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UT Institute of Agriculture

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The Southeastern Regional
Sun Grant Center
2506 Jacob Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4570
Phone: (865) 946-1124
Fax: (865) 946-1109

Renewable, Biobased Energy and Products....

The SunGrant Initiative is a concept to solve America's energy needs and revitalize rural communities with land-grant university research, education, and extension programs on renewable energy and biobased, non-food industries.

The Initiative involves creating university-based research, extension, and educational programs for biobased energy technologies. The University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station is one of five regional centers.

The strong history of multi-state research and education in the Southeast and the region's outstanding resources in land-grant institutions position the region to excel in Sun Grant research and outreach programs. These same strengths will enable the Initiative to reach an extensive clientele base.

Each of the region's land-grant universities already holds a commitment to bioproducts research. Together, the existing programs amount to an extensive research base and an ability to rapidly launch Initiative-funded programs.

Another asset for the Southeast lies in the inherent productivity of our agricultural lands, aided by a generally temperate climate and long-growing season. The region holds rich potential to produce crops for biobased markets and products.

Use the links to the left to explore our programs and resources!!

Corn Field Image

Wood Chips

Soybean Image