Birds and Global Warming Global Warming
Birds & Global Warming
State Birds
Migratory Birds
Ducks and Other Waterfowl
Help Birds Affected by Global Warming
Birds and Global Warming

Many types of birds are affected by global warming which affects their habitats, food sources and migration cycles.

One of the most shocking impacts: birds are moving their homes further north, so birds that we see every day will soon not be around at our feeders and yards.

Birds that depend on wetlands are suddenly without habitat as global warming dries up their homes.

Migratory birds are travelling thousands of miles only to find the insects they depend on had their breeding cycle a few weeks earlier based on the temperature rise.

Find out how you can help these birds affected by global warming.

Take the Good Neighbor Pledge today! Do your part to help reduce global warming and help cool the planet one home at a time.


American Beauties Native Plant Information

Related Resources

Silent Spring: A Sequel? - Climate change already is affecting the range and behavior of many North American birds; some scientists fear these shifts are just a hint of what's to come.

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