Gray Wolf
Midwest Region



Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

Depredation Control in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin


Was that a wolf? PDF on International Wolf Center's website



To ensure a prompt response to wolf depredation and or nuisance complaints, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources asks you to call the "Report All Poaching" line (RAP).  The RAP line is available 24 hrs. a day.  Operators will collect your information and pass it on to local wildlife or law division staff that will make every effort to perform a timely investigation.  If you know the Town, Range, and Section for your property please provide it to the operator so we can quickly locate your farm or home.  The RAP number is available in the Michigan hunting and trapping guides and the fishing guides.  The RAP number is also available along with other information about wildlife depredation at the Michigan DNR web site (


RAP (Report All Poaching) 1-800-292-7800


Tips For Preserving Evidence

  • Secure the area from the entry of livestock.  Curious animals or upset ewes and cows can destroy evidence quickly.
  • Look for tracks or scat (droppings).  Cover with a bucket or empty paint can.
  • Cover livestock carcass or remains with a tarp and weight securely to keep other predators form destroying teeth marks or other evidence.
  • Photograph or videotape the evidence.  It is helpful to put some common object (such as a pencil or ruler) next to the evidence to document size.
  • Do not disturb evidence until a DNR representative can investigate the site.



Information is available on the Minnesota Department of Agriculture website for people who have or may have a wolf depredation problem. Please go to


Contact information for the USDA-APHIS Minnesota Wildlife Services, the agency that is responsible for trapping depredating wolves.


Information about Minnesota's wolf depredation control program is on the International Wolf Center's website at



Information is available on the Wisconsin DNR website for people who have or may have a wolf depredation problem. Please go to


Contact information for USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services in Wisconsin, the federal agency that works with the Wisconsin DNR to investigate depredation claims and control depredating wolves.


Other information about wolf depredation control in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Stakeholders' Attitudes Toward Wolf Recovery - University of Wisconsin: Madison


Wisconsin Wolf Progress Reports: includes information on the Wisconsin Wolf Depredation Control Program (Wisconsin DNR)


HTML Version - Wolves and Hunting Dogs in Wisconsin - A Guide for Reducing Conflict Between Wolves and Hunting Dogs


PDF Version - Wolves and Hunting Dogs in Wisconsin - A Guide for Reducing Conflict Between Wolves and Hunting Dog




Last updated: April 1, 2009