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RCRA Brownfields Topics

  • Brownfields Grants Program
  • Community Outreach

  • Completeness of Cleanup

  • Ecological and Recreational Reuse at RCRA Sites

  • EPA RCRA Brownfield Outreach Sessions

  • Fact sheets and Guidances

  • Institutional Controls

  • National Brownfields Conferences: Brownfields 2005, Brownfields 2004, Brownfields 2003, Brownfields 2002

  • Non-RCRA Cleanup Programs

  • RCRA Brownfields Sessions at RCRA National Meetings

  • RCRA Liability

  • Ready for Reuse Determinations

  • Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act

  • State Memorandums of Understandings

  • Success Stories

  • Trends in Types of Reuse

  • Targeted Site Efforts (TSEs) - 2nd Round announced November 2002

  • Brownfields Grants Program: Under the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (the Brownfields Law), eligible entities may be able to receive Brownfields funding for some properties subject to RCRA. On October 5, 2004, an internet session was held on the "Brownfield Grants Program." This internet session was archived and accessible for reviewing. A number of informational resources and links to most recent Grants proposal guidance are located here.

    Community Outreach: A major lesson learned at Brownfield sites is that early community outreach and participation are crucial for success. EPA has developed a variety of resources on community outreach which may be helpful at sites. Links to some of these resources are provided in this page.

    Completeness of Cleanup: When RCRA sites or portions of RCRA sites are being cleaned-up and/or considered for reuse, the issue often comes up as to how the completeness of a clean-up is determined and documented. Documents related to this issue are located here.

    Ecological and Recreational Reuse at RCRA Sites: There have been several activities related to ecological and recreational reuse of RCRA sites. Information on some of these activities is provided here.

    EPA RCRA Brownfield Outreach Sessions: In 2001 and 2002, EPA conducted RCRA Brownfield outreach sessions in most EPA Regions. Documents and links to agendas and information provided in sessions presented in Regions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are provided here.

    Fact sheets and Guidances: EPA has prepared several fact sheets and guidances on RCRA Brownfields and related topics. Here is an alphabetical compilation of documents and/or links to documents.

    Institutional Controls: Institutional controls (ICs) are being used at many RCRA and CERCLA sites. EPA has launched a number of projects in an effort to learn more about the use and effectiveness of ICs. For instance, EPA has added data elements to EPA's tracking database on RCRA sites, RCRAInfo, to indicate if the site has institutional or engineering controls. There are a number of other efforts and useful resources available as well. Information on these efforts and related resources is provided here.

    National Brownfields Conferences: RCRA Brownfileds panels have been held at several of the National Brownfields Conferences: Brownfields 2004, Brownfields 2003, Brownfields 2002, and Brownfields 2001. Information on the RCRA panels from previous conferences are provided here. For information on Brownfields 2005, go to www.brownfields2005.org

    Non-RCRA Cleanup Programs: Virtually all states have non-RCRA cleanup programs, which range from state superfund programs to "voluntary" cleanup programs. States have used these authorities effectively to oversee cleanup at many RCRA treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDs), satisfying RCRA corrective action requirements — and often promoting redevelopment in the process. EPA has compiled information on the use of non-RCRA cleanup programs at RCRA sites which is provided here.

    RCRA Brownfield Track at RCRA National Meetings: EPA has held several RCRA National Meetings. There have been sessions on RCRA Brownfields and related topics at the 2002 and the 2003 RCRA National Meetings. Information on the Brownfields sessions is referenced here.

    RCRA Liability: When RCRA sites, or portions of RCRA sites, are being sold or transferred to new owners for reuse, questions regarding liability of the new owner arise. Fact sheets and other useful information regarding liability and approaches to clarifying liability at RCRA sites are referenced here. More information will be added as generated.

    Ready for Reuse Determinations: EPA has issued Ready for Use Guiding Principles. Region 6 is developing a program to provide "Ready for Reuse" determinations at a site/facility that has been addressed or remediated to the extent that it is safe for reuse or redevelopment. Documents and links related to Ready for Reuse Efforts are listed here.

    Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act
    In January, 2002, this brownfields legislation (Public Law 107-118 (H.R. 2869)) was signed into law.

    State Memorandums of Understanding: Most states rely, to some degree or another, on non-RCRA authorities to achieve cleanups at RCRA facilities. Several of these states have sought formal Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with EPA to provide some level of comfort when cleanups are done under a non-RCRA cleanup authority. This page contains examples of these MOUs.

    Success Stories: There are many innovative approaches that have been taken at RCRA Facilities and which may be applicable to other RCRA sites. Several Success Stories and links to other success stories are presented here. More will be added as they are received.

    Trends in Types of Reuse: There are a number of types of reuse or revitalization that are occurring at hazardous waste sites. An EPA Region 5 survey of federal-lead sites indicates that a significant portion of RCRA sites with reuse potential are leaning towards ecological and recreational reuse. A factsheet discussing the survey is presented here.

    Targeted Site Efforts (TSEs): EPA has conducted two rounds of Targeted Site Efforts (TSEs). TSEs are designed to showcase Brownfields tools and RCRA Cleanup Reforms and also to emphasize the importance of addressing brownfields issues in RCRA cleanups. Information on the TSEs is located here.


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