Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 1-11: Number of U.S. Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other Conveyances

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Air carriera 2,135 2,125 2,679 2,495 3,808 4,678 6,083 6,054 7,320 7,297 7,370 7,411 7,478 7,616 8,111 8,228 8,055 8,497 8,194 8,176 8,186
General aviationb (active fleet) 76,549 95,442 131,743 168,475 211,045 210,654 198,000 196,874 185,650 177,120 172,935 188,089 191,129 192,414 204,710 219,464 217,533 211,446 211,244 209,708 U
Highway, total (registered vehicles) 74,431,800 91,739,623 111,242,295 137,912,779 161,490,159 177,133,282 193,057,376 192,313,834 194,427,346 198,041,338 201,801,921 205,427,212 210,441,249 211,580,033 215,496,003 220,461,056 225,821,241 235,331,382 234,624,135 236,760,033 243,023,486
Passenger car 61,671,390 75,257,588 89,243,557 106,705,934 121,600,843 127,885,193 133,700,496 128,299,601 126,581,148 127,327,189 127,883,469 128,386,775 129,728,341 129,748,704 131,838,538 132,432,044 133,621,420 137,633,467 135,920,677 135,669,897 136,430,651
Motorcycle 574,032 1,381,956 2,824,098 4,964,070 5,693,940 5,444,404 4,259,462 4,177,365 4,065,118 3,977,856 3,756,555 3,897,191 3,871,599 3,826,373 3,879,450 4,152,433 4,346,068 4,903,056 5,004,156 5,370,035 5,780,870
Other 2-axle 4-tire vehicle N i 14,210,591 20,418,250 27,875,934 37,213,863 48,274,555 53,033,443 57,091,143 59,993,706 62,903,589 65,738,322 69,133,913 70,224,082 71,330,205 75,356,376 79,084,979 84,187,636 85,011,305 (R) 87,186,663 91,845,327
Truck, single-unit 2-axle 6-tire or more N 13,999,285 3,681,405 4,231,622 4,373,784 4,593,071 4,486,981 4,480,815 4,369,842 4,407,850 4,906,385 5,023,670 5,266,029 5,293,358 5,734,925 5,762,864 5,926,030 5,703,501 5,650,619 (R) 5,848,523 6,161,028
Truck, combination h11,914,249 786,510 905,082 1,130,747 1,416,869 1,403,266 1,708,895 1,691,331 1,675,363 1,680,305 1,681,500 1,695,751 1,746,586 1,789,968 1,997,345 2,028,562 2,096,619 2,154,174 2,276,661 (R) 1,908,365 2,010,335
Bus 272,129 314,284 377,562 462,156 528,789 593,485 626,987 631,279 644,732 654,432 670,423 685,503 694,781 697,548 715,540 728,777 746,125 749,548 760,717 776,550 795,274
Motor bus 49,600 49,600 49,700 50,811 59,411 64,258 58,714 60,377 63,080 64,850 68,123 67,107 71,678 72,770 72,142 74,228 75,013 76,075 76,190 (P) 77,328 U
Light rail cars 2,856 1,549 1,262 1,061 1,013 717 913 1,095 1,058 1,025 1,054 999 1,140 1,229 1,220 1,297 1,577 1,366 1,445 (P) 1,482 U
Heavy rail cars 9,010 9,115 9,286 9,608 9,641 9,326 10,419 10,331 10,245 10,261 10,138 10,157 10,201 10,242 10,301 10,306 10,591 10,718 10,718 (P) 10,754 U
Trolley bus 3,826 1,453 1,050 703 823 676 832 752 907 851 877 885 871 859 880 859 951 600 600 (P) 672 U
Commuter rail cars and locomotives N N N N 4,500 4,035 4,415 4,370 4,413 4,494 4,517 4,565 4,665 4,943 4,963 4,883 5,073 5,124 5,300 (P) 5,959 U
Demand response N N N N N 14,490 16,471 17,879 20,695 23,527 28,729 29,352 30,804 32,509 29,646 31,884 33,080 34,661 34,699 (P) 35,954 U
Otherd N N N N N 867 1,197 1,595 1,853 2,308 2,505 2,809 3,003 3,808 4,703 5,059 5,208 5,727 6,330 (P) 6,990 U
Class I, Freight cars 1,658,292 1,478,005 1,423,921 1,359,459 1,168,114 867,070 658,902 633,489 605,189 587,033 590,930 583,486 570,865 568,493 575,604 579,140 560,154 499,860 477,751 467,063 473,773
Class I, Locomotive 29,031 27,780 27,077 27,846 28,094 22,548 18,835 18,344 18,004 18,161 18,505 18,812 19,269 19,684 20,261 20,256 20,028 19,745 20,506 20,774 22,015
Nonclass I freight cars 32,104 37,164 29,787 29,407 102,161 111,086 103,527 97,492 90,064 88,513 86,120 84,724 87,364 116,108 121,659 126,762 132,448 125,470 130,590 124,580 120,169
Car companies and shippers freight cars 275,090 285,493 330,473 334,739 440,552 443,530 449,832 458,679 477,883 497,586 515,362 550,717 582,344 585,818 618,404 662,934 688,194 688,806 691,329 687,337 693,978
Amtrak, Passenger train car N N N 1,913 2,128 1,854 1,863 1,786 1,796 1,853 1,852 1,722 1,730 1,728 1,962 1,992 1,894 2,084 2,896 1,623 1,211
Amtrak, Locomotive N N N 355 419 291 318 316 336 360 338 313 299 332 345 329 378 401 372 442 276
Nonself-propelled vesselse 16,777 17,033 19,377 25,515 31,662 33,597 31,209 j 30,899 30,785 30,730 31,360 32,811 33,011 33,509 33,387 33,152 33,042 32,381 31,335 U
Self-propelled vesselsf 6,543 6,083 6,455 6,144 7,126 7,522 8,236 j 8,311 8,323 8,334 8,281 8,293 8,408 8,523 8,379 8,202 8,546 8,621 8,648 U
Oceangoing steam and motor ships (1,000 gross tons and over) (R) 2,914 (R) 2,391 1,579 (R) 870 (R) 849 (R) 748 (R) 635 (R) 621 (R) 600 (R) 586 (R) 544 512 (R) 509 (R) 495 (R) 473 (R) 470 (R) 461 (R) 454 (R) 443 (R) 416 412
Recreational boatsg 2,450,484 4,138,140 5,128,345 7,303,286 8,577,857 9,589,483 10,996,253 11,068,440 11,132,386 11,282,736 11,429,585 11,734,710 11,877,938 12,312,982 12,565,930 12,738,271 12,782,143 12,876,346 12,854,054 12,794,616 12,781,476

KEY: N = data do not exist; P = Preliminary; R = revised; U = unavailable.

a Air carrier aircraft are those carrying passengers or cargo for hire under 14 CFR 121 and 14 CFR 135. Beginning in 1990, the number of aircraft is the monthly average of the number of aircraft reported in use for the last three months of the year. Prior to 1990, it was the number of aircraft reported in use during December of a given year.

b 1991-94 data revised to reflect changes in adjustment for nonresponse bias with 1996 telephone survey factors; 1995-97 data may not be comparable to 1994 and earlier years due to changes in methodology. Includes air taxi aircraft.

c Prior to 1984, excludes most rural and smaller systems funded via Sections 18 and 16(b)(2), Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended. Also prior to 1984, includes total vehicles owned and leased.

d Other includes aerial tramway, automated guideway transit, cablecar, ferry boat, inclined plane, monorail, and vanpool.

e Nonself-propelled vessels include dry-cargo barges, tank barges, and railroad-car floats.

f Self-propelled vessels include dry-cargo and/or passenger, offshore supply vessels, railroad-car ferries, tankers, and towboats.

g Recreational vessels that are required to be numbered in accordance with Chapter 123 of Title 46 U.S.C.

h Included in single-unit truck.

i All trucks.

j Data for Jan. 1, 1991-June 30, 1991 included in 1990 figure.


Transit motor bus figure is also included as part of bus in the highway category.

For more detail on oceangoing vessels, see table 1-23.



Air carrier:

1960-65: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, 1970 (Washington, DC: 1970), table 5.3.

1970-75: Ibid., 1979 edition (Washington, DC: 1979), table 5.1.

1980-85: Ibid., Calendar Year 1986 (Washington, DC: 1986), table 5.1.

1990-94: Ibid., Calendar Year 1997 (Washington, DC: unpublished), table 5.1, personal communication, Mar. 19, 1999.

1995-2004: Aesospace Industries Association, Aerospace Facts and Figures 2005/6 (Washington, DC: 2005), p. 90 and similar tables in earlier editions.

1995-2002: Aerospace Industries Association, Aerospace Facts and Figures (Washington DC: 2004), p.90, and similar tables in earlier editions.

General aviation:

1960-65: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, 1969 (Washington, DC: 1969), table 9.10.

1970-75: Ibid., Calendar Year 1976 (Washington, DC: 1976), table 8-6.

1980: Ibid., General Aviation Activity Survey, Calendar Year 1980 (Washington, DC: 1981), table 1-3.

1985: Ibid., Calendar Year 1985 (Washington, DC: 1987), table 2-9.

1990-2003: Ibid., General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity Survey, Calendar Year 2003 (Washington, DC: 2005), table 1.2, and similar tables in earlier editions.


Passenger car:

1960-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table MV-201.

1995-2004: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.


1960-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table MV-201.

1995-2004: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.

Other 2-axle 4-tire vehicles:

1970-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-201A.

1995-2004: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.

Single-unit and combination trucks, and buses:

1960-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-201A.

1995-2004: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.


1960-97: American Public Transit Association, Transit Fact Book (Washington, DC: 1999), table 44.

1998-2003: Ibid., Public Transportation Fact Book (Washington, DC: 2005), table 25 and similar tables in earlier editions.

Rail (all categories, except Amtrak):

1960-2004: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts 2005 (Washington, DC: 2005), p.51.


Passenger train-cars and locomotives:

1975-80: Amtrak, State and Local Affairs Department, personal communication.

1985-2000: Ibid., Amtrak Annual Report, Statistical Appendix (Washington, DC: Annual issues), p. 47.

2001-04: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts 2005 (Washington, DC: 2005), p. 77 and similar tables in earlier editions.

Water transportation:

Nonself-propelled vessels and self-propelled vessels:

1960-2003: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States, Volume 1, National Summaries (New Orleans, LA : Annual issues).

Oceangoing steam motor ships:

1960-2003: U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, U.S. Flag Merchant Fleet, Calendar Years 2003 through 1946 (Washington, DC: 2004), Internet site http://www.marad.dot.gov/MARAD_statistics/US-FLAG-HISTORY.pdf as of Dec. 27, 2005.

2004: Ibid., Top 20 Merchant Fleet of the World (Washington, DC: 2004), Internet site http://www.marad.dot.gov/MARAD_statistics/US-FLAG-HISTORY.pdf as of Dec. 27, 2005.

Recreational boats:

1960-2004: U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Boating Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), Internet site http://www.uscgboating.org/statistics/stats.htm as of Dec. 27, 2005.

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