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H Acid .....................................  562 / 71
Habitat, Aquatic Animal  
    Crustacean .............................  119 / 207+
    Fish ...................................  119 / 220+
    Mollust ................................  119 / 238
Habitat, Submarine .........................  114 / 314
Hack Saw ...................................  30 / 507+
    Combined ...............................  7 / 149+
    Design .................................  D08 / 96
    Hanging ................................  83 / 783+
    Combing ................................  19 / 115 R+
    Decorticating ..........................  19 / 5 R+
Hacks Tree .................................  30 / 121
Haemocytometer .............................  356 / 39
    Testing lenses .........................  356 / 124+
    Artificial furs ........................  428 / 85+
    Artificial structure ...................  132 / 201
    Astringent (non-dye) ...................  424 / 70.8
    Beauty parlor equipment ................  D28 / 10+
    Brush ..................................  15 / 160+
    Carried hat fasteners ..................  132 / 60
    Clippers ...............................  D28 / 52+
    Coating compositions ...................  106 / 124.8+
    Coloring ...............................  424 / 70.6
    Compositions ...........................  424 / 70.1+
        Curling iron .......................  D28 / 38
        Electrically heated ................  219 / 222+
        Fluid fuel heated ..................  126 / 408+
    Cutters ................................  30
        Design .............................  D08 / 57
        Design clippers ....................  D28 / 52+
        For inside ear or nose .............  30 / 29.5
        Hair planers .......................  30 / 30+
    Drying on head  
        Apparatus ..........................  34 / 96+
        Processes ..........................  34 / 283
        Supports for .......................  34 / 101
    Dye applicator .........................  D28 / 7+
    Dyeing and dyes ........................  8 / 405+
    Fasteners ..............................  132 / 273+
        Design .............................  D28 / 39+
    Fertilizer from ........................  71 / 18
    Hairpiece ..............................  D28 / 92+
    Inserters ..............................  606 / 187
    Jeweled fastener .......................  63 / 33
    Mascara (non-therapeutic) ..............  424 / 70.7
    Net ....................................  132 / 274
    Permanent waving or straightening ......  424 / 70.2
    Pins (see hairpins) ...................  132 / 276+
    Planers ................................  30 / 30+
    Removing see notes .....................  30 / 32
        Burial preparation .................  27 / 21.1+
        Butchering .........................  452 / 71+
        Coarse or water hair from fur ......  69 / 24+
        Cutters for inside ear or nose .....  30 / 29.5
        Depilating untanned skins ..........  8 / 94.16
        Depilatories .......................  8 / 94.16+
        Electric needle ....................  606 / 44
        Electric needle supports ...........  606 / 44
        Fiber liberating ...................  19 / 2
        Fur treatment ......................  69 / 24+
        Razors .............................  30 / 32+
        Surgical instruments ...............  606 / 222+
        Tweezers ...........................  606 / 133
    Shampoo compositions ...................  510 / 119+
        Conditioning .......................  510 / 119+
        Medicated ..........................  514
    Shampoo other than for cleansing .......  424 / 70.1+
    Or therapeutic .........................  424 / 70.1+
    Shampooing apparatus ...................  4 / 515+
    Shearing, fur finishing ................  26 / 15 R+
        Thinning shears ....................  30 / 195
    Springs ................................  368 / 175+
    Strand making  
        Covering by spinning etc ...........  57 / 4
        Spinning etc .......................  57 / 28+
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber ......  524 / 12
    Containing compositions ................  524 / 12
    Textile spinning etc ...................  57 / 29
    Thinners ...............................  30 / 195
        Design .............................  D28 / 52+
    Toilet grooming or hygiene .............  132
    (Methods) ..............................  132
    Toilet preparations ....................  424 / 70.1+
    Treating process .......................  132 / 200+
    Tufting hair in doll or wig ............  112 / 80.02
    Uv protectant ..........................  424 / 70.9
    Waving .................................  132 / 200+
Hairpin ....................................  132 / 276+
    Design .................................  D28 / 39+
    Dispenser ..............................  132 / 332
    Hat fastener cord or loop and ..........  132 / 61
    Making .................................  140 / 87
    Packaging ..............................  227 / 25
Half Belts .................................  2 / 309
Half Wave  
    Gas rectifier ..........................  313 / 567+
        With hot cathode ...................  313 / 629
    High voltage rectifier .................  313 / 317+
        With emissive cathode ..............  313 / 310
        With thermionic cathode ............  313 / 310
    Rectifier system .......................  363 / 13+
        Circuit interrupter for ............  200
        Dynamoelectric machine .............  310 / 10+
        Electronic tube for ................  313 / 317+
        Gas tube type ......................  363 / 114+
        Power packs ........................  307 / 150
        Vacuum tube type ...................  363 / 114+
        With filter ........................  363 / 39+
        With voltage regulator .............  363 / 84+
    Blanks and processes printing ..........  101 / 401.1
    Engraving ..............................  358 / 3.3
    Etching ................................  216 / 72
    Etching ................................  216 / 95
    Photographic process ...................  430 / 396
    Photographic screens ...................  359 / 893+
        Chemically defined .................  430 / 6+
    Printing ...............................  358 / 3.06+
    Printing plates ........................  101 / 395
Halides (See Material Halogenated)  
    Hydrocarbon ............................  570 / 101+
        As azeotropes ......................  203 / 67
        Electromagnetic wave synthesis .....  204 / 157.15+
        Electrostatic field or .............  204 / 169
        Electrical discharge synthesis .....  204 / 169
    Metal ..................................  423 / 462+
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 498+
    Nitroaromatic ..........................  568 / 927+
    Nonmetal inorganic .....................  423 / 462
    Organic acid ...........................  562 / 800+
    Rubber hydrohalide .....................  525 / 332.3
Hall Effect Means in an Amplifier ..........  330 / 6
Haloamines .................................  564 / 114+
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 118+
        Hydroxy or ether containing ........  564 / 119
        Plural difluoramime groups .........  564 / 121+
        Unsaturated ........................  564 / 120
    Alicyclic ..............................  564 / 117
    Amidines ...............................  564 / 116
Halogen Compounds (See Material  
Halogenated Carboxylic Acid Esters .........  560 / 1+
    Acyclic acid esters ....................  560 / 226+
        Of phenals .........................  560 / 145
    Acyclic amino acid esters ..............  560 / 172
    Acyclic carbamic acid esters ...........  560 / 161
    Acyclic oxy acid esters ................  560 / 184
    Acyclic polycarboxylic acid esters .....  560 / 192
    Acyclic unsaturated acid esters ........  560 / 219
    Alicyclic ..............................  560 / 125
    Aromatic amino acid esters .............  560 / 47
    Aromatic carbamic acid esters ..........  560 / 30
    Aromatic polycarboxylic acid esters ....  560 / 23
    Oxybenzoic acid esters .................  560 / 65
    Phenoxyacetic acid esters ..............  560 / 62+
Halohydrin .................................  568 / 841+
Halothiocarbonate Esters ...................  558 / 249
Halowax ....................................  570 / 181
    Brassiere type garment .................  450 / 1+
    Feed bags supported on .................  119 / 66
    Harness ................................  54 / 24+
        Design .............................  D30 / 134+
    Poke with bar and ......................  119 / 758+
    Snap releasers .........................  119 / 776
    Cookers ................................  99 / 422
    Grinders ...............................  241
    Molding and shaping see  
    Briquetting meat  
Hames ......................................  54 / 25+
    Collar combined ........................  54 / 18.1+
    Design .................................  D30 / 137
    Traces and connectors ..................  54 / 30+
    Tugs ...................................  54 / 32+
Hammer .....................................  81 / 20+
    Automobile fender straightening ........  72 / 705*
    Burglar alarm ..........................  116 / 88+
    Claw ...................................  254 / 26 R
    Combined with additional tools .........  7 / 143+
    Design .................................  D08 / 75
    Drop forging ...........................  72 / 435+
    Earth boring tool combined .............  175 / 135
    Firearm ................................  42
    Forging ................................  72 / 476+
    Heads for piano actions ................  84 / 254
    Impact clutch type .....................  173 / 93.5
    Implement combined .....................  81 / 463+
        Awl or prick punch .................  30 / 358+
    Internal combustion charge .............  123 / 157
    Igniter rocking electrode ..............  123 / 157
    Leather compacting .....................  69 / 1
    Magazine ...............................  227 / 133
        Forging dies for ...................  72 / 470+
        Processes of .......................  76 / 103
    Metal bending ..........................  72 / 462+
    Mills ..................................  241 / 185.5+
        Parallel material flow .............  241 / 138
        Perforated discharge ...............  241 / 86+
        Process ............................  241 / 27
        Series material flow ...............  241 / 154
    Musical instruments  
        Piano ..............................  84 / 236+
        Stringed instrument ................  84 / 323+
        Tuning .............................  84 / 459
    Nut cracker ............................  30 / 120.1
    Pile driver ............................  173 / 90+
    Punching machine .......................  83
    Riveting ...............................  72 / 476+
    Road rammer ............................  404 / 133.05
    Rock drilling ..........................  175 / 135+
    Rod encircling type ....................  81 / 27
    Saw stretching machine .................  76 / 26
    Scale removing .........................  29 / 81.15
    Shoe lasting stretcher and .............  12 / 109
    Stoneworking combined ..................  125 / 6+
        Impact tools .......................  125 / 40
    Tool driving ...........................  173 / 90+
    Tube cleaner inside ....................  15 / 104.07
    Tuning for pianos ......................  84 / 459
        Bar ................................  400 / 388+
        Key wheel ..........................  400 / 154+
    Welding ................................  228 / 24
    Woodworking ............................  81 / 20+
Hammock ....................................  5 / 120+
    Berth ..................................  105 / 320
    Design .................................  D06 / 386+
    Swing ..................................  297 / 277
Hamper or Basket ...........................  D32 / 37
    Laundry ................................  D32 / 37
    Article manipulated by mechanical ......  414 / 1+
    Hand-like movement .....................  414 / 1+
    Artificial .............................  623 / 57+
    Baskets ................................  217 / 122+
    Checker radioactivity ..................  250 / 336.1
        Miscellaneous ......................  250 / 336.1
        Scintillation type .................  250 / 361 R+
    Clock and watch ........................  368 / 228
    Clock and watch ........................  968 / 142+
        Design .............................  D10 / 127
    Coverings ..............................  D02 / 610+
    Doll ...................................  446 / 327+
    Dryers electric ........................  392 / 380+
        Design .............................  D28 / 54.1
    Electric applicators ...................  607 / 145+
    Exercising appliances ..................  601 / 40
    Gloves mittens and wristlets ...........  2 / 158+
        Design .............................  D02 / 617+
    Grips (see handle)  
        Blotter ............................  34 / 95.2
        Bowling ball .......................  473 / 127+
        Coating implement ..................  401 / 6
        With material supply ...............  401 / 6+
        Crutch hand hold ...................  135 / 72
        Golf club ..........................  473 / 300+
        Hand wheel rim .....................  74 / 558
        Handle bar .........................  74 / 551.9
        Penholder ..........................  15 / 443
        Rein holds .........................  54 / 74
        Ski pole ...........................  280 / 821+
        Tennis racket ......................  473 / 549+
        Wrench .............................  81 / 300+
    Guards and protectors ..................  2 / 16
        Cutting hand tool ..................  30 / 295
        Design .............................  D29 / 113+
        Fork ...............................  30 / 323
        Machine safety stop ................  192 / 130+
    Guides rests and straps  
        Coffin lowering strap ..............  27 / 33+
        Railway car strap ..................  105 / 354
        Stringed instrument rest ...........  84 / 328
        Typewriter keyboard guide ..........  400 / 715+
    Levers .................................  74 / 523+
    Looms ..................................  139 / 29+
    Manipulated implements (see hand  
        Apparel fluting iron ...............  223 / 36
        Atomizer ...........................  239 / 337+
        Bars for carrying ..................  294 / 15+
        Bells ..............................  116 / 171
        Blowtorch ..........................  431 / 344
        Cutlery ............................  30
        Dental .............................  433 / 141+
        Electric flashlight ................  362 / 208
        Flatiron ...........................  38 / 95
        Lantern ............................  362 / 257+
        Material handling ..................  294
        Pick for stringed musical ..........  84 / 322
        Instrument .........................  84 / 322
        Sorting ............................  209 / 614
        Telephone dialing tool .............  379 / 456
        Toaster or broiler .................  99 / 394
    Muffs design ...........................  D02 / 611+
    Operated devices (see type of  
    Device operated)  
    Operated devices agricultural and  
    Earth working  
        Cultivating tools ..................  172 / 351+
        Forks and shovels ..................  294 / 49+
        Harvesting cutter ..................  56 / 239+
        Plant irrigators ...................  47 / 48.5
        Planting dibble ....................  111 / 99
        Planting drill .....................  111 / 82
        Rakes ..............................  56 / 400.01+
        Raking and bundling ................  56 / 342
        Scoop excavator wheeled ............  37 / 434
        Snow excavator .....................  37 / 196+
        Snow excavator and melter ..........  37 / 230
        Subsoil irrigators .................  111 / 7.1+
    Organs automatic .......................  84 / 84+
    Setting mechanism for electric .........  368 / 60
    Clocks .................................  368 / 60+
    Stamps .................................  101 / 405
        Design .............................  D18 / 14+
    Surgical thermal wear ..................  607 / 145
    Tools (see type of tool) ..............  81
        Assembling or disassembling ........  29 / 270+
        Barrel croze .......................  147 / 24
        Barrel head scriber ................  147 / 41
        Boot and shoe making ...............  12 / 103+
        Butchering intestine cleaners ......  452 / 123
        Cherry seeder ......................  30 / 113.1
        Cleaning ...........................  15
        Clock or watch .....................  968 / 651+
        Cutlery ............................  30
        Dental .............................  433 / 25
        Fish scaling .......................  452 / 105
        Forks and shovels ..................  294 / 49+
        Hog scrapers .......................  452 / 94
        Meat and vegetable .................  30
        Meat tenderizers ...................  452 / 141+
        Oyster openers .....................  452 / 17
        Peach stoner .......................  30 / 113.1
        Pick, miners .......................  125 / 43
        Plural diverse tools ...............  7
        Railway mail delivery ..............  258 / 3
        Raisin seeder ......................  30 / 113.1
        Rake ...............................  56 / 400.01+
        Tamper for track laying ............  104 / 13+
        Tufting eg chenille applying .......  112 / 80.03+
        Tying cords or strands .............  289 / 17
        With light .........................  362 / 119+
        Land occupant propelled by hand ....  280 / 242.1+
        Railway hand car ...................  105 / 86+
        Scoop excavator ....................  37 / 435+
        Self loading type ..................  414 / 444+
        Truck ladder .......................  182 / 127
        Truck ladder with ..................  182 / 63.1+
        Erection means .....................  182 / 63.1+
            Gear lifting means .............  182 / 69.3
            Winch lifting means ............  182 / 69.2
        Trucks and barrows .................  280 / 47.17+
        Trucks and barrows dumping type ....  298 / 2+
    Wheels .................................  74 / 552+
Hand Cart Design ...........................  D34 / 12+
Hand Mirror ................................  359 / 882
    Plural mirror ..........................  359 / 850+
Handbags ...................................  150 / 100+
    Design .................................  D03 / 232+
    Frame ..................................  D03 / 324
    Latch ..................................  D08 / 331+
Handcuffs ..................................  70 / 16+
    Carrier ................................  224 / 914*
    Design .................................  D29 / 120.2
Handgun (See Pistol; Revolver)  
Handicapped Person Handling ................  414 / 921*
    Elevator adjacent stairway .............  187 / 200
    Elevator control .......................  187 / 901*
Handicapping, Computer .....................  700 / 93
    Design .................................  D02 / 500+
    Garment attaching means ................  24 / 3.1+
    Garment worn ...........................  2 / 279
    Lace ...................................  87 / 10
    Medicated ..............................  604 / 358+
Handle (See Grip) .........................  16 / 400+
    Article carrier ........................  294
        Coffee,teapot and pitcher ..........  D08 / DIG 9
        Lever type .........................  D08 / DIG 10
    Bar ....................................  74 / 551.1+
        Design .............................  D12 / 178
        Handgrip design ....................  D08 / 303
    Battery handle .........................  16 / DIG 15
        Detachable .........................  16 / 423
    Bicycle grip ...........................  D08 / DIG 8
        Vehicle equipment design ...........  D12 / 178
    Brushware ..............................  D04
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 244
    Cane type ..............................  135 / 65+
    Cast or molded handles .................  16 / DIG 19
    Chair or seat ..........................  297 / 183.1+
        Vehicle seat back grips ............  297 / 183.7+
    Cleaning equipment, household ..........  D32 / 25+
    Cleaning equipment, machinery ..........  D15
    Composition handles ....................  16 / DIG 18
    Cooker .................................  D07 / 393+
    Dashboard ..............................  296 / 71
    Elongated, for tools ...................  D08 / DIG 7
    Ergonomic structure ....................  16 / 430
    Extensible .............................  16 / 429
        Luggage type .......................  16 / 405
    Fastenings .............................  16 / DIG 24
        Brushing machines ..................  15 / 22.1+
        Clamp band .........................  16 / DIG 25
        Cutlery blade and handle ...........  30 / 340+
        Cutlery detachable blade ...........  30 / 329+
        Golf club handle ...................  473 / 298
        Luggage ............................  190 / 115
        Luggage type .......................  16 / 404+
        Tool ...............................  403
    Faucet and valve wheels ................  D08 / DIG 3
    Fishing reel ...........................  242 / 281+
    Fluorescent and phosphorescent .........  250 / 465.1
    Fly swatter ............................  D22 / 124
    Forming, paper .........................  493 / 909*
    Golf and ski grips .....................  D08 / DIG 6
        Mounted grip means .................  16 / 421
    Gun ....................................  89 / 1.42
    Hand carrying ..........................  294 / 137+
    Hand grips, preformed,semipermanent ....  16 / DIG 12
        Mounted grip means .................  16 / 421
    Handwheel ..............................  74 / 552
        Handles for handwheels .............  74 / 557
        Insulated ..........................  16 / 432
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 38
    Insulated ..............................  16 / 431+
        Coating implement ..................  401 / 3
        Electric ...........................  174 / 46
    Kitchen utensil ........................  D07 / 393+
    Knife ..................................  30 / 162
    Knife and fork .........................  D08 / DIG 4
    Knob-type ..............................  D08 / DIG 2
        Door ...............................  16 / 414
        Drawer .............................  16 / 417
        General ............................  16 / 441
    Locked .................................  70 / 207+
    Luggage or handbag .....................  D08 / 300+
        Hand grip ..........................  16 / 404+
            Length adjustable ..............  16 / 403
        Hollow cutlery type ................  76 / 106
        Wood ...............................  144 / 11
    Mattress ...............................  5 / 703+
        Digest, hardware ...................  16 / DIG 28
    Movable closure ........................  49 / 460+
    Nozzle .................................  239 / 525+
    Package and receptacle .................  294 / 137+
        Bail type ..........................  220 / 773+
            With grip attachment ...........  16 / 411
        Basket .............................  217 / 125
        Closure fastener combined ..........  220 / 315
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 465.1+
        Dispenser discharge assistant ......  222 / 323
        Combined ...........................  222 / 323+
        Dispenser trap chamber .............  222 / 441
        Combined ...........................  222 / 441
        Flexible bag .......................  383 / 6
            With welded ....................  16 / 407
            Or adhesively attached handle ..  16 / 407
        Luggage ............................  190 / 115+
        Luggage fastener combined ..........  190 / 118
        Paperboard box .....................  229 / 117.09+
        Resilient wall dispenser ...........  222 / 210
        Trunk ..............................  190 / 39
    Pan ....................................  D07 / 393+
    Pull-type ..............................  D08 / DIG 1
    Pyrotechnic or explosive articles ......  102 / 358+
        Shell thrower ......................  102 / 486
    Receptacle type handle see ............  16 / 401
    Magazine ...............................  16 / 401
        Cane ...............................  135 / 65+
        Coating implement ..................  401
        Cutlery ............................  30 / 125
        Firearm magazine ...................  42 / 7
        Insulated electrically .............  174 / 46
        Manicuring tool ....................  132 / 75
        Razor ..............................  30 / 510+
    Retractable ............................  16 / 429
        Luggage type .......................  16 / 404
            Length adjustable ..............  16 / 403
    Sporting goods, misc ...................  D21 / 725+
    Switch .................................  200 / 329+
    Sword ..................................  D08 / DIG 5
    Tool and implement .....................  81 / 489+
        Cleaning tool ......................  15 / 143.1+
        Curry comb .........................  119 / 633
        Dispenser combined .................  222 / 191
        Drive control ......................  173 / 170
        Drive fluid passage ................  173 / 168+
        Flexible abradant ..................  451 / 524+
        Forks and shovels ..................  294 / 57+
        Golf club ..........................  473 / 300+
        Light support ......................  362 / 399
        Manipulating for drive or hammer ...  173
        Multiple tool ......................  7 / 167+
        Printing stamp .....................  101 / 405+
        Razor ..............................  30 / 501+
        Rigid abradant .....................  451 / 540+
        Sadiron ............................  38 / 90+
        Saw ................................  30 / 166.3+
        Shears detachable blade and ........  30 / 260
        Handle .............................  30 / 260
        Wrench .............................  81 / 177.1+
        Detachable actuator ................  251 / 291+
        Disabling means ....................  251 / 89+
        Stops ..............................  251 / 284+
    With indicia ...........................  40 / 661.12
Handling (See Conveyor)  
    Castings with casting device ...........  164 / 269
    Completed work, of sewing machine ......  112 / 470.36
    Earth boring drilling fluid ............  175 / 207+
    Or cuttings ............................  175 / 207+
    Fluid handling  
        Bath, closet, sink & spittoon ......  4
        Pipes or tubular conduits ..........  138
        Valves & valve actuation ...........  251
        Ventilation ........................  454
    Handicapped person .....................  414 / 921*
    Handler-type toys ......................  414 / 915*
    Handlers using parallel links ..........  414 / 917*
    Handlers with spring devices ...........  414 / 913*
        Bakers peel ........................  294 / 49
        Combined or convertible ............  414 / 912*
        Hand and hoist line implements .....  294
        Hand tools .........................  81
        Sorting manually ...................  209 / 614
        Coin ...............................  453
        Dryer for hollow articles with .....  34 / 105+
        Dryer rotary drum type with ........  34 / 108+
        Dryer rotary drum with .............  34 / 108+
        Dryer shelf or tray ................  34 / 194
        Dryer with for dried material ......  34 / 236
        Fish net ...........................  43 / 8
        Furnace charging ...................  414 / 147+
        Target .............................  273 / 406
        Trap shooting targets ..............  273 / 406
    Metal forging work .....................  72 / 419+
    Nuclear reactor components .............  376 / 146
    Nuclear reactor components .............  376 / 260
    Nuclear reactor components .............  376 / 260
    Nuclear reactor components .............  376 / 308
        Charging or discharging ............  414 / 146
    Photographic fluid treating ............  396 / 647+
    Pipe or cable ..........................  414 / 745.1+
        Submerged ..........................  405 / 158+
    Rolling mill work shifter ..............  72 / 200
    Shiftable handler, transmission ........  414 / 918*
    Line for ...............................  414 / 918*
    Solid material handling  
        Chutes, skids, guides,& ways .......  193
        Delivery to or from moving .........  258
        Vehicle ............................  258
        Elevator ...........................  187
        Fluid current conveyers ............  406
        Food ...............................  99
        Furnace ash ........................  110 / 165 R+
        Hand & hoist-line implements .......  294
        Hoists .............................  414 / 592+
        Marine loading or unloading ........  414 / 137.1+
        Material or article ................  414
        Package & article carriers .........  224
        Pneumatic dispatch .................  406
        Power-driven conveyers .............  198
        Stacking ...........................  414 / 788.1+
        Store service ......................  186
        Traversing hoists ..................  212
        Unstacking .........................  414 / 795.4+
    Toy, material handling .................  446 / 424+
    Traversing hoists ......................  212
    Vehicles with overhead guard for .......  414 / 914*
    Operator ...............................  414 / 914*
Handpiece See Hand, Manipulated  
    Dental .................................  433 / 114+
Handrail ...................................  D25 / 119+
    Support ................................  D08 / 363
Handsaw ....................................  30 / 166.3+
    Combined with diverse tool .............  7 / 148+
Handwheel ..................................  74 / 552+
Hanger (See Suspension Devices) ...........  224 / 232+
    Bed bottom  
        Frame ..............................  5 / 207+
        Slat ...............................  5 / 238
    Broom type .............................  248 / 110+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 187+
    Eaves trough ...........................  248 / 48.1
    Garment ................................  223 / 85+
        Attached to garment ................  2 / 271
        Design .............................  D06 / 315+
        Making .............................  140 / 81.5
    Gate ...................................  16 / 86.1+
    Illuminating light support .............  362 / 432+
    Movable component ......................  52 / 64+
    Panel movable ..........................  16 / 87 R+
    Pipe ...................................  248 / 58+
    Rack ...................................  211
        Cable rail .........................  104 / 115+
        Traction cable .....................  104 / 182
        Trolley ............................  104 / 111
    Rod for sheet or leaf handling .........  294 / 5.5
    Scabbard ...............................  224 / 232
    Shaft ..................................  384 / 215+
    Sifter support .........................  209 / 415
    Slender article type, including ........  211 / 60.1+
    Broom ..................................  211 / 60.1
    Suspended roof .........................  52 / 83
    Tent ...................................  135 / 119
    Train vestibule face plate rod .........  105 / 22
    Cable traversing hoist .................  212 / 336+
    Canopies ...............................  135 / 905*
    Grindstone .............................  451 / 342+
    Paper ..................................  156 / 574+
        Design .............................  D05
    Plant receptacles ......................  47 / 67+
    Ships rudder ...........................  114 / 165
    Sign exhibiting ........................  40 / 617
    Wood saw ...............................  83 / 469+
    Finishing ..............................  28 / 287+
    Sails and rigging ......................  114 / 114
    Spinning twisting and twining ..........  57 / 25+
    Winding ................................  242 / 472.5
    Channels ...............................  405 / 84+
    Floating ...............................  114 / 258
    Wharves ................................  405 / 284+
Hard Drive  
    Design .................................  D14 / 348+
Hard-Hat ...................................  2 / 411+
    Aging ..................................  148+
        Iron ...............................  148 / 622+
    Cast iron ..............................  148 / 612+
    Electric hardening  
        Apparatus ..........................  219 / 50+
        Inductive apparatus ................  219 / 635+
        Processes ..........................  148 / 566+
    Electrophotographic fixation ...........  399 / 320+
    Fat ....................................  554 / 141+
    Glass ..................................  65 / 111+
    Quenching iron .........................  148 / 660+
        Localized heat treated stock .......  148 / 902+
        Localized treatment ................  148 / 639+
        Working combined ...................  148 / 648+
    Steel ..................................  148 / 579+
Hardness Test ..............................  73 / 78+
    Electric space discharge devices .......  324 / 413
    Vacuum .................................  324 / 413
Hardware Miscellaneous .....................  16
    Brushings or lining thimbles ...........  16 / 2.1+
    Carpet fasteners .......................  16 / 4+
    Casters ................................  16 / 18 R+
    Checks & closers .......................  16 / 49+
    Design of ..............................  D08
    Ferrules, rings & thimbles .............  16 / 108+
    Gate hangers ...........................  16 / 86.1+
    Handles ................................  16 / 400+
    Hinges .................................  16 / 221+
    Nesting hinge leaves ...................  16 / DIG 29
    Sash balances ..........................  16 / 193+
    Sash weights ...........................  16 / 216+
    Sash-cord fasteners ....................  16 / 202+
    Sash-cord guides .......................  16 / 210+
    Tracks, travelers, panel hangers .......  16 / 87 R+
    Window-bead fasteners ..................  16 / 220+
Harmidine ..................................  546 / 86
        Filtering ..........................  333 / 175+
        Generation by oscillators ..........  331 / 53
        Harmonic or reed telegraphs ........  178 / 47+
        Intensifier for loudspeaker ........  381 / 161
        Or earphone ........................  381 / 161
        Party line ringing .................  379 / 179
        Semiautomatic telephone ringing ....  379 / 252
        Telephone ringing ..................  379 / 372+
        Wave analysis ......................  324 / 76.12+
        Tunings or arrangements of .........  84 / 312 R
        String .............................  84 / 312 R
        Electric organ selective ...........  84 / 659
        Control of tone partials ...........  84 / 659+
        Electric organ with tuned ..........  84 / 622
        Generator control ..................  84 / 622+
        Piano harmonic dampers .............  84 / 234
    Relays .................................  335 / 94
        Circuits ...........................  361 / 182+
        Selective system ...................  340 / 825.39
    Relays .................................  335 / 101
        Structure ..........................  335 / 243+
Harmonicas .................................  84 / 377+
    Design .................................  D17 / 12
    Harmonica digest .......................  84 / DIG 14
Harmoniums (See Organ, Reed) ..............  84 / 351+
Harness (See Body, Harness) ...............  54
    Animal stocks ..........................  119 / 729+
        Design .............................  D29 / 101.1+
        Fire escape ........................  182 / 3+
        Land vehicle occupant ..............  280 / 290
        Parachute ..........................  244 / 151 R
    Bridles ................................  54 / 6.1+
    Buckles ................................  24 / 164+
        Design .............................  D30 / 139
    Checking devices .......................  54 / 70
    Collars ................................  54 / 19.1+
    Design .................................  D30 / 134+
    Feed bags supported by .................  119 / 67
    Hames ..................................  54 / 25+
    Hand package carrier ...................  294 / 157+
    Loom ...................................  139 / 82+
        Drawing in warp ....................  28 / 203.1+
        Hand pushed ........................  139 / 30+
    Motions for dobby looms ................  139 / 66 R+
    Pads ...................................  54 / 65+
    Saddles ................................  54 / 38.1+
    Stirrups ...............................  54 / 47+
    Trunk ..................................  190 / 27
        Protecting .........................  190 / 26
    Aeolian ie wind driven .................  84 / 330
    Autoharp or zither .....................  84 / 286+
    Jews harp ..............................  84 / 375
        Toy ................................  446 / 397+
    Musical stringed instrument ............  84 / 264+
        Design .............................  D17 / 16
    Piano ..................................  84 / 258
    Support for lamp .......................  362 / 417
    Bomb lances ............................  102 / 371
    Fishing ................................  43 / 6
    Gun ....................................  89 / 1.7
        Mechanical .........................  124
    Handling implement .....................  294 / 125+
    Line carrying shells ...................  102 / 504
Harrow .....................................  172
    Cultivator combined ....................  172 / 133+
    Design .................................  D15 / 10+
    Disc sharpener .........................  76 / 85
        Abrading attachment ................  451 / 419+
    Plow combined ..........................  172 / 133+
    Roller combined ........................  172 / 173
    Scraper or drag combined ...............  172 / 197
    Agriculture ............................  56
        Bundle discharging carrier .........  56 / 474+
        Carrier ............................  56 / 473.5
        Compressing and driving ............  56 / 432+
        Guards .............................  56 / DIG 24
        Motorized ..........................  56 / 10.1+
        Rake and rakers  
            Bundling and ...................  56 / 341+
            Hand rakes .....................  56 / 400.01+
            Horse rake .....................  56 / 375+
            Loading and ....................  56 / 344+
            Tedders and ....................  56 / 365+
        Shocker ............................  56 / 401+
        Stalk choppers .....................  56 / 500+
            Catching and ...................  56 / 194+
            Conveying and ..................  56 / 153+
            Conveying binding, and .........  56 / 131+
            Raking and .....................  56 / 193+
            Windrowing .....................  56 / 192+
    Design .................................  D15 / 26+
    Knife holder ...........................  451 / 372+
    Knife sharpener ........................  451 / 128
    Marine .................................  56 / 8+
    Mining .................................  299
    Potato or beet digger ..................  171
    Tree felling ...........................  144 / 34.1+
    Closure fastener .......................  292 / 281+
    Lock ...................................  70 / 2+
Hassocks ...................................  297 / 462
    Design .................................  D06 / 349+
Hat ........................................  2 / 175.1+
    Attached fasteners .....................  132 / 57.1+
    Band ...................................  2 / 175.3+
    Box ....................................  206 / 8+
    Brush ..................................  D04
    Chef's .................................  D02 / 885
    Design .................................  D02 / 865+
    Eye shields attached to ................  2 / 10
    Forms ..................................  223 / 24+
    Labels and tags ........................  40 / 329
    Making apparatus .......................  223 / 7+
    Making apparatus .......................  D15 / 122+
        Design .............................  D02 / 895
    Pins ...................................  132 / 57.1+
        Design .............................  D11 / 209
        Stickpin ...........................  D11 / 47
    Protective packing .....................  206 / 9+
    Racks ..................................  211 / 30+
        Design .............................  D06 / 315+
    Receptacles ............................  206 / 8+
    Safety helmet ..........................  D29 / 102+
    Sewing .................................  112 / 12+
        Methods and seams ..................  112 / 475.11
    Shower cap .............................  D02 / 867+
    Try on linings .........................  2 / 63
    Wires making ...........................  140 / 77
    Building ...............................  52 / 20
    Closure operators for ..................  49 / 324+
    Elevator shaft .........................  187 / 336+
    Fasteners ..............................  292 / 256.5
    Freight car ............................  105 / 377.01+
    Ship ...................................  114 / 201 R+
Hatchets ...................................  30 / 308.1+
    Carrier ................................  224 / 234
    Design .................................  D08 / 76
        Dies ...............................  72 / 470+
        Processes and blanks ...............  76 / 103
Hatpin .....................................  132 / 57.1+
    Non ornamental .........................  D11 / 207
    Protective packing .....................  206 / 9+
    Stickpin ...............................  D11 / 47
Hauling See Pull  
    Cables drum type .......................  254 / 266+
Hawks, Masonry and Concrete ................  294 / 3.5
Hawse Pipes ................................  114 / 179+
Hawsers See Rope  
        Bale accumulator,vehicle ...........  414 / 111
        Carried ............................  414 / 111
        Curing and preserving ..............  426 / 321+
        Distributors .......................  414 / 25
        Forks ..............................  294 / 107+
        Grapples expanding pivoted .........  294 / 98
        Grapples fixed and movable jaw .....  294 / 105
        Grapples pivoted jaws ..............  294 / 107+
        Harpoon ............................  294 / 126+
        Hay retainer for vertically ........  414 / 721
        Swinging fork ......................  414 / 721
        Hoist line fork ....................  294 / 120+
        Load binders .......................  280 / 180
        Pitch forks ........................  294 / 55.5+
        Round bale .........................  414 / 24.5
        Stack shapers ......................  414 / 132
        Brakes for .........................  188 / 14
        Self-loading movable car ...........  414 / 522
        Vehicle body .......................  296 / 6+
            Convertible box and ............  296 / 11+
    Pelleters ..............................  100
Hazardous or Toxic Waste Destruction .......  588
    Or containment .........................  588
Hazardous Waste Destruction or .............  588
    Containment ............................  588
Hcg ........................................  436 / 818*
        Beam adjustable head ...............  188 / 219.6+
        Beam combined ......................  188 / 219.1+
        Beam fixed head ....................  188 / 222.1+
        Shoe fastener ......................  188 / 236
        Shoe fastener interlocking .........  188 / 242+
        Animal draft d type ................  278 / 72+
        Animal draft l type ................  278 / 67
        Animal draft t type ................  278 / 68+
        Animal draft whiffle tree ..........  278 / 105+
        Railway draft cushioned ............  213 / 18+
        Railway draft link or bar ..........  213 / 182+
        Rod to base plate or head ..........  403 / 187+
            Through intermediate member ....  403 / 187+
        Tool handle fastening plate ........  403
        Tool handle fastening split ........  403 / 302
    Covering with light ....................  362 / 105+
    Drum musical ...........................  84 / 414
    Gear telephone .........................  379 / 430
    Implement and tool  
        Brush ..............................  15 / 171+
        Hand fork and shovel ...............  294 / 53.5
        Pivoted and adjustable .............  294 / 53.5
        Mop ................................  15 / 228+
        Plow rotary chopper ................  172 / 518+
        Razor handle .......................  30 / 502+
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 41.72
    Cooling ................................  123 / 41.72+
    Multiple for bolt  
        Hooked end .........................  292 / 116+
        Sliding ............................  292 / 156+
        Sliding and rotary .................  292 / 59
        Sliding and swinging ...............  292 / 68
        Spring arm .........................  292 / 91
        Swinging ...........................  292 / 213+
        Swinging and hooked end ............  292 / 56
    Nail, spike or tack ....................  411 / 439+
        Design .............................  D08 / 388+
        Sprinkler, fire ....................  169 / 37+
    Prop ...................................  248 / 357
    Puller carcass .........................  452 / 168
        Detachable .........................  238 / 143+
        Joint ..............................  238 / 221+
        Reversible .........................  238 / 133
    Rudder .................................  114 / 169
    Screw machines for working on ..........  470 / 60+
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 259
    Shampooing apparatus ...................  4 / 515+
    Spar ship ..............................  114 / 94
    Stock lathe ............................  82 / 142+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 397+
    Tripod .................................  248 / 177.1+
    Trolley electric .......................  191 / 59+
        Cooperating seat ...................  251 / 333+
        Cooperating stem ...................  251 / 84+
        Rotary plug ........................  251 / 309+
        Structure ..........................  251 / 356+
        Swiveled ...........................  251 / 88
    Well casing ............................  166 / 75.11+
Headboards and Sections  
    Bedstead extension .....................  5 / 183
    Bedstead folding .......................  5 / 178+
    Bedstead upending ......................  5 / 148
    Invalid bed ............................  5 / 600+
    Sofa ...................................  5 / 53.1+
Headed Fastenings ..........................  411 / 500+
    Making .................................  470 / 57+
    Boiler .................................  122
    Harvester ..............................  56
    Manufacture ............................  29 / 890.052
    Radiator ...............................  165 / 153
Heading (See Forging)  
    Barrel .................................  147 / 6
    Bars by upsetting ......................  72 / 470+
    Bolts ..................................  470 / 11+
    Cartridge cases ........................  86 / 19.6
    Filling combined .......................  141 / 73+
    Filling combined .......................  141 / 115+
    Nails ..................................  470 / 34+
        Cut ................................  470 / 37+
        Wire ...............................  470 / 40
    Pins ...................................  163 / 6
        Glass headed .......................  65 / 142+
    Rivets .................................  470 / 27+
    Screws making ..........................  470 / 9+
    Sheet metal cans .......................  413 / 26+
        Apparatus for making ...............  413 / 69+
        Soldering apparatus ................  228
    Dirigible ..............................  362 / 459+
    Sealed beam ............................  313 / 113+
    System electric ........................  315 / 82+
    Testing ................................  356 / 121+
    Vehicle ................................  362 / 459+
    Earpieces ..............................  381 / 385
    Electrical .............................  381 / 370+
        Supports ...........................  381 / 386+
    In or under pillow .....................  381 / 388
    Mechanical .............................  181
    Pillow type ............................  381 / 388+
        Radio ..............................  455 / 344
    Support for phone ......................  381 / 386+
    With radio .............................  455 / 149
    Bath tubs ..............................  4 / 578.1
    Chair ..................................  297 / 391+
    Chair reclining ........................  297 / 61
    Coffin .................................  27 / 13
    Design .................................  D06 / 501
        ) ..................................  D06 / 601
    Shampooing apparatus ...................  4 / 523+
    Sofa ...................................  5 / 52
    Water closet ...........................  4 / 254
Headset ....................................  D14 / 205+
    Attached hat fastener ..................  132 / 57.1+
    Decorative .............................  2 / 171+
    Design .................................  D02 / 865+
    Guard and protector ....................  2 / 410+
    Helmet .................................  2 / 410+
    Protective .............................  2 / 410+
    Receptacle .............................  206 / 8+
    Sports .................................  2 / 425+
    Structure ..............................  2 / 171+
    Surgical ...............................  607 / 139+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  600 / 300+
    Lamps ..................................  607 / 88+
Health Care  
    Automated management ...................  705 / 2
        Billing codes ......................  705 / 2
        Clims ..............................  705 / 2
        Icda billing .......................  705 / 2
    Clinical laboratory information  
        Management system (clims) ..........  705 / 2
    Patient care  
        Automated patient accounts .........  705 / 3
        Hcfa common procedural coding ......  705 / 3
        System .............................  705 / 3
        Patient information systems ........  705 / 3
    Tracking ...............................  705 / 2
        Hospital instruments ...............  705 / 2
Heap Still .................................  202 / 210
Hearing Aid ................................  D24 / 174
    Component making .......................  29 / 896.21
    Design .................................  D24 / 174
    Ear trumpets ...........................  181 / 129+
    Electrical .............................  381 / 312+
    Non electrical .........................  181 / 129+
        Dentiphone .........................  181 / 127
        Ear trumpet ........................  181 / 129+
        Stethoscope ........................  181 / 126+
    Stethoscopes ...........................  181 / 126+
Hearing Therapy  
    Voice reflector ........................  D24 / 175
Hearses ....................................  296 / 16+
    Design .................................  D12 / 82+
    Artifical ..............................  623 / 3.1
        Artery .............................  623 / 1.1
        Valve ..............................  623 / 2.1
            Energized magnet actuator ......  251 / 65
            Motor operated by motivating ...  60 / 516
            Mass ...........................  60 / 516
            Pivoted, line condition ........  137 / 527
            Change responsive ..............  137 / 527
    Cardiac assist device ..................  600 / 16+
    Expansible chamber pump ................  417 / 472
    Heart cam, register ....................  235 / 144 HC
    Heart-lung digest ......................  128 / DIG 3
    Pacemaker ..............................  607 / 9+
    Shaped packaging .......................  D09 / 629
    Cooking ................................  126 / 12+
    Electric furnace  
        Arc ................................  373 / 60
        Electroslag ........................  373 / 42
        Glass ..............................  373 / 27
        Induction ..........................  373 / 138
        Resistance .........................  373 / 109
    Fireplace ..............................  126 / 500
        Fenders ............................  126 / 544
    Material heating .......................  432
    Thermolytic still ......................  202 / 102+
Heat Producer  
    Flameless composition ..................  44 / 250+
Heat, Heater & Heating (See Furnace; .......  432
    Radiator) ..............................  432
    Absorption meters ......................  374 / 39
    Accumulators ...........................  165
        By change of state .................  165 / 104.15
        Open top liquid heating vessel .....  126 / 375.1
        Ovens having .......................  126 / 273.5
        Regenerators .......................  165 / 4
        Automatic temperature ..............  236 / 10
        Regulation .........................  236 / 10+
        Cookstove combined .................  126 / 6
        Distributing system combined .......  237
        Fireplace ..........................  126 / 500+
        Furnaces ...........................  126 / 99 R+
        Gas separation combined ............  96
        Heat exchange ......................  165
        Heated ventilating flue ............  454 / 43+
        Illuminating burner attachments ....  126 / 248+
        Nuclear reactors ...................  376 / 383
        Regenerative .......................  432 / 214+
        Stoves .............................  126 / 58+
    Animal or plant husbandry  
        Brooders and incubators ............  119 / 301+
        Electrically heated branding .......  219 / 245
        Irons ..............................  219 / 245+
        Fuel heated branding irons .........  126 / 402+
        Greenhouses ........................  47 / 17+
        Hot beds ...........................  47 / 19.1
        Orchard heaters ....................  126 / 59.5
        Preventing plant frosting ..........  47 / 2
        Seed testers .......................  47 / 16
        Soil warming .......................  47 / 87
        Sterilizing gathered soil ..........  47 / 1.44
        Tree covers ........................  47 / 23.1
        Waterers ...........................  119 / 73
    Apparel forms ..........................  223
    Automatic temperature regulation .......  236
        Heating and cooling combined .......  165 / 253+
        Heating systems ....................  237 / 2 A+
    Automobile .............................  237 / 28+
        Design .............................  D23 / 324+
    Bathtub ................................  4 / 545
    Bedsteads ..............................  5 / 284
    Bending metal by heating ...............  72 / 54
    Body ...................................  604 / 113+
        Treating material ..................  604 / 291+
    Brooder and incubator  
        Automatic temperature control ......  236 / 2+
        Automatically controlled ...........  237 / 3
        Heating systems ....................  237 / 3+
        Brooder ............................  119 / 302+
        Combined ...........................  119 / 301
        Heating systems ....................  237 / 14+
        Incubator ..........................  119 / 311+
    Buildings ..............................  237
        By nuclear energy ..................  976 / DIG 318
    Burner feed ............................  431
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 236
    Carburetors ............................  261 / 127+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 543
    Chemical ...............................  126 / 263.01+
        Dry closets ........................  4 / 111.1+
    Collectors, solar ......................  4 / 461+
    Combustion .............................  431
    Computerized or monitored in ...........  700 / 207+
    Product manufacturing ..................  700 / 207+
    Cutting see 4 note to class 30 .........  30
    Distillation and cracking ..............  201
        Apparatus ..........................  202
        Mineral oils .......................  208 / 46+
        Solid carbonaceous material ........  201
    Drier ..................................  34
        Textile web spreader combined .....  26 / 92
        Textile web stretcher combined .....  26 / 106
    Earth ..................................  405 / 131
    Earth boring by ........................  175 / 11+
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 17
    Electric fuses having ..................  337 / 182+
    Electric railway conduit having ........  191 / 27
    Electrical .............................  219
        Earth boring by ....................  175 / 16
        Element ............................  338
        Furnaces ...........................  373
        Heating gas generator ..............  48 / 103
        Rivet heaters ......................  219 / 157
    Embossing hot die ......................  101 / 27
    Exchange see radiator ..................  165
        Agitating with .....................  366 / 144+
            Mortar mixer ...................  366 / 22+
        Cabinet combined ...................  312 / 236
        Combustion products generator ......  60 / 730
        Distillation apparatus .............  202
        Distillation processes .............  201
        Distillation processes .............  203
        Gas separators having ..............  96
        Gas washers having .................  261 / 127+
        Gun barrel cooling .................  89 / 14.1
        Induction heating ..................  219 / 618+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 41.01+
        Mineral oil process ................  208 / 347+
        Mineral oil stills having ..........  196 / 134
        Nuclear reactor with ...............  376 / 369
        Nuclear reactor with ...............  376 / 378
        Nuclear reactor with ...............  376 / 391
        Nuclear reactor with ...............  376 / 404
        Nuclear reactor with ...............  376 / 405
        Particulate ........................  165 / 920*
        Static mold having .................  249 / 79+
        Temperature control of .............  236 / 17+
        Tobacco smoking device .............  131 / 194+
        Electric ...........................  392 / 360+
    Fire screen or guard  
        Fluid screen .......................  110 / 179
        Stove and fireplace ................  126 / 544
    Fluid fuel burner ......................  431
        Nozzle per se ......................  239
    Fluid handling systems or devices ......  137 / 334+
    With ...................................  137 / 334+
    For glass manufacturing  
        Apparatus ..........................  65 / 355
        Discharge nozzle ...................  239 / 128+
    Freight car heaters ....................  105 / 451
        Generators .........................  422 / 305+
    Furnace, solid or combined fuels .......  110
    Garments & bodywear (see body,  
    Heaters and warmers)  
        Boot or shoe .......................  36 / 2.6
        Electrically heated ................  219 / 211
        Heat exchanger .....................  165 / 46
        Therapeutic body ...................  607 / 108+
        Member inclosing ...................  607 / 108+
        Therapeutic body wear ..............  607 / 115+
    Gas & liquid contact apparatus .........  261 / DIG 31
        Heaters and condensers .............  261 / DIG 32
        Heaters, spray .....................  261 / DIG 33
    Gas manufacture  
        Chemical purification ..............  423 / 210+
        Heating and illuminating ...........  48
    Gun ....................................  89 / 1.12
    Hair curling straightening or  
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 96+
        Drying processes ...................  34 / 283
        Heated brushes .....................  15 / 160
        Heated combs .......................  132 / 118
        Process ............................  132 / 211
    Hazardous waste destruction ............  588 / 300+
    Heat or cooling, conveyer act ..........  198 / 952*
    Heat pump, reversible ..................  62 / 324.1+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 160
        With supplemental heat source ......  165 / 240+
    Heat storage control ...................  165 / 236
    Heater submerged in liquid .............  261 / DIG 29
    Heating equipment ......................  D23 / 330+
    Heating systems ........................  237
    Humidity regulation ....................  236
    Immersion fluid fuel burner liquid .....  126 / 360.1+
    Heater .................................  126 / 360.1+
    Immersion solid fuel burner liquid .....  126 / 367.1+
    Heater .................................  126 / 367.1+
    Insulating and screening ...............  52
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 600+
        Compositions .......................  106 / 600+
        Bifurcated garments ................  2 / 81
        Bottles ............................  215 / 12.1+
        Cement compositions ................  106 / 672+
        Ceramic compositions ...............  501 / 94+
        Compositions miscellaneous .........  252 / 62
        Flatiron ...........................  38 / 89
        Head protectors ....................  2 / 7+
        Laminated fabric making ............  156
        Miscellaneous plastic or ...........  106 / 122
        Coating compositions ...............  106 / 122
        Safe doors .........................  109 / 65
        Safe walls .........................  109 / 78+
        Stock material .....................  428 / 920*
        Toaster or broiler .................  99 / 401
    Internal combustion engine charge ......  123 / 543
    Leather sewing machine .................  112 / 41
    Liquid .................................  122
        Automatic temperature control ......  236 / 20 R+
        Automatically controlled ...........  237 / 2 R
        Heating systems ....................  237 / 2 R+
        Concentrators ......................  159
        Cookstove combined .................  126 / 38+
        Discharge nozzle ...................  239 / 128+
        Distillation .......................  203
        Distributing system combined .......  237
        Electric ...........................  392 / 441+
        Fireplace ..........................  126 / 513+
        Heat exchange ......................  165
        Heated street oilers ...............  239 / 128+
        Heating system combined ............  237
        Hot air furnace combined ...........  126 / 101
        Liquid separator heated ............  210 / 175+
        Open type ..........................  126 / 344+
        Pressure generators ................  122
        Radiator and boiler combined .......  237 / 16+
        Range fluid fuel water back ........  126 / 53+
        Range water back ...................  126 / 34+
        Solar ..............................  126 / 569+
        Textile washing apparatus ..........  68 / 15
        Combined ...........................  68 / 15+
    Liquid separators or purifiers .........  210 / 175+
        Dispensers with heater .............  222 / 146.2+
        Dispensers with heating jacket .....  222 / 131
        Dispensers with illuminator or .....  222 / 113
        Burner .............................  222 / 113
        Distillation apparatus .............  202
        Containing .........................  202
        Mortar mixers ......................  562 / 625+
        Portable receptacle fillers ........  53 / 127
        Solid material comminution .........  241
        Combined ...........................  241
    Lubricators having .....................  184 / 104.1
    Material heating .......................  432
    Material treating (see material  
        Coating, baking or drying ..........  427 / 372.2+
        Driers .............................  34
        Electrolyte ........................  205
        Electrolytic coating ...............  205 / 220+
        Fertilizer .........................  71 / 44+
        Foods ..............................  99
        Ozonizers ..........................  422 / 186.08+
        Peat fuel ..........................  44 / 492
        Road or pavement material ..........  404 / 93+
        Solids separators ..................  209
        Tobacco ............................  131 / 290+
        Water purifiers ....................  210 / 177+
    Mattresses .............................  5 / 421+
    Measuring and responsive  
        Calorimeters .......................  374 / 31+
        Electrothermal switches ............  337 / 14+
        Heat responsive metal stock ........  428 / 616
        Hygrostats .........................  73 / 29.02+
        Thermal batteries ..................  136 / 200+
        Thermometers .......................  374 / 147
        Thermostatic switches ..............  337 / 298+
        Agglomerating processes ............  75 / 746+
        Casting apparatus with .............  164 / 338.1
        Deforming with .....................  72
        Heating or cooling .................  72
        Electric heating ...................  219 / 50+
        Electric heating working and .......  219 / 50
        Welding ............................  219 / 50+
        Electrolytic coating heating .......  205 / 224+
        Founding ...........................  164
        Heat treatment .....................  148
        Metallurgical apparatus ............  266
        Miscellaneous heating ..............  432
        Pyrometallurgy processes ...........  75 / 414+
        Rolling and heating ................  72 / 200
        Rolling and heating ................  72 / 252
        Soldering apparatus ................  228
        Working with .......................  29 / DIG 21
        Working with electric heating ......  29 / DIG 13
    Nozzle combined ........................  239 / 128+
    Pile installation combined .............  405 / 234
    Pipe ...................................  165 / 104.15
        Electrical apparatus combined ......  174 / 15.2
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 41
    Power plant combined ...................  60
        Engine heated vehicles .............  237 / 12.1+
    Processes ..............................  432 / 1+
    Producing compositions .................  252 / 70
        Fuel ...............................  44
    Pump ...................................  62 / 324.1+
    Register or diffuser ...................  D23 / 308+
    Resolving colloid systems by ...........  516 / 194+
    Sealing wax applier ....................  401 / 1+
        Leather ............................  69 / 7.5
    Seat combined ..........................  297 / 180.1+
    Separator, imperforate bowl ............  494 / 13+
    Centrifugal ............................  494 / 13+
    Shields for aircraft ...................  244 / 117 R+
    Shields, general .......................  244 / 159.1+
    Shields, general .......................  244 / 171.7+
    Shoes having heater ....................  36 / 2.6
    Single room heater .....................  D23 / 330+
    Sink ...................................  165
        Design .............................  D13 / 179
        Ventilation ........................  174 / 16.3
    Snow excavator and melter ..............  37 / 227+
    Solid fuel burners .....................  110
    Special ray generator combined .........  250 / 495.1
    Stabilized (see synthetic resin or  
    Natural rubber, class 523, 524)  
    Sterilizing ............................  422
        Fume generators ....................  422 / 305+
    Stoves .................................  126
        Design .............................  D23 / 342+
    Surgical ...............................  604 / 113+
    Systems ................................  237
        Electric ...........................  219 / 482+
    Temperature & humidity regulation ......  236
    Tents having ...........................  135 / 92
    Textiles or strands  
        Heating or drying threads ..........  28 / 217+
        Singeing textiles ..................  26 / 3+
        Web spreader combined ..............  26 / 92
        Web stretching combined ............  26 / 92
    Tools and instruments  
        Apparel forms ......................  223
        Branding iron ......................  126 / 402+
        Brushes ............................  15 / 160
        Coating implement combined .........  401 / 1+
        Cutlery ............................  30 / 140
        Dress or coat forms ................  223 / 70
        Electrically .......................  219 / 221+
        Flatirons ..........................  38 / 82+
        Glove forms ........................  223 / 79
        Hair combs .........................  132 / 118
        Hat forms ..........................  223 / 26
        Ice cutter .........................  62 / 320+
        Rolls ..............................  126 / 410
        Shoe formers .......................  12 / 129.4
        Soldering irons ....................  228 / 51+
        Sterilizer for .....................  422
        Stocking forms .....................  223 / 76
        Tool heating stoves ................  126 / 226+
        Tools self heated by fluid fuel ....  126 / 401
        Tools self heated electrically .....  219 / 221+
        Trouser or sleeve forms ............  223 / 73
        Windshield cleaners ................  15 / 250.05
    Toxic waste destruction ................  588
    Track sanders having ...................  291 / 19+
    Transfer mediums .......................  252 / 70
        Expanding or vaporizing type .......  252 / 67+
        Low freezing or high boiling .......  252 / 71
        Point ..............................  252 / 71+
    Tray heaters ...........................  261 / DIG 30
    Treating by induction ..................  219 / 600+
        Apparatus ..........................  219 / 600+
    Treatment of metals ....................  148
    Vaporizers .............................  122
    Vehicle systems ........................  237 / 28+
        Power plant combined ...............  237 / 12.1+
    Vulcanizing combined ...................  425 / 28.1+
    Vulcanizing combined ...................  425 / 340+
    Vulcanizing combined ...................  425 / 363
    Welding with heat ......................  228
        With heat and pressure .............  228 / 228
        Electric heaters ...................  392 / 301+
        Having heaters .....................  166 / 57+
        Processes using heat ...............  166 / 302+
        Solid material recovering ..........  299
Hecogenin ..................................  540 / 19
Hectograph .................................  101 / 131+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 14.5
    Flies,work holder for ..................  101 / 463.1
        Coating processes ..................  427 / 144
        Transfer sheet .....................  428 / 914*
    Paper ..................................  428 / 488.11
    Processes ..............................  101 / 463.1
        Cord ...............................  29 / 4.6
        Wire ...............................  140 / 72
    Needle winding .........................  242 / 472
    Structure ..............................  139 / 93+
        Doup ...............................  139 / 52
    Fence ..................................  256 / 20
    Training ...............................  47 / 4
    Trimmer ................................  56 / 233+
    Clamping work supports .................  12 / 125
    Cushioned horseshoes ...................  168 / 15
    Cutting machines  
        Die cutting ........................  83
    Heel lifts for shoes ...................  D02 / 961
    Interfitted sole and ...................  36 / 24.5
        Plates and sockets .................  12 / 139
        Separate heel block ................  12 / 135 R+
    Punching machines ......................  83
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 34 R+
        Design .............................  D02 / 964+
        Heel engaging shoe retainers .......  36 / 58.6
        Protectors .........................  36 / 73+
        Supporters .........................  36 / 69
    Shoemaking machines ....................  12 / 42 R+
        Burnishing .........................  12 / 70+
        Edge trimmers ......................  12 / 85+
        Heel seat forming ..................  12 / 31.5
        Loading ............................  227 / 125
        Nailing ............................  227 / 140+
        Plate attaching ....................  227
        Stiffener ..........................  12 / 61 R+
    Shoemaking processes ...................  12 / 147 R
    Skate attaching clamps .................  280 / 11.31+
    Spring with soles ......................  36 / 27
    Straps for horseshoes ..................  168 / 22
    Overshoes ..............................  36 / 7.2
    Rubber overshoes .......................  36 / 7.4
    Sandals ................................  36 / 7.7
Helical (See Gearing)  
    Bed spring connectors ..................  5 / 269
    Brass music instrument valve ...........  84 / 391
    Movement ...............................  84 / 391
        Amusement ride .....................  104 / 56+
        Filled receptacle cooker ...........  99 / 365
        Textile liquid treatment ...........  68 / 176
    Nuclear fuel structures ................  376 / 362
    Pump interengaging rotary ..............  418 / 201.1+
    Impellers ..............................  418 / 201.1+
    Rotary pump dipping channel ............  415 / 88
    Springs ................................  267 / 166+
        Torsion ............................  267 / 155+
    Switch .................................  200 / 500
    Track sander feeder vertical ...........  291 / 37
    Plunger guide ..........................  291 / 37
    Traction railway .......................  104 / 167
Helicopter .................................  244 / 17.11+
    Airplane combined or convertible .......  244 / 6+
    Airship combined .......................  244 / 26
    Rotor ..................................  416
        Blade positioning means ............  416 / 147+
        Blade structure ....................  416 / 223 R+
        Motor combined .....................  416 / 20 R+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 230+
        Flying .............................  446 / 37+
Heliographic Code Signaling ................  116 / 20
Heliostats .................................  353 / 3
Heliotropine ...............................  549 / 436
Helium (See Gas, Rare)  
    Isolation by physical processes ........  95
        Apparatus for ......................  96
        Liquefaction .......................  62 / 608+
        Refrigeration apparatus for ........  62 / 608+
    Speech .................................  381 / 54
Helix (See Screw; Thread)  
    Electrical resistance ..................  338 / 296+
    Rheostat ...............................  338 / 143+
    Type product  
        Static mold ........................  249 / 59
Helmets ....................................  2 / 410+
    Aviators ...............................  2 / 6.1+
    Design .................................  D29 / 102+
    Diving with air or oxygen ..............  128 / 201.27+
    Firemans ...............................  2 / 5
    Hood type ..............................  2 / 205
    Illumination combined ..................  362 / 105
        Miners hat .........................  362 / 164
    Military ...............................  2 / 6.6+
    Space suit .............................  2 / 2.11+
    Sports headgear ........................  2 / 425+
Helmitol ...................................  544 / 185
    Colorimeter type .......................  356 / 39
    Microscope type ........................  356 / 39+
Hematin ....................................  540 / 145
Hemmers Sewing Machine .....................  112 / 141+
Hemocytometer See Haemocytometer  
Hemoglobin .................................  540 / 145
    Tests for ..............................  436 / 66
Hemoglobinometer ...........................  356 / 40+
Hemostatic Devices .........................  606
    Artery or vein .........................  606 / 157
        Umbilical ..........................  606 / 120
    Machine ................................  112 / 81+
        False ..............................  112 / 179
Heparin ....................................  536 / 21
    Medicines containing ...................  514 / 56
    Mixer ..................................  313 / 300
    Pentagrid converter ....................  313 / 300
    Triode .................................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
Herbicides .................................  504 / 116.1+
    Plural active ..........................  504 / 118+
    From microorganisms ....................  504 / 117
Hermetic Sealing  
    Closing portable receptacles ...........  53 / 285+
    Gas filling of portable receptacle, ....  53 / 403
    Method .................................  53 / 403+
    Glass uniting processes ................  65 / 36+
    Metallic receptacle closures ...........  220 / 200+
    Soldering apparatus ....................  228
Hernia Pads ................................  128 / 112.1
Heroin .....................................  546 / 44
Hertzian Wave (See Radio)  
    Railway signal systems .................  246 / 30
    Transmission line systems ..............  333
Hetaamoxicillin ............................  540 / 325
Hetacillin .................................  540 / 325
Heterocyclic Compounds .....................  540 / 1+
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 751+
        Heavy metal ctg ....................  534 / 701+
        Silver sensitized formation in .....  430 / 376+
        Color photography development ......  430 / 376+
    Drug, bio-affecting and body ...........  424 / 1.11+
    Treating composition ...................  424 / 1.11+
    Radionuclide containing ................  424 / 1.11+
    Wave energy preparation ................  204 / 157.69+
Heterodyne Frequency Measurement ...........  324 / 76.41+
Heterodyne Receiver ........................  455 / 130+
Hevea (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Hexachlorocyclohexane ......................  570 / 212
Hexachlorophene, in Drug ...................  514 / 735
Hexamethylene Tetramines ...................  544 / 185+
Hexestrol ..................................  568 / 729
Hexode Triode ..............................  313 / 298
Hexylresorcinol ............................  568 / 766
Hides Skins and Leather  
    Biocidal saturant for ..................  424
    Chemical or fluid treatment ............  8 / 94.1 R+
        Manipulative .......................  8 / 150.5
    Coating ................................  427
    Compositions for treating ..............  252 / 8.57
    Deliming ...............................  8 / 94.17
    Dyeing .................................  8 / 436+
    Electrolytic treatment .................  205 / 692
    Manufacture ............................  69
    Removing fat ...........................  8 / 139+
    Tanning ................................  8 / 94.19 R+
    Treatment of ...........................  8 / 94.1 R+
High Altitude Compartments  
    Aircraft cabin .........................  454 / 71+
    Aircraft power plant ...................  244 / 59
High Energy Metal Forming ..................  72 / 56
High Frequency  
    Coaxial cable ..........................  333 / 239+
    Triode .................................  313 / 293+
High Frequency Heater (See Induction,  
High Mu Triode .............................  313 / 293+
    Childs furniture .......................  D06 / 329+
    Tray ...................................  D06 / 396+
Highway See Roads ..........................  404
    Crossing railway signal automatic ......  246 / 293+
        Electric ...........................  246 / 125+
        Fence ..............................  256 / 13.1
        Pipe or cable bracket ..............  248 / 66
    Guide or barrier .......................  404 / 6+
    Track combined .........................  238 / 8
    Track for nonflanged wheel .............  238 / 3+
    Traffic director .......................  404 / 9+
Hilling and Hill Planting ..................  111
    Ridging and covering plows .............  172 / 642
Hinge or Hinged Joint (See Device ..........  16 / 221+
    Hinged) ................................  16 / 221+
    Adjustable .............................  16 / 235+
    Belt fastener ..........................  24 / 33 R+
    Breakaway ..............................  16 / 222
    Check and closer combined ..............  16 / 50
        For nuclear reactor ................  376 / 285
        Moderator structure ................  376 / 285
        Liquid check .......................  16 / 54+
        Pneumatic check ....................  16 / 68
    Design .................................  D08 / 323+
    Flaccid closure mount ..................  49 / 147
    Flask sections .........................  164 / 391+
    Headlight hinge ........................  16 / DIG 26
    Magnetic ...............................  16 / DIG 14
    Making assembly or mounting  
        Metal ..............................  29 / 11
        Wood seat cutting ..................  144 / 27
    Nesting hinge leaves ...................  16 / DIG 29
    Pipe joints ............................  285 / 273
        Detachable .........................  285 / 283
    Pivotal sheet retainer .................  402 / 26+
    Plastic ................................  16 / DIG 13
    Rod ....................................  403 / 119+
        Adjustable angle ...................  403 / 83+
    Rubber sleeve bearings & hinges ........  16 / DIG 33
    Separable ..............................  16 / 254+
    Snap-hinge .............................  16 / 227
    Spring .................................  16 / 277+
    Stepladder .............................  182 / 174+
    Stop ...................................  16 / 374+
    Stove door .............................  126 / 194
    Toilet seat ............................  4 / 240
        Cover combined .....................  4 / 236
    Tool handle fastenings  
        Adjustable angle ...................  403 / 84+
        Freely swinging ....................  403 / 52+
    Watchcase ..............................  368 / 313
    Windshield .............................  296 / 92
    Closures ...............................  49 / 381+
        Barrel .............................  217 / 83
        Bottom opening hopper vehicle ......  298 / 29+
        Building shutters ..................  49 / 381+
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 556+
        Drawbridge gates ...................  14 / 50+
        Fence panels .......................  256 / 26
        Flexible and portable ..............  160
        Gates ..............................  49
        Lockets ............................  63 / 19
        Oil cup ............................  184 / 90+
        Operators for ......................  49 / 324+
        Paperboard box .....................  229 / 125.08+
        Purse ..............................  150 / 119
        Railway car dumping ................  105 / 280+
        Receptacle .........................  220 / 810+
        Ship port ..........................  114 / 178
        Spectacle case .....................  206 / 6
        Vault road or pavement .............  404 / 25
        Vehicle windows and doors ..........  296 / 146.1+
        Vehicle windshields ................  296 / 86+
        Vehicle windshields hinges .........  296 / 92
        Per se .............................  296 / 92
        Windows sliding and swinging .......  49 / 208+
        Sash ...............................  49 / 208+
        Windows swinging sash ..............  49 / 381+
        Wooden box .........................  217 / 57+
        Base for bellows objective .........  396 / 345+
        Camera .............................  396 / 345+
        Bed combined .......................  5 / 2.1+
        Binder device releasably ...........  402
        Engaging aperture or ...............  402
        Notch of sheet .....................  402
        Bracelet multiple ..................  63 / 9
        Bracelet single ....................  63 / 7+
        Buttons and fasteners hinged .......  24 / 97
        Leaf ...............................  24 / 97+
        Calendars hinged leaves ............  40 / 119
        Card holding clamp .................  40 / 647+
        Changing exhibitor .................  40 / 446
            Display items ..................  40 / 530
            Endless type signs .............  40 / 524
        Cultivator center ..................  172 / 617
        Cutter frame for combine ...........  56 / 125
        Demountable wheel rims .............  301 / 32
        Sectional ..........................  301 / 32
        Drawbridge bascule .................  14 / 36+
        Extension ladder ...................  182 / 163+
        Extension table ....................  108 / 65+
        Folding bedsteads ..................  5 / 174+
        Folding table ......................  108 / 115+
        Freight car sectional deck .........  105 / 372
        Garment stays ......................  2 / 262
        Heat exchanger for liquid heater ...  126 / 357.1
        Horseshoes sectional ...............  168 / 7+
        Invalid beds .......................  5 / 600+
        Ironing table with supports ........  108 / 115+
        Lamp shade etc drop support ........  362 / 451
        Lister type cultivator .............  172 / 640
        Laterally hinged ...................  172 / 640
        Lockets ............................  63 / 19
        Movable on horizontal ..............  211 / 169.1
        Axis ...............................  211 / 169.1
        Plow moldboard .....................  172 / 736
        Pneumatic tire rims sectional ......  152 / 414
        Propped ladder eg stepladder .......  182 / 165+
        Revolver barrel ....................  42 / 63+
        Scoop type vehicle fender ..........  293 / 44+
        Screw threading die stocks .........  408 / 180+
        Sectional board ironing ............  38 / 139
        Sectional mattress .................  5 / 722+
        Sectional scows ....................  114 / 29
        Shoe lasts .........................  12 / 136 R
        Sleeping car berths ................  105 / 321
        Slice toaster or broiler grids .....  99 / 402
        Sofa beds ..........................  5 / 32.1+
        Surgical splints ...................  602 / 16
        Upending bedsteads .................  5 / 133+
        Waffle iron type cooker ............  99 / 380+
        Wall supported table ...............  108 / 134+
        Weather strips .....................  49 / 475.1+
    Hip artifical ..........................  623 / 22.11+
Hippuric Acid ..............................  562 / 450
Histamine ..................................  548 / 335.5
Histidine ..................................  548 / 339.1+
History, Teaching ..........................  434 / 154
    Animal restraining devices .............  119 / 769+
        Posts design .......................  D30 / 154
    Harness type straps ....................  54 / 34
        Holders ............................  54 / 64
    Hitching post ..........................  D30 / 154
    Vehicle attachments ....................  280 / 186+
    Bee ....................................  449 / 3+
        Connectors .........................  449 / 27+
Hmx ........................................  540 / 475
Hobbing ....................................  409 / 11
    Hobs ...................................  407 / 23+
Hobby Horses ...............................  472 / 95+
Hockey .....................................  473 / 415+
    Goal ...................................  473 / 478
    Practice puck ..........................  473 / 422+
    Puck ...................................  473 / 588
    Rink ...................................  472 / 90+
    Stick ..................................  473 / 560+
    Household bin sifter ...................  209 / 376
    Masons .................................  224 / 44.5
        Endless elevator for ...............  198 / 803.3+
    Receptacle with pouring lip ............  222 / 572
Hoe ........................................  172 / 371+
    Design .................................  D08 / 11
        Dies ...............................  72 / 358+
        Processes and blanks ...............  76 / 109
    Scraper ................................  30 / 171
    Weeder combined ........................  172 / 375
    Cholera antigens .......................  424 / 220.1+
    Cholera sera ...........................  424 / 162.1+
    Farrowing pen ..........................  119 / 503+
    House ..................................  119 / 444+
    Oiler ..................................  119 / 652+
    Scalders ...............................  452 / 74+
        Scraper combined ...................  452 / 75+
    Scrapers ...............................  452 / 94+
    Singers ................................  452 / 73
Hoist & Hoisting (See Elevator; Lift)  
    Alarms for .............................  116 / 68
    Arc lamps ..............................  248 / 317+
    Automobile lift ........................  269 / 58+
    Building with ..........................  52 / 122.1+
    Cable drum type ........................  254 / 266+
    Derrick ................................  254 / 283+
    Design .................................  D34 / 33+
    Endless or rotary carrier combined .....  414 / 564
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 141+
        Lateral traverse combined ..........  182 / 12+
    Forklift truck ramp design .............  D34 / 32
    Hoist line implements ..................  294
    Inclined for blast furnaces ............  414 / 208
        Receptacle moved back & forth ......  414 / 168
        Along incline ......................  414 / 168
    Invalid lift ...........................  5 / 83.1+
        Beds with ..........................  5 / 607
    Load handling ..........................  414 / 592+
    Load handling type traversing ..........  414 / 560+
    Measuring and testing cables and .......  73 / 158
    Ropes ..................................  73 / 158
    Nuclear reactor control components .....  376 / 219
        Fuel charging & discharging ........  376 / 268
    Ordnance loading .......................  89 / 46
    Railway car type .......................  414 / 391+
        Transports from one vehicle to .....  414 / 342
        Another ............................  414 / 342
    Ramp design ............................  D34 / 32
    Skidway combined .......................  414 / 571+
    Sleeping berth vertically movable ......  105 / 318
    Slings .................................  294 / 74+
    Submerged vessel .......................  114 / 51
    Tilting railway car body ...............  105 / 273
    Traversing .............................  212
    Truck ladder ...........................  182 / 63.1+
        Extensible type ....................  182 / 66.1
            Manual .........................  182 / 67.1+
            Motor ..........................  182 / 66.2
    Trucks .................................  254 / 2 R+
    Vehicle hoist design ...................  D34 / 33
    Vertically adjustable vehicle ..........  280 / 43+
    Vertically swinging load support .......  414 / 569
    Combined ...............................  414 / 569
    Weighing ...............................  177 / 147
    Wheel brake one way for ................  188 / 82.1+
    With weighing scale ....................  177 / 147
Hoist Line Implements ......................  294
        Animal draft .......................  278 / 126+
        Breeching ..........................  54 / 5
        Hill hold transmission control .....  192 / 219.1+
        Hill hold vehicle ..................  188 / 82.1+
        Hill hold wheel ....................  188 / 30
Hold-Downs .................................  248 / 500+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 377+
    Food cooking ...........................  99 / 349+
    Food cooking filled receptacle .........  99 / 369
    Freight retaining on freight ...........  410
    Carrier ................................  410
        Container twist-lock ...............  410 / 82+
    Photocopying of book and sheet .........  355 / 72+
    Punching machines ......................  83 / 374+
    Punching machines ......................  83 / 438+
    Punching machines ......................  83 / 451+
    Supports for machines combined .........  248 / 680
Holder (See Container; Receptacles)  
    Animal catching and holding ............  119 / 801+
    Arc furnace electrode ..................  373 / 94+
    Arc lamps electrode ....................  403
    Article locking racks ..................  211 / 4
    Assembly jig ...........................  269 / 37
    Bag ....................................  248 / 95+
        Golf ...............................  248 / 96
    Bait fishing ...........................  43 / 54.1+
        Live bait inclosing ................  43 / 41
            Design .........................  D22 / 136
    Belt attached design ...................  D03 / 215+
    Bicycle article carrier spring .........  224 / 462
    Billiard cue chalkers ..................  473 / 36+
    Blind slat .............................  292 / 345
    Body and belt attached cartridge .......  224 / 239+
    Body or clothing attached article ......  24 / 3.1+
    Book and sheet  
        Book leaf ..........................  281 / 42
        Book or sheet ......................  281 / 45+
        Camera plate .......................  396 / 517+
        Copy (see copyholder)  
        Depository .........................  402 / 73+
        Guides .............................  402 / 24
        Label pasting etc ..................  156
        Leaf ...............................  281 / 45+
        Music and ..........................  248 / 441.1+
        Printing flexible sheet ............  101 / 415.1
        Sheet feeding ......................  271 / 8.1+
        Stencil ............................  101 / 127.1+
        Typewriter card ....................  400 / 521+
    Boot tree ..............................  12 / 123.5
    Brackets ...............................  248 / 200+
        Article ............................  248 / 309.1+
        Shelf type .........................  248 / 250
    Brush for dynamo .......................  310 / 239+
    Candle .................................  431 / 289+
    Cane ...................................  211 / 62
    Card ...................................  40 / 124.06+
    Chain ..................................  24 / 116 R+
    Check, label, or tag ...................  40 / 642.02+
    Cigar and cigarette ....................  131 / 187+
        Design .............................  D27 / 183+
        Wind guard or ash receiver .........  131 / 175
        Combined ...........................  131 / 175
    Cigar tip cutter with ..................  131 / 250+
    Clasp, clip or support clamp ...........  24 / 455+
        Shirt collar .......................  24 / 900.1*
    Cleaner cover ..........................  15 / 247
    Closure fastener portable ..............  292 / 289
    Securing bar ...........................  292 / 289+
    Coiled material ........................  242 / 570+
    Coin ...................................  206 / .8+
    Copy (see copyholder) .................  248 / 441.1+
        Movable copy or line guide .........  40 / 341+
    Cord rope thread and wire ..............  24 / 115 R+
        Fabric delivery roll ...............  242 / 588.3+
        Fishing floats with ................  43 / 44.92+
        Harness hitching ...................  54 / 64
        Harness reins ......................  54 / 74
        Insulator and conductor ............  174 / 154
        Embracing ..........................  174 / 154+
        Insulator with conductor ...........  174 / 168+
        Measuring and dispensing ...........  33 / 732+
        Piano bridge .......................  84 / 214
        Piano bridge on sounding board .....  84 / 213
        With ...............................  84 / 213
        Sash cord slack ....................  16 / 208
        Spooled strand material ............  242 / 134+
        Textile spinning apparatus .........  57 / 353
        Textile spinning receiver with .....  57 / 131
        Twine unwinding ....................  242 / 141+
        Tying cords or strands .............  289
    Cutlery and combined material ..........  30 / 124+
    Dental dam .............................  433 / 138+
    Dental floss ...........................  132 / 323+
    Dispenser handle and spout .............  222 / 475
    Ear corn ...............................  294 / 5
    Electric lamp etc consumable ...........  314 / 130
    Electrode ..............................  314 / 130+
    Eyeglasses or spectacles case ..........  24 / 3.8
    Fluid diffusers ........................  239 / 34+
    Fluid supply and combined hose .........  137 / 355.16+
        With nozzle ........................  239 / 195+
    Flypaper ...............................  43 / 115
    Garment and fabric  
        Article supporting .................  24 / 3.1+
        Bed attached bedclothes ............  5 / 498
        Bed attached pillow sham ...........  5 / 498
        Bedclothes .........................  24 / 72.5
        Chair attachments ..................  297 / 188.03
        Closure panel elongated element ....  160 / 383+
        Closure panel frame type ...........  160 / 371+
        Clothespins (see clothespin)  
        Connected substantially spaced .....  2 / 304
        Plural garment .....................  2 / 304+
        Cuff ...............................  24 / 41.1+
        Drying continuous strips edge ......  34 / 646
        Drying sheets etc movable ..........  34 / 643+
        Garment type combined ..............  2 / 300
        Garment type convertible or ........  2 / 301
        Reversible .........................  2 / 301
        Garment type elements ..............  2 / 336+
        Garment type partially .............  2 / 309
        Encircling limb or torso ...........  2 / 309
        Garment type plural encircling .....  2 / 308
        Garment type strip connected .......  2 / 323
        Spaced .............................  2 / 323+
        Garment type suspension and ........  2 / 310
        Encircling .........................  2 / 310
        Glove and fur sewing work ..........  112 / 18+
        Looped fabric sewing work ..........  112 / 27
        Napkin .............................  138 / 177
        Necktie ............................  24 / 49.1+
        Rack for paper or textile ..........  211 / 45
        Sheets .............................  211 / 45+
        Rigid vertical type ................  2 / 302+
        Skirt lifter and ...................  2 / 217
        Sorting rack bag ...................  211 / 12
        Stacked article type rack ..........  211 / 50+
        Torso or limb encircling ...........  2 / 311+
        Towel service cabinet ..............  312 / 34.1+
        Vehicle lap robe ...................  296 / 77
        Work manipulating sewing ...........  112 / 148
        Machine ............................  112 / 148
    Gear cutting, milling, planing .........  409 / 903*
        Combs ..............................  132 / 219+
        Mustache ...........................  132 / 215
    Handling type weigher ..................  177 / 148+
    Hatpin point guard .....................  132 / 72.1
        With guides ........................  132 / 69.1
    Hollow wound package liquid ............  68 / 198
    Treating ...............................  68 / 198
    Hot dish lifting .......................  294 / 27.1+
    Illumination lens ......................  362 / 455+
    Implement and machine parts  
    (See mandrel)  
        Apparel making .....................  223 / 106+
        Axial metalworking tools ...........  29 / 52
        And movable slide rest .............  29 / 52+
        Bobbin winding or unwinding ........  242 / 130
        Bolt ...............................  81 / 13
        Brush and broom ....................  15 / 146
        Brush bristle ......................  15 / 206
        Can head seaming roller ............  413 / 31+
        Chucks or sockets ..................  279
        Cigar making machine with ..........  131 / 36
        Wrapper feed or holder .............  131 / 36
        Cigar wrapper ......................  131 / 105
        Coil winding or unwinding ..........  242 / 129
        Compound tools .....................  7 / 167+
        Cutlery blade detachable ...........  30 / 329+
        Drill ..............................  408 / 238+
        Electric generator and motor .......  310 / 239+
        Brush ..............................  310 / 239+
        Engine starter handle ..............  74 / 551
        Illuminating lens ..................  362 / 455+
        Machine tool cutter mount ..........  407 / 66+
        Machine type wrench with bolt ......  81 / 55+
        Main tapping multiple tool .........  408 / 31+
        Manicuring file etc with ...........  132 / 76.5
        Separable ..........................  132 / 76.5
        Mechanical gun projectile ..........  124 / 41.1+
        Metal deforming die ................  124 / 41.1+
        Metal file and rasp ................  407 / 29.15
        Metalworking turret with rotary ....  29 / 40
        Metalworking turret with ...........  29 / 41
        Sliding ............................  29 / 41
        Mirror .............................  52
        Mop ................................  15 / 147.1+
        Multiple metalworking ..............  29 / 56
        Tools oscillating ..................  29 / 56
        Pivoted clasp handle engaging ......  24 / 489+
        Razor with sharpener ...............  30 / 37+
        Reciprocating abrading machine .....  451 / 174+
        Reciprocating wood saw .............  83 / 783+
        Rectilinearly movable multiple .....  29 / 54
        Metalworking tools .................  29 / 54+
        Rotary reciprocating abrading ......  451 / 119+
        Machine ............................  451 / 119+
        Saw making file ....................  76 / 36
        Screw driver attachments ...........  81 / 451+
        Sewing machine attachment ..........  112 / 257
        Sewing machine bobbin ..............  112 / 231
        Sewing machine shuttle .............  112 / 196
        Sheet punching machine die .........  83 / 651
        Skein winding or unwinding .........  242 / 127
        Socket wrench with nut .............  81 / 125
        Sound box stylus ...................  369 / 160
        Sponge .............................  15 / 244.1+
            Having pivoted handle ..........  15 / 244.2
        Spool winding or unwinding .........  242 / 134+
        Stationary metalworking tools ......  29 / 51
        And movable work ...................  29 / 51
        Tool handle fastenings .............  403
        Type casting mechanism matrix ......  199 / 49
        Wiper dauber and polisher sheet ....  15 / 231+
    Insect poison ..........................  43 / 131
    Key ....................................  70 / 456 R+
        Music keyboard .....................  84 / 441
    Light guard and ........................  362 / 376
    Live bait inclosing ....................  43 / 41
        Design .............................  D22 / 136
    Lock tumbler ...........................  70 / 328
        Permutation compound tumbler .......  70 / 317
        Book or leaf .......................  462 / 71+
        Book or pad ........................  462 / 72
        Plural distinct leaves .............  462 / 75+
        Transfer leaf ......................  462 / 74
        Typewriter .........................  462 / 73
    Nuclear fuel ...........................  376 / 434
    Packet .................................  24 / 17 R+
    Pencil .................................  401 / 88+
    Penholders .............................  15 / 435+
    Phonograph record ......................  312 / 9.1+
    Photographic plate .....................  396 / 517+
    Picture ................................  40 / 700+
        Support type .......................  248 / 488+
        Support type .......................  248 / 490+
    Piles arrangements spacers for .........  206
    Pocket and personal use ................  206 / 37+
        Ticket .............................  206 / 39
    Racks ..................................  211
        Bridles, saddles, whips, design ....  D30 / 143
    Radioactive body treatment .............  600 / 7+
        Acetylene carbide feed .............  48 / 38+
        Acetylene generator and ............  48 / 2
        Acetylene water feed ...............  48 / 4+
        Animal cage food and water .........  119 / 475+
        Article carrying tray ..............  294 / 172
        Bait or catch ......................  43 / 55
        Blacking box .......................  15 / 259
        Blood ..............................  604 / 403+
        Boiler or deep fat fryer ...........  99 / 403+
        Brush and blacking box .............  15 / 258
        Camera with storage for plate ......  396 / 360+
        Closet bowl disinfectant ...........  4 / 222+
        Closure remover with receptacle ....  81 / 3.08
        Collapsible wall dispenser with ....  222 / 105
        Cover containing a .................  220 / 521+
        Dispenser with cutter and ..........  222 / 81+
        Dispenser with support or ..........  222 / 173+
        Extracting or leaching .............  422 / 261+
        Fishing hook and tackle ............  43 / 54.1+
        Flower .............................  47 / 41.01+
        Handle .............................  220 / 752+
        Handle containing a ................  16 / 401
        Heating and illuminating gas .......  48 / 174+
        High pressure gas ..................  220 / 581+
        Inkstand ...........................  248 / 127+
            Dispenser type .................  222 / 577
        Insect poison ......................  43 / 131
        Inverted container drainage ........  141 / 364
        Match and toothpick ................  206 / 102+
        Matchbox ...........................  206 / 121+
        Mattress filling bat holder ........  53 / 255+
        Medicating inhaler gas .............  128 / 203.12+
        Medicator ..........................  604 / 403
        Motor vehicle battery ..............  180 / 68.5
        Plural source dispenser ............  222 / 143
        Stacking ...........................  222 / 143
        Racks for ..........................  211 / 71.01+
            Cylindrical receptacle .........  211 / 85.18
        Rotatable assembly of ..............  222 / 144
        Dispensers .........................  222 / 144
        Spittoon flexible material and .....  4 / 285
        Spray fluid ........................  239 / 302+
    Rein ...................................  54 / 74
        Design .............................  D30 / 141
        Whip socket combined ...............  280 / 177
    Scale load .............................  177 / 253+
        Handling type weigher ..............  177 / 148+
    Sleeping car article ...................  105 / 325
    Stringed music instrument with .........  84 / 329
    Article ................................  84 / 329
    Tail ...................................  54 / 78
        Cow ................................  119 / 809+
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 453+
    Tobacco ash receiver with  
        Cigar cigarette or smoking .........  131 / 240.1
        Device .............................  131 / 240.1+
        Match ..............................  131 / 239
    Tooth ..................................  433 / 141+
    Tops with spinning devices .............  446 / 262+
    Train dispatching safety system ........  246 / 16
    Signal .................................  246 / 16
    Vacuum-operated load engagers ..........  294 / 64.1+
    Vacuum-type holding means ..............  269 / 21
    Valve head .............................  251 / 89+
        Friction detent ....................  251 / 297
    Vehicle ................................  280 / 182+
        Hand lantern .......................  362 / 459+
        Rein ...............................  280 / 182
        Vehicle attachment .................  280 / 182+
    Washboard soap .........................  68 / 224
    Washing machine transferable ...........  68 / 10
    Clothes ................................  68 / 10
    Welding electrode ......................  219 / 145.1+
    Wheel ..................................  157 / 14
    Work (see mandrel) ....................  269
        Abrading ...........................  451 / 364+
        Abrading work rests ................  451 / 406+
        Abrading work tables ...............  451 / 411+
        Ammunition shell loading ...........  86 / 44
        Apparel apparatus ..................  269
        Book typewriter ....................  400 / 24+
        Boring machines ....................  408
        Brush boring .......................  408 / 89+
        Brushing scrubbing cleaning ........  15 / 268
        Brushmaking ........................  300 / 10+
        Butchering .........................  452 / 185+
        Can opener .........................  30 / 400+
        Capping nail and screw making ......  470 / 5+
        Chain welding ......................  59 / 34+
        Circular saw .......................  83 / 409+
        Cleaning and liquid contact ........  134 / 137+
        With solids ........................  134 / 137+
        Collapsible structure ..............  269 / 901*
        Door ...............................  269 / 133
        Drilling machines ..................  408
        Electric heating ...................  219 / 158+
        Electrolytic apparatus .............  204 / 297.01
        Feeding stock combined .............  29 / 56.6
        Forging machines ...................  269
        Gear cutting milling and ...........  269
        Planing ............................  269
        Glove and fur sewing ...............  112 / 18+
        Hair dryers ........................  34 / 101
        Hair shampooing apparatus ..........  4 / 515+
        Hat sewing machines ................  112 / 13+
        Horseshoe nail finishing ...........  470 / 35+
        Immersion scouring rotary ..........  451 / 106
        Ironing ............................  38 / 64
        Ironing table ......................  38 / 103+
        Leather manufacturing ..............  69 / 19
        Looped fabric sewing ...............  112 / 27
        Magnetic ...........................  335 / 285+
        Manual sewing ......................  269
        Meat blocks ........................  269 / 289 R+
        Metal working ......................  269
        Metalworking multiple tool .........  29 / 51
        Laterally moving stock .............  29 / 51
        Mortising ..........................  144 / 84
        Ordnance cartridge feeding .........  89 / 34
        Photographic washing ...............  396 / 564+
        Printing ...........................  101 / 407.1+
        Reciprocating abrading machine .....  451 / 170+
            Rotary .........................  451 / 119+
        Rivets for riveting ................  72 / 457+
        Rotary abrading one way work .......  451 / 182+
        Traverse ...........................  451 / 182+
        Rotary abrading opposed tool .......  451 / 194+
        Rotary tool abrading ...............  451 / 259+
            Radial face ....................  451 / 259+
            Reciprocating holder ...........  451 / 212+
            Stationary holder ..............  451 / 231+
        Sand blast abrading moving .........  451 / 80+
        Sawmill ............................  83 / 720+
        Screw head nicking .................  470 / 60+
        Screw threading machine ............  408 / 103+
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 260
        Sheet metal ware making ............  269
        Shoe machines nailing ..............  227 / 154+
        Shoe machines sole sewing ..........  112 / 62
        Shoe machines soleing ..............  12 / 36+
        Shoemaking .........................  12 / 123
        Stationary axis milling cutter .....  409 / 165+
        Rotating holder ....................  409 / 165+
        Stationary tool abrading ...........  451 / 312+
        Stationary vegetable grater ........  241 / 273.1+
            Grater reciprocating holder ....  241 / 84.4
        Stenciling .........................  101 / 126
        Stoneworking .......................  125 / 35
        Vices ..............................  269
        Wheel spoke setters ................  157 / 4
        Wire nail making ...................  470 / 40
        Wood planing beveling ..............  144 / 114.1+
        Wood sawing ........................  83 / 409+
        Wood shaping rotary holder .........  144 / 153
        Wood turning .......................  142 / 57
        Wood turning .......................  142 / 48
        Wood turning polygonal section .....  142 / 2+
        Wood turning steady rests ..........  142 / 50
        Wood turning tool and ..............  142 / 48
        Woodworking bench dogs .............  144 / 306
        Woodworking benches ................  144 / 286.1+
        Woodworking clamps .................  269
        Woodworking lath ...................  144 / 288.5+
        Woodworking machine clamps .........  144 / 278.1+
        Woodworking stands .................  269 / 289 R+
        Work rotating abrading .............  451 / 243+
        Machine ............................  451 / 243+
        Work specific ......................  269 / 909*
        Wrought horseshoe nail making ......  470 / 36
        Wrought spike making ...............  470 / 39
Holdover, Refrigeration ....................  62 / 430+
    Accumulation in situ ...................  62 / 59
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 139+
    Puncher, paper .........................  D19 / 72+
    Punches ................................  83
Holiday Season Decoration ..................  D11 / 117+
Hollow Article  
    Block wall .............................  52 / 561+
    Blocks .................................  52 / 576
        Forming passage ....................  52 / 503+
        Laterally related ..................  52 / 561+
        Void former ........................  52 / 577
        With passage .......................  52 / 606+
    Cast barrier ...........................  52 / 380+
        Static mold ........................  249 / 22
        Apparatus ..........................  34 / 104+
        Billet piercing ....................  72 / 327
        Coating ............................  427 / 230+
        Coating by electrolysis ............  205 / 151+
        Cooking apparatus ..................  99
        Die expressing plastics ............  425 / 378.1
        Electroforming .....................  205 / 73
        Handles for cutlery ................  76 / 106
        Process ............................  34 / 442
    Making by extrusion metal ..............  72 / 264+
        E.g., can ..........................  100
    Making by powder metallurgy process ....  419 / 5
    Projectile making ......................  86 / 51+
    Projectile making ......................  86 / 57
    Rope machine ...........................  57 / 33
    Sheet metal container making ...........  413
    Stud wall ..............................  52 / 479+
Holograms & Holographic Systems ............  359 / 1+
    Memories, electric .....................  365 / 125
    Radiation imagery process ..............  430 / 1+
    Shaping or treating ....................  264 / 1.31+
    Design .................................  D03 / 226+
        Firearm ............................  D03 / 222+
    Handgun ................................  224 / 193
        For either side of torso ...........  224 / 192
        Leather or flexible fabric .........  224 / 911*
        Metal or rigid material ............  224 / 912*
        Rotatably or swingably attached ....  224 / 198
        With closure flap ..................  224 / 238
        With gun positioner ................  224 / 243
    Knife, bayonet, sword, ice pick ........  224 / 232+
    Shoulder holster .......................  224 / 623+
Homatropine ................................  546 / 131
Home Banking ...............................  705 / 42
    Credit or loan management ..............  705 / 38
    With encrypted data ....................  705 / 70
Hominy Mills  
    Grain hullers ..........................  99 / 600+
    Solids comminution .....................  241
    Agitator ...............................  366
    Colloid system making ..................  516 / 9+
    Comminuting solids .....................  241
    Equipment design .......................  D07 / 377
    Foods ..................................  99
    Restrictor for .........................  138 / 40+
Homokinetic Coupling .......................  464 / 904*
Homopolar Dynamoelectric Machines ..........  310 / 178
Hones ......................................  451 / 552+
    Bee culture ............................  449
    Centrifugal separator ..................  210 / 361+
    Modified or artificial .................  426 / 658+
Honeycomb (See Article By Name)  
    Dunnage ................................  410 / 121
    Foundations ............................  449 / 44+
    Frames .................................  449 / 42+
    Stock material .........................  428 / 116+
        Metal ..............................  428 / 593
    Structure for containers ...............  493 / 966*
    Actuated by tool or work approach ......  29 / DIG 59
    Automobile .............................  180 / 69.2+
        Combustion air vents ...............  180 / 68.1+
        Design .............................  D12 / 173
        Hinge ..............................  16 / 355+
        Lock ...............................  70 / 240+
    Conveyor discharge .....................  198 / 637
    Curtain shade or screen combined .......  160 / 19+
    Design (see headwear) .................  D02 / 865+
    Encased cutter .........................  29 / DIG 86
    Eye shields ............................  2 / 10+
    Fireplace ..............................  126 / 550
    Flash powder light .....................  431 / 364
    Fluorescent and phosphorescent .........  250 / 492.1
    Devices ................................  250 / 492.1
    Focusing camera ........................  396 / 534
    Garment combined .......................  2 / 84
    Head covering ..........................  2 / 202+
    Metal working with shield or hood ......  29 / DIG 56
    Movements ..............................  29 / DIG 56
    Progressive displacement of ............  29 / DIG 60
    Stove ..................................  126 / 299 R+
        Design .............................  D23 / 371+
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 453
    Ventilating ............................  454 / 49+
    Woodworking cutter .....................  144 / 252.1+
    Calks ..................................  168 / 29+
        Sharpening tools ...................  168 / 46
    Cleaners and trimmers ..................  168 / 48.1+
    Expander ...............................  168 / 47
    Farriery ...............................  168
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 195
    Hoof crack remedy ......................  606 / 212
    Pads ...................................  168 / 26+
        Design .............................  D30 / 149+
    Shoes ..................................  168 / 4+
        Design .............................  D30 / 147+
Hook (See Also Connection) ................  24 / 698.1+
        Belt hook inserting ................  29 / 243.51
        Lacing .............................  227 / 51+
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 105+
    Bicycle carrier ........................  224 / 449
    Bolts hooked end .......................  292 / 95+
    Cant hook hand bar .....................  294 / 17
    Carpet fastener ........................  16 / 6
    Carrier by hand ........................  294 / 137+
    Chatelaine safety ......................  24 / 4
    Clasp combined .........................  24 / 343+
        Cuff holder ........................  24 / 45
    Curtain hook ...........................  D08 / 367+
    Cutter combined ........................  7 / 161+
    Design .................................  D08 / 367+
        Apparel ............................  D11 / 208+
        Curtain ............................  D08 / 367+
    Draft couplings  
        Animal .............................  278
        Railway ............................  213 / 78+
    Eye and ................................  24 / 698.1+
        Design .............................  D11 / 208+
        Relatively movable hook ............  24 / 598.7+
        Portions ...........................  24 / 598.7+
        Portions ...........................  24 / 598.7+
    Fish ...................................  43 / 43.16+
        Design .............................  D22 / 144
        Gaff combined with tackle ..........  43 / 5
        Making .............................  29 / 9
        Trap hook ..........................  43 / 34+
        With artificial bait ...............  43 / 42+
    Hand ...................................  294 / 26
    Hardware, eye & ........................  D08 / 367+
        Checkhooks .........................  54 / 61+
        Checkrein loop .....................  54 / 17
        Design .............................  D30 / 138+
        Traces .............................  54 / 55
    Hat fastener rotary ....................  132 / 62
    Hoist line .............................  294 / 82.1+
    Knitting ...............................  66 / 3+
    Lacing fastening .......................  24 / 713.9
    Lacing stud ............................  24 / 713.9+
    Ladder extensible stop .................  182 / 209+
    Ladder suspension ......................  182 / 206
    Log turner .............................  83 / 710+
        Chain combined .....................  83 / 710+
        Fish ...............................  29 / 9
        Metal ..............................  29 / 7
        Wire ...............................  140 / 80+
    Napkin .................................  24 / 8
    Necktie ................................  24 / 65
    Obstetric tractor ......................  606 / 121
    Pelican ................................  294 / 82.24+
    Picture or mirror support ..............  D08 / 373+
        Hook or eye ........................  D08 / 367
    Pin combined ...........................  24 / 351+
    Pipe joint  
        Duplicate end ......................  285 / 70+
        Pipe to plate ......................  285 / 191
    Rail fastening .........................  238 / 355+
    Rod joint  
        Socket combined ....................  403 / 301
    Sash cord ..............................  16 / 206
    Separable hinge ........................  16 / 260
    Snap ...................................  24 / 598.4+
        Tag label check fastener ...........  40 / 667
    Submarine ..............................  294 / 66.1+
        Bag mouth holder ...................  248 / 100
        Bracket having .....................  248 / 225.11
        Bracket having .....................  248 / 227.1
        Bracket having .....................  248 / 290.1
        Bracket having .....................  248 / 294.1
        Bracket having .....................  248 / 304+
        Clamped by .........................  248 / 227.1
        Faucet engaging ....................  248 / 213
        Horizontal rod engaging ............  248 / 215
        Ladder engaging ....................  248 / 211
        Overhead beam ......................  294 / 85
        Penetrating ........................  248 / 216.1+
        Rod to radiator ....................  248 / 234
        Suspended ..........................  248 / 322
        Suspended ..........................  248 / 339+
    Tackle .................................  294 / 82.11+
Hook-and-Loop Fastener .....................  24 / 306
    Belt fasterners ........................  24 / 31 V
    Brackets attached by ...................  248 / 205.2
    Buildings, static structures digest ....  52 / DIG 13
    Chairs & seats digest ..................  297 / DIG 6
    Separable fastener .....................  428 / 100
    Surgery digest .........................  128 / DIG 15+
    Telephone receiver switch ..............  379 / 426+
Hookahs ....................................  131 / 173
    Barrel .................................  217 / 91+
        Drivers ............................  147 / 7+
        Machines ...........................  147 / 43+
        Truss ..............................  147 / 49
    Embroidery .............................  38 / 102.2
        Metal ..............................  29 / 7
        Wood by bending ....................  144 / 258
        Wood by sawing .....................  83 / 425+
    Sail ...................................  114 / 113
    Skirts .................................  2 / 216
        Design .............................  D02 / 851+
        Design frame .......................  D02 / 855
        Making .............................  223 / 6
    Toy ....................................  446 / 236+
        Rolling ............................  446 / 450+
        Toy (design) .......................  D21 / 457
Hopper (See Magazine)  
        Bottom forming conveyor ............  198 / 550.1
            Discharge to gravity section ...  198 / 550.1+
            Gravity discharge holder .......  198 / 540+
        Dispenser ..........................  222
    Dumping land vehicles ..................  298 / 24+
    Dumping railway car ....................  105 / 247
        Flat convertible to ................  105 / 243
    Feeding and feeder  
        Animal .............................  119 / 52.1+
        Animal, design .....................  D30 / 121+
        Article ............................  221
        Bag filling ........................  53 / 570+
        Cigarette tube .....................  131 / 74
        Filler tobacco or bunch ............  131 / 44
        Furnace charging bell and ..........  414 / 204
        Furnace fuel .......................  110 / 108+
        Furnace fuel blower ................  110 / 105
        Match dipping frames ...............  144 / 64
        Rotary drying drum external ........  34 / 112
        Type ...............................  34 / 112
        Sifter .............................  209 / 244+
        Static mold having .................  249 / 108
        Tobacco for cigar etc making .......  131 / 108+
        Track sander .......................  291 / 38+
        Track sander with jet in ...........  291 / 18
        Track sander with oscillating ......  291 / 30
        Wood slicing .......................  144 / 180
    Planting combined  
        Auxiliary frame hill type ..........  111 / 24
        Dibble with revolving ..............  111 / 90+
        Floating auxiliary frame ...........  111 / 63+
        Revolving ..........................  111 / 74
        Vibrating ..........................  111 / 75
    Power driven conveyor combined  
        Bottom forming .....................  198 / 550.1
        Chute and ..........................  198 / 568+
        Discharge for ......................  198 / 523+
        Feeder .............................  198 / 523+
        Plural conveyors ...................  198 / 570+
Hopples ....................................  119 / 816+
    Slings combined ........................  119 / 816+
Hops and Hopping ...........................  426 / 11+
    Apparatus ..............................  99 / 278+
    Plants .................................  PLT / 236
    Stirrer ................................  366 / 343+
    Vine stripper ..........................  460 / 123+
Horizon Artificial .........................  356 / 248+
Hormones ...................................  552 / 502+
    Animal extracts  
        Medicines containing ...............  424 / 520+
    Heterocyclic ...........................  540 / 2+
    Sex ....................................  552 / 502+
Hormones,Protein ...........................  530 / 399
Horn .......................................  D10 / 120
    Antenna ................................  343 / 786
    Ear trumpet ............................  181 / 129+
    Electric ...............................  340 / 388.1+
    Fertilizer .............................  71 / 18
    Fog ....................................  116 / 137 R+
    Lamp combined ..........................  116 / 3
    Loud speaker ...........................  381 / 339+
    Making by deforming sheet metal ........  72
    Megaphone ..............................  181 / 177+
    Musical instrument .....................  84 / 387 R+
        Design .............................  D17 / 11
    Periodic sounding ......................  116 / 24
    Phonograph .............................  369 / 163
    Shield .................................  119 / 851
    Shoe ...................................  223 / 118+
        Design .............................  D02 / 642
    Shoe inseam trimmer ....................  12 / 4.5
    Stringed instrument resonator ..........  84 / 294
    Structure ..............................  116 / 137 R+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 209
    Vehicle ................................  116 / 59
        Design .............................  D10 / 120+
Horology ...................................  368
Horology ...................................  968*
    Antimagnetic devices ...................  368 / 293
    Balances ...............................  368 / 169+
    Clocks .................................  368 / 62+
    Design .................................  D10 / 30+
    Dial trains ............................  368 / 220+
    Dials ..................................  368 / 232+
    Dials hands ............................  368 / 238+
    Escapements ............................  368 / 124+
    Invertible, hour glass type ............  368 / 93
    Parking meter type .....................  368 / 90+
    Pendulums ..............................  368 / 134+
    Safety wheels ..........................  368 / 181+
    Watches ................................  368 / 62+
    Blankets ...............................  54 / 79.1
        Design .............................  D30 / 145
    Boots ..................................  54 / 82
        Design .............................  D30 / 146+
    Collars ................................  54 / 19.1+
        Design .............................  D30 / 137
        Hames combined .....................  54 / 18.1+
        Shaping ............................  69 / 3
        Stuffing ...........................  69 / 4
    Confining and housing ..................  119 / 436+
    Detachers ..............................  278 / 21+
    Four legged support ....................  182 / 181.1+
        Unitary foldable ...................  182 / 153+
    Grooming and currying devices ..........  119 / 600+
        With air draft .....................  15 / 363+
    Gymnastic ..............................  482 / 25
    Harness ................................  54
    Powered motor ..........................  185 / 15+
        Composite or multiple ..............  185 / 3
    Rake horse drawn .......................  56 / 375+
    Rocking (design) .......................  D21 / 416+
    Training apparatus .....................  54 / 71
Horseshoe ..................................  473 / 591
    Calk ...................................  D30 / 150
    Design .................................  D30 / 147+
    Farriery ...............................  168
    Making .................................  59 / 36+
    Nail making  
        Cut type ...........................  470 / 37
        Wrought type .......................  470 / 38
    Nails ..................................  411 / 439+
Horticulture (See Plant Husbandry)  
    Horticultural tools ....................  D08 / 1+
    Illumination ...........................  362 / 805*
Hose (See Stocking)  
    Alarm system via fluid hose ............  340 / 320
    Applying and removing ..................  29 / 235+
    Bridge .................................  104 / 275
    Brush or mop combined ..................  401 / 289
    Carrier reel ...........................  242 / 370+
    Clamp applier ..........................  81 / 9.3
    Clamps .................................  24 / 19
        Cutoff .............................  251 / 4+
    Connections ............................  285 / 238+
    Dispensed material guide ...............  222 / 527+
    Dispensing guide interlock .............  222 / 74+
    Fire fighting vehicle ..................  280 / 4
    Holder and fluid supply ................  137 / 355.16+
        With nozzle ........................  239 / 195+
    Liquid level gauge combined ............  73 / 294
    Making .................................  156 / 143+
    Nozzle .................................  239 / 589+
    Pantyhose ..............................  2 / 409
    Protectors .............................  138 / 110
    Structure ..............................  138 / 177
        Design .............................  D23 / 266
    Support ................................  248 / 75+
        Fluid conduit or nozzle ............  248 / 75+
        Plural garment .....................  2 / 306
        Strip connected spaced holder ......  2 / 335
        Torso or limb encircling ...........  2 / 311+
    Water hose .............................  D23 / 266
    Wheeled hose reels .....................  242 / 403+
Hospital (See Health Care; Clinical  
    Information system)  
Hospital Furniture and Equipment  
    (See type)  
Hot Air Furnace ............................  126 / 99 R
Hot Bearing Indicator ......................  116 / 214
    Train hotbox ...........................  246 / 169 A
Hot Bed ....................................  47 / 19.1
Hot Blast Stoves ...........................  432 / 214+
Hot Dog  
    Cooker .................................  D07 / 323+
    Packaging ..............................  53 / DIG 1
Hot Houses .................................  47 / 17+
    Engine cooling vents ...................  180 / 68.3
Hot Pad or Mitt ............................  D29 / 118+
Hot Plate ..................................  219 / 443.1+
    Design .................................  D07 / 362+
Hot Topping ................................  164 / 122+
Hot Tops ...................................  249 / 106
Hot Water Bottle ...........................  383 / 901*
    Design .................................  D24 / 207+
Hot Water Furnace ..........................  122
Hot Wire Meters ............................  324 / 106
    Open bar in room .......................  705 / 15
    Vehicle ................................  280 / 139
        Draft pole combined ................  278 / 43
Hour Glass .................................  368 / 93
House ......................................  52
    Amusement ..............................  472 / 136
        Illusionary ........................  472 / 74
    Animal .................................  119 / 436+
    Annunciators ...........................  340 / 815.4+
    Bird ...................................  119 / 428
    Compound maintenance tools .............  7 / 105+
    Drying ie kilns ........................  34 / 201+
    Heating and cooling system .............  165 / 48.1
    Heating system .........................  237
    Hog ....................................  119 / 444+
    House trailer ..........................  D12 / 103
    Moving .................................  52 / 143
        Portable track .....................  238 / 13
        Fluorescent ........................  250 / 462.1
        Luminous ...........................  40 / 542
        Plate ..............................  D20 / 10+
    Plumbing (see plumbing) ...............  4 / 211+
    Poultry ................................  119 / 437+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 476+
        Construction .......................  446 / 108+
        Furnishings ........................  446 / 479+
    Ventilation ............................  454
        Toilet .............................  4 / 209 R+
    Design .................................  D12 / 315
Housecoat or Robe ..........................  D02 / 724+
Household Articles .........................  D07
    Linen ..................................  D06 / 595+
    Measuring implement ....................  D10 / 46.2
    Abrading apparatus .....................  451 / 451+
    Animal confining or ....................  119 / 416+
        Below ground .......................  119 / 486
        Cage ...............................  119 / 452+
        Coop ...............................  119 / 482+
        Elevation means ....................  119 / 485
        Experimental purpose ...............  119 / 417+
        Hutch ..............................  119 / 482
            For rabbit .....................  119 / 483
        Pen ................................  119 / 502+
        Permanent building .................  119 / 436+
        Rack ...............................  119 / 502+
        Stall ..............................  119 / 516+
    Brush and broom ........................  15 / 184+
    Closure seals ..........................  292 / 317
    Combination lock .......................  70 / 443
        Fence supported by .................  70 / 322
    Electricity conductors .................  174 / 50
        Fluid or vacuum type ...............  174 / 17 R+
        Wall mounted .......................  174 / 480+
    For an electrical device ...............  174 / 50+
    For different electrical devices .......  361 / 600+
    For specific electrical device  
    (See the type of device)  
    Key operated locks .....................  70 / 448+
    Lock on rotary shaft ...................  70 / 184+
    Lock on valve ..........................  70 / 179
    Material treating drum with gas ........  34 / 139
    Flow ...................................  34 / 139
        Heating ............................  34 / 595
    Metal rolling apparatus ................  72 / 237+
    Padlock ................................  70 / 52
        Nonshackle type ....................  70 / 33
    Radio receiver .........................  455 / 347+
        Vehicle ............................  455 / 351+
    Rotary shafting ........................  464 / 170+
        Shaft combined .....................  464 / 52+
    Swinging door locks  
        Interfitting keeper and ............  70 / 102+
        Swinging deadbolt type .............  70 / 136
    Switchboard ............................  361 / 600+
    Television .............................  348 / 836+
    Thermometer ............................  374 / 208+
    Transceiver ............................  455 / 90.3
    Transmitter ............................  455 / 128
    Tuner with .............................  334 / 85
Hovering Vehicles ..........................  180 / 116+
Howitzers See Gun  
    Automobile light combined ..............  362 / 487
        Ball ...............................  384 / 544
        Roller .............................  384 / 589
        Operator ...........................  188 / 114
        Transmission .......................  192 / 217.3+
        Vehicle ............................  188 / 17+
        Velocipede .........................  188 / 26
    Cap ....................................  301 / 108.1+
        Lock ...............................  70 / 259+
    Groove railway .........................  295 / 45+
    Impeller ...............................  416 / 204 R+
    Land vehicle ...........................  301 / 105.1+
        Compression plural spoke series ....  301 / 74+
        Compression single spoke series ....  301 / 80+
        Tension ............................  301 / 59+
        Wrench .............................  301 / 116
    Manufacture and assembly ...............  29 / 894.36+
        Boring .............................  408 / 72 R
        Special woodworking machines .......  144 / 16
    Runner vehicle .........................  280 / 14
    Wrench .................................  81 / 75+
Hub Odometers ..............................  235 / 95 B+
    Airship ................................  244 / 125
    Cleaning implements ....................  114 / 222
    Rotary for propulsion ..................  440 / 99
    Ship ...................................  114 / 56.1+
    Small boat .............................  114 / 355+
Huller (See Husker)  
    Boll ...................................  19 / 35+
        Gin saw combined ...................  19 / 56
    Clover .................................  460 / 15
        Abrasive or impact .................  99 / 600+
        Apparatus combined .................  241 / 101.01
        By solid agent .....................  426 / 483
        Other comminution combined .........  241 / 7
    Nut ....................................  99 / 568+
        Skinner or blancher ................  99 / 623+
    Grain ..................................  426 / 481+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 600+
Hum Bucking in an Amplifier ................  330 / 149
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Hcg, .........  436 / 818*
    Testing ................................  436 / 818*
Humanities, Computer Applications ..........  704 / 1+
Humidifiers Gas ............................  261
    Air heating furnace combined ...........  126 / 113
    Auto humidifier ........................  261 / DIG 4
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 31+
    Design .................................  D23 / 359
    Drier combined .........................  34
    Duct ...................................  261 / DIG 15
    Gas separation combined ................  96
    Pad retaining means in .................  261 / DIG 41
    Radiator combined ......................  237 / 78 R
    Residue prevention in ..................  261 / DIG 46
    Slow diffusers .........................  239 / 34+
    Ventilator combined ....................  454
    Meter (see hygrometer)  
    Regulation (see air moistener) ........  236
        Automatic ..........................  261 / DIG 34
        Drying apparatus combined ..........  34 / 557
        Heat exchange process ..............  165 / 222+
        Heat exchanger combined ............  165 / 222+
        Tobacco treatment ..................  131 / 303
Humidor ....................................  312 / 31+
    Design .................................  D27 / 186+
Humming (See Vibration, Dampers)  
Humus ......................................  71 / 24
Hunting ....................................  43
    Belt with cartridge holder .............  D03 / 224
    Boats ..................................  114 / 351
    Coats ..................................  2 / 94
    Decoys .................................  43 / 2+
    Design, general ........................  D22
    Equipment and game carriers ............  224
    Knife ..................................  D22 / 118
    License holder .........................  40 / 642.02+
        Badge ..............................  40 / 1.5+
    Telescopic gun sight ...................  D16 / 132
    Traps ..................................  43 / 58+
        Design .............................  D22 / 119+
Hurdles ....................................  482 / 15+
    Layouts ................................  472 / 85+
Hurdy Gurdy See Orchestrion  
    Animal .................................  119
        Design .............................  D30
    Plant ..................................  47
        Design .............................  D08 / 1
Husker (See Huller)  
    Corn ...................................  460 / 26+
    Ear separator ..........................  99 / 585
    Feeders for ............................  460 / 18
        Abrasive or impact .................  99 / 600+
        By solid agent .....................  426 / 483
    Picker combined ........................  56 / 103+
    Picker cornstalk type combined .........  56 / 64+
        Power operated .....................  56 / 14.1+
    Process ................................  426 / 482+
Hybrid Cell Formation ......................  435 / 449+
Hydantoin ..................................  548 / 317.1+
Hydnocarpic Acid ...........................  562 / 413
Hydrant ....................................  D23 / 234
    Charged sprinkler ......................  239 / 148
    Structure ..............................  137 / 272+
    Syringe ................................  604 / 150
Hydrastinine ...............................  546 / 90
Hydrate of Hydrocarbon .....................  585 / 15
Hydrators Lime .............................  422 / 162
    Accumulator ............................  138 / 26+
        Aircraft control ...................  244 / 226+
        Bar and tube drawing ...............  72 / 287+
        Bulldozer blade control ............  172 / 812
        Conveyer ...........................  406
        Pump ...............................  415
        Punching machine ...................  83 / 639.1
        Pushing and pulling implements .....  254 / 93 R
        Snowplow blade control .............  37 / 234
        Testing ............................  73 / 168
    Bark rossing ...........................  144 / 208.3
    Brake ..................................  188 / 151 R+
        Electric fluid alarm ...............  340 / 450+
        Fluid ..............................  252 / 71+
        Fluid alarm ........................  116 / 28 R+
        Line valve .........................  137 / 598
        Pulsator ...........................  60 / 533+
        Composition ........................  106 / 638+
        Glass combined .....................  501 / 32
        Manufacture ........................  106 / 739+
    Clutch coupling or transmission ........  74 / 730.1+
        Accumulator type ...................  138 / 26+
        Planetary gearing combined .........  475 / 31+
        Vehicle spring combined ............  267 / 2+
    Dynamometers ...........................  73 / 862+
        Tensile strain testing .............  73 / 836
    Endless flexible track adjusting .......  305 / 145+
    Engineering ............................  405 / 52
        Caissons ...........................  405 / 8+
        Diving .............................  405 / 185+
        Drydocks ...........................  405 / 4+
        Marine structures in shifting ......  405 / 195.1+
        Media ..............................  405 / 195.1+
        Marine ways ........................  405 / 2
        Pipe & cable laying ................  405 / 154.1+
        Ship caissons ......................  405 / 12
        Tunnel .............................  405 / 132+
        Underground fluid storage ..........  405 / 53+
        Water control ......................  405 / 52+
    Jack ...................................  254 / 93 R
        Motor and pump .....................  60 / 325+
        Flow control .......................  137
        Structure ..........................  138 / 177
    Metal injector .........................  164 / 314+
    Motor regulators .......................  137 / 505+
        Speed responsive ...................  415 / 30+
        Torque responsive ..................  415 / 30+
    Motors (see motor) ....................  91
        Pump combined ......................  60 / 325+
    Power plants ...........................  60 / 325+
        Die shaping ........................  72
        Forging ............................  72 / 453.01+
        Motor pump operator ................  60 / 325+
        Multiple motors ....................  60 / 698+
        Pressure fluid source & motor ......  60 / 325+
        Sand mold compactor ................  164 / 212
        Motor ..............................  60 / 200.1+
        Railway car ........................  104 / 154
        Ship ...............................  440 / 5+
    Pump ...................................  417
        Compressor .........................  417 / 104
        Pump ...............................  417 / 226+
    Weighing scale .........................  177 / 208+
Hydrazide (See Amide)  
Hydrazine ..................................  423 / 407+
    Explosive or thermic ...................  149 / 36
    Composition containing .................  149 / 36
    Organic ................................  564 / 310+
    Reducing compositions ..................  252 / 188.1
    Sulfate ................................  423 / 388
Hydrazoic Acid .............................  423 / 351
Hydrazones .................................  564 / 250+
Hydrides ...................................  423 / 644
    Reducing compositions ..................  252 / 188.25+
Hydrindone .................................  568 / 327
Hydrins ....................................  558 / 303+
    Chlor ..................................  568 / 841+
        Hydrolysis of ......................  568 / 859+
    Cyan ...................................  558 / 451+
Hydriodic Acid .............................  423 / 481
Hydrocarbons ...............................  585
    Apparatus of recited composition .......  585 / 920*
    Apparatus structure recited ............  585 / 921*
        Reactor fluid manipulating .........  585 / 922*
        Device .............................  585 / 922*
        Reactor shape or disposition .......  585 / 924*
    Azeotropic distillation with ...........  203 / 68+
    Blended or composition .................  585 / 1+
    Compound ...............................  585 / 16+
    Drying oil hydrocarbon .................  585 / 945*
    Fischer tropsch synthesis ..............  518 / 700+
    Gas separation .........................  95
    Hydrate of .............................  585 / 15
    Inorganic material conversion ..........  585 / 943*
    Low molecular weight polymer ...........  106 / 901*
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 901*
    Mineral oils ...........................  208
    Opening of hydrocarbon ring ............  585 / 940*
    Polymerized unsaturates only see ......  526 / 335+
    Also synthetic resin or natural ........  526 / 335+
    Rubber .................................  526 / 335+
    Purification ...........................  585 / 800+
    Radiant resistant composition ..........  585 / 944*
        Carbonium ion production ...........  585 / 942*
    Recovering hydrocarbon  
        Solvent extraction .................  585 / 833+
        Werner complex formation ...........  585 / 850
        Diluent or mass-action agent .......  585 / 901*
        Hydrogen to control reaction .......  585 / 903*
        Solvent and catalyst ...............  585 / 902*
        Alicyclic ..........................  585 / 350+
        Aromatic ...........................  585 / 400+
        By-product conversion to feed ......  585 / 905*
        Condition-responsive control in ....  585 / 956*
        Alicyclic synthesis ................  585 / 956*
        Cooling by evaporation .............  585 / 914*
        Corrosion prevention ...............  585 / 950*
        Cyclic polymerization ..............  585 / 415
        Diels-alder reaction ...............  585 / 361
        Isotope exchange ...................  585 / 941*
        Mass-action phenomenon .............  585 / 954*
        Pulsed, sonic, plasma processes ....  585 / 953*
        Rehabillitation of hydrogen ........  585 / 900*
        Acceptor ...........................  585 / 900*
        Saturated ..........................  585 / 700+
        Specified mixing procedure .........  585 / 955*
        Start-up procedure .................  585 / 951*
        Stopping or retarding procedure ....  585 / 952*
        Unsaturated ........................  585 / 500+
    Waxy hydrocarbon polymer production ....  585 / 946*
Hydrocellulose .............................  536 / 56+
    Nitrogen containing ....................  536 / 30+
Hydrocephalus Pumps ........................  604 / 8
Hydrochloric Acid ..........................  423 / 481+
Hydrocinnamic Acid .........................  562 / 496
Hydrocortisone .............................  552 / 577
Hydrocortisone, in Drug ....................  514 / 179
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 46+
    Paraffin synthesis .....................  585 / 752
Hydrocyanic Acid ...........................  423 / 364
    Electrolytic production of .............  205 / 551
Hydrofluoric Acid ..........................  423 / 481
Hydrofluosilic Acid ........................  423 / 341
Hydrofoils .................................  114 / 274
Hydrogen ...................................  423 / 648.1+
    Alloys for storage .....................  420 / 900*
    Carbureting ............................  48 / 199 R
        Apparatus ..........................  48 / 116+
    Compositions containing ................  252 / 372+
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 637+
    Exchange disproportionation  
        Hydrogenation by ...................  585 / 257
        Olefin synthesis by ................  585 / 656
    Generative composition .................  252 / 188.1+
        Electrolytic analysis or testing ...  205 / 787.5
        For ph .............................  205 / 787.5
        Testing electrolytic apparatus .....  204 / 433
        Testing systems ....................  324 / 438
    Peroxide ...............................  423 / 584+
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 465+
        Electrostatic field or .............  204 / 175
        Electrical discharge synthesis .....  204 / 175
        Treatment ..........................  430 / 943*
        Synthetic resin or natural .........  525 / 343+
        Rubber vulcanization with ..........  525 / 343+
    Co .....................................  518 / 700+
    Coal ...................................  208 / 400+
    Electrolytic ...........................  205 / 413+
    Fatty oils .............................  554 / 141+
    Hydrocarbons ...........................  585 / 250+
        Aromatic ...........................  585 / 266+
        Synthesis ..........................  585 / 250+
    Mineral oils ...........................  208
    Natural resins .........................  530 / 200+
    No2 compound reduction .................  564 / 416+
    Polymers ...............................  525 / 338+
    Rosin ..................................  530 / 223
    Alkyl halides to alcohols ..............  568 / 891+
    Alkyl sulfates to alcohols .............  568 / 886+
        Polyhydric .........................  568 / 858
    Apparatus for carbohydrate .............  127 / 1
    Carbohydrate ...........................  127 / 36+
    Fats oils waxes ........................  554 / 160+
    Fermentative ...........................  435
    Halides to phenols .....................  568 / 796
Hydrometallurgy ............................  75 / 711+
Hydrometer .................................  73 / 441+
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.05
    Design .................................  D10 / 84
    Design .................................  D10 / 84
    Integral with battery ..................  429 / 90+
Hydrophenanthrene Carboxylic Acid ..........  560 / 5+
    Esters .................................  560 / 5+
Hydrophilic Cellular Synthetic Resin .......  521 / 905*
    Or natural rubber ......................  521 / 905*
Hydrophobic Cellular Synthetic Resin .......  521 / 905*
    Or natural rubber ......................  521 / 905*
Hydrophone .................................  367 / 140+
Hydrophthalic Acid .........................  562 / 509
Hydroplane Boats ...........................  114 / 271+
Hydroponics ................................  47 / 59 R+
Hydroquinone ...............................  568 / 763+
Hydrosols (See Colloids)  
Hydrostatic Extrusion ......................  72 / 711*
Hydrotherapy Units .........................  D24 / 201+
Hydroxamate Esters .........................  560 / 312+
Hydroxide (See Hydroxy Compounds)  
    Ammonium electrolytic production .......  205 / 551
    Bases ..................................  423 / 592.1+
    Bindant or reactant ....................  252 / 193
    Electrolytic production of .............  205 / 508+
    Electrolytic treatment of alkali .......  205 / 762
    Forming hydroxide ......................  205 / 762
Hydroxylamine Organic ......................  564 / 300+
    O-esters, o-ethers .....................  564 / 300
Hygiene, Feminine  
    Tampons ................................  604 / 358+
    X-art collection .......................  604 / 904*
Hygrometer .................................  73 / 29.02+
    Dielectric .............................  324 / 663+
        Capacitance change .................  324 / 665
        Resistance change ..................  324 / 694
Hygroscope .................................  73 / 29.02+
    Cooler combined ........................  62 / 130
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 126
Hygroscopic Compositions ...................  252 / 194
    Refrigerated gas drying ................  62 / 271
        Process ............................  62 / 94
    Refrigeration utilizing ................  62 / 476+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 141+
        Process ............................  62 / 101+
        Vacuumized chamber .................  62 / 269
Hygrostat ..................................  73 / 29.02+
    Humidity control .......................  236 / 44 R
    Refrigeration control ..................  62 / 176.1
Hypnotic Composition .......................  424
Hypo .......................................  423 / 511+
Hypochlorite ...............................  423 / 473
    Biocides containing ....................  424 / 661+
    Bleaching composition ..................  252 / 187.1+
    Cleaning or detergent ..................  510 / 119+
    Composition with .......................  510 / 119+
    Cleaning or detergent ..................  510 / 380
    Composition with .......................  510 / 380
    Ammunition .............................  102 / 512
    Surgical ...............................  604 / 187+
        Design .............................  D24 / 113+
    Syringe package ........................  206 / 364+
Hypohalite Esters ..........................  560 / 300
HYPOLON™    (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Hyponitrite Esters .........................  560 / 316
Hypophosphites Inorganic ...................  423
Hyposulphites ..............................  423 / 511
Hypoxanthine - See Inosine .................  536 / 27.8

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