Climate Prediction Center Follows Up the Success of 

4th NOAA Climate Prediction Application Science Workshop

At a Climate Prediction Center Development Branch meeting on Thursday April 13, there were presentations and spirited discussion on new approaches to developing climate forecast products and customer outreach.  Wayne Higgins summarized in a presentation (follow the link bellow) what he presented at the Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop in Tuscon Arizona  - what we heard at the Workshop, and how the NOAA Climate Test Bed is responding.

Ed O'Lenic summarized impressions from the CPAS Workshop and how Operations Branch is responding.
Kingtse Mo introduced drought products being developed and the response to the products she gained at the CPAS Workshop.  Wanru Wu showed the web page (the link provided bellow) being developed for the drought products.  There were many ideas from the CPC audience on how to enhance these products.

The presentations were followed by a group discussion on CPC activities to accelerate the transition into operations of new and improved decision-support products.

Climate Testbed Response to 4th NOAA Climate Prediction Application Science Workshop

by Wayne Higgins

Drought Monitoring Indices & Diagnostics Web Page