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Monitoring, Assessment and TMDLs

Monitoring, Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Quick Finder
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States and territories in the Region 9 (Pacific Southwest) maintain programs that conduct water quality monitoring, develop assessment reports, and develop TMDLs for impaired waters. More information about individual State and Territory programs can be found at the links listed above.

EPA Region 9 provides technical assistance to State and Territorial monitoring and assessment programs and grant funding to support the operation of these programs. Region 9 also conducts special monitoring studies to improve our understanding of water quality in the Region. For example, the Western Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program currently implements several monitoring studies designed to generate state and regional scale assessments of the condition of ecological resources in the western United States.

For more information

Janet Hashimoto (hashimoto.janet@epa.gov)
Regional Monitoring Coordinator
(415) 972-3452

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