Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

President Obama’s 2010 budget: A decidedly mixed bag

On May 7, President Obama sent Congress his proposed 2010 budget recommendations. For programs and policies relating to sexual and reproductive health at home and abroad, it contains some good news, some bad news and some news that is only okay. Abstinence-only programs are out, while federal bans on subsidized abortion services for poor women continue…more

The Darroch Award for Excellence
in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research
Deadline for nominations May 15, 2009

The Darroch award recognizes an emerging researcher in the field of sexual and reproductive health, where scientific evidence is essential to guiding the policies and programs of the future. The award honors Jacqueline E. Darroch, PhD, whose three decades of directing research exemplifies rigorous and innovative work in this field and commitment to the practical application of research to policy and programs...more

FDA approves Plan B over-the-counter access for 17-year-olds

On April 22, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it will allow 17-year-olds to purchase the emergency contraceptive method Plan B (also known as the “morning-after pill”) without a prescription…more

Contraception, a life-saving investment for the Philippines

mother and child
© Sylvester Saldana
Our new opinion article makes the case for investing in voluntary family planning services in the Philippines. The article, authored by Guttmacher President and CEO Sharon Camp and Josefina V. Cabigon of the University of the Philippines Population Institute, was published on ABS-CBN News.

More than half of the Philippines' 3.4 million annual pregnancies are unintended, and 92% of these occur to women who either use no contraceptive method or use a traditional one. A new report documents the considerable social and financial benefits of investing in contraceptive services…more

State legislative trends in the first quarter of 2009

With the legislative year well underway, some interesting trends on abortion, fetal personhood, medical accuracy in sex education and partner treatment for STIs are beginning to emerge in a number of states…more

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Young Jamaican women face high levels of sexual coercion and unintended pregnancy

Girl in Field
© Craig Burton
Half of the sexually experienced 15–17-year-old women in Kingston, Jamaica, who were interviewed to identify risk factors for teen pregnancy reported having experienced sexual coercion or violence, and 94% of the pregnant teens interviewed reported that their pregnancies were unintended. These alarming numbers demonstrate a strong need for increased education and services for young people to help reduce Jamaica’s high rates of unplanned teen pregnancy and gender-based violence...more

Guttmacher seeks repeal of Bush administration’s last-minute “refusal right” rule

The Guttmacher Institute has asked the Department of Health and Human Services to rescind a federal regulation, put into effect on the last day of the Bush administration, that would allow even tangentially involved individuals and entities to refuse to participate in any aspect of a health care service to which they object. The rule could create substantial confusion for health care providers as well as state and local governments and, most dangerously, could impede individuals’ access to critically important health care services, including but not limited to reproductive health services...more

Ignoring evidence, Mexican states move to increase abortion restrictions

On April 21, lawmakers in Quintana Roo, Mexico, voted to amend the state’s constitution to recognize a “right to life” that begins at conception. Quintana Roo is part of a trend among Mexican states to further restrict access to legal abortion. Guttmacher Institute President and CEO Sharon Camp and Senior Fellow Fatima Juarez argue that these policies run counter to strong evidence that restricting abortion access does not make abortion less common. Rather, it leads to more women dying or being injured by clandestine and unsafe procedures...more

Incarcerated women’s abortion access is limited

Each year, millions of women—some of whom are pregnant—enter U.S. jails and prisons. For those faced with an unwanted pregnancy while incarcerated, access to abortion services varies widely...more

A new day: The Obama administration and U.S. sexual and reproductive health policy

The arrival of the Obama administration has changed the outlook and terms of debate on a wide range of sexual and reproductive health issues, according to four new articles published in the Guttmacher Policy Review. Together, the articles provide a detailed review of key priorities of the U.S. sexual and reproductive health community...more

The Guttmacher Institute gratefully acknowledges the general support it receives from individuals and foundations, including major grants from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Ford Foundation, which undergirds all of the Institute's work.


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News in Context

  • President Obama’s 2010 Budget:
    A Decidedly Mixed Bag ...more
  • FDA Approves Plan B Over-the-Counter Access for 17-Year-Olds ...more
  • State Legislative Trends in the First Quarter of 2009 ...more
  • We’re Back: United States Reclaims A Leadership Role In International Reproductive Health and Rights ...more
  • Virginity Pledges Do Not Work, Yet Another Study Confirms ...more
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