,022ef eller Institute biew Pork i. .Ape 30 : _ i943. ?? Sinc6 part of Pa&@~~~.&p3rt dealt wi:.h experb&ts in~&ducing "A some protection against disease in slice, extendin,: tileir average lengkh of '. fife, fo~oving inoculation; over the controls by 24 ~O~JTS, Landsteiner sug-' gested that FJ~H see Avery, w$m uould be greatly Pa&iqgfs &k, -' ' .. ,.. ._ interested in this aspect of .,. .., . .- -_,. _, -; ;._.-. A- sa;ri de is not i.mpres&d tith tne results of atteqtftig to protect -- mice waith Pauli.q*s zaterisls, 3~ does, howevei, in cWon aitin ot&s con- sulted, `selieve that this uork should be supported to the extent that'- n8C- essry to demonstrate it iti a truth or ftisity, although, as Landsteh'er pointed Out, the n@gati.Ve Of Padling's theorjr could never be pmved. A. happens to knoy Stmte==t, TrJler, and the biological group for ahon part of the grant wofid be used, ad thin& veq .hi&hly of this able group of gen8tiCi8tS work- ing in the immnological field. f8CcQ -&I!%4 va'&/i@+ ti `+ &J&hat/-*- : -.-- -- f w -. @+y&g-g-, . ,- TI!!....... ---- ..-_ ROCKEFELLER ARCHIVE CENTER