US Forest Service Woody Biomass Utilization

Woody Biomass Utilization

National Strategy

Forest Service Woody Biomass Utilization Strategy document cover

The strategy was developed to promote and guide the removal of woody biomass from agency and partner lands to achieve Forest Service strategic goals, and a variety of critical benefits. It will be updated periodically to incorporate advancements that enhance the effectiveness of woody biomass utilization. The strategy provides scope and direction for the agency to better coordinate programs and respond to an increased demand for biomass management and utilization.

Strategy Documents

Related Links

Strategy Supporting Documents

US Forest Service
Woody Biomass Utilization Team
Sidney R.Yates Federal Building
3rd Floor Southwest
201 14th Street, S.W. at Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250

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Last modified: Tuesday, 05-Aug-2008 13:47:31 EDT