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Uniform Act Informational Guide - Subpart E


Index of Slides

  1. 49 CFR Part 24 Subpart E
  2. Informational Guide
  3. Key Topics
  4. Comparability
  5. Comparable Replacement Dwelling
  6. Comparable Replacement Dwelling
  7. What is Income?
  8. Let's See How It Works
  9. Income Considerations
  10. Income Considerations (cont.)
  11. Income Considerations (cont.)
  12. Income Considerations (cont.) § 24.402(b)(2)(ii)
  13. Question:
  14. Answer:
  15. Exclusions from Income
  16. Finding Income Exclusions and Low Income Limits
  17. Let's See How it Works
  18. 90 Day Occupants Downpayment Assistance § 24.402(c)
  19. Question:
  20. Answer:
  21. Cost of Comparable Dwelling § 24.403(a)(1)
  22. Incidental Expenses § 24.401(e)(4)
  23. Question:
  24. Answer:
  25. Housing Options
  26. Question:
  27. Answer:
  28. Let's See How it Works
  29. Last Resort
  30. Let's See How it Works
  31. Subpart Review
  32. Question 1
  33. Question 1 Answer
  34. Question 2
  35. Question 2 Answer
  36. Question 3
  37. Question 3 Answer
  38. Question 4
  39. Question 4 Answer
  40. Congratulations!

To provide feedback, suggestions or comments for this page, contact Arnold Feldman

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