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Final Approval of Santa Barbara Ozone Plan Revision

EPA has issued the final approval of a revised ozone plan for Santa Barbara County. The 1998 Clean Air Plan was adopted by the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District at the end of 1998 and submitted by the State in March 1999, as an amendment to the California State Implementation Plan. The plan was adopted to demonstrate attainment of the federal 1-hour ozone standard in 1999, as required by the Clean Air Act, after the area failed to attain the standard by its original deadline of 1996. We have approved all elements in the plan, including emissions inventories, control measures, attainment demonstration, quantitative milestones, reasonable further progress, and emissions budgets. Upon the effective date of this approval, this new plan becomes the federally enforceable ozone plan for Santa Barbara.

Ozone, the primary constituent of "smog," causes reduced lung function, chest pain, and cough, and can aggravate asthma. Since submittal of the plan, Santa Barbara County reached attainment of the federal 1-hour ozone standard, since the area has now recorded three consecutive years (1997, 1998, and 1999) with an average of no more than one exceedance of the standard per year at any monitoring location. Below are a copy of the fact sheet, a link to the proposed approval as published in the Federal Register on March 30, 2000, and a downloadable copy of the unofficial Notice of Final Rulemaking in WordPerfect format. A link to the official version of the final rule will be made available upon its publication in the Federal Register. For further information, please contact Dave Jesson at EPA, Air Division (air-2), 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-3901, or (415) 744-1288, or jesson.david@epa.gov.

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