Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region
Burn Program

Prescribed Fire - Beneficial to the Land and the People

The fire management program at the Refuge is responsible for both the applications of prescribed fire and the suppression of undesired wildfire at both the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge and the nearby Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

Fire is a naturally occurring phenomenon throughout the longleaf and slash pine ecosystem and has shaped the appearance of the landscape on these refuges.

Smoke in the Trees
Historically, natural fire occurred on a three to five-year interval. Fires were of low intensity, fueled by grasses and pine litter. Prescribed fire simulates natural fire. Fire management officers write a prescription for fire to be ignited only when certain weather, fuel and moisture conditions occur that will make the fire manageable.

The prescribed fire program strives to return the wet pine savannas to a natural condition, providing suitable habitat for native plant communities such as wiregrass and pitcher plants.

Fire is mainly applied in the fall and spring. Fall fire is used to improve savannas overstocked with planted slash pine and enhance crane nesting areas. Spring fire is used to clear unwanted woody vegetation from savannas that have grown up in thickets.

Burnt and Unburnt Areas divided by Water

This brush shades out desirable herbaceous plants and makes the savanna unsuitable for crane nesting. Spring fire improves the growth response of herbaceous plants while reducing the viability of the woody plants.

Fire is primarily applied by aerial ignition. Aerial ignition spheres that look like 'ping-pong balls" are dropped from a helicopter. The spheres ignite spot fires that burn together within the target area.

In this way large acreages can be burned safely and efficiently. Smoke is less of a problem with these fires. Since smoke blows from burn areas with the prevailing winds, burns are planned when a favorable wind is forecasted which will carry the smoke away from developed areas and main highways.

Wildlife such as deer, small mammals and reptiles escape it by running ahead of the fire or seeking cover in dens or holes in the ground. Very few animals perish in prescribed fires because the spot fires burn with less intensity than wildfire that is driven by the wind.

Cranes in the Ash

Burned areas are almost immediately used by wildlife who seek invertebrates, roots and other delectables in the newly uncovered ground.

To the left, two cranes are spotted in a burn area that's just greening up after a burn.

The refuge fire crew also assists the local Mississippi Forestry Commission in suppressing wildfire in Jackson County. Homes and businesses have been constructed within forest and brush lands that are susceptible to recurring wildfire.

With recent and rapid commercial development within the county, a wildland/urban interface now exists that heightens the importance of wildfire supression.

Wildfire is any undesirable fire burning on or adjacent to the refuge. This fire endangers refuge values such as nesting sites or improvements such as buildings. Whether caused by humans or lightning, wildfire will be suppressed by the refuge fire crew.


The refuge fire crew also assists the local Mississippi Forestry Commission in suppressing wildfire in Jackson County. Homes and businesses have been constructed within forest and brush lands that are susceptible to recurring wildfire.

With recent and rapid commercial development within the county, a wildland/urban interface now exists that heightens the importance of wildfire supression.


When fires of national complexity occur, the refuge fire management crews are ready and available to assist whenever and wherever needed. Refuge firefighters travel all over the nation to help with fire operations.

The Fontainebleau Nature Trail interpretive panels focus on understanding fire efforts on the refuge. Burning in each of the many different habitats at the refuge calls for different objectives and strategies.


Last updated: January 23, 2008

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