United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Transferring a Loansome Doc Request

Question: How do I transfer a Loansome Doc request?

To transfer your Loansome Doc requests into DOCLINE, do the following:

  1. From the DOCLINE main menu, select Requests, then Borrow, then Loansome Doc Transfer.

  2. Click the Go button to retrieve all pending LD requests or enter a specific LD request number.

  3. Select the "Ship To" information as appropriate for the request.

  4. Click a displayed request number under the "Transfer Request" column to initiate the transfer into DOCLINE.

  5. Complete the Routing Instructions.

  6. Select an appropriate "Referral Reason". This is a required field when transferring Loansome Doc requests and cannot be blank.

  7. Review/update the Shipping address.

  8. Click Finish.

    Note: Users should not reject the Loansome Doc request in Lend if they plan to transfer it into DOCLINE.

Related Questions:
How do I ship a request to a patron but have it billed to my institution?
Why isn't there always notification when Loansome Doc requests are filled and shipped to the patron?

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Last reviewed: 17 September 2008
Last updated: 17 September 2008
First published: 09 January 2002
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