United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Routing

Question: How does Routing work?

Here's a Quick Guide to DOCLINE Routing of Copy Requests:

Routing by Cells:

1. Prefix LIBID (if entered)
Holdings are checked for the Prefixed library, but will route regardless.
The routing algorithm will only route a request to a library IF
  1. the selected preferred network delivery method OR one of the network alternate delivery methods is supported by that institution AND
  2. the institution is an active DOCLINE participant at the time of routing AND
  3. the institution provides the selected level of service (if above Normal) AND
  4. the institution provides color copy service (if selected) AND
  5. the institution is an EFTS participant (if selected).

2. Routing Table (using cells selected)
The routing algorithm will randomly route a request to a library IF
  1. the selected preferred network delivery method is supported by that institution AND
  2. that institution reports owning either the volume or year of the title AND
  3. the institution is an active DOCLINE participant at the time of routing AND
  4. the institution provides the selected level of service (if above Normal) AND
  5. the institution provides color copy service (if selected) AND
  6. the institution is an EFTS participant (if selected);

    Then if less than 20 libraries matched for routing,

  7. the institution supports one of the network alternate delivery methods selected AND
  8. conditions b-f are met.

    Then repeat for cell 2, cell 3, etc.

3. Resource Libraries (if Refer to Resource Libraries selected)
The routing algorithm will randomly route to a maximum of 20 Resource Libraries. A request will only route to a Resource Library IF
  1. the selected preferred network delivery method is supported by that institution AND
  2. that institution reports holding either the volume or year of the title AND
  3. the institution is an active DOCLINE participant at the time of routing AND
  4. the institution provides the selected level of service (if above Normal) AND
  5. the institution provides color copy service (if selected) AND
  6. the institution is an EFTS participant (if selected) AND
  7. the request did not previously route to institution;

    Then if less than 20 libraries matched for routing,

  8. the institution supports one of the network alternate delivery methods selected AND
  9. conditions b-g are met.

4. NLM (if "Route to NLM" is set to "Yes")
NLM holdings are not checked.
Request will route to the National Library of Medicine IF
  1. Route to NLM checked AND
  2. NLM provides the selected NLM delivery method AND
  3. NLM provides the level of service selected.

5. Refer on after NLM (if selected)
The routing algorithm will randomly route a request to a maximum of 20 libraries. The algorithm first checks Resource Libraries, then Primary Access Libraries, then a list of four specific special libraries, then "Other" Libraries. A request will randomly route to a library IF
  1. the selected preferrered network delivery method is supported by that institution AND
  2. that institution reports holding either the volume or year of the title AND
  3. the institution is an active DOCLINE participant at the time of routing AND
  4. the institution provides the selected level of service (if above Normal) AND
  5. the institution provides color copy service (if selected) AND
  6. the institution is an EFTS participant (if selected) AND
  7. the request did not previously route to institution;

    Then if less than 20 Resource Libraries matched for routing,

  8. the institution supports one of the network alternate delivery methods selected AND
  9. conditions b-g are met;

    Then if less than 20 Resource Libraries matched for routing,

  10. Repeat steps a-i for Primary Access Libraries;

    Then if less than 20 libraries matched for routing,

  11. Repeat steps a-i for 1) American Hospital Association Library, 2) American Dental Association Library, 3) National Agricultural Library; and 4) Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information;

    Then if less than 20 libraries matched for routing,

  12. Repeat steps a-i for "Other" libraries (library level = Other).

Note: Delivery methods are not checked in the routing of an "Original" (or “loan”) request since these are all assumed to be “Mail” delivery.

Routing by M/A/N Map (Manual Requests):

1. LIBIDs on Routing Instructions page.
Holdings are not checked.
Request is routed sequentially by Row (1-9) to the institutions designated IF
  1. LIBID is valid AND
  2. The selected preferred network delivery method OR one of the network alternate delivery methods is supported by that institution AND
  3. the institution is an active DOCLINE participant at the time of routing AND
  4. the institution provides the selected level of service (if above Normal) AND
  5. the institution provides color copy service (if selected) AND
  6. the institution is an EFTS participant (if selected) AND

2. NLM (if "Route to NLM" is set to "Yes")
NLM holdings are not checked.
Request will route to NLM IF
  1. Route to NLM checked AND
  2. NLM provides the selected NLM delivery method AND
  3. NLM provides the level of service selected.

Note: Delivery methods are not checked in the routing of an "Original" (or “loan”) request since these are all assumed to be “Mail” delivery.

Remember that you can establish request defaults in your Borrowing Preferences. Click on the Institutions tab at the top of the screen, and then click the "Update (LIBID)" button to edit your institution's information.  Click on the "DOCLINE Options" button in the sidebar on the left.  Make changes to the fields under Borrowing Preferences.  Click on the Save button at the top of the "DOCLINE Options" page to save your changes.

Related Questions:
How do I change the routing instructions in my request?
How do I prevent a request from routing to NLM?
How do I temporarily deactivate my DOCLINE account?
How does 'Alternate Delivery Method' routing work?
How does Refer on after NLM work?
How does Refer to Resource Libraries work?
How does routing to a Library Group work?

Return to the list of DOCLINE FAQs | Return to the list of NLM FAQs

Last reviewed: 18 September 2008
Last updated: 18 September 2008
First published: 16 February 2006
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