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Online Base RCRA and RCRA Corrective Action Resources

National Information


RCRA Corrective Action Training: Strategies for Meeting the 2020 Vision
The mission of this course is to develop and enhance the skills of qualified personnel who will implement corrective actions for their sites by the year 2020 that are protective of human health and the environment while encouraging revitalization. This training course builds on the strong program knowledge that has been developed over the years. It stresses practical approaches that support progress -- while achieving on-going protection of human health and the environment and long-term environmental stewardship. Hazardous Waste Corrective Action Training Modules.


What is the RCRA Corrective Action program all about?
RCRA is the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, which was enacted by Congress in 1976. RCRA's primary goals are to protect human health and the environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal, to conserve energy and natural resources, to reduce the amount of waste generated, and to ensure that wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner.


The hazardous waste requirements of RCRA comprise two main programs:

Corrective action requirements for SWMUs and AOCs are found in the 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) to RCRA. RCRA Corrective Action is the process where areas of a facility which have managed solid waste are evaluated and, if necessary, cleaned up.


Government Performance and Results Act
In 1993, Congress passed, and the President signed into law, the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). This law places new management expectations and requirements on federal agencies. In 1997 in response to GPRA's requirements for creating a framework for more effective planning, budgeting and program evaluation; the RCRA Corrective Action program began measuring its progress through two RCRA Environmental Indicators. In 2006 two additional measures of performance were added, Remedy Decision and Remedy Construction. These two Environmental Indicators plus Remedy Decision and Remedy Construction constitute the RCRA Corrective Action Program's GRPA goals for the years beyond 2005.


What are the priorities of the RCRA Corrective Action program?

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In order to respond to the requirements of GPRA, EPA developed a list of important corrective action facilities as a baseline from which to measure progress toward meeting the two RCRA Environmental Indicators plus Remedy Decision and Remedy Construction. Nationally, there are 3,746 facilities on the 2020 RCRA Cleanup Baseline. In Region 4, there are 557 facilities which constitute Region 4's RCRA Cleanup baseline


What is Region 4's Progress toward meeting GPRA?
Detailed information about Region 4's activities toward meeting the GPRA Corrective Action goals is available by clicking here.


What other Online Resources are available?
EPA maintains many sources of information about the base RCRA program, the RCRA Corrective Action Program, GPRA, and Environmental Indicators. One place to start is on our Online Resources page.


Environmental Indicator Guidance

The 1999 Region 4 Environmental Indicator (EI) Guidance Package is used in evaluating facilities for the two (2) RCRA Corrective Action Environmental Indicators (EIs), CA725 and CA750. The Region 4 EI Guidance Package is comprised of the following components:

  1. An Introductory Memo (PDF: 39 pp, 72K), which briefly explains the facility being evaluated, summarizes the conclusions of the evaluation, and outlines any necessary next steps to control exposures and/or groundwater migration, and
  2. Two Attachments to the Introductory Memo, Attachment 1 CA725 (PDF: 19 pp, 36K) and Attachment 2 CA750 (PDF: 14 pp, 27K), contain the detailed basis for the conclusions presented in the Introductory Memo. The attachment is actually the February 5, 1999, Interim Final EI Guidance developed by EPA Headquarters with input from the Regions and States. The Region 4 Model Memo dated October 6, 1997, which referenced an attachment containing an evaluation guidance developed by Region 4, is now replaced by the attached guidance. EPA Region 4 strongly encourages the States to USE the July 1999, Region 4 Guidance Package for EI reevaluations or new evaluations performed after February 5, 1999. For more information on Environmental Indicators, visit this site: National RCRA Corrective Action.

Public Notices for HSWA Corrective Action

The following link contains public notices of draft HSWA Permits and Fact Sheets.  Fact Sheets and HSWA permits are public noticed pursuant to 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 124.10 for a minimum period of 45 days. 

You may comment on the HSWA permits during the 45 day or longer public notice period by emailing us, or by sending written comments to the address included in the document.  In order for the comments to be properly addressed, you must give the ID number and name of the facility. 


Hazardous and Solid Waste Act (HSWA) Permits




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