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Urban Connections

Jessie Scott has accepted the position as Boston city coordinator for Urban Connections. He will begin his assignment in early December.

Future Pathways To Conservation is a program developed by the USDA Forest Service, along with several partners, to link Boston youth with career opportunities in conservation-related fields. This years program was a great success. We look forward to next year's program.

Cooper Center enrichment program participants Elizabeth George and Padraig Moss take pictures of a turtle as Zenzele Best looks on.

Teacher/naturalist Emily Carreiro teaches kids about the wingspan of a spotted owl.

Turtle tries to escape while children look on at the Nathan Hale Elementary School in Dorchester, Mass.

Milton Gordon looks on as another student does a quick snap shot for the photo documentary.

Milton Gordon discusses horse upkeep with Jennifer Higgins of Microsoft.

working with the community
Students from the Boston area and Clare Long from the White Mountain National Forest.

group photo
Future Pathways to Conservation group picture.


Eastern Region:
Eastern Region map

The Eastern Region is the most geographically, ecologically, and socially diverse area in the country. Regional boundaries contain 20 states with over 43% of the nation's population. view map

Our Vision:
  • Protect ecosystems across boundaries
  • Connect citizens to the land
  • Walk the talk for sustainability
  • Revolutionize effectiveness and efficiency
  • Be an employer of choice

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Greening of Detroit Ex. Director Rebecca S. Witt on right helps plant one of 2500 trees during Carbon Neutral Project of Detroit SuperBowl


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Issue #3
Spring 2008; News & Events

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