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Climate Change 101

What's New

  New Report: A comprehensive Pew Center study projects modest competitiveness impacts under cap and trade for energy-intensive manufacturers. (May 6, 2009)


  Video Available: Watch our latest briefings on carbon market oversight, offsets, and other video footage of recent Pew Center events. (May 2009)


  Climate Discussion Draft: Find a fact sheet, detailed summary and other up-to-date materials on the Waxman-Markey Discussion Draft. (April 2009)


  Congressional Testimony: Elliot Diringer testified on international aspects of the Waxman-Markey draft. (April 23, 2009)


  USCAP Testimony: In testimony on the Waxman-Markey Discussion Draft, USCAP CEOs say clarity on climate policy will spur economic investment. (April 22, 2009)


  Green Jobs Review: A new Pew Center analysis summarizes four of the most widely cited “green jobs” studies. (April 8, 2009) 


  Benefits Workshop: The Pew Center organized a workshop to assess the benefits of avoided climate change. (March 16-17, 2009)


Impacting Corporate America: A customized carbon calculator and interactive website highlight the Make an Impact campaign, a newly-launched partnership between the Pew Center and the Alcoa Foundation.