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Y Guns .....................................  89 / 1.1
Yacht See Ship  
Yale Tm Lock ...............................  70 / 492
    Railway car ............................  104 / 26.1+
    Ship spar ..............................  114 / 95+
    Stick ..................................  33 / 483+
Yarn See Thread  
    Doll ...................................  446 / 372+
    Fluid treatment of package .............  8 / 155+
    Printing on ............................  101 / 172
    Structure ..............................  57
    Testing ................................  73 / 160
Yeast (See Also Fungi)  
    Apparatus ..............................  435 / 283.1+
    Cell mutation, genetic engineering .....  435 / 440+
        Body treating ......................  424 / 93.1+
        Bread making with ..................  426 / 18+
        Edible products ....................  426
            Bread making ...................  426 / 18+
            Single cell protein ............  435 / 804*
    Fermenting carbohydrates by ............  435
    Products, microorganism per se .........  435 / 243+
        Enzyme, processes for ..............  435 / 183
        Nonferment material combined .......  435 / 174+
            For stabilizing ................  435 / 188
    Propagation ............................  435 / 255.1+
        Apparatus ..........................  435 / 283.1+
        Nonferment material combined .......  435 / 283.1+
    Yeast, per se, culture methods .........  435 / 255.1+
        Transformants ......................  435 / 254.2+
    Measuring and testing ..................  435 / 7.31
Yoghurt ....................................  426 / 583
Yohimbine ..................................  546 / 53
    Derivatives ............................  546 / 53
    Animal draft appliance  
        Neck yoke ..........................  278 / 119+
        Thill ..............................  278 / 51
    Apparel ................................  2 / 122
    Axle lubricator ........................  384 / 374
    Bottle closure .........................  215 / 237+
    Chuck ..................................  279 / 19.1+
    Draft ..................................  D30 / 137+
    Grapple ................................  294 / 91
    Harness ................................  54 / 3
        Ox .................................  54 / 77
    Motor fluid current ....................  416 / 244 R
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 274
        Conduit ............................  104 / 142+
        Draft appliance cushioned ..........  213 / 47+
        Draw bar ...........................  213 / 67 R+
        Track fastener .....................  238 / 314
        Truck platform .....................  105 / 214
        Lever set ..........................  368 / 199
        Pendant set ........................  368 / 197+
    Wrench shank grip ......................  81 / 152
Ytterium Inorganic Recovery ................  423 / 21.1+

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