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Climate and Weather Connection

Attribution of 2006 Hurricane Season Outlook

Muthuvel Chelliah: 2006 NOAA hurricane outlook and verification  (3/5/2007)

W. K.-M. Lau and K.-M. Kim:  How nature foiled the 2006 hurricane forecasts  (EOS, Transactions, AGU, 2/27/2007)

    Comment & Reply  (EOS, Transactions, AGU, 6/26/2007)

NASA Research News:  The 2006 hurricane season was near normal  (1/18/2007)

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Weather Extremes and Week 2 Forecast

CPC Atlantic Hurricane Outlook and Summary

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NOAA/AOML Hurricane Climate Studies

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US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Office of Science and Technology
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page Author: Science and Technology Infusion Plan for Climate Services
Page last modified: 02-09-2009
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