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Emergency Response in the Southeast

National Response Links

National Response Center (NRC)

Oil Response & Removal

Chemical Releases

EPA's Superfund Emergency Response Program provides quick response to the release, or threatened release, of oil and hazardous substances wherever and whenever they occur. In support of these objectives, the program:


An environmental emergency is a suddent threat to the public health, or the well-being of the environment, arising from the release or potential release of oil, hazardous chemicals, radioactive materials, or biological agents into the air, land, or water. These emergencies may occur from transportation accidents, events at facilities that manufacture or store oil or chemicals, or as a result of natural or man-made disaster events. The Emergency Response and Removal Program also deals with threats to the environment that are imminent, but somewhat less acute. These actions are generally surface cleanups. These removal actions can be triggered by burning, leaking, explosion or other hazardous occurrences that cannot wait for remedial action. Due to the short-term nature of these actions, there is a set limit of $2 million and 12 months limit on Fund-financed removal actions.

To report a spill go to this page: Protect the Environment: Report spills and violations.

Previously reported spills: Information is available at The National Response Center.Exit EPA Disclaimer

Pollution Reports (POLREPS) - For Reports of removal response actions at oil and harzardous substance sites see:

     List of Pollution Reports from chemical sites (recent and current removal activities)

     List of Pollution Reports from oil sites

     OR alternatively

     Description of sites with pollution reports(http://www.epaosc.net)

      Please contact Libby Holcomb (404.562.8715) if you are having trouble finding the information you need.

For information about the contents of this page please contact Libby Holcomb

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