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K Acid .....................................  562 / 71
K Guns .....................................  89 / 1.1
Kaleidoscopes ..............................  359 / 616+
    Design .................................  D21 / 439+
    Kaleidoscopic exhibitions ..............  359 / 616+
Kalsomines .................................  106
Kanamycin ..................................  536 / 13.7+
Kaolin (See Clay)  
Karaya Gum .................................  536 / 114
Kauri Gum ..................................  530 / 203
Kayaks .....................................  114 / 347
    Design .................................  D12 / 302
    Blocks for ships in dry dock ...........  405 / 7
    Rudders mounted on or below keel .......  114 / 149
    Ship ...................................  114 / 140+
Keenes Cement ..............................  106 / 777
    Lock or latch ..........................  292 / 340+
        Casing interfitting for ............  70 / 102
        Swinging door ......................  70 / 102
        Extensible for sliding door ........  70 / 96+
    Movable checkhook ......................  54 / 62
Kefir ......................................  426 / 583
Keg See Barrel  
Kelly ......................................  464 / 163
    Alkali metal inorganic .................  423 / 179+
    Recovery from ..........................  423 / 179+
    Iodine recovery from ...................  423 / 500
Kennels ....................................  119 / 482+
    Window .................................  119 / 484
Keratins ...................................  530 / 357
    Fermentative treatment .................  435 / 272+
        Mining or disintegrating ...........  299
        In situ ............................  299
        Woodworking ........................  144 / 136.1+
    Guide ..................................  83 / 102.1
    Spreading ..............................  83 / 102.1
Ketchup See Catsup  
Ketenes ....................................  568 / 301+
Ketimines ..................................  564 / 271+
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 276+
    Aromatic ...............................  564 / 271
Ketol ......................................  568 / 414+
Ketole (See Indole)  
Ketones ....................................  568 / 303+
    Carboxylic acid esters  
        Acyclic ............................  560 / 174+
        Alicyclic ..........................  560 / 126
        Aromatic ...........................  560 / 51+
    Ketone bodies ..........................  436 / 128
    Preparation of .........................  568 / 303+
Ketoximes ..................................  564 / 253+
Kettle See Pot .............................  220 / 573.1+
    Drums ..................................  84 / 419
    Furnace ................................  126 / 345+
    Open top liquid heating vessel .........  126 / 373.1+
        Code generator .....................  341 / 22+
        Controlled light valves with .......  250 / 227.22
        Light conductors ...................  250 / 227.22
        Design .............................  D14 / 399+
        Display control ....................  345 / 168+
        Electric signal systems ............  341 / 22+
            Housing or mounting assembly ...  361 / 680
            Keyboard actvated display ......  345 / 168+
        Musical instrument transposer ......  84 / 445
        Musical instruments ................  84 / 423 R+
            Design .........................  D17 / 1+
            For accordions .................  984 / 148
            For pianos .....................  984 / 61
        Operation training .................  434 / 227+
            For organs or harmoniums .......  984 / 13
        Point of sale device ...............  705 / 25
        Punch machine, selective ...........  234 / 123+
        Registers ..........................  235 / 145 R+
        Registers key locks ................  235 / 27
        Switches, mechanically actuated, ...  200
        General ............................  200
        Typewriter .........................  400 / 472+
        Typewriter key levers ..............  400 / 496+
        Typewriter key locks ...............  400 / 663+
    Can opening ............................  220 / 274+
    Clock winding ..........................  D08 / 347+
    Clock winding ..........................  968 / 24+
    Code instruction .......................  434 / 222+
    Controlled closure .....................  220 / 210
    Controlled musical instruments .........  84 / 1+
        Automatic players ..................  84 / 2+
    Cotter type ............................  411 / 513+
        Nail lock ..........................  411 / 356+
        Signal box transmission ............  340 / 287+
        Switch .............................  200
        Telegraph ..........................  178 / 101+
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 251+
    Holders ................................  70 / 456 R+
        Case ...............................  206 / 37.1+
        Design, cases or rings .............  D03 / 207+
        With light .........................  362 / 116
        Alarm ..............................  116 / 80
        Cover ..............................  70 / 455
        Escutcheons ........................  70 / 452
        Guards .............................  70 / 423+
        Illuminator ........................  362 / 100
    Horological apparatus ..................  81 / 122+
        Making .............................  76 / 114
        Winding attached ...................  368 / 214
    Identification tags ....................  283 / 74+
    Lock illuminator .......................  362 / 100
    Lock type (see key hole) ..............  70 / 393+
        Alarm ..............................  116 / 80
        Cutting by milling .................  409 / 89+
        Design .............................  D08 / 347+
        Holders ............................  70 / 456 R+
        Identification .....................  70 / 460
        Insertion guide ....................  70 / 454
        Processes and blanks ...............  76 / 110
    Locking bolt or nut to substructure  
        Laterally introduced key ...........  411 / 137
        Longitudianal key ..................  411 / 110
    Locking bolt to nut  
        Elongated key, disposed axially ....  411 / 216
        Elongated key, disposed axially ....  411 / 321
        Laterally movable key ..............  411 / 199
        Laterally movable key ..............  411 / 209
        Laterally movable key ..............  411 / 315
        Received in each of plural nuts ....  411 / 224
        Swingable key ......................  411 / 205
        Used with thread lock  
            Longitudinal key ...............  411 / 292
            Radial key .....................  411 / 294
            Tangential key .................  411 / 300
        Bowed stringed instruments .........  84 / 315+
        Plucked stringed instruments .......  84 / 320+
    Morse ..................................  178 / 101+
    Operated (see device operated)  
    Rail joints utilizing ..................  238 / 151+
    Railway wheel tire fastening ...........  295 / 19
    Ring or fob ............................  D03 / 207+
    Seater .................................  409 / 190
    Telegraph ..............................  178 / 101+
        Design .............................  D14 / 456
    Torque transmitting ....................  403 / 355+
        Pullers ............................  29 / 250
        Slidable for gearing ...............  74 / 356+
Keyed Block (See Block)  
    In transmitter .........................  375 / 309+
        Alternating current telegraphy .....  178 / 66.2
    Miscellaneous electronic device ........  327 / 185+
    Type ...................................  327 / 185+
Keystone Blocks ............................  52 / 575
Kick Plate .................................  16 / 402
    Kick guard .............................  16 / DIG 2
Kicker .....................................  83 / 707+
Kickers and Blowing Agent Moderators  
    (See synthetic resin or natural  
Kier Treatment of Fibers ...................  8 / 157
Kiln .......................................  432 / 120+
    Carbonizing ............................  202
    Drying .................................  34 / 201+
    Kiln ...................................  D15 / 144.1
Kimonos ....................................  2 / 74
    Composition ............................  44 / 542+
Kinematographic Apparatus  
    (See motion picture)  
    Cathode ray tube .......................  313 / 364+
    Motion picture .........................  352 / 129
    Television system using ................  348 / 805+
Kinesitherapy ..............................  601 / 1+
    Design .................................  D24 / 200+
King Pin ...................................  403
Kingbolts ..................................  72 / 472
Kiosks .....................................  52 / 361+
    Cabinets ...............................  312
        With sifter ........................  312 / 210.5
    Utensils ...............................  D07 / 368+
Kites ......................................  244 / 153 R+
    Design .................................  D21 / 445+
    Camp ...................................  206 / 541+
        Convertible to table ...............  190 / 12 A
    Diagnostic .............................  206 / 569
    Lunch ..................................  206 / 541+
    Mess ...................................  206 / 541+
    Photographic ...........................  396 / 519+
    Pocket stove ...........................  126 / 38
    Signal for trainmen ....................  246 / 488
    Toilet kit .............................  132 / 286+
        Absent special toilet articles .....  401 / 118
        Eg, mirror .........................  401 / 118+
Klystron ...................................  315 / 5+
    Amplifier ..............................  330 / 45
    Demodulator ............................  329
    Modulator ..............................  332
    Oscillator .............................  331 / 83
    Reflex .................................  315 / 5.18+
Knapsack ...................................  224 / 627+
    Backpack convertible to other ..........  224 / 153
    Devise .................................  224 / 153
    With belt ..............................  224 / 637+
Kneader (See Mixer)  
    Bread board ............................  269 / 302.1
    Bread, pastry or confection ............  366 / 69+
        Implements .........................  416 / 70 R
    Surgical ...............................  601 / 134+
    Vulcanizable gums  
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 197+
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 200+
        Kneeling bus suspension ............  280 / 6.152
        Running gear .......................  280 / 5.5+
        Active suspension control ..........  280 / 5.5+
        Running gear .......................  280 / 124.1+
        Mechanical arrangements ............  280 / 124.1+
        Shaft transmission mechanism .......  180 / 348+
        Combined ...........................  180 / 348+
        Vehicle spring devices .............  267 / 228+
    Artificial .............................  623 / 39+
        Knee bone ..........................  623 / 20.14+
    Garment protectors .....................  2 / 62
    Length trousers or overalls ............  2 / 228
    Lock for composing stick ...............  276 / 39
    Operated control lever or linkage ......  74 / 515 R
    Pads or rests ..........................  2 / 24
    Ship ...................................  114 / 87
    Support surgical table combined ........  269
    Vehicle runner .........................  280 / 27
Kneehole Desk ..............................  312 / 194+
    Box or holder ..........................  D07 / 637
    Changing ...............................  83 / 954*
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 138+
    Cutting ................................  76 / 82+
    Design .................................  D07 / 649+
    Electric or battery driven .............  D07 / 646
    Hand manipulable cutting ...............  30
        Additional tool combined ...........  7 / 151+
    Handles ................................  D08 / DIG 4
    Harvester ..............................  451 / 128
        Clamp ..............................  451 / 372+
    Holder, body or belt attached ..........  224 / 232
    Knife edge texturing ...................  28 / 260
    Machette or hunting knife ..............  D22 / 118
    Machine knife in situ ..................  451 / 419+
    Processes ..............................  451 / 45
    Rest ...................................  248 / 37.3+
    Sharpener attachment for food mixer ....  D08 / 35
    Sharpener, powered .....................  D08 / 63
    Snap type ..............................  200 / 472
    Solid material comminution .............  241 / 291+
    Swaging ................................  76 / 89.2
    Switch, knife blade ....................  200 / 554+
Knit Fabrics and Articles ..................  66 / 169 R+
    Caps ...................................  2 / 195.8
    Design .................................  D05 / 47+
    Knit-deknit texturing ..................  28 / 218
    Neckties ...............................  2 / 147
    Darning ................................  66 / 2
    Design .................................  D05 / 11+
    Fabric manipulation ....................  66 / 147+
    Fabric or article ......................  66 / 169 R+
    Feeding ................................  66 / 125 R+
    Looper pin & hook ......................  66 / 3+
        Elements ...........................  66 / 90+
    Needles see needle & needle ............  66 / 116+
        Independent needle machines ........  66 / 7+
        Needle beds ........................  66 / 114+
        Needle cooperating elements ........  66 / 90+
        United needle machines .............  66 / 78+
    Pattern mechanism ......................  66 / 231+
    Reknitting .............................  66 / 1.5
    Sheaths ................................  30 / 151+
    Stopping ...............................  66 / 157+
        Additional tool combined ...........  7 / 158+
Knobs ......................................  16 / 441+
    Bed post ornament ......................  5 / 281
    Combination lock operator ..............  70 / 445
    Door ...................................  292 / 347
        Attaching devices ..................  292 / 348+
        Bearings ...........................  292 / 356
        Design .............................  D08 / 300+
        Miscellaneous hardware .............  16 / 414
        Miscellaneous hardware .............  16 / 441+
        Rose plates ........................  292 / 357
    Insulated ..............................  16 / 433
    Label combined .........................  40 / 331+
    Lock combined ..........................  70 / 207+
    Machine element ........................  74 / 553
        Deforming sheet metal ..............  72
        Metal ..............................  29 / 896.5
    Pull or ................................  D08 / 300+
    Signal combined (see knob) ............  116
    Beds and cots ..........................  5
    Box wooden .............................  217 / 12 R+
    Bureaus ................................  312 / 266+
    Cabinets ...............................  312 / 257.1+
    Cooking rack ...........................  99 / 449
    Crate wooden ...........................  217 / 43 R+
    Desks kneehole type ....................  312 / 195
    Foundry core bar .......................  164 / 400
    Freight car ............................  105 / 363
    Hand rake ..............................  56 / 400.19+
    Hold knife or razor ....................  30 / 332
    Ladder .................................  182 / 194
    Pedestal table .........................  108 / 150
    Picture frames .........................  40 / 779
    Razor ..................................  30 / 47
    Reel ...................................  242 / 407.1
        Spool ..............................  242 / 607+
    Sifter support .........................  209 / 414
    Stand ..................................  248 / 529
        Plural leg .........................  248 / 165
        Receptacle .........................  248 / 150
    Stoves .................................  126 / 9 R
    Toys ...................................  446 / 85+
    Velocipede .............................  280 / 278
        Frames .............................  280 / 287
    Weighing scale .........................  177 / 126+
    Boll hulling combined ..................  19 / 37
        Breaker combined ...................  19 / 36
    Cable hoist ............................  212 / 116
    Door ...................................  D08 / 401
    Sifting element ........................  209 / 382
Knockouts ..................................  220 / 265+
Knot and Knotting (See Tying) .............  289
    Book sewing machine ....................  112 / 22
    Detector ...............................  28 / 227
        Compressing and binding ............  56 / 433+
        Cutting conveying and binding ......  56 / 131+
        Raking and bundling ................  56 / 343
    Mesh fabric ............................  87 / 53
        Making .............................  87 / 12
    Necktie ................................  2 / 148+
    Sash cord ..............................  16 / 207
    Sewing machine stitch former ...........  112 / 156
    Strand joint ...........................  403
    Wireworking ............................  140 / 101
Knowledge Processing .......................  706 / 45+
    Applications ...........................  706 / 902*
    Creation or modification ...............  706 / 59+
    Knowledge representation and ...........  706 / 46
    Reasoning technique ....................  706 / 46
Knuckle ....................................  213 / 100 R+
Knurling Metal .............................  72 / 703*
    By rolling .............................  72 / 191+
    Methods & apparatus ....................  29 / DIG 23
KRATON™    (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Kraut ......................................  426
    Canned .................................  426 / 131
Kyropoulos Type Crystallization ............  117 / 11+

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