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U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.govOffice of Public Health and Science - The Federal Source for Women's Health Information Sponsored by the H H S Office on Women's Health
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Woman Activity Tracker -Woman Challenge - May 10-July 4, 2009

Welcome to the Woman Activity Tracker!

Are you ready? The Woman Challenge - May 10-July 4, 2009. 8-weeks for better health

Stay physically active all year long! Set personal goals, earn virtual awards, and track your success. Interact with a community of women making the commitment to a healthier life!

Once registered, making and tracking your goals is easy. Keep in mind that the Woman Activity Tracker encourages women to get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity each week, including muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days of each week.

There are lots of other tools to help you along the way. From newsletters, to quizzes, and our new Woman Community section, you're sure to get the support you need to be a success!

How Do I Get Started?

  1. RegisterRegister online now — it's quick and easy!

  2. Set a Goal – Set a weekly goal for how many minutes of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity you want to complete. You can also set a goal for how many days of muscle-strengthening activities you want to complete.

  3. Enter Your Activities – After completing an activity, enter it online. You can even keep track of what type of activity you did. For example, walked to the store or biked 2 miles.

  4. View Your Progress – Watch your progress throughout the week as you move closer to meeting your goal. You can even compare your progress from one week to the next using the new progress graphs.

  5. Earn Awards – Earn up to 6 new awards each week. Are you an Activity Champion? Or maybe you're a Quiz Mastermind? Find out each week!

Sign into your account

shoes, free weights, jump rope, and a bottle of water

Content last updated April 15, 2009.

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