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Compliance and Enforcement News

Lehigh Technologies Recognized by EPA for Outstanding Environmental Stewardship

Lehigh Technologies of Naples, Florida has been accepted as a new member in EPA's Performance Track Program.

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EPA Enforcement Reduces Threat from Polyvinyl Chloride Manufacturing Plants

EPA's December Enforcement Alert, entitled EPA Enforcement Reduces Threat from Polyvinyl Chloride Manufacturing Plants, focuses on the multimedia enforcement actions the Agency has taken at polyvinyl chloride manufacturing facilities to reduce emissions of vinyl chloride - a known human carcinogen -- and to achieve compliance. The Alert describes the most common violations and provides a list of specific facility process changes that can reduce VC emissions.

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EPA Region 4 Hosts Flexible Air Permitting Briefing Session for Performance Track Members

(Atlanta, 8/2/07) Today, EPA Region 4 hosted a briefing session for Performance Track members at the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center in Atlanta. The purpose of today’s session was to brief Performance Track members on a proposed flexible air permitting rule. Staff from EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and EPA Headquarters joined Region 4 Administrator Jimmy Palmer to provide Performance Track members with information regarding the anticipated proposed rule. Members also heard about EPA's Audit Policy, the National Partnership for Environmental Priorities, GHG reductions, and Alternatives for Controlling Hazardous Air Emissions from Aerosol Applications.

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Ceremony at Emory University Establishes Commitment by Southeastern Colleges and Universities to EPA's Voluntary Self-Audit Program

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On June 25, 2007, EPA Region 4 and Emory University hosted a signing ceremony for participating southeastern colleges and universities who have joined together and agreed to conduct voluntary self-audits under EPA Region 4's College and University Compliance Incentive Initiative. The voluntary self-audits, performed pursuant to the Audit Agreement signed today will assist 101 private colleges and universities in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee (PDF) (2 PP, 67 K) and three public universities in Alabama to achieve better compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

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