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Monitoring, Assessment and TMDLs

Monitoring, Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Quick Finder
Photo of Guam coastal waters
Guam Coastal Waters

Pacific Islands Water Quality

EPA Region 9 works with the Pacific Island territories through its Pacific Islands Office (PIO), which provides technical and funding assistance to territorial environmental protection programs. The territories have completed Section 305(b) and Section 303(d) reports for several reporting cycles; each Territory is now beginning to develop TMDLs. More information about PIO can be found at the EPA Region 9 Pacific Islands Office Web site.

American Samoa

Monitoring, assessment, and TMDL development work is conducted by American Samoa EPA. For more information, contact:

Edna Buchan (ebuchan2@yahoo.com)
Water Program Manager
American Samoa EPA
P.O. Box PPA
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Phone: (684) 633-2304 (9-011)
Fax: (684) 633-5801 (9-011)

General information about American Samoa EPA's water quality programs can be found at the EPA Region 9 American Samoa Web page.

Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)

Monitoring, assessment, and TMDL development work is conducted by CNMI Division of Environmental Quality.

More information may be obtained at the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality's Web siteExiting EPA (disclaimer)  or by contacting:

Peter Houk
CNMI Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 1304
Saipan, MP 96950
(670) 664-8500

General information about CNMI DEQ's water quality programs also can be found at EPA Region 9's Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Web page.


Monitoring, assessment, and TMDL development work is conducted by Guam EPA. More information may be obtained at the following link Guam Environmental Protection Agency's site Exiting EPA (disclaimer) or by contacting:

Christopher Lund
Director, Water Division
Guam EPA
P.O. Box 22439-GMF
Barrigada, Guam 96921
(671) 475-1637

Monitoring and Assessment: A copy of the Guam 305(b) report can be found at Guam EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Analytical Services Division (EMAS) Web site Exiting EPA (disclaimer).

Section 303(d) Listing: A copy of the Guam 303(d) list can be found at Guam EPA's Water Programs Division Web site Exiting EPA (disclaimer).

General information about Guams EPA's water quality programs also can be found at EPA Region 9's Guam Web page.

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