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Recent Additions

04/28/09 EMC, in conjunction with Battelle, held a workshop, "Nanoparticle Air Monitoring," on March 2-3, 2009, to gather information on the different types of particles and monitoring techniques. The goal of the Workshop was to identify drivers and needs for monitoring nanoparticles in source and ambient air, and specific gaps and promising solutions in meeting those needs. Recognized experts shared their experience and understanding of the issues in the first sessions of the workshop. On the second day, group discussions were held to identify actions to fill knowledge and technology gaps. EPA and attending organizations are using the workshop outcomes to consider and plan their nanoparticles air monitoring efforts. The presentations are available at this link. To get to the presentations from our home page, click on Instructional Materials, then Worshops/Conferences/Meetings.

10/21/08 The Source Evaluation Society maintains a list of environmental testing firms in the U.S. To access the list, go to the SES web site, and look under General Information for a list of Stack Testing Companies.


09/18/08 A useful policy memo on rounding and significant figures entitled, "Performance Test Calculation Guidelines," TID 024, is now available.

The file is also available under Instructional Materials, then Information Documents.

06/05/08 The final notice to correct the errors in the May 15, 2006 publication that updated Methods 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, and 20, InstFN.PDF is now available. The individual methods on this site will be revised to reflect these corrections in the near future.

The file is also available under Instructional Materials, then News

03/04/08 An updated version of the Highlights of EPA Test Method Activities for 2008 highlights-2008.PDF is now available.

The file is also available under Instructional Materials, then News

1/8/08 On September 7, 2007 (72 FR 51494), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a direct final rule in the Federal Register to amend mercury testing and monitoring requirements specified in the Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR, 70 FR 28606) to allow use of two additional methods (Methods 30A and 30B) for measuring mercury emissions at coal-fired power plants, and including several amendments related to mercury monitoring provisions. This rule became effective on November 6, 2007. A copy of rule, a subsequent corrections notice, and the Fact Sheet are available by clicking on "Instructional Materials", then "News" from the main menu at left, or you can find a direct link here. Copies of Methods 30A and 30B can also be found by clicking on the "Methods" link on the main menu, then the "Category A" link, "list of Promulgated Test Methods," or click here for a direct link.

09/25/07 Other Test Method 026 – Interim VOC Measurement Protocol for the Wood Products Industry is now available here. You can also access it by clicking on Methods (use the menu in the left margin), then Other Methods, then click on OTM 26.

This test protocol was developed by the wood products industry specifically to measure VOC mass emissions from processes within their facilities. It is the only procedure developed expressly for this purpose and is the procedure that should be used when measuring VOC mass emissions from manufactured wood products plants. This interim protocol establishes calculation procedures and emission measurement methods to approximate VOC emissions for determining applicability with Federal programs (particularly for NSR and Title V) and to establish consistency across state programs for the forest products industry. For purposes of this protocol, “reasonable approximation” of total VOC mass means expressing VOC as propane and requiring individual measurements of methanol and formaldehyde at sources for which these compounds are significant, as listed in an Appendix to the protocol.

In addition to making this procedure available on our website, EPA also plans to publish it in the Federal Register as a compliance test procedure. The procedure will be placed in Appendix M of Title 40, Part 51 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Using new procedures such as this one to measure VOC emissions will create issues for the EPA programs that require that sources report these emissions. EPA has written a letter to the American Forest & Paper Association, which represents the wood products manufacturers, explaining how it believes these issues might be resolved.

09/18/07 On September 7, 2007, a direct final rule to add two optional methods for measuring mercury (Hg) emissions at coal-fired power plants was published in the Federal Register. The direct final rule also includes several amendments related to mercury monitoring provisions at coal-fired power plants. A copy of the Federal Register version of the direct final rule, the parallel proposal, and the Fact Sheet are now available. These files are also available under "Instructional Materials" (link at column at left), then click on "News".

This action would amend the testing and monitoring requirements for mercury specified in the Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR) on May 18, 2005 (70 FR 28606) to allow use of two additional methods for measuring Hg emissions at coal-fired power plants. CAMR established nationwide requirements to significantly reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants. These direct final rule technical amendments will be effective on November 6. However, if EPA receives significant adverse comments on these changes, EPA will address the comments in a subsequent final rule based on the parallel proposal issued in conjunction with the direct final rule.

This rulemaking supersedes the draft Methods 30A and 30B posted in June, 2007, and PRE 9.

09/18/07 The 2007 USEPA Measurement Technology Workshop was held Sept 11-13, 2007 in Raleigh, NC. The presentation materials for the various talks can be found by clicking on "Instructional Material" in the column of links on the left, then "Workshops/Conferences/Meetings," then the 9/18/07 posting with the "EMC Workshop 07 Presentation Materials" link. You can also directly go to that page by using this link.

06/20/07 Test Method 28 OWHH for Measurement of Particulate Emissions and Heating Efficiency of Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heating Appliances is now available. This test method is also available from our main page by clicking on "Methods," then "Other Methods." The file can also be found here.

06/14/07 The 2007 USEPA Measurement Technology Workshop will be held Sept 11-13, 2007 in Raleigh, NC. The workshop is open to Federal, State, local and tribal regulators only. The web page for the Workshop can be found here.

04/26/07 Methods 203A, B, and C were promulgated on September 21, 2006. These methods are similar to the version proposed in 1993, with the exception that the procedures for fugitive dust have not been finalized. The changes can be found by clicking on "Methods," then "Category A," then "List of Promulgated Methods" or by using this link.

04/10/07 The final report, "Evaluation and Comparison of U.S. and EU Reference Methods for Measurement of Mercury, Heavy Metals, PM2.5 and PM10 Emissions from Fossil-Fired Power Plants," is now available here (or from our main menu, click on "Monitoring" then "Continuous Emission Monitoring" then "CEMS Documents"). This report includes results of simultaneous measurements made using mercury continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS), sorbent trap monitoring systems for mercury, and mercury reference test methods. The work was coordinated by Lehigh University's Energy Research Center and was partially sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Air Markets Division in its Office of Atmospheric Programs. It is also available at the Clean Air Markets website.

04/03/07 EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) Beta Version 3 is now available for user evaluation on the CHIEF website. Changes that have been incorporated into this version include: 1) Minor modification of the screens to facilitate entry of relevant information; 2) Incorporation of current Stationary Source Classification Codes and descriptions to standardize the selection and identification of the process unit for which the test is conducted; 3) Expansion of test methods to include manual isokinetic and instrumental test methods; 4) Expanded list of pollutants to include; 5) Provision for saving the ERT file as a template for use in subsequent emissions test programs; 6) The Data Quality Questions have been tailored for the test method and pollutants selected; 7) Incorporating the ability to export an XML formatted file for use in WebFire or other suitable application.

EPA requests that users help in evaluating and enhancing the ERT by submitting suggestions and comments on: Basic application flow; Process DQQs; Run DQQ; Additional test methods/pollutants amenable for easy incorporation into ERT; Suggested locations and content for context-sensitive Help Screens; Data or info not being collected that should to be collected; Expected value to your organization; Recommendations for other EPA test methods to add to this tool; Recommended enhancements (e.g. data export, automated test/process DQQs, etc.); and any errors.

You can now use the Discussion Board located here for posting comments and suggestions. Alternatively, you can email your comments to Ron Myers here. Comments are due by June 16, 2007.

03/13/07 Amendments to the Boiler MACT rule (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart DDDDD) clarified the use of alternative methods for the purpose of fuel analysis (Table 6 methods). The amendments were published in the Federal Register on December 6, 2006, and are found here.

The file is also available under Instructional Materials, then News

03/13/07 An updated version of the Highlights of EPA Test Method Activities for 2007 highlights-2007.PDF is now available.

The file is also available under Instructional Materials, then News

03/07/07 A new version of the CEMS Cost Model is now available. It has been converted to an Excel Spreadsheet format. It now includes Mercury CEMS, Bag leak detectors, and has split PM CEMS into different types of technologies. It is more user friendly and the default values can still be modified for specific applications by the user. It can be found from the main menu by clicking on "Monitoring," "Continuous Emission Monitoring," and "CEMS documents." Here is a direct link. Contact Dan Bivins via email.

01/18/07 New Test Method for Measuring Isocyanate Emissions--Other Test Method 14, Method for Measuring Isocyanates in Stationary Source Emissions is now available for downloading. The new test method is also available under "Methods", then "Other Methods", and the file name is otm14.PDF. The file can be linked directly here.

This new test method was designed specifically to measure isocyanate emissions from stationary sources. It can measure 2,4-toluene diisocyanate, 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate, methylene diphenyl diisocyanate, and methyl isocyanate. It was field validated using the procedures in EPA Method 301. The validation report is available for downloading here.

01/09/07 New Test Method for Measuring VOC Mass Emissions from Hot Mix Asphalt Plant Dryers - Other Test Method 12 - Method 25Aap, Protocol for the Source Testing, Analysis, and Reporting of VOC Emissions from Hot Mix Asphalt Plant Dryers is now available for downloading. The new test method is also available under "Methods", then "Other Methods", and the file name is otm12.PDF. The file can be linked directly here.

This new test method was designed specifically to measure VOC mass emissions from hot mix asphalt plant dyers. It is the only procedure designed expressly for this purpose and is the procedure that should be used when measuring VOC mass emissions from hot mix asphalt plant dryers. This method is applicable for the determination of the total gaseous concentration of VOC that consists primarily of alkanes, alkenes, and/or arenes (aromatic hydrocarbons) such as the organic emissions from hot mix asphalt dryers. The mass emission rate of VOC from HMA plant dryers is expressed in terms of pounds per hour of propane which is appropriate for these kinds of VOC.

01/09/07 New Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Method 311 - the new FAQs can be found by using the pull-down menu on the main page (choose Method 311 and click on "GO"). The FAQs discuss verification of Method 311 experimental results especially when there is a discrepancy between the experimental results and the manufacturer's certified HAP concentration. A direct link to the FAQs can be found here.

11/30/06 The final report: Long-Term Field Evaluation of Mercury (Hg) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems: Coal-Fired Power Plant Burning Eastern Bituminous Coal and Equipped With Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP), and Wet Scrubber is now available here. This report provides results of a long term field evaluation of mercury continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) with regard to their ability to meet the performance specifications recently promulgated in 40 CFR Part 75 and Performance Specification 12A (40 CFR Part 60) including a summary of certification test results from two relative accuracy test programs and other information collected from November 2004 through September 2005. [This report can also be located by clicking on the "Monitoring" icon from the main page, then "Other Monitoring: CEM", then on "CEMS documents"]

11/21/06 New Test Method for Measuring VOC Mass Emissions from Corn Wet-Milling

Other Test Method 11 otm11.PDF - USEPA Method 18 Pre-Survey Procedure for Corn Wet-Milling Facility Emission Sources is now available for downloading. The new pre-survey procedure is also available under "Methods", then "Other Methods" on the EMC website.

This pre-survey procedure was developed by the corn wet-milling industry specifically to measure VOC mass emissions from processes within their facilities. It is the only procedure developed expressly for this purpose and is the procedure that should be used when measuring VOC mass emissions from corn wet-milling facilities. It provides a systematic approach to develop a specific list of target organic compounds and the appropriate sampling approach to collect those target compounds during subsequent VOC emissions testing.

In addition to making this procedure available from our website, EPA also plans to publish it in the Federal Register as a compliance test procedure. Current plans are to go to a "direct/final" rulemaking to speed up the process rather than using the normal procedure of proposal followed by a final rulemaking. The procedure will be placed in Appendix M of Title 40, Part 51 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Using new procedures such as this one to measure VOC emissions will create issues for the EPA programs that require that sources report these emissions. EPA has written a letter to the Corn Refiner's Association, who represent the corn wet-millers, explaining how it believes these issues might be resolved. A copy of the letter, which was signed by the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation, is available from our website (CRA Letter). A news item announcing the letter is under Recent Additions on our website (scroll to next entry on this page, also dated 11/21/2006.

After using the new presurvey procedure, the tester will have sufficient information to design a comprehensive testing program using EPA Method 18 and other appropriate EPA methods to measure the mass of VOC emissions during the actual emissions testing. For the purposes of measuring VOC emissions from corn wet-milling facilities, all of the sampling procedures in Method 18 may be used as well as an additional sampling procedure using water filled impingers to collect water soluble VOC. This sampling procedure is described in detail in EPA Method 308 and NCASI Method CI/SG/PULP-94.03. The resulting water samples should also be analyzed using the procedures in EPA Method 308 or NCASI Method CI/SG/PULP-94.03. If formaldehyde is a target compound, it may be collected with the water filled impinger collection system, but the sample must be analyzed by procedures other than those in EPA Method 18. Examples of acceptable analytical procedures are those in EPA Method 316 or NCASI Method CI/SG/PULP-94.02

11/21/06 New Guideline Document for Measuring VOC Mass Emissions from Corn Wet-Milling

Guideline Document 49 - A letter from the EPA Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation that describes how to resolve potential issues for EPA programs that may arise when using results from the new pre-survey procedure, OTM -11: USEPA Method 18 Pre-Survey Procedure for Corn Wet-Milling Facility Emission Sources, is now available for downloading.

08/14/06 EPA is conducting evaluations and exploring improvements to Method 202 for Condensible Particulate Matter. A summary of the ongoing efforts can be found by using the pull-down menu on the EMC main page, choosing Method 202, and going to the Method 202 summary page. The efforts involve an assessment of artifact formation in Method 202, as well as modifications to reduce artifact formation.

A direct link to the Method 202 page can be found here: Method 202 FAQ

07/25/06 Other Test Method 10 - Optical Remote Sensing for Emission Characterization for Non-point Source otm10.PDF is now available. This protocol provides methodologies for characterizing gaseous emissions from non-point pollutant sources. The methodologies in the protocol rely on use of an open-path, path-integrated optical remote sensing system in multiple beam configurations to directly identify emissions "hot spots" and measure emission fluxes. As noted in the table accompanying the protocol, the methodologies have been well-evaluated, validated and peer-reviewed; the EPA encourages parties to applying the protocol to provide user feedback that can be used in making future additions/enhancements to the protocol.

The protocol is also available under Methods, then Other Methods on the EMC website at: Other Methods

06/13/06 An important feature of the EMC web site is to provide information regarding relevant methods and procedures for emission testing and monitoring. Currently we present these methods in five different categories, Category A: Methods Proposed or Promulgated in the FR; Category B: Source Category Approved Alternative Methods; Category C: Conditional Methods; Category D: Preliminary Methods; and Category E: "Idea Box." Part of our method review process has been deciding into which category to place methods submitted by parties from outside of EPA. Categories A and B have specific regulatory requirements and administrative procedures that define placement of a method in either of those categories, but criteria for placing a method in any of the remaining categories are not as well defined. To make the processing and publication of methods submitted by parties from outside the EPA more efficient, we are revising our procedures to eliminate the categories other than Categories A and B, and we are creating a new Category C: Other Methods to catalog the other methods. As part of this new category, we have included a Table summarizing all of the relevant information supporting each method. In particular, this table focuses on method validation and peer review information that forms the cornerstone of the Agency's method support documentation.

We believe this new system will be more efficient and will also provide additional transparency. The detailed listing of background information supporting each method submittal will make it easier for potential users to make more informed decisions about the suitability of the method for a particular application. As part of the redesigned categories, we determined that it was important not to reassign the methods that had been in the existing Conditional Method category. Because some of these methods have been cited in state rules and permits under their Conditional Test Method (CTM) designation, we have created a category to contain them and called it "Historic Conditional Methods". This category is closed and no new methods will be added to it.

The revised page can be viewed here: Test Methods

03/28/06 An updated version of the Highlights of EPA Test Method Activities for 2006 highlights-2006.PDF is now available.

The file is also available under Instructional Materials, then News

02/28/06 Preliminary Test Method 009 - Conceptual Method for Determination of Total Vapor Phase Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Combustion Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) (PRE-009.pdf) is now available. This conceptual method is the prototype of a future test method to be proposed and promulgated through notice and comment rulemaking for use as a reference test method for conducting relative accuracy testing of mercury CEMS installed at coal-fired combustion sources as well as for measurement of mercury emissions from stationary sources. The included supplement to this draft conceptual method describes the process planned to evaluate the conceptual method procedures to inform redrafting of the method in preparation for regulatory proposal; the EPA encourages interested parties to participate in data collection for the conceptual method evaluation as described in the supplement.

It's also available at the following on the EMC website: www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/prelim.html

02/14/06 An updated version of Title 40 - Summary of EPA Test Methods (methodsummary.pdf) (Adobe) is now available.

It's also available at the following on the EMC website: www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/news.html

11/08/05 Guideline Document 48 (GD-048.PDF) (Adobe) is now available. GD-048: Calculation of Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Relative Accuracy (RA) When used to Measure Control Device Efficiency.

08/23/05 Proposed performance specification 16 (PS-16.PDF) (Adobe) appeared in the FR on 08/08/05. PS-16 sets performance requirements for predictive emission monitoring systems (PEMS) which are an innovative tool for monitoring pollutant emissions without the traditional hardware analyzers. The PEMS predicts a facility's emissions indirectly using process parameters that have a known relationship to pollutant concentration. The EPA is allowing, but not requiring, PEMS use in a number of recently promulgated rules, and a number of facililties regulated by State and Local agencies are also considering their use.

06/21/05 Preliminary Test Method 008 (PRE-008.PDF) (Determination of Visible Emission Opacity from Stationary Sources Using Computer-Based Photographic Analysis Systems) is now available.

At this time, the digital techniques are being refined, but the method is placed in the preliminary section of our site to seek comments on both the technical approach and also the regulatory concerns for such measurements.

E-mail Tom Logan at logan.thomas@epa.gov if you have any comments.

It's also available at the following on the EMC website: www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/prelim.html

05/11/05 We have posted the Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume III, Stationary Source Specific Methods under "Technical Support", QA Activities heading: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/email.html.

Since the last two versions of this document are complimentary, we have decided to post both versions (1977 and 1994). Since some of the details of the many of the methods described in these documents have been revised, readers are advised that these documents provide general guidance on the basic concepts required in conducting or evaluating source emissions test for stationary sources. As time permits, linkages to the relevant sections of these documents will be provided from the web pages containing the current version of the applicable EPA Methods.

04/07/05 The final Technical Support Document for Title V Permitting Facilities (the TSD) including Appendices A-G is now available (TSD.PDF).

E-mail Barrett Parker at parker.barrett@epa.gov if you have any monitoring questions.

E-mail Gary Rust at rust.gary@epa.gov if you have any Title V questions.

E-mail Mike Trutna at trutna.mike@epa.gov if you have any operational flexibility questions.

04/06/05 We're interested in updating the CAM Rule Technical Guidance Document, Appendix B (DRAFTCAMAPPB.PDF), therefore, we're posting the additions/revisions for your review and comment. We have included many new illustrations, including wet electrostatic precipitators, electrified filter beds, and wet scrubbers for particulate matter control, and clarified primary and secondary indicators of good control device operation.

E-mail Barrett Parker at parker.barrett@epa.gov if you have any comments. The comment period is for sixty days (until June 6, 2005).

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