Gray Wolf
Midwest Region



Gray Wolf in the Western Great Lakes



On April 2, 2009 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) published a Final Rule to delist the Gray Wolf - Western Great Lakes DPS. This Final Rule was published in response to the September 29, 2008, U.S. District Court ruling in favor of the Humane Society that vacated the Feb. 8, 2007 final rule to delist the Gray Wolf - Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment (DPS) and remanded it back to the Service.


The court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs because, in the judge’s opinion, the Endangered Species Act is ambiguous on the issue of whether a DPS can be identified and delisted simultaneously and, therefore, the Service should have provided an explanation for their interpretation of the ESA.  To address the court’s concern, the April 2, 2009 Final Rule provides that explanation and reinstates and delists the Western Great Lakes DPS. Go here for more information about the April 2, 2009 Final Rule to Delist the Gray Wolf - Western Great Lakes DPS. 


News Releases

April 2, 2009 Media Advisory: Final Rule Published Removing Gray Wolves in Western Great Lakes From Endangered Species List


March 6, 2009 News Release: Secretary Salazar Affirms Decision to Delist Gray Wolves in Western Great Lakes, Portion of Northern Rockies


Podcast - Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar held a press conference in Washington D.C. Friday to announce that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will remove the gray wolf from the list of threatened and endangered species in the western Great Lakes.


September 30, 2008 - Court ruling places western Great Lakes Gray Wolf back under Endangered Species Act protections


January 29, 2007: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Delisting of Western Great Lakes Wolves

Information about the 2007 final rule to delist the Gray Wolf - Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment



These high resolution photos are for your use. Please give appropriate credit on each photograph.


Wolf Photo 1. - please credit National Park Service
Wolf Photo 2. - please credit Douglas Smith, National Park Service
Wolf Photo 3. - please credit MacNeil Lyons, National Park Service
Wolf Photo 4. - please credit MacNeil Lyons, National Park Service
Wolf Photo 5. - please credit Douglas Smith, National Park Service
Wolf Photo 6. - please credit Scott Flaherty
Wolf Photo 7. - please credit Scott Flaherty




Last updated: April 1, 2009