business with, the Commission. This 

part is designed, among other things, to meet certain of the 

requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, as amended.

    (2) Part 1 of this chapter, practice and procedure. Part 1, subpart 

A, of this chapter contains the general rules of practice and procedure. 

Except as expressly provided to the contrary, these rules are applicable 

in all Commission proceedings and should be of interest to all persons 

having business with the Commission. Part 1, subpart A of this chapter 

also contains certain other miscellaneous provisions. Part 1, subpart B, 

of this chapter contains the procedures applicable in formal hearing 

proceedings (see Sec. 1.201 of this chapter). Part 1, subpart C, of 

this chapter contains the procedures followed in making or revising the 

rule or regulations. Part 1, subpart D, of this chapter contains rules 

applicable to applications for licenses in the Broadcast Radio Services, 

including the forms to be used, the filing requirements, the procedures 

for processing and acting upon such applications, and certain other 

matters. Part 1, subpart F, of this chapter contain rules applicable to 

applications for licenses in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau 

services, including the forms to be used, the filing requirements, the 

procedures for processing and acting on such applications, and certain 

other matters. Additional procedures applicable to certain common 

carriers by radio are set forth in part 21 of this chapter. Part 1, 

subpart F, of this chapter contains rules applicable to applications for 

licenses in the Private Radio Services, including the forms to be used, 

the filing requirements, the procedures for processing and acting on 

such applications, and certain other matters. Part 1, subpart G, of this 

chapter contains rules pertaining to the application processing fees 

established by the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 

1985 (Pub. L. 99-272, 100 Stat. 82 (1986)) and also contains rules 

pertaining to the regulatory fees established by the Omnibus Budget 

Reconciliation Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-66, 107 Stat. 397 (1993)). Part 

1, subpart H, of this chapter, concerning ex parte presentations, sets 

forth standards governing communications with commission personnel in 

hearing proceedings and contested application proceedings. Part 1, 

subparts G and H, of this chapter will be of interest to all regulatees, 

and part 1, subpart H, of this chapter will, in addition, be of interest 

to all persons involved in hearing proceedings.

    (3) Part 2, frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general 

rules and regulations. Part 2 will be of interest to all persons 

interested in the use of radio. It contains definitions of technical 

terms used in the rules and regulations; provisions governing the 

allocation of radio frequencies among the numerous uses made of radio 

(e.g., broadcasting, land mobile) and radio services (e.g., television, 

public safety), including the Table of Frequency Allocations (Sec. 

2.106); technical provisions dealing with emissions; provisions dealing 

with call signs and emergency communications; provisions governing 

authorization of radio equipment; and a list of treaties and other 

international agreements pertaining to the use of radio.

    (4) Part 5, experimental radio services (other than broadcast). Part 

5 deals with the temporary use of radio frequencies for research in the 

radio art, for communication involving other research projects, and for 

the development of equipment, data, or techniques.

    (5) Part 13, commercial radio operators. Part 13 describes the 

procedures to be followed in applying for a commercial operator license, 

including the forms to be used and the examinations given, and sets 

forth rules governing licensed

[[Page 46]]

operators. It will be of interest to applicants for such licenses, 

licensed operators, and the licensees of radio stations which may be 

operated only by persons holding a commercial radio operator license.

    (6) Part 15, radio frequency devices. Part 15 contains regulations 

designed to prevent harmful interference to radio communication from 

radio receivers and other devices which radiate radio frequency energy, 

and provides for the certification of radio receivers. It also provides 

for the certification of low power transmitters and for the operation of 

certificated transmitters without a license.

    (7) Part 17, construction, marking, and lighting of antenna 

structures. Part 17 contains criteria for determining whether 

applications for radio towers require notification of proposed 

construction to the Federal Aviation Administration, and specifications 

for obstruction marking and lighting of antenna structures.

    (8) Part 18, industrial, scientific and medical equipment. Part 18 

contains regulations designed to prevent harmful interference to radio 

communication from ultrasonic equipment, industrial heating equipment, 

medical diathermy equipment, radio frequency stabilized arc welders, and 

other equipment which uses radio energy for purposes other than 


    (9) Part 19, employee responsibilities and conduct. Part 19 

prescribes standards of conduct for the members and staff of the 


[32 FR 10571, July 19, 1967, as amended at 32 FR 12180, Aug. 24, 1967; 

37 FR 20553, Sept. 30, 1972; 52 FR 5288, Feb. 20, 1987; 58 FR 13021, 

Mar. 9, 1993; 59 FR 30998, June 16, 1994; 60 FR 35507, July 10, 1995; 63 

FR 36596, July 7, 1998]