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Oceans, Coasts, and Estuaries

Oceans, Coasts, and Estuaries Quick Finder
National Information
California coast

Region 9 oversees many programs protecting coastal waters, from Malibu to Guam. Coastal fresh water replenishes ground water reservoirs, creates unique springs and waterfalls, and supports vegetation that filters out impurities and reduces the speed, volume, and frequency of flooding events. Coastal salt water travels from the sea into bays, harbors, inlets, and sloughs. These waters support a variety of estuarine habitats and create nurseries for different species of fish, including coastal salmon. Residents and tourists alike enjoy California's dramatic coastline and Hawaii's world renowned beaches. Ensuring that coastal waters like these are safe for recreation is an important part of EPA's mission.

Through our authorities under the Clean Water Act and other laws, EPA Region 9 works with the states of California and Hawaii and pacific trust territories to establish water quality standards for the protection of aquatic life and human health. EPA regulates offshore drilling activities, discharges from cruise lines, and ocean dumping, and oversees state nonpoint source pollution, stormwater and wastewater discharge programs. EPA administers three National Estuary Program projects in the region: Santa Monica Bay, San Francisco Estuary and Morro Bay. Exiting EPA (disclaimer) 

In addition, EPA Region 9 participates in the national Coral Reef Task Force Exiting EPA (disclaimer) and provides funding for the protection of special aquatic resources through State, Tribal, and Local Government agencies. Consistent with the objectives of this Coral Reef taskforce, Region 9 is supportive of local action strategies to protect local reefs from land-based pollution sources.

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