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I-Beam .....................................  52 / 837+
    Cutter .................................  83 / DIG 2
Ic Card ....................................  705 / 41
    For secure, encrypted transactions .....  705 / 65
        Balancing account ..................  705 / 68
        Detecting double spending ..........  705 / 69
        With authentication ................  705 / 67
    Initializing or reloading ..............  705 / 66
Ice ........................................  62
    Bag ....................................  383 / 901*
        Carrier ............................  294
        Design .............................  D24 / 207+
    Boats ..................................  114 / 43
    Boring .................................  175 / 18
    Boxes ..................................  62 / 459+
        Air controller combined ............  62 / 420+
        Portable receptacle ................  62 / 457.7
        Portable, commodity containing .....  62 / 371+
    Breakers ...............................  114 / 40+
    Bucket .................................  D07 / 603
    Control on waterways ...................  405 / 61
    Crushers ...............................  241
        Hand tool ..........................  D07 / 682
        Household appliance ................  D07 / 374
    Crushing apparatus .....................  241
    Cutting (see notes to) ................  30 / 164.5
        Electrically heated cutter .........  30 / 140
        Hand held ..........................  30 / 140
        Heated cutter ......................  62 / 320+
        Ice cream freezer with .............  62 / 321
        Machine ............................  83 / 171
        Machines cutting, x-art ............  83 / 915.3*
        Sawing .............................  83 / 915.3*
    Food ...................................  426 / 101+
    Gas solidifiers ........................  62 / 601+
    Grooving ...............................  83 / 875+
    Harvesting .............................  299 / 24+
    Houses and cellars .....................  62 / 459+
        Air controlling combined ...........  62 / 420
        Structural installation ............  62 / 259.1+
    Machine for producing ..................  62 / 340+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 135+
    Making (see congelation) ..............  D15 / 80
    Picks and shavers  
        Chipper or pick ....................  30 / 164.5
        General ............................  241
        Harvesting cutters and picks .......  299 / 24+
        Holder for .........................  224 / 232+
        Ice pick or chipper ................  30 / 164.5+
        Knives and scrapers with ...........  30 / 136
        Material holder or disposal ........  30 / 136+
    Prevention on aircraft .................  244 / 134 R
    Prevention on cooling tower ............  261 / DIG 86
    Preventive coating .....................  106 / 13
    Processes of making ....................  62 / 66+
    Protecting marine structure from .......  405 / 211
    Removal from streets ...................  37 / 197
    Removal from windows ...................  62
        Compositions for ...................  252 / 70
        From streets .......................  37 / 227+
        Pipes ..............................  138 / 32+
        River and harbor ...................  405 / 61
    Tray design ............................  D15 / 90
Ice Cream ..................................  426 / 101
    Agitator for freezer ...................  366 / 144+
    Cabinets for ...........................  220 / DIG 8
    Cans for refrigeration .................  62 / 433
    Cone ...................................  426 / 139
        Carriers for cones .................  229 / 932+
        Design .............................  D01 / 116+
    Cup ....................................  D01 / 116
    Cutting ................................  83
    Design .................................  D01
    Disher, cone shaping ...................  425 / 118
    Freezer ................................  62 / 340+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 135+
        Tray ...............................  366 / 144
        With ice breaker ...................  62 / 321
    Machine design .........................  D15 / 82
    Molding ................................  426 / 515+
    Package vending cabinets ...............  221
    Process of freezing ....................  62 / 66+
    Product and making .....................  426 / 565+
    Scoop ..................................  425 / 221
    Scoop ..................................  425 / 276+
    Scoop or plunger .......................  425 / 187
    Serving tool ...........................  D07 / 681
    Stick, on a ............................  D01
Ice Skates .................................  280 / 11.12+
    Attachments for ........................  280 / 809+
    Design .................................  D21 / 761+
    Scabbards ..............................  280 / 825
Ichthyol ...................................  562 / 33
Icing ......................................  426 / 659
    Edible coating applying machines .......  118 / 13+
    Processes for applying .................  99
Icon .......................................  D14 / 489+
Iconometer .................................  33 / 227+
    Camera viewfinder ......................  396 / 373+
    Range & remote distance finding ........  356 / 3
    Optics .................................  356 / 3
Iconoscope .................................  313 / 367+
    Television system using ................  348 / 325
    Agents, chemical or biological .........  436
    Analysis ...............................  436
    Arm band ...............................  40 / 1.5
    Badges .................................  40 / 1.5+
        Design .............................  D20 / 22+
    Card ...................................  428 / 13
        Envelope for .......................  206
        With printing ......................  283 / 74+
    Checks labels and tags .................  283 / 81
    Dyeing .................................  8
    Electrical conductors ..................  174 / 112
    Fingerprint, comparisons ...............  356 / 71
    Fraud preventing coating ...............  427 / 7
    Itemization, automated .................  705 / 29
    Key locks ..............................  70 / 460
        Key ................................  40 / 330
    Of medicine or poison ..................  424 / 10.1+
    Plug tobacco ...........................  131 / 368
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 74+
    Signals and indicators .................  116
    Tag ....................................  283 / 74+
    Using a point of sale terminal .........  705 / 23
    Writing on photographic film ...........  396 / 310+
        During x-ray exposure ..............  378 / 165
Idlers (See Machine on Which Used)  
    Bearing ................................  384 / 262
    Belt ...................................  474 / 166+
    Metal rolling  
        Mill ...............................  72 / 199+
        Roll ...............................  72 / 199
    Pulleys ................................  474 / 166+
        Belt tightener .....................  474 / 101+
IgEPONâ„¢    .................................  554 / 85+
Igniter and Ignition See Lighter  
    Alarms operated by .....................  116 / 104+
        Electrical .........................  340 / 385.1
    Ammunition and explosive devices  
        Cartridges .........................  102 / 470+
        Compositions for ...................  149 / 108.6
        Land mines .........................  102 / 424+
        Marine mines .......................  102 / 416+
        Shells .............................  102 / 200+
    Burner .................................  431
        Automatic control of ...............  431 / 18
        Electrical .........................  431 / 254+
        Electrical .........................  431 / 258+
        Mechanical .........................  431 / 129+
        Mechanical .........................  431 / 254+
    Catalytic ..............................  431 / 268
        Pocket type ........................  431 / 147
    Chemical ...............................  431 / 267+
    Cigarette, pocket type .................  431 / 129+
    Cigarette, pocket type .................  431 / 144+
        By electrical means ................  361 / 235+
        Design .............................  D27 / 141+
        Electrical resistance ..............  219 / 260+
        Tobacco appliance with .............  131 / 234
        Tobacco with .......................  131 / 351
    Combustion engine combined with ........  123 / 210+
    Rotary piston ..........................  123 / 210+
    Electric (see engine)  
        Blasting cartridge .................  102
        Cartridges .........................  102 / 202.2+
        Explosive land mines ...............  102 / 424+
        Flash lights solid fuel ............  431 / 357+
        Flash lights solid fuel ............  431 / 357+
        Fluid fuel burners .................  431 / 254+
        Fluid fuel burners .................  431 / 256+
        Interference suppressor ............  338 / 66+
        Resistor ...........................  338 / 66+
        Resistance type ....................  219 / 260+
        Shells .............................  102 / 206+
        Spark type .........................  361 / 253+
        Time controlled ....................  431 / 73
    Electric space discharge devices  
        Consumable electrode type ..........  314
        Energizing systems .................  315
    Engine .................................  123 / 594+
        Dynamo combined ....................  290
        Spark timing control ...............  123 / 406.11+
        Starting ...........................  123 / 406.53+
    Fire kindling ..........................  431 / 267+
    Flashlight combined ....................  431 / 357+
        Electric primer ignites ............  431 / 362
    Fluid-flint lighter ....................  431 / 144+
    Frictional .............................  431 / 267+
    Fuse ...................................  493 / 948*
    Igniting devices & fuel ................  44
    Lamp system combined with spark ........  315 / 178+
    Make and break for .....................  123 / 153
    Internal combustion engines ............  123 / 153
    Matches ................................  44 / 507+
        Boxes and packages .................  206 / 96+
            Design .........................  D09 / 414+
            Matchbook design ...............  D09 / 701
        Compositions .......................  149
        Scratchers .........................  44 / 643
    Motor vehicle, internal combustion .....  123 / 143 R+
    Engine equipped ........................  123 / 143 R+
        Safety belt responsive to ..........  180 / 270
        Ignition circuit ...................  180 / 270
    Percussive .............................  431 / 267+
    Receptacle combined  
        Cigarette or cigar dispenser .......  221 / 136+
        Match boxes and packages ...........  206 / 96+
        Pocket cigarette or cigar ..........  206 / 85
        Containers .........................  206 / 85+
    Reigniting hot spot ....................  431 / 347
    Speader for ignition wire manifold .....  D08 / 357
    Timing .................................  431 / 86+
    Tobacco or tobacco users  
    Appliances combined  
        Ash trays ..........................  131 / 234
        Ash trays design ...................  D27 / 143+
        Cigar end cutter ...................  131 / 249
        Cigars or cigarettes ...............  131 / 185
        Pipes or cigarette holders .........  131 / 185
Ignitron (See Electric Space  
    Discharge device)  
    Changeable exhibitor ...................  40 / 452
        Combined unit ......................  362 / 253
    Clock ..................................  368 / 82
    Compact ................................  132 / 288
        Design .............................  D28 / 64.1
        Electric ...........................  362 / 135
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 113
    Fare box ...............................  232 / 13
    Fountain ...............................  239 / 18+
    House number ...........................  40 / 584+
        Self-luminous ......................  250 / 462.1
    Knobs ..................................  362 / 100
    Liquid level gauge .....................  73 / 293
    Picture frame ..........................  40 / 714
    Radio dial .............................  116 / 241+
    Refrigerators ..........................  62 / 264
    Semaphore arm ..........................  246 / 483
    Sign ...................................  40 / 541+
        Combined sources of ................  362 / 253
        Illumination .......................  362 / 253
        Fiber optic, ie light pipe .........  40 / 547
    Trap ...................................  43 / 113
    Vehicle direction indicator  
        Pivoted ............................  116 / 54
        Rotatable casing ...................  116 / 49
        Rotatable pointer ..................  116 / 48
    Weighing scale .........................  177 / 177+
    Gas (see gas, heating & ................  48
    Illuminating) ..........................  48
        Liquefying apparatus ...............  62 / 606+
        Liquefying process .................  62 / 606+
        Purifying ..........................  423 / 210
Illumination ...............................  362
    Ammunition and explosive devices .......  102 / 513
    With tracer ............................  102 / 513
    Bedroom lighting .......................  362 / 801*
    Buoys ..................................  441 / 13+
    Cabinets with ..........................  312 / 223.5
    Dental or surgical spotlight ...........  362 / 804*
    Diagnostic type reflector ..............  600 / 247
    Direction indicator ....................  33 / 348
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 113
    Drying apparatus .......................  34 / 88
    Egg candling ...........................  356 / 52+
    Electric lamp supply systems ...........  315
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 177+
    Endoscopes .............................  600 / 160+
    Fans with ..............................  416 / 5
    Fountains ..............................  362 / 101
    Gags surgical ..........................  600 / 235+
    Gas generation .........................  48
    Horticultural ..........................  362 / 805*
    Light emitting diode ...................  362 / 545*
    Liquid level or depth gage .............  73 / 293
    Liquid level or depth gage .............  362 / 461+
    Optical testing ........................  356
    Ornamental or decorative lighting ......  362 / 806*
        Candle imitation ...................  362 / 810*
        Figure .............................  362 / 808*
        Globe ..............................  362 / 809*
        Psychedelic ........................  362 / 811*
        Star ...............................  362 / 807*
    Parachute flares .......................  102 / 337+
    Pharyngoscopes .........................  600 / 160+
    Photo safe lamp ........................  362 / 803*
    Pivoted type specula ...................  600 / 184+
    Pyrotechnics rockets ...................  102 / 347+
    Radio dial .............................  116 / 241+
    Shells with ............................  102 / 513
    Signs ..................................  362 / 812*
    Stoves heating and illuminating ........  126 / 97
    Stoves illuminating lid or top .........  126 / 213
    Switch position or condition ...........  362 / 464+
    Responsive .............................  362 / 464+
    Testing illuminating fluids ............  73 / 36
    Tongue depressors ......................  600 / 240+
    Torches ................................  102 / 336+
    Toys with electric .....................  446 / 485+
        Vehicle simulation .................  446 / 438+
Illuminators See Illumination  
    Amusement ..............................  472 / 57+
        Building structure .................  472 / 74
    Railway amusement vehicle ..............  104 / 83
        Optical ............................  104 / 84
        Physical ...........................  104 / 85
Image Analysis .............................  382
    Biomedical application .................  382 / 128
    Error checking or correction ...........  382 / 309
    Histogram processing ...................  382 / 168
    Image compression ......................  382 / 272
    Image enhancement ......................  382 / 254
    Image segmentation .....................  382 / 173
    Image transformation ...................  382 / 276
    Medical diagnostic .....................  128 / 922*
    Neural networks ........................  382 / 156
    Pattern recognition ....................  382 / 181
    Personnel identification ...............  382 / 115
    Reading paper currency .................  382 / 135
    Robotics ...............................  382 / 153
Image Dissector Television .................  348 / 207.99+
    Cathode ray tube system ................  348 / 325+
        Color ..............................  348 / 284+
        Tube structure .....................  313 / 373+
Image, Generation, Control .................  345 / 418+
    Animation ..............................  345 / 473+
    Three dimensional ......................  345 / 419+
Image, Latent ..............................  428 / 29+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 130+
    Formed or developed ....................  427 / 145
    Hidden answer ..........................  434 / 328
    Hidden answer ..........................  434 / 348
    Hidden code or watermark printing ......  358 / 3.28
    Illuminated signs ......................  40 / 541+
Imbibition Printing ........................  101 / 464
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399
Imidazobenzodiazepine ......................  540 / 562
Imidazobenzodiazepinone ....................  540 / 498
Imidazoles .................................  548 / 335.1+
    Fused polycarboxylic imide .............  546
Imidazolidines .............................  548 / 300.1+
Imidazolidones .............................  548 / 316.4+
Imidazolines ...............................  548 / 347.1+
Imides (See Amides)  
    Indole nucleus ctg .....................  548 / 473+
    Naphthostyrils .........................  548 / 437
    Polycarboxylic .........................  546
Imidic Acid Esters .........................  558 / 6+
    Hydroximidic acid esters ...............  558 / 7
    Pseudo ureas ...........................  558 / 8
Imidic Acid Halides ........................  562 / 802+
    Isocyanide dihalides ...................  562 / 803
Imitations (See Artificial)  
    Candle fixture or support ..............  362 / 392
    Cane umbrella case .....................  135 / 18
    Firearm, flashes light .................  362 / 112
    Marble in plastic ......................  264 / 73+
    Plural modules on wall  
        Static mold for making .............  249 / 16
    Stage ..................................  472 / 57+
        Props ..............................  472 / 75+
    Static mold shaped to ..................  249 / 55
    Simulate product of nature .............  249 / 55
    Stitch on shoe .........................  12 / 32
    Water pistol type dispensers ...........  222 / 78+
Immersing and Immersion  
    Abrading ...............................  451 / 113
        Scouring ...........................  451 / 104+
    Boiler or deep fat fryer type ..........  99 / 403+
    Clothes washing ........................  68
    Coating ................................  118 / 400+
        Method .............................  427 / 430.1+
    Dish and solids washing ................  134 / 43+
    Electric heater ........................  392 / 497+
    Electric heater ........................  219 / 523
    Filling portable receptacles ...........  141 / 110+
    Sterilizing ............................  422 / 301+
    Tumbler cleaning with brushing .........  15 / 76
    Water heater ...........................  126 / 348
    Welding apparatus ......................  427 / 430.1+
    Antigens ...............................  424 / 184.1+
    Cellulose fibers .......................  8 / 120+
    Ferments ...............................  435 / 245
    Sera ...................................  424 / 130.1+
Immunoassay ................................  436 / 818*
Immunoglobulins ............................  530 / 387.1
Immunological Testing ......................  436 / 500+
    Absorbtion by flexible barrier  
        By flexible barrier ................  49 / 9
        By plastic deformation .............  188 / 371+
        By resilient deformation ...........  188 / 268
        By fluid stream ....................  241 / 39+
        By materials impact ................  241 / 5
        By moving surfaces .................  241 / 27
        Hammer mills .......................  241 / 185.5+
    Drive device for tool ..................  173 / 90
    Measuring ..............................  73 / 492
    Metal extruding by .....................  72 / 267
    Mining machine .........................  299 / 69
    Operated or operation  
        Assembling or disassembling ........  29 / 275
        Bump release of ....................  49 / 364
        Closure ............................  49 / 364
        Clutch .............................  173 / 93.5+
        Cutter .............................  30 / 277
        Mail catcher load release ..........  258 / 25
        Mail catcher load release ..........  258 / 11
        Combined ...........................  258 / 11+
        Solid material separation ..........  209
        Valve ..............................  251 / 76
    Plates .................................  198 / 956*
    Recorders ..............................  346 / 7
    Scale removal by .......................  29 / 81.15
    Support movable or disengageable on ....  248 / 900*
    Impact or overload .....................  248 / 900*
    Testing by .............................  73 / 12.01+
        Hardness ...........................  73 / 82
        Shear strength by ..................  73 / 844
        Assembling or diassembling .........  29 / 275+
        Awl or prick punch .................  30 / 367
        Cutter blade mechanism .............  30 / 277
        Drilling bits ......................  175 / 414+
        Electric motor .....................  310 / 15+
        Electric motor systems .............  318 / 114
        Holders ............................  81 / 487
        Internal impact element ............  81 / 463+
        Jack hammer type ...................  175 / 189
        Mining or disintegrating ...........  299 / 37.3+
        Punch ..............................  30 / 367
        Pusher or puller eg explosive ......  29 / 254
        Operated ...........................  29 / 254+
        Stonemasons ........................  125 / 40+
        Tunneling ..........................  405 / 132+
    Welding apparatus ......................  228 / 24
    Wrenches ...............................  81 / 463
Impaling (See Point; Prong)  
    Closure remover combined ...............  81 / 3.47
        Impaling only eg cork screw ........  81 / 3.48+
    Cooker electrode .......................  99 / 358
    Cooker spit ............................  99 / 419+
    Dispenser ..............................  221 / 213+
    Endless conveyor .......................  198 / 692+
    Rake endless chain .....................  56 / 400.03
    Support spiked .........................  211 / 125
    Support stacked article ................  211 / 54.1+
    Traps ..................................  43 / 77+
Impedance (See Condenser; Inductance;  
    Alternating current regulators .........  323
    Anti inductive telephone system ........  379 / 416+
    Arc lamp frame with ....................  314 / 132
    Branched ...............................  333 / 124+
    Coupler ................................  333 / 24 R+
    High frequency type ....................  333
    In amplifier coupling see  
    Inductances ............................  336
    Loaded signaling circuit ...............  178 / 45+
    Long signaling lines ...................  333 / 236+
    Matching ...............................  333 / 32+
    Testing of .............................  324 / 691+
        Mechanical vibration ...............  73 / 574+
    Transformers ...........................  336
    Variable inductance ....................  336
    Variable transformer ...................  336
    With antenna ...........................  343 / 860+
        Plural path ........................  343 / 852
Impellers See Propellers ...................  416
        Expansible chamber .................  418
        Jet pump combined ..................  417 / 76+
        Screw ..............................  415 / 71+
    Fluid reaction surfaces ................  416
    Gas and liquid contact apparatus .......  261 / 84+
        Machines ...........................  29 / 23.51
        Process ............................  29 / 889+
        Centrifugal ........................  416 / 179+
        Expansible chamber .................  418
        Screw ..............................  415 / 71+
    Textile impulsing ......................  68 / 134
    Controlled release of medicines ........  604 / 891.1
    Dental .................................  433 / 173
    Reservoirs .............................  604 / 93.01
        Under skin .........................  604 / 288.02
    Securing conduit to body ...............  604 / 175
    Synthetic resin compositions for .......  523 / 105+
    Synthetic resin used for ...............  525 / 937*
Implements (See Instrument; Tool)  
    Coating or cleaning ....................  15 / 104.001+
        Material supply combined ...........  401
    Cutter .................................  30
    Earthworking ...........................  172
        Bulldozer ..........................  172 / 811+
    Embroidering ...........................  112 / 80.03+
    Flatiron ...............................  38 / 74+
    Handling ...............................  294
    Igniting ...............................  431 / 267+
    Making .................................  76
    Pushing ................................  254
    Sampling ...............................  73 / 864+
    Snow excavating ........................  37 / 196+
    Splicing ...............................  57 / 23
    Coating implement ......................  15 / 104.93+
    Product of nature ......................  428 / 15+
    Stone ..................................  428 / 540
    Textile ................................  442 / 59+
    Wood ...................................  428 / 541
    Abrasive tools .........................  51 / 295
    Apparatus ..............................  118
    Beer with carbonic acid ................  261
    Cigars and cigarettes ..................  131 / 362
    Compositions ...........................  106
    Conductors insulated ...................  174 / 120 R+
        Fluid for vacuum containing ........  174 / 25 R+
    Covering apparatus combined ............  57 / 7
    Covering process combined ..............  57 / 7
    Match splints ..........................  149 / 3+
    Packing with rubber ....................  277 / 442+
    Plants living ..........................  47 / 57.5
    Processes ..............................  427
        Ion plating or impregnation ........  427 / 523+
    Spinning or twisting apparatus .........  57 / 295
    Combined ...............................  57 / 295
        Paper or cellulose tape ............  57 / 32
    Textile process combined ...............  28 / 167+
        Covered strands ....................  57 / 217
        Twisted strands ....................  57 / 250
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 300+
    Twisting process combined ..............  57 / 295+
    Warp preparation combined ..............  28 / 178+
    Book ...................................  462 / 56
    Leaf ...................................  462 / 67
    Dental device ..........................  433 / 68+
        Mold ...............................  433 / 34+
    Leather ................................  69 / 2
    Tobacco labeling .......................  131 / 113
    Bread or flour .........................  426 / 653
Impulse (See Electric Impulse  
Incandescent (See Electrode;  
    Illumination; light)  
    Gaseous fuel burners ...................  431 / 100+
    Grates for gas burners .................  126 / 92 R
    Igniters for engines ...................  123 / 145 R+
    Incandescent lamp ......................  D26 / 2+
    Lamps ..................................  313 / 315+
        Design .............................  D26
        Heaters ............................  219 / 552+
        Making, glass working  
            Apparatus ......................  65 / 152+
            Methods ........................  65 / 36+
        With arc ...........................  313 / 8
    Mantle .................................  431 / 100+
    Mantle packages ........................  206 / 68
    Ammunition and explosive devices .......  102 / 364+
        Compositions for ...................  149
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 403
    Destruction ............................  588 / 403
Incense ....................................  424 / 40
Incense Burners  
    Design .................................  D11 / 131.1
    Design, simulative forms ...............  D11 / 131.1
    Incineration of radioactive waste ......  976 / DIG 393
Incinerators ...............................  D34 / 1.1
    Cooking stove ..........................  126 / 222+
    Dry matter .............................  110 / 235+
    Garbage ................................  122 / 2
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 900
    Destruction ............................  588 / 900
    Wet matter .............................  110 / 238
Incline (See Hoists)  
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 245+
        Handling type ......................  414 / 595+
        Portable ...........................  187 / 240+
    Gravity way ............................  193
Inclinometer ...............................  33 / 365+
Incubators .................................  119 / 311+
    Automatic control ......................  236 / 2+
    Baby ...................................  600 / 22
    Bird ...................................  119 / 311+
    Controlled heating systems .............  237 / 3+
    Culture plates or container ............  435 / 809*
    Design .................................  D24 / 163
    Heating systems ........................  237 / 14+
    Switches ...............................  200 / 61
Indamines ..................................  552 / 301
Indane .....................................  585 / 27
    Azo compound ctg .......................  534 / 659
Indanones ..................................  568 / 327
Indanthrene ................................  544 / 339+
Indazole ...................................  548 / 361.1+
Indene Polymers ............................  526 / 280+
    Coumarone indene resins ................  526 / 266
Indenting or Indented  
    Code recorders .........................  178 / 92
    Laminated fabric process ...............  156 / 196+
    Nails ..................................  411 / 439+
    Rod joint ..............................  403 / 274+
    Shoe sole sewing machine ...............  112 / 29
    Stippling press ........................  72 / 76
    Stock material .........................  428 / 156+
    Wire substitute for nail ...............  411 / 439+
Index Card .................................  40 / 380
    Book cutting ...........................  83 / 904*
    Calendar ...............................  283 / 3
    Map ....................................  283 / 35
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 36+
    Protrusion to receive ..................  40 / 360
    Identification .........................  40 / 360
    Tabs ...................................  D19 / 99
    Telephone selector list finder .........  40 / 371+
Indexing (See Turret)  
    Brush making  
        Work holder ........................  300 / 11
    Chuck ..................................  279 / 5
    Drilling work support ..................  408 / 71
    Graduation scriber .....................  33 / 19.1+
    Milling work holder ....................  409 / 221+
India Ink ..................................  106 / 31.6+
Indication Train Position ..................  246 / 122 R+
Indicators (See Measuring; Signal;  
    Angler .................................  43 / 17
    Annunciators ...........................  340 / 815.4+
    Arm or pointer structure ...............  116 / 327+
    Article dispensing .....................  221 / 2+
    Automobile turn or stop  
        Electrical .........................  340 / 458
        Mechanical .........................  116 / 35 R+
        Switches ...........................  200 / 61.27+
    Boards for house signaling systems .....  340 / 815.81+
    Boiler safety ..........................  122 / 504.2
    Bottle or jar content ..................  215 / 365+
        Poison .............................  215 / 367
    Bowling ................................  473 / 67+
        Foul ...............................  473 / 72+
        Pinfall ............................  473 / 69+
    Brake actuation ........................  116 / 200+
        Electrical .........................  340 / 453+
        Electrical deceleration ............  340 / 669
    Brake condition ........................  188 / 1.11
    Building indicia .......................  52 / 105
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 234
    Channel depth ..........................  116 / 113
        Depth sounding .....................  33 / 713+
    Chemical ...............................  252 / 408.1
        Heat exchange composition ..........  252 / 68
        Combined ...........................  252 / 68
    Chuck jaws combined ....................  279 / 111
    Closure condition ......................  49 / 13+
    Coating implement combined .............  401 / 194
    Coffee makers ..........................  99 / 285
    Content alteration .....................  215 / 365+
    Conveyer combined ......................  198 / 502.1+
        Means to facilitate inspection .....  198 / 339.1
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 342+
    Counting ...............................  235
    Damper position ........................  126 / 295
    Direction ..............................  33 / 300+
    Drying apparatus combined ..............  34 / 89
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 40+
        Annunciators .......................  340 / 815.4+
        Cable combined .....................  174 / 11 R
        Current direction ..................  324 / 133
        Fuse ...............................  337 / 241+
        Ground .............................  340 / 649
        Line-signal indicator testing ......  379 / 20
        Phase ..............................  324 / 76.77+
        Polarity ...........................  324 / 133
        Switch operating ...................  200 / 56 R
        Switch position ....................  200 / 308+
        Telephone call .....................  379 / 27.01+
        Vehicle systems ....................  340 / 425.5+
    Expansible chamber motor combined ......  91 / 1
    Fire escape combined ...................  182 / 18
    Fisherman ..............................  43 / 17
    Fluid handling system or devices .......  137 / 551+
    With ...................................  137 / 551+
    Fluorescent and phosphorescent .........  250 / 483.1
    Fountain pen combined ..................  401 / 194
    Funnel combined ........................  141 / 95
    Fuse ...................................  337 / 265
    Headlight combined .....................  362 / 459+
    Heat exchanger combined ................  165 / 11.1
    Illumination combined source ...........  362 / 253
    Leakage ................................  137 / 312+
        Combination ........................  70 / 330+
        Condition ..........................  70 / 432+
    Machine tool  
        Cutting machine ....................  83 / 522.11+
        Selective punching .................  234 / 131
    Mail box combined ......................  232 / 37
    Measuring combined .....................  73
        Spacial relations ..................  33
    Mechanical .............................  116
    Metal casting combined .................  164 / 150.1+
    Metal deforming apparatus combined .....  72 / 31.01+
    Micrometer .............................  33 / 818+
    Mountings ..............................  248 / 904*
        Instruments automatic ..............  84 / 169
        Teaching ...........................  84 / 477 R+
    Nautical ...............................  116 / 26+
        Buoy ...............................  441 / 1+
        Life preserver combined ............  441 / 89
        Nuclear fuel rupture warning .......  376 / 251
        Nuclear fuel rupture warning .......  376 / 450
        Water level in boat ................  116 / 227+
    Nuclear reactor condition ..............  376 / 245
    Open top liquid heater .................  126 / 388.1
    Photographic ...........................  396 / 281+
    Pipes ..................................  138 / 104
        Wear ...............................  138 / 36
    Pneumatic dispatch .....................  406 / 34+
    Poison .................................  215 / 367
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 125+
    Resonance ..............................  334 / 30+
    Safes ..................................  109 / 38+
        Fluid releasing combined ...........  109 / 31
    Sales product  
        Using a point of sale terminal .....  705 / 23
    Separator, imperforate bowl ............  494 / 10
    Centrifugal ............................  494 / 10
    Speaking tube combined .................  181 / 19
    Steam engine ...........................  346 / 3+
    Steering towed ship ....................  114 / 246
    Strand tension .........................  242 / 148
    Tags stock talley ......................  283 / 79
    Taillight combined .....................  362 / 497+
    Taillight combined .....................  362 / 540+
    Target combined electrical .............  273 / 371+
    Target combined mechanical .............  273 / 378+
    Telemetric .............................  340 / 870.4+
    Tester with ............................  73
    Thermostat combined ....................  236 / 94
    Time ...................................  368 / 223+
    Train carried station indicator ........  246 / 174+
    Train defect ...........................  246 / 169 R
        Hot box ............................  116 / 214
    Tuner ..................................  334 / 86+
    Tuning radio ...........................  455 / 154.1
    Type justifying ........................  276 / 11
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 703+
        Line spacing combined ..............  400 / 548+
    Valve ..................................  137 / 551+
        Spring motor .......................  185 / 44
        Spring motor plural ................  185 / 14
        Watch ..............................  368 / 210
        Weight motor .......................  185 / 36
    Wreck buoys ............................  441 / 6+
Indicia (See Indicators)  
    Mileage transportation .................  283 / 24
Indigo .....................................  548 / 457+
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 789
    Dye compositions containing ............  8 / 653
Indium, Metal Working With .................  29 / DIG 22
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 688
Indoanilines ...............................  552 / 302
Indolines ..................................  548 / 490
    Indole or derivatives thereof ..........  548 / 490
Indophenols ................................  552 / 302
    Carbazole ..............................  548 / 442
    Dyes ...................................  552 / 302
Inductance .................................  336
    Capacitor with .........................  361 / 270+
    Lamp or electronic tube system .........  315 / 289
    Having .................................  315 / 289+
    Resistor with reduced ..................  338 / 61+
    Resonator having only ..................  333 / 219+
    Systems ................................  323 / 355
    Transformer having .....................  336 / 69
    Modifying means for ....................  336 / 69
        Line components with ...............  333 / 245+
        Line with ..........................  333 / 236+
    Tuner having lumped impedance ..........  334 / 71+
    Variable ...............................  336
Induction (See Anti-Induction)  
    Cab signal .............................  246 / 194
        Signal block .......................  246 / 63 R
        Check operated .....................  194 / 239+
        Communication circuit loading ......  178 / 45+
        Electric apparatus .................  336
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 172+
    Current transmission to vehicles .......  191 / 10
    Disturbances in electric ...............  174 / 32
    Conductors and cables reducing .........  174 / 32+
        Telegraph ..........................  178 / 69 R
    Drive for electric railways ............  104 / 288+
    Electrostatic generator ................  310 / 309+
    Electrothermic processes, ..............  75 / 10.1+
    Metallurgy .............................  75 / 10.1+
    For electrotherapy .....................  607 / 115+
    Furnace ................................  373 / 138+
    Furnace with arc .......................  373 / 4
    Furnace with resistance ................  373 / 6
    Generators .............................  310 / 168+
    Heaters ................................  219 / 600
        Laminating apparatus ...............  156 / 379.6+
        Laminating methods using ...........  156 / 272.2+
        Apparatus ..........................  219 / 600+
        Cooking ............................  219 / 620
        Metal casting device combined ......  164 / 250.1
            Continuous casting apparatus ...  164 / 507
    Igniting device ........................  361 / 247+
    Inductor device ........................  336
    Motor ..................................  310 / 166+
        System .............................  318 / 727+
    Reactor variable .......................  336
    Regulator ..............................  336
    Telegraph system .......................  178 / 43
    Telephone system .......................  379 / 55.1
    Train dispatching ......................  246 / 8
    Transformer structure ..................  336
    Transformer system for metal ...........  219 / 116
    Heating ................................  219 / 116
Induction Motor ............................  310 / 166+
Inductor See Inductance  
Induline ...................................  544 / 348
    Catalysts ..............................  502 / 100+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 12
    Metal casting using ....................  164 / 66.1+
        Continuous casting .................  164 / 475
Inert Gases  
    Separating .............................  95
Inertia Controlled  
    Aircraft control gravity ...............  244 / 80
    Aircraft control gyroscopic ............  244 / 79
    Brake ..................................  188 / 266
    Brake ..................................  188 / 275
    Centrifugal electric switch ............  200 / 80 R
    Closure checks .........................  16 / 83
    Compasses gyroscopic ...................  33 / 324+
    Derailment trip ........................  246 / 173
    Dispenser outlet element ...............  222 / 500
    Drop bomb control ......................  102 / 382+
    Fly wheels .............................  74 / 572.2+
    Fuses ..................................  102 / 247+
    Hydraulic brake ........................  303 / 24.1
    Monorail cars ..........................  105 / 141
    Operated switches ......................  200 / 61.45 R
    Pendulum operated exhibitor ............  40 / 485
    Planetary gearing ......................  475 / 267+
    Speed responsive devices ...............  73 / 514.01+
    Torpedo steering .......................  114 / 24
    Toy vehicle drive ......................  446 / 462+
    Valve actuators ........................  137 / 38+
    Vibrating exhibitor ....................  40 / 613+
    Vibration damping ......................  188 / 378+
    Vibration sensing ......................  73 / 652+
Infant Crawling, Teaching ..................  434 / 255
Inference Engine See Expert Systems  
Inflammability Testers .....................  73 / 36
Inflation, Inflated & Inflatable  
    Abrading tool ..........................  451 / 504+
    Airship ................................  244 / 98
    Article filling ........................  137 / 223+
    Catheters ..............................  604 / 96.01+
        Balloon ............................  604 / 103.01+
    Chairs .................................  297 / 452.41
    Clothes form ...........................  223 / 67
    Compositions, rapid ....................  149
    Compositions, slow .....................  252 / 188.1+
    Dilator ................................  606 / 191+
        Static mold having .................  249 / 65
    Freight bracing bag ....................  410 / 119
        Panel attached and urging ..........  410 / 129
        Squeeze including ..................  410 / 125
    Life preservers ........................  441 / 90+
    Life rafts .............................  441 / 40+
    Mattresses .............................  5 / 706+
    Parachute stiffener or opener ..........  244 / 146
    Pessaries ..............................  128 / 836
    Picture frame ..........................  40 / 736
    Pipe seal ..............................  138 / 93
    Seal for a joint or juncture  
            Dynamic ........................  277 / 583
            Static .........................  277 / 646
            Static pipe, conduit or cable ..  277 / 605
            Well apparatus .................  277 / 331+
    Ship raising device ....................  114 / 54
    Shoe forms .............................  12 / 114.4
    Syringe nozzle .........................  604 / 275
    Tire filling devices ...................  222 / 3+
        Portable receptacle type ...........  141 / 38
        Vehicle attached ...................  417 / 231+
        With nongaseous material ...........  141 / 38
    Tire per se ............................  152
    Tire signal ............................  116 / 34 R
    Toys ...................................  446 / 220+
        Design .............................  D21 / 439+
    Truss ..................................  128 / 118.1
    Valves .................................  137 / 223+
    Water-borne vessels ....................  114 / 345
Information Search & Retrieval  
    Artificial intelligence ................  706 / 934*
    Dynamic systems ........................  369
        Magnetic ...........................  360
    Registers system .......................  377
    Static systems .........................  365
Information Security .......................  726 / 1+
    Testing of system by digital signal ....  714 / 718+
Infrared (See Heat)  
    Detection of ...........................  250 / 338.1
    Drying process with ....................  34 / 519+
    Generator ..............................  392 / 407
    Generator ..............................  219 / 553
    Generator ultraviolet and ..............  250 / 495.1
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 306
    Destruction ............................  588 / 306
    Heater .................................  392 / 407
    Heater .................................  219 / 553
        Lamp ...............................  313 / 110
    Photography ............................  430 / 348+
    Radiation imaging ......................  430 / 944*
    Sensitive composition ..................  430 / 616
    Telescope ..............................  250 / 338.1
    Testing with ...........................  250 / 338.1
    Treatment of fluids ....................  250 / 432 R
Infusing(See Extracting and Extracts)  
    Apparatus and appliances  
        Beverage ...........................  99 / 279+
        Beverage,reusable ..................  99 / 323
        Closet or sink combined ............  4 / 222+
        Medicators .........................  604 / 131+
    Infuser, teabag ........................  D01 / 199
    Slow diffuser ..........................  239 / 34+
        Special receptacle and package .....  206 / .5
    Casting ................................  164
    Feeding & orienting ....................  198 / 373
    Handling ...............................  193
    Molds ..................................  249 / 174
        Composite ..........................  249 / 84
    Powder metallurgy ......................  419
    Stripper ...............................  164 / 405+
    Structure ..............................  428 / 585+
        Design .............................  D15 / 144
    Turning devices for rolling mills ......  72 / 227+
    Artificial respirator ..................  601 / 41+
    Inhalants ..............................  424
        Radionuclide containing ............  424 / 1.11+
        Composition ........................  424 / 1.11+
    Medicated ..............................  128 / 203.12+
Inheritance ................................  706 / 65
Inhibitors .................................  252 / 380+
    Corrosion inhibitors ...................  252 / 387+
Initiation Ceremony Devices ................  472 / 51+
    Condensers .............................  261 / 76
    Food pickling needle ...................  99 / 532+
    Molding ................................  425 / 542+
    Needleless hypodermic ..................  604 / 68+
    Plant injection ........................  47 / 57.5
    Pumps ..................................  417 / 151+
    Surgical instruments ...................  604 / 187+
    Bathtub combined .......................  4 / 541.1+
    Boiler circulation .....................  122 / 407
    Boiler cleaners ........................  122 / 404
    Embalmer ...............................  27 / 24.1
    Food pickling needle ...................  254 / 2 R+
        Combustion products generator ......  60 / 740+
        Rotary piston engine combined ......  123 / 205+
    Furnace draft regulator ................  110 / 150
    Gas and liquid contact devices .........  261 / 76+
    Hardenable material ....................  405 / 269
    Into earth formation ...................  405 / 269
    Hypodermic .............................  604 / 187+
    Lubricators ............................  184 / 39.1
    Medicator gas ..........................  604 / 23+
    Mineral oil distillation  
        Vaporizers .........................  196 / 127
        Vaporizing circulation .............  196 / 126
        Metal apparatus ....................  164 / 303+
        Metal method .......................  164 / 113+
    Nozzle .................................  239
    Plant husbandry ........................  47 / 57.5
    Pneumatic conveyors ....................  406 / 194
    Pumps ..................................  417 / 151+
    Resilient tire cement ..................  81 / 15.5
    Textile fluid treating apparatus .......  68 / 201
    Track bed tampers ......................  104 / 11
Ink (See Printing)  
    Bottle .................................  D09
    Cartridge rupturable ...................  401 / 132+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 31.13+
    Electroless coating ...................  106 / 1.05+
    Eradicator .............................  510 / 174
    Guards penholder combined ..............  15 / 443
    Making inkwell .........................  15 / 257.07
        Antismut devices ...................  101 / 422
        Compositions .......................  106 / 2
    Stands (see inkwell) ..................  248 / 127+
        Calendar combined ..................  40 / 358
        Design .............................  D19 / 93+
        Dispenser type .....................  222 / 577
        Pen engaged closure ................  15 / 257.075
        Pen rack combined ..................  211 / 69.2+
    Testing of .............................  73 / 150 R
Ink Jet Making .............................  29 / 890.1
Ink Jet Printing ...........................  347 / 1
    Carbon compound digest on ink ..........  260 / DIG 38
    Markers or driving means thereof .......  347 / 5
    Nozzleless or acoustic .................  347 / 1
    Bed and platen printing machine ........  101 / 287+
        Selective or progressive ...........  101 / 93+
    Boot and shoe sole edge ................  118 / 200+
    Intaglio printing ......................  101 / 150+
    Multicolor printing ....................  101 / 171+
    Numbering machine bed and platen .......  101 / 78
    Type ...................................  101 / 78+
    Pads and forms .........................  118 / 264+
    Perforator combined e g., tattooer ....  81 / 9.22
    Planographic printing ..................  101 / 134
    Printing ...............................  101 / 335+
    Printing members combined ..............  101 / 327+
        Selective or progressive ...........  101 / 103+
    Recorder stylus ........................  346 / 139 R
    Rolling contact printing ...............  101 / 212+
    Stencil ................................  101 / 114+
    Stencil type addressing machine ........  101 / 48+
    Straight line scriber ..................  33 / 34+
        Dotted line ........................  33 / 39.1+
            Hand pen .......................  33 / 39.2
    Telegraph code recorder ................  178 / 96
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 191+
        Bar ................................  400 / 470+
        Ribbon .............................  400 / 197+
Inkwell ....................................  15 / 257.07+
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 232
    Desk attached ..........................  108 / 26.2
    Dispenser type .........................  222 / 576+
        Inkstand ...........................  222 / 577
    Inkstand ...............................  248 / 127+
        Movable inkwell ....................  248 / 128+
        Stationary inkwell .................  248 / 146+
    Pen rack combined ......................  211 / 69.2+
    Linoleum ...............................  428 / 57+
        Laminating .........................  156
        Molding ............................  425
    Ornamentation ..........................  428 / 77+
    Parquet floors (see parquetry) ........  52 / 315
    Treads tires having ....................  152 / 188
Inner Tubes See Tire Pneumatic  
    Tire making ............................  156 / 118+
Innersoles, for Shoes ......................  D02 / 961
    Antigens ...............................  424 / 184.1+
    Fermentative ...........................  435 / 30
    Sera ...................................  424 / 130.1+
Inorganic Compounds ........................  23
    Conversion to hydrocarbon ..............  585 / 943*
    Wave energy preparation ................  204 / 157.4+
Inorganic Settable Material ................  106 / 638+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 638+
    Building guard .........................  52 / 101
    Catching nets ..........................  43 / 143
    Destroying .............................  43 / 132.1+
        Electrocuting ......................  43 / 112
    Exits in closures and screens ..........  160 / 12+
    Fumigators .............................  43 / 125+
    Netting for beds .......................  5 / 414+
    Preserving, teaching taxidermy .........  434 / 296+
    Traps ..................................  43 / 107+
        Design .............................  D22 / 122+
Inosine ....................................  536 / 27.8
Inosine Phosphate ..........................  536 / 26.74
    Using a point of sale terminal .........  705 / 23
    Culture ................................  119 / 6.5+
Insecticides ...............................  424
    Cleaning or detergent ..................  510 / 302+
    Compositions containing ................  510 / 302+
    Coated or impregnated vehicle ..........  424 / 411+
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106 / 15.05
    Containing .............................  106 / 15.05+
    Container ..............................  206 / 524.1
    Fertilizer containing ..................  504 / 101+
    Garment hangers combined ...............  223 / 86
    Insecticide sprayer ....................  D23 / 213+
        Apparatus ..........................  239
            X-art collection ...............  43 / 900*
        Method .............................  43 / 132.1
    Water softening or purifying ...........  252 / 175
    Compositions containing ................  252 / 175
Insemination, Artificial ...................  604 / 906*
Inserters (See Nailing; Stapling)  
    Assembling apparatus ...................  29 / 700+
    Belt hook ..............................  29 / 243.51
    Box lining .............................  493 / 93+
    Sausage stuffers .......................  452 / 35+
    Saw tooth ..............................  76 / 80
    Surgical implement .....................  606 / 117+
        Needle .............................  606 / 222
    Tape inserting apparel .................  223 / 50
    Tire patch inserters ...................  81 / 15.5+
    Wick ...................................  431 / 120
    Bearing surface ........................  384 / 282+
    Bedstead ...............................  5 / 280
    Brake shoes cast .......................  188 / 256
    Composite metal casting ................  164 / 91+
    Cooking molds ..........................  249 / 112+
    Earth boring bit insert ................  175 / 426+
    Garment ................................  2 / 400
    Gearing ................................  74 / 451
        Core ...............................  164 / 231
        Mold ...............................  164 / 332+
        Pattern ............................  164 / 236
    Nonmetallic composite casting ..........  249 / 83+
    Apparel ................................  2 / 246
    Badges .................................  40 / 1.5+
    Design .................................  D11 / 95+
    Emblem per se ..........................  D11 / 99
    Making method ..........................  12 / 146 B
    Reinforcing machine ....................  12 / 20
    Shoe see soles .........................  36 / 43+
        Laminated ..........................  36 / 44
        Prepared for securing ..............  36 / 22 R
        Ventilated .........................  36 / 3 R
        With body treating means ...........  607 / 144
        With local padding .................  36 / 71
        With shank stiffener ...............  36 / 76 R
    Therapeutic ............................  607 / 144
Inspection & Inspecting (See Specific  
    Subject; testing)  
    Cloth ..................................  26 / 70
    Dispenser with means for ...............  222 / 154+
    Drying apparatus with means for ........  34 / 88
    Gauges .................................  33 / 501+
    Lamp for ...............................  362 / 138
    Measuring and testing ..................  73
    Metal founding device ..................  164 / 150.1+
    With means for .........................  164 / 150.1+
    Robot ..................................  901 / 44*
Instrument (See Type of Instrument)  
    Board ..................................  73 / 866.3
    Board ..................................  362 / 482
        Illumination, automobile ...........  362 / 495+
    Switch boards ..........................  361 / 600+
        Telephone switchboard ..............  379 / 319+
    Calibrating ............................  73 / 1.01+
        Electrical instruments .............  324 / 74+
    Casings ................................  73 / 431
    Dental .................................  433 / 25+
    Electric switch combined with ..........  200 / 56 R
    Fluorescent or phosphorescent ..........  250 / 483.1
    Indicating .............................  250 / 483.1
    Flying of aircraft .....................  342 / 407+
        Apparel ............................  33 / 2 R+
        Area integrators ...................  33 / 121+
        Direction or force indicator .......  33 / 300+
        Distance ...........................  33 / 700+
        Landing ............................  342 / 410+
        Scribers ...........................  33 / 18.1+
        Straight edge type .................  33 / 431+
            Navigational ...................  33 / 457
        Straight line light ray type .......  33 / 227+
    Household measuring ....................  D10 / 46.2
    Materials ..............................  33 / DIG 11
    Measuring ..............................  D10
    Mechanical expedients ..................  33 / DIG 12
    Mechanism damping ......................  73 / 430
    Medical ................................  D24 / 107+
    Musical ................................  84 / 1+
        Design .............................  D17
        Electrical .........................  84 / 600+
        Stringed ...........................  84 / 173+
        Wind ...............................  84 / 330+
    Panel in vehicle .......................  D12 / 192
    Panel mounted ..........................  248 / 27.1+
    Signalling .............................  D10
    Sterilizing, disinfecting apparatus ....  422
    Support heads for ......................  248 / 177.1+
    Testing ................................  D10
    Transformers ...........................  336
Insufflators ...............................  604 / 58
Insulation and Insulating  
    Building wall ..........................  52 / 404.1+
        By lamina ..........................  52 / 408+
            Yieldable ......................  52 / 393+
    Electric ...............................  174
        Battery separator ..................  429 / 247+
        Bridged rail joint .................  246 / 48
        Bushings ...........................  174 / 152 R+
        Capacitor winding ..................  242 / 441.1+
        Ceramic composition ................  501 / 1+
        Conductor cover burnishing .........  29 / 90.5
        Fluent composition .................  252 / 570+
        Handle .............................  16 / 431+
        Indefinite length conductor ........  156 / 47+
        Covering ...........................  156 / 47+
        Lamp sockets .......................  439
        Magnet or coil winding .............  242 / 430+
        Making .............................  29 / 887
        Meters and testers .................  324 / 555+
        Pipe joints or couplings ...........  285 / 47+
        Rail joints ........................  238 / 152+
        Railway rolling stock parts ........  105 / 60
        Railway tie tie plate and rail .....  238 / 107+
        Ring winding .......................  242 / 434+
        Shaft coupling .....................  464 / 900*
        Trolley conductor section ..........  191 / 39
        Trolley conductor support ..........  191 / 42
        X-art ..............................  493 / 949*
        Accumulator for liquid heater ......  126 / 375.1
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 601+
        Containing composition .............  106 / 601+
        Boiler outlet flue .................  122 / 164
        Bottle or jar ......................  215 / 12.1+
        Building ...........................  52 / 408+
        Cabinets ...........................  312 / 409
        Ceramic porous composition .........  501 / 80+
        Compositions .......................  252 / 62
        Container ..........................  206 / 542
            X-art ..........................  493 / 903*
        Covering laminated type making .....  156
        Double-wall receptacle, wooden .....  217 / 128+
        Flatiron body ......................  38 / 89
        Flatiron stand or base .............  248 / 117.3+
        Fluid sprinkler, ...................  239 / 397.5
        Sprayer, diffuser ..................  239 / 397.5
        Gas separator ......................  96
        Handle .............................  16 / 431+
        Inorganic ingredient ...............  106 / 672
        Containing composition .............  106 / 672
        Metal receptacle spaced wall .......  220 / 592.2+
        Muffler or sound filter ............  181 / 282
        Oven ...............................  126 / 273.5
        Pore forming composition ...........  106 / 122
        Stock material .....................  428 / 920*
        Tobacco smoking devices ............  131 / 194+
    Sound (see muffler)  
        Aircraft body structure ............  244 / 119
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 601+
        Containing composition .............  106 / 601+
        Auditorium .........................  181 / 30
        Ceramic porous composition .........  501 / 80+
        Compositions .......................  252 / 62
        Gas separator ......................  96 / 380
        Gearing ............................  74 / 443
        Inorganic ingredient ...............  106 / 672+
        Containing composition .............  106 / 672+
        Lock silencer or muffler ...........  70 / 463
        Motion picture camera ..............  352 / 35
        Muffler or sound filter ............  181 / 207+
        Piano resonance device .............  84 / 191
        Pore forming composition ...........  106 / 122
        Structure ..........................  181
    Tape ...................................  428 / 343+
        Coating ............................  427 / 207.1+
        Coating opposite sides .............  427 / 208
        Packaged roll ......................  206 / 411
Insulation Strippers  
    Tube or sheath splitter ................  30 / 90.1+
    Wire ...................................  81 / 9.4+
Insulin, T.M ...............................  530 / 303
    Medicine containing ....................  514 / 3
            Coverage rates .................  705 / 4
            Damage to vehicle ..............  705 / 4
            Policy assessment ..............  705 / 4
            Rate ...........................  705 / 4
            Syndicated sale or policy ......  705 / 4
            Verification of existence ......  705 / 4
Insurance Documents ........................  283 / 54
    Electrolytic reproduction ..............  205 / 69+
    Ornamentation ..........................  428 / 156+
    Photographic production of .............  430 / 307+
    Printing ...............................  101 / 150+
        Combined with another type .........  101 / DIG 43
    Static mold for forming ................  249 / 104
    Product having .........................  249 / 104
    Channel ................................  405 / 127
    Filter for pipe ........................  210 / 460+
    Fluid current conveyor .................  406 / 108+
        Adjustable .........................  406 / 113+
        Plural .............................  406 / 117+
        Pneumatic straw stacker ............  406 / 139+
    Gravity positioned sprayer .............  239 / 334
    Pump rotary center .....................  415 / 206
Integrated Circuit (See Transistor)  
    Layout .................................  716 / 11+
        Combined with manufacture ..........  438
    Optoelectronic .........................  385 / 14
    Manufacture ............................  438
    Structure with electrically ............  257 / 499+
    Isolated components ....................  257 / 499+
Integrated Optical Circuit .................  385 / 14+
    Area ...................................  33 / 121+
    Calculators ............................  235 / 61 C
    Distance ...............................  73 / 490
    Ships log combined .....................  73 / 183
    Velocity ...............................  73 / 503
    Volume or rate of flow meters  
        Area velocity ......................  73 / 227
        Pressure differential type .........  73 / 861.43+
    Weigher combined .......................  177 / 16
Intelligent Token  
    Using cryptography .....................  705 / 64
    Initializing or reloading ..............  705 / 66
Intensifiers (See Amplifiers)  
    Diaphragms acoustic ....................  181 / 157+
    Photographic ...........................  430 / 487
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 156+
Intercalates (See Definition Note (3) ......  428 / 402.2
Intercommunication System  
    Electric ...............................  379 / 167.01+
        Multiplex ..........................  370
        Nonselective paging ................  340 / 311.2
            Selective paging ...............  340 / 7.2+
    Intercom ...............................  D14 / 159
    Telephone-type .........................  D14 / 142+
    Article or material ....................  434 / 367
    Printed matter .........................  281 / 51
Interconnection Systems ....................  307
Interelectrode Capacitance .................  324 / 409+
    Testing electronic tube ................  324 / 409+
Interference Film Antireflection ...........  359 / 568
Interference Suppression See  
    Transmission, electric  
Interferometer .............................  356 / 450+
    Digest .................................  33 / DIG 4
    Holography .............................  356 / 457+
    Interferon .............................  435 / 811*
    Spectroscopy ...........................  356 / 451+
    With light conductor ...................  250 / 227.27
Interferon .................................  530 / 351
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 404
Interleukin ................................  530 / 351
Interliners Tires ..........................  152 / 203+
Interlock and Interlocking  
    Clutches and power stop control ........  192
    Electric switches ......................  200 / 50.01+
    Machine tool functions  
        Cutting machine ....................  83 / 399+
        Selective cutting ..................  234 / 52
    Multiple controlling elements ..........  74 / 483 R+
    Nuclear fuel segments ..................  376 / 429
    Railway switches and signals ...........  246 / 131+
    Refrigeration related ..................  62 / 267
    Seams joints and connections  
        Block, angle surfaces ..............  52 / 591.1+
        Block, single surface ..............  52 / 589.1+
        Building facings or shingles .......  52 / 519+
        Chain loop .........................  59 / 3
        Flat rod joints ....................  403
        Flexible rod joints ................  403 / 206+
        Metal container ....................  220 / 689+
        Pavement block .....................  404 / 47+
        Pipe joints ........................  285 / 330
        Road module ........................  404 / 50+
        Sheet metal container making .......  413
        Tile wall facing ...................  52 / 384+
        Wire fabric interlocking loop ......  245 / 5
Intermediate Frequency Amplifier ...........  330
    Transformers for .......................  336
        Tuned with capacitor ...............  334 / 78+
        Tuned with slug ....................  336 / 130+
    Applied wheel brake ....................  188 / 85
    Clutches ...............................  192
    Coloring of thread .....................  8 / 149
    Combustion bursts or flare-ups .........  431 / 1
    Drive combined with planetary ..........  475 / 14+
    Gearing ................................  475 / 14+
    Electric signal clock controlled .......  368 / 98
    Engine valve ...........................  91
    Feed and or discharge  
        Disinfecting .......................  422 / 123+
        Dispenser type .....................  222
        Electrode ..........................  314
        Fiber picking beaters ..............  19 / 92
        Harvester conveyor belt ............  56 / 346+
        Planter ............................  111 / 37+
        Rotary web or strand feeder ........  226 / 152+
        Rotary web or strand feeder ........  242 / 364+
        Sprayer discharge ..................  239 / 99+
        Sprayer supply .....................  239 / 331+
        Strip film .........................  352 / 166+
        Web or strand ......................  226 / 120+
        Wire ...............................  72 / 419+
    Gear ...................................  74 / 435
    Grip see clutch; panel; ratchet  
        Electrode feeder ...................  314
        Engaging land vehicle drive ........  280 / 241
        Engaging locomotive drive ..........  105 / 32
        Machine element ....................  74 / 111+
        Railway signal mechanism ...........  246 / 154
        Strip film feed ....................  352 / 191
    Harvester conveyor belt ................  56 / 183
    Impulse speed responsive ...............  73 / 506
    Land vehicle propeller .................  280
    Liquid applicator for textiles .........  68 / 203
    Machine element ........................  74
    Textile spinning operations ............  57 / 319
    Cyclic .................................  57 / 319+
    Distortion test ........................  324 / 624
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 22.02
    Sound recording distortion test ........  369
Internal Combustion Engines See ............  123
    Carburetor; cylinder;decarbonizing; ....  123
    Exhaust, treatment; feeder, fuel; ......  123
    Fuel; lubrication; muffler; piston; ....  123
    Radiator; starter; supercharger ........  123
    Backfire preventer .....................  48 / 192
    Dynamo combined ........................  290 / 7
    Exhaust treatment ......................  60 / 272+
        Combustion products with ...........  60 / 39.5
    Fluid pressure motor combined ..........  60 / 598+
        Freg piston drive ..................  60 / 596
        Vacuum generated ...................  60 / 397
        Waste heatdriven motor .............  60 / 597
    Locomotive drive .......................  105 / 62.1+
    Pump drive .............................  417 / 364
    Refrigeration utilizing ................  62 / 323.1+
    Turbine combined .......................  60 / 598+
    Auctions ...............................  705 / 37
    Banking ................................  705 / 35
    Credit or loan management ..............  705 / 38
    Electronic funds transfer ..............  705 / 39
        Requiring authorization ............  705 / 44
        Secure transaction using ...........  705 / 64
        Cryptography .......................  705 / 64
            Anonymous user .................  705 / 74
            Authorization to proceed .......  705 / 76
            Charge determination at ........  705 / 77
            Remote location ................  705 / 77
            Communication between ..........  705 / 79
            Two financial networks .........  705 / 79
            Initializing ...................  705 / 73
            Key management .................  705 / 71
            Radio communication ............  705 / 73
            Specialized keypad .............  705 / 73
            Specialized terminal ...........  705 / 73
            Transaction confirmation .......  705 / 75
            Verification of pin ............  705 / 72
            With third party ...............  705 / 78
        With intelligent token .............  705 / 65
            Balancing account ..............  705 / 68
            Detecting double spending ......  705 / 69
            Initializing or reloading ......  705 / 66
            With authentication ............  705 / 67
        With encrypted data ................  705 / 70
    Electronic commerce ....................  705 / 26
        Display of products ................  705 / 27
        Electronic funds transfer ..........  705 / 17
            Security .......................  705 / 18
    Data distribution in business ..........  705 / 51
        Licensing ..........................  705 / 59
        To pay bills .......................  705 / 40
        With programmed portable memory ....  705 / 41
        Device .............................  705 / 41
    Electronic negotiation with ............  705 / 80
    Encrypted data .........................  705 / 80
    Portfolio management ...................  705 / 36
    Trading stocks, bidding ................  705 / 37
Interpoles .................................  310 / 186
Interpolymers (See Also Synthetic ..........  520 / 1+
    Resin or natural rubber) ...............  520 / 1+
    Electric ...............................  200
        Body application system ............  607 / 2+
        Electrolytic .......................  361 / 435
        Generator control ..................  322 / 69+
        Sheet feeding ......................  271 / 263
        Systems ............................  307 / 96+
        Bed and platen .....................  101 / 287+
        Inker ..............................  101 / 335+
        Multicolor .........................  101 / 171+
        Planographic multicolor ............  101 / 135+
        Planographic rotary ................  101 / 141+
        Rolling contact bed and ............  101 / 282
        Cylinder ...........................  101 / 282+
        Rolling contact rotary .............  101 / 216+
    Sheet feeding ..........................  271 / 256+
    Signature gatherer .....................  270 / 56
Interval Generator Electrical ..............  327 / 261+
Intervalometers ............................  200 / 35 R+
    Intervalometers systems ................  307 / 141.4
    Cleaning ...............................  452 / 123
    Removing ...............................  452 / 106+
Intravenous Devices ........................  D24 / 108+
Intrenching ................................  42 / 93
    Tools ..................................  294 / 49+
        Cutter combined ....................  7 / 116+
    Beds ...................................  5 / 600+
    Chair design ...........................  D12 / 128+
    Feeding devices ........................  414 / 9
    Litters and stretchers .................  5 / 89.1+
    Mattresses .............................  5 / 652+
Inventories ................................  283 / 55
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  705 / 28+
        Itemization ........................  705 / 29
        With cash register .................  705 / 22
Inventory Management, Automated ............  705 / 28
Invert Sugar ...............................  127 / 41
Inverter See Derectifier  
    Computer applications ..................  705 / 35
        Portfolio management ...............  705 / 36
        Trading stocks, bidding ............  705 / 37
Iodic Acid .................................  423 / 481
Iodides ....................................  423 / 462
Iodine .....................................  423 / 500+
    Medicines containing inorganic .........  424 / 667+
    Medicines containing organic ...........  514 / 1+
Iodoform ...................................  570 / 181
    Exchange, compositions .................  252 / 184
        Synthetic polymers .................  521 / 25
        Treating polymers with .............  528 / 482
    Exchange, during glass making ..........  65 / 30.13+
    Exchange, liquid purification ..........  210 / 660+
        For actinide series compounds ......  423 / 249+
        For thermonuclear reactors .........  376 / 146
    Generating chamber  
        Gas tube ...........................  313 / 567+
        Mass spectrometer type  
        (See ion source)  
        Vacuum tube having .................  313 / 230
    Implantation apparatus .................  315 / 111.81
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 660+
    Source for mass spectrometry ...........  313 / 564
        Electrical system for ..............  315 / 111.81
        Having heating means ...............  313 / 550
        With spectrometer ..................  250 / 281+
    Trap ...................................  335 / 210+
        With cathode ray tube ..............  313 / 424+
        With tv picture tube ...............  313 / 424+
Ion Selective or Ion Sensitive .............  204 / 416+
    Electrode ..............................  204 / 416+
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.03
        Dissolved gas ......................  422 / 82.05
    Chamber radioactivity ..................  250 / 335+
    Gauge ..................................  250 / 374+
    Geiger muller tube .....................  313 / 93
    In thermonuclear reactions .............  376 / 100
    Tissue equivalent ......................  250 / 472.1
        With tissue equivalent gas .........  250 / 336.1
Ionomer Resin Systems (See Synthetic  
    Resin or natural rubber)  
Ionones ....................................  568 / 378
    Amplifiers .............................  359 / 333+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 461
    Filaments ..............................  75
    Inorganic compound recovery ............  423 / 22
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 560
        Hydrometallurgy ....................  75 / 711+
        Pyrometallurgy .....................  75 / 631
Iron (See Ferrous Alloys; Ironing  
    Devices; metal)  
    Bridge girder ..........................  14 / 74.5
    Curling hair ...........................  D28 / 38
    Dies for making  
        Plow and cultivator ................  72 / 472
        Railway car ........................  72 / 343+
        Railway track ......................  72 / 343+
        Vehicle land type ..................  72 / 470+
    Electrolysis ...........................  205
        Cleaning ...........................  205 / 712+
    Founding ...............................  164
    Gas injection ..........................  75 / 528+
    Inorganic compound .....................  423
        Coating or plastic composition .....  106 / 286.3
        Oxide or hydroxide .................  423 / 632
        Tanning ............................  8 / 94.28
        Flanged bar rolling ................  72 / 190+
        Plow and cultivator ................  29 / 14
        Structure member ...................  29 / 897+
    Ore beneficiating ......................  423 / 1+
    Ore briquetting and binding ............  75 / 746+
        Electrometallurgical treatment .....  75 / 10.1+
    Organic compound  
        Azo ................................  534 / 692+
        Carbocyclic or acyclic .............  556 / 138+
        Ferrocenes .........................  556 / 143+
        Protein or reaction product ........  530 / 400
    Pigments ...............................  106 / 456+
    Plate ..................................  428 / 681+
    Preparation ............................  75
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 587+
        Inorganic medicinal ................  424 / 646
        Organic medicinal ..................  514 / 184
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 433+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 416+
        Grab ...............................  105 / 461
        Jacking poling roping ..............  105 / 462
    Ship ...................................  114 / 79 R+
        Mast ...............................  114 / 94
        Spar ...............................  114 / 100
    Soldering ..............................  D10 / 46+
    Steam ..................................  38 / 77.1+
    Structural elements ....................  52
        Branding electrically heated .......  219 / 227+
            With indicia ...................  101 / 31
        Branding with heating burner .......  126 / 402+
        Curling electric ...................  219 / 222+
        Curling with heating burner ........  126 / 408+
        Flat ...............................  38 / 74+
        Glass blow .........................  65 / 300+
        Sadiron electric ...................  219 / 245+
        Sadirons with heating burner .......  126 / 411
        Soldering ..........................  228 / 51+
        Soldering electric .................  219 / 229+
        Soldering with heating burner ......  126 / 413+
    Vehicle land type  
        Body stay ..........................  296 / 42
        Chafe ..............................  280 / 161+
        Hay rack body ......................  296 / 9
        Running gear .......................  280 / 149
        Top ................................  296 / 119
    Walking ................................  602 / 10
    Working (see metal, treatment;  
    Metal, working)  
    Wrought producing ......................  75 / 438+
Irone ......................................  568 / 378
Ironing Devices  
        Cord plug ..........................  439
        Cord support .......................  248 / 51
    Board ..................................  38 / 103+
        Convertible to ladder ..............  182 / 28+
        Design .............................  D32 / 66
    Collar cuff neckband ...................  223 / 52.1+
    Electrically heated ....................  219 / 245
    Hat type ...............................  223 / 21
    Heating stoves  
        Liquid or gaseous fuel .............  126 / 230
        Solid fuel .........................  126 / 227+
    Iron with light ........................  362 / 117
    Ladder convertible to ironing ..........  182 / 29+
    Board ..................................  182 / 29+
    Laundry iron or press ..................  D32 / 9
    Plaiting fluting shirring type .........  223 / 36
    Self heating burner ....................  126 / 411+
    Tables for textiles ....................  38 / 103+
    Textile smoothing or pressing ..........  38
        Implements .........................  38 / 69+
        Machines ...........................  38 / 1 R+
    Thermostats ............................  236 / 7
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 324+
        Stemming combined ..................  131 / 315+
Irradiation (See Radiant Energy)  
    Coating ................................  427 / 552+
        Electromagnetic or particulate .....  427 / 595+
        Energy utilized ....................  427 / 595+
        Polymerization utilizing ...........  427 / 487+
        Electrical, magnetic, wave .........  427 / 487+
        Or particulate energy ..............  427 / 487+
        Pretreatment of substrate or .......  427 / 532+
        Post-treatment of coated ...........  427 / 532+
        Substrate utilizing ................  427 / 532+
    Nuclear conversion (see also ...........  376 / 156
    Nuclear reaction or reactor) ...........  376 / 156
    Channel ................................  405 / 118+
    Furrow plow and roller .................  172 / 176
    Mobile, ambulant pipeline ..............  239 / 726+
    Nozzles ................................  239 / 542
    Pipe coupling ..........................  285 / 5+
    Plant husbandry  
        Germinator for seeds ...............  47 / 61+
        Plant cover shade and screen .......  47 / 21.1
        Plant receptacle ...................  47 / 79+
        Subsoil ............................  47 / 48.5
    Subsoil ................................  405 / 35+
    Syringe ................................  604 / 187+
Isatin .....................................  548 / 485
Isethionic .................................  562 / 108
Isinglass (See Glue)  
Isoburneol .................................  568 / 820
Isobutylene Polymers (See Also .............  526 / 348.7
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber) .....  526 / 348.7
Isochondodendrine ..........................  546 / 34
    Esters .................................  560 / 330+
    Fiber modification, carbonate & ........  8 / DIG 11
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 364
    Polymer product derived from or  
    Containing (see synthetic resin  
    Or natural rubber)  
        Cellular porous product ............  521 / 50+
Isocyanurate Cellular Product ..............  521 / 902*
Isodibenzanthrone ..........................  552 / 276
Isoeugenol .................................  568 / 652
Isoguanosine (2-Oxoadenosine) ..............  536 / 27.7
Isoindoles .................................  548 / 470
Isoindolines ...............................  548 / 482
    Fatty oils .............................  554 / 1+
    Mineral oils ...........................  208 / 46+
    Of hydrocarbons ........................  585
        Alicyclic synthesis  
            By double-bond shift ...........  585 / 377+
            By double-bond shift in side ...  585 / 363
            Chain ..........................  585 / 363
            By ring opening or shift .......  585 / 353
        Aromatic synthesis .................  585 / 477+
        In addition to alkylation ..........  585 / 332
        In addition to hydrogenation .......  585 / 253
        Olefin synthesis, double-bond ......  585 / 664+
        Shift ..............................  585 / 664+
        Paraffin synthesis .................  585 / 734
Isoniazio, in Drug .........................  514 / 354
Isonitriles ................................  558 / 302
Isophorone .................................  568 / 377
Isoprene (See Diolefin Hydrocarbon) .......  585 / 601+
    Polymerized solid ......................  526 / 335+
    (See also synthetic resin or ...........  526 / 335
    Natural rubber) ........................  526 / 335
Isopropylphenol ............................  568 / 781
Isoquinolines ..............................  546 / 139+
Isostatic Pressing  
    Powder metallurgy ......................  419 / 49
Isothiazoles ...............................  548 / 206+
Isothiocyanate Esters ......................  558 / 17+
    Actinide group metals ..................  75 / 393+
    Comparator .............................  250 / 281+
    Detection ..............................  250 / 281+
    Exchange, in hydrocarbon synthesis .....  585 / 941*
    Nuclear conversion reactions ...........  376 / 156
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 421
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 356
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 171
    Producing ..............................  976 / DIG 398+
    Radioactive composition ................  252 / 625
    Radioactive metal composition ..........  420 / 1+
    Separatory distillation of .............  203 / 5
    Using wave energy to enrich or .........  204 / 157.2+
    Separate ...............................  204 / 157.2+
Isourea ....................................  558 / 8
Isoviolanthrone ............................  552 / 276
Isoxazoles .................................  548 / 240+
Itaconic Acid ..............................  562 / 595
I U D  
    Pessaries ..............................  128 / 834+
    X-art collection .......................  525 / 937*
Itemization, Automated .....................  705 / 29
Izod Test ..................................  73 / 844

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