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2008 Environmental Merit Award Recipients

Lifetime Achievement
Environmental, Community, Academia, & Non-profit Organizations
Business, Industry, & Professional Organizations
Environmental Leaders of the Future
President's Volunteer Service Award
Special Recognition

Lifetime Achievement

Photo of Pat BaldwinPat Baldwin
Over the last three decades, conversion of forested land into developed land and septic systems have increased water runoff into Mousam Lake in southern Maine to the point where there are problems with phosphorus, excessive algae and decreased water clarity. In 1998 the state designated Mousam Lake as impaired for aquatic life support. Pat Baldwin, a lifelong resident of Mousam, began collecting water samples from the lake in the 70s, analyzing the samples at Demers Laboratory in Springvale, where she was co-owner. She observed the disturbing trends, including ecoli that led to the closure of the town beach on occasion. This closure drew public attention and launched Pat into her role as an advocate for the lake. "Since the lake can't speak for itself, I feel the need to speak on its behalf," she has said more than once. Pat's passion galvanized other residents to act. She attended and spoke at many of the workshops, known as septic socials. And she created a 16-page booklet called "Mousam Lake Needs Your Help." This booklet is now being used by other lake associations. Pat has also monitored the lake's loon population and has taken part in the annual loon count for Maine Audubon Society. Other lake associations have formed, inspired by Pat's work on Mousam Lake and after a decade of restoration work, Mousam Lake has attained water quality standards. This was possible largely because of Pat's persistent advocacy and lifetime devotion to the lake.

Photo of Michael J. BartlettMichael J. Bartlett
Upon leaving military service more than 37 years ago, Mike Bartlett began his civilian tenure as a staff biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For the past ten years, Mike served as Supervisor of the Service's New England Field Office in Concord, New Hampshire, with responsibility for wetlands and hydropower regulation; endangered species recovery; fish and wildlife protection and restoration; and natural resource damage assessment at Superfund sites and oil spills. Previously, he spent 17 years as the Deputy Assistant Regional Director in the Service's Northeast Regional Office in Hadley, Massachusetts. After an illustrious career, Mike will be retiring next month. For his entire career with the Service, Mike has been a stalwart protector of fish and wildlife resources, especially here in New England. From Indiana bats to Atlantic salmon, New England cottontail rabbits to bald eagles, and piping plovers to Canada lynx, he fought for protection of key habitat across the New England landscape. On numerous challenging regulatory projects, whether highways or hydropower dams, Mike took strong stands to guard the region's important fish and wildlife. Many times, Mike's FWS Field Office and EPA New England stood shoulder-to-shoulder to hold the line on important policy and technical issues to prevent the loss of significant wetlands and other water resources in the New England states. The outcome of his nearly four decades of leadership can be seen in many ways – the removal of the Edwards hydropower dam in Augusta, Maine, to create unimpeded fish passage on the Kennebec River; thousands of acres of restored wetlands at agricultural sites through the Service's Partners in Wildlife program; and the protection of important wetland systems across the region, such as Sears Island in Maine and within the Route 6 corridor of central Connecticut. Mike intends to teach, fish, and spend time with his children and grandchildren. We thank him and wish him well.

Photo of Peter T. GinaittPeter T. Ginaitt
Former State Rep. Peter T. Ginaitt's 16 years in the Rhode House of Representatives created a legacy of environmental protection during his 16 years in office. As chair of the Joint Committee on Environment & Energy and later the House Committee on Environment & Natural Resources, Peter showed a commitment to the environment through work on reducing mercury, curbing diesel pollution, protecting open space, restoring Narragansett Bay, treating septic waste and numerous other issues. His leadership paved the way for passing strong, environmental legislation that continues to guide the state's major environmental programs. He received the highest graces from the Environmental Council of RI, and was honored by Clear Water Action, RI PIRG and Ocean Station Action as an Earth Day Champion. Staff from the RI Department of Environmental Management always viewed Peter as a colleague, partner and friend. The director of RI's Department of Environmental Management, who nominated Peter, called him "one of the state's most influential environmental leaders and natural resources advocates."

Photo of Sajed KamaltSajed Kamal
Sajed Kamal, who teaches a course on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development at Brandeis University, has worked for sustainable energy for more than 25 years. He has been a lecturer and consultant on renewable energy in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Africa. He has promoted renewable energy education and projects in New England since the 70s. In 1999, he founded Solar Boston, a partnership of organizations and solar energy companies committed to helping increase the use of solar energy in the Greater Boston area. This organization led to 50 solar installations in the region. Sajed is now president of the International Consortium for Energy Development, a Boston nonprofit; board member of the Boston Area Solar Energy Association; member of the Union of Concerned Scientists and founder of Solar Fenway Boston. Solar Fenway Boston is made up of Fenway residents and activists who have installed two grid-connected photo-voltaic systems in the Fenway. The systems offset carbon dioxide emissions and serve as educational resources. The group is working to implement more solar systems in the Fenway. Sajed is also a poet, artist, educational consultant, translator and author.

Photo of Richard MallionRichard Mallion
Richard Mallion is well-known in New Hampshire as a tireless advocate of the environment. After 29 years in the U.S. Army, Dick retired as a brigadier general and began life fly-fishing in streams near his hometown of Whitefield in rural northern New Hampshire. As a member and recently chair of the Whitefield Conservation Commission, Dick has led efforts to create a town-wide inventory of natural resources, worked to protect the town's water resources and built coalitions with neighboring conservation commissions. He was instrumental in establishment of the Pondicherry Division of the Silvio Conte National Wildlife Refuge. Dick also played a lead role in the Cooperative Extension Advisory Board for Coos County and the Weeks State Park Board of Directors. He chairs the board of the Nature Conservancy's New Hampshire chapter, working to clean major blowdowns from trails, carrying heavy timbers to construct bog bridges and monitoring the forests condition. He is as willing to share his ideas as his labor. His dedication has left treasured natural places in New Hampshire better protected for generations to come.

Photo of Lori UrsoLori Urso
When Lori Urso retires this year from her job as executive director of the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association, she will leave behind a legacy of 15 years as a leader in watershed activities. When Lori was first hired as director of the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association in 1992, she worked to promote and protect the lands and waters of this watershed in Rhode Island. Her leadership skills helped the organization grow. When she arrived the association had about 300 members and an endowment of $8,000. During her first year there, she raised the funds to buy a riverfront headquarters, hire a full-time director and add a program director. She left the organization in good shape, returning in 2000 to launch a second capital campaign. This paid to refurbish the facility and led to an association with more than 1000 members today and endowment of more than $200,000. The group owns three parcels of land and has five staff members. Lori has helped the organization become a strong voice for the watershed, leading scientific studies, providing recreational programs and coordinating habit and fisheries restoration projects. Today, WPWA is recognized in southern New England as a leader in watershed management.

Photo of Richard A. ValentinettiRichard A. Valentinetti
As director of the Air Pollution Control Division of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Richard Valentinetti is the longest serving state air director in the country. He is also member of the board of NESCAUM and a member of the executive committee of the board of the Northeast States Center for a Clean Air Future. He has chaired the National Association of Clean Air Agencies and the New England governments Eastern Canadian Premiers Acid Rain Steering Committee. In his jobs, he led development of the National Monitoring Strategy as well as the NEG/ECP's successful mercury reduction action plan, leading to the reduction of mercury discharged by 50 percent in five years. His list of accomplishments is extensive. He was instrumental in developing state air toxics programs in Vermont and other states and helped create the MidAtlantic Northeast Visibility Union. He led the effort to adopt low emission vehicle laws in Vermont and the northeast and was key in designing the regional greenhouse gas initiative. In addition, he was instrumental in developing Vermont's Climate Mitigation Plan and as a member of the Ozone Transport Commission, pushed for cleaner cars and reduced power plant emissions. NH Association of Conservation Commissioners annual meeting and conference for over 200 participants a fun and educational experience for her commissioners each year.

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Arthur Bogen
Down to Earth Consultants

Arthur Bogen's work in the field of Brownfields reflects the kind of commitment that can transform corners, communities and whole regions of New England. In 1996, Arthur helped found the Naugatuck Valley Brownfields Pilot, the first regional organization in Connecticut designed to help communities facing difficult brownfields issues. With Arthur's guidance, this pilot provided millions of dollars in funding to towns and cities in the region. With this success, Arthur was asked to manage a grant from the state Department of Environmental Protection for many sites that had old clock towers with radium and asbestos issues. Arthur also established a list to help towns and cities prioritize brownfields sites. Arthur's perseverance showed that a site with multiple environmental and socioeconomic problems, even one in a distressed city, can be successfully redeveloped. Officials and citizens in many towns have come to rely on Arthur's honest style in dealing with difficult sites. When Arthur is not writing, speaking or consulting on the environment, he is working with disadvantaged youth, helping them prepare for careers in related fields. Those nominating Arthur said "He has taught us that brownfields should be embraced and not disparaged." Such a small lesson can have big implications on the environment.

Steven DeGabriele
Director of the Business Compliance Division, Bureau of Waste Management
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

Steven DeGabriele has been champion of the innovative Environmental Results Program, an initiative that improves environmental performances of businesses in cost-effective ways. The program, developed 11 years ago for dry cleaners, photo processors and printers in Massachusetts, has inspired 24 other states who have either adopted or researched this model. As a result of this program, health and environmental risks in several underregulated industries are getting the tools they need to run cleaner and safer operations. The program's workbook, compliance certification and statistical measurement system have improved environmental performance across many business sects. Since it began, for instance, 220 pounds less mercury is discharged through dentist office wastewater in Massachusetts. Steven, a model of enthusiastic leadership, has traveled the country advising other states on the program. He has come up with ways for states to compare results and focus resources on areas of concern. He is chair of the newly created States ERP Consortium, which gives interested groups a way to share experiences.

Sheila Dormody
Director, Rhode Island Office of Clean Water Action

Sheila Dormody, director of the Rhode Island Office of Clean Water Action, also chairs the Coalition for Water Security, a group of 11 environmental and economical development organizations working to protect the state's water supply. In this job, Sheila has brought in more than $250,000 in grants to help assure water is available and protected. Sheila's work in mercury cleanup and prevention has also been notable. She organized workshops on mercury contamination and was invited to serve on the Governor's Commission on Mercury Reduction after her successful efforts to get legislation banning mercury from landfills. She worked with the state, auto salvage companies and car dealerships to negotiate legislation requiring dealers to replace mercury-containing automatic switches in old cars and properly recycle them. Sheila also chaired the state's Mercury Reduction Group, which removed mercury switches from state vehicles and required mercury separators in dental offices. She then sup-ported programs to remove mercury from various sources in schools. A program she backed urged the public to turn in mercury thermometers voluntarily. More than 3,000 thermometers and 97 pounds of mercury were recovered through this. As past president of the volunteer Environmental Council of Rhode Island, made up of 62 environmental organizations, Sheila co-chaired the state Department of Environmental Management Roundtable on the Environment.

Steven P. Hamburg
Center for Environmental Studies, Brown University

Steven Hamburg, an educator at Brown University and a persuasive speaker, has created meaningful ways for individuals and groups to reduce their carbon footprint. Steven convinced the CEO of a national chain that its stores should make a mission of turning CFL bulbs into the dominant light bulb used in America. Hamburg's vision accelerated the sale of CFL bulbs, and lead to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 20 million tons in 2007. At the same time, customers who bought these bulbs saved a total of $2 billion a year. Steven's unique combination of insight and persuasiveness convinced company executives that they could have more impact on the environment by promoting energy efficient bulbs than by simply reducing their own buildings' greenhouse gas emissions. Steven also had a great impact in his own community when he and some students founded Project 20/20, which promotes the value of CFL lighting in low-income neighborhoods. The project installs CFLs for free and aims at making these energy saving light bulbs ubiquitous in Providence. Steven Hamburg is showing the way toward immediate high-impact carbon savings with benefits to individuals, their communities and our country.

Anthony Irving
Eightmile Wild and Scenic Coordinating Committee

For 11 years, Anthony Irving has fought to protect the Eightmile River and its watershed in Eastern Connecticut. One hundred and fifty miles of rivers, streams and brooks winding through the Connecticut River Valley, an area of exceptional natural beauty and numerous interconnected ecosystems, has been protected largely thanks to Anthony's efforts. As chair of the Eightmile Wild and Scenic Coordinating Committee, Anthony led the group in putting in place recommendations made by a study group, including working to get a Wild and Scenic designation from Congress and laying out plans to manage the river and its surrounding lands. Anthony united multiple communities in this shared vision and worked with community groups, towns and environmentalists to get the recognition. In 2007, his work culminated with passage of House Resolution 986, the Wild and Scenic River Act. This was the first step to ensuring protection of this area. Anthony's determination and passion will ensure preservation of the Eightmile River Watershed for now and for future generations.

John Moore
CleanAir Cabs

In his all-volunteer role with the Boston and Cambridge "Clean Air Cab" programs, John Moore has put together a coalition of public agencies that create incentives to help taxi owners convert older, polluting cabs into hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles. Since 2006, Clean Air Cabs has put 33 clean taxis on Boston roads, with new con-versions occurring every month. Converting one old cab to a hybrid saves up to 500,000 pounds of CO2 emissions and 25,000 gallons of gasoline over a five-year period. In addition, hybrids are up to 70 percent more efficient than traditional vehicles. The program just began this year in Cambridge with a handful of vehicles being replaced. John has obtained funding that both helps pay for conversions and promotes the green vehicles. John is working to coordinate models for similar programs for other cities and towns.

Andrea Morgante
LaPlatte Headwaters Initiative on Bissonette Farm

When the 628-acre Bissonette Farm went on the market, longtime resident and volunteer Andrea Morgante knew she had to act. A volunteer at the Hinesburg Land Trust, Andrea began a three-year effort to conserve the land. She volunteered 25 hours a week for most of this time, often dropping paid work as a landscape designer. Andrea realized it was a complicated project and brought in the Trust for Public Land and Vermont Land Trust. She then went about raising money wherever she could. She raised $3.7 million from land trusts, the federal government, 130 individual donors and 11 private foundations. Her efforts led to a 300-acre Hinesburg town forest, restoration of 140 acres of wetlands and three miles of the LaPlatte River and protection of 150 acres of farmland and 140 acres of private forestland. This all happened in a community experiencing tremendous development pressures. Andrea was the impetus behind this project and followed it through. The nominator wrote "Andrea symbolizes what an individual environmental steward is capable of achieving."

Edward Murdough
New Hampshire Department of Education

Edward Murdough in the New Hampshire Department of Education has led the state's effort to ensure public schools are as safe and healthy as possible. As administrator of the Bureau of School Approval and Facility Management, Edward has been key in forming and sustaining the indoor air quality Tools for Schools program and the Health School Environments Assessment Tool. He was instrumental in passage of a law establishing incentives for schools to promote indoor air quality and energy efficiency. He has built relationships with electric utilities to help schools become more energy efficient, raising awareness among educators and officials and increasing cooperation among those involved in school environmental health. And he has done this without any outside funding. As far as results, already six school districts with 38 buildings are using the HealthySEAT software allowing facility managers to evaluate and manage environmental health and safety issues. More than 20 New Hampshire schools with more than 10,000 students and staff have used EPA's indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools. Edward has earned the trust of school officials by giving non-judgmental help and making state government a help rather than a hindrance.

Ernest Pomerleau
Pomerleau Real Estate

Local developer and real estate executive, Ernest Pomerleau, delicately finessed competing interests as he chaired the Governor's Commission on Climate Change. The commission is charged with helping Vermont re-duce greenhouse gas emission by 25 percent by 2012 and 50 percent by 2028. It involves a diverse group of people who must draft recommendations on how Vermont can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, limit production of greenhouse gases, develop a green and sustainable economic sector and retain a pro-business predisposition while getting residents to take responsibility for reversing the trend. Ultimately, the group drafted 38 policy recommendations. Ernest engaged in delicate negotiations to get a collaborative win for business and the environment, universities, scientists and budget watchdogs. Vermont is often seen as a lab for creative solutions and these recommendations bolster that image. The Pomerleau Commission set the standard for individual, local and state action.

Alison Sander
AltWheels Festival

As founder of the annual AltWheels Alternative Transportation and Energy Festival in Boston, Alison Sander created a fun way for people to learn about transportation that reduces carbon emissions. The 2007 festival drew 20,000 people to City Hall Plaza, making AltWheels one of the largest such festivals on the East Coast. Alison's efforts made this logistically complicated event a success as she directed a committee of volunteers that recruited more than 70 organizations to exhibit and raised more than $140,000. The success of AltWheels has led the New England International Auto Show to invite Alison to host a sustainability showcase at their 2008 show. In addition to her work with AltWheels, Alison has traveled the world working on sustainability issues. She is an advisor for the Boston Consulting Group, board member for World Resource Institute, member of the Asia Society and a frequent speaker on topics related to globalization and sustainability. Working at all levels to address environmental degradation and climate change, Alison is one of those rare people who inspire us to be part of the solution and have hope for a better tomorrow.

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Environmental, Community, Academia & Non-profit Organizations

Boston Green Tourism
With more than 80,000 employees in the Boston area, tourism is one of the region's top industries. Boston Green Tourism, founded by Dan Ruben, has encouraged businesses that work in tourism to reduce their use of fossil fuels, water and toxic products, while also reducing their waste and increasing their use of renew-able energy. The nonprofit lists, as its goal, attracting visitors to Boston who want environmentally friendly hospitality services, as well as access to nature and outdoor recreation. The organization worked with EPA's Energy Star program to educate its members on the importance of energy efficiency. This resulted in more green-certified hotels and restaurants, an increasingly educated industry, safer methods of pest management at hotels in the areas, and improved recycling programs at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center and Hynes Auditorium.

Dorchester Bay Economic Development
Although it is not primarily an environmental group, Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation in the past year made significant impacts in this arena. The corporation improved access to public transportation, redeveloped brownfields, created urban wilds and de-leaded homes. Instead of abandoning the inner city, the group works to restore vitality in this Boston neighborhood. In the past year, the corporation created a model green development – the Bowdoin-Geneva Community Center, which will replace two blighted brownfields parcels with a state-of-the-art LEED certified Silver Community Center serving low income children, families and seniors. The building will feature the largest photovoltaic array on any non-public building in the state and will showcase leading edge green design features. Also in the past year, the corporation did a $180,000 brownfields cleanup to create Dudley Village, which has 50 Energy Star units of affordable housing a quarter mile from a rail station. The group also helped 53 families remove lead from 159 units of housing in the past decade and secured funding for trails at Geneva Cliffs.

A workshop organized by EcoStar called "The Great Exchange" drew 31 participants from 21 companies and organizations to learn how to reduce waste and dumpster disposal costs. Twelve organizations in the Devens, Massachusetts, area began exchanging unused inventories of products, supplies and furniture and 15 organizations began exchanging waste streams for reuse. Such things as 2,500 plastic bags and 150 cardboard boxes were exchanged. EcoStar organized this workshop as one of its monthly workshops to promote sustainable development in the area. EcoStar provides technical assistance to help organizations make more efficient use of resources. By collaborating with state and federal agencies as well as local experts, EcoStar has helped its 33-member businesses, non-profits and communities come up with greener, more efficient alternatives. Eco-Star, an environmental achievement and branding program, is establishing the Devens Eco-Efficiency Center, which will provide a broader range of training sessions and support services.

Kennebunk-Kennebunkport (Maine) School District
Over the last year, the Kennebunk-Kennebunkport (Maine) School District improved the environment of its schools and at the same time it reduced operating costs. Tom Maines, Director of Operations, and Alyce Swan, Operations Administrative Assistant, led these efforts. Trained as an environmental science teacher, Maines recognized when he arrived in Kennebunk three years ago that reducing energy use could cut costs as well as greenhouse gas emissions. In the past year, the district put energy efficient lighting in all five of its building, reducing electric bills $50,000 per year. Two inefficient air handlers in a school were replaced to reduce bills another $15,000 and allow for better circulation of indoor air quality. In addition, the district received an EPA grant to upgrade the exhaust systems on 18 buses, which will increase fuel efficiency and reduce exhaust emissions by up to 90 percent. The district switched to green-certified cleaning products to minimize exposure to toxic products and last fall began composting in cafeterias. The compost, used by farmers, will save the school about $15,000 in disposal costs. Kennebunk Elementary was the first school in Maine to earn an Energy Star award and the Energy & Environmental Concerns Advisory team won a grant for a 5.6 kw photovoltaic array at the Middle School.

Kickemuit River Council and Taunton River Watershed Alliance
The Kickemuit River Council and the Taunton River Watershed Alliance have made extraordinary commitments to protecting the Mount Hope Bay estuary in Massachusetts. In 2003, state and federal authorities put a strict new limit on the amount of cooling water Brayton Point Station power plant could withdraw from the estuary and the amount of thermal pollution it could discharge. For years, the plant opposed these limits, but with help from these two environmental groups, it finally agreed to comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System or NPDES permit. Despite limited staff, the two groups played a central role in the appeals process and negotiations. Their advocacy ensured that their intimate knowledge of the rivers in their backyards played a part in the EPA decision-making. Although others were involved, these two groups exemplify what can be accomplished by ordinary citizens at a grass roots level. The new permit will save billions of fish eggs, larvae and fish. At the same time it will help restore the estuary, which includes the Kickemuit and Taunton rivers.

Rhode Island Chemical Safe Schools Committee
After chemical hazards were found throughout Rhode Island schools, including improper personal protective equipment and carcinogenic and explosive materials, state agencies, colleges and non-profit organizations formed the Rhode Island Chemical Safe Schools Committee. To reduce the risks associated with chemicals in schools, the committee trained employees in related positions, built systems of oversight and helped create the resources needed to remove hazardous chemicals. The group's efforts led to training workshops, new manuals, new regulations banning storage of hundreds of chemicals and a review of school inventories. In addition, companies that sell chemicals to the schools were encouraged to offer alternatives to chemicals on the banned list. A new website was developed so educators can exchange information. Hundreds of thou-sands of gallons of chemicals deemed dangerous are now gone from the schools, drastically reducing the risks for staff and students. The success of the program will be featured in a video meant to model for other states Rhode Island's system for reducing chemical risks in schools.

Salt Ponds Coalition
The salt ponds of Rhode Island are a national treasure sitting at the very bottom of the food chain. They are critically important to Atlantic wildlife and Rhode Island's economy. But the nine coastal salt ponds on the state's south shore are under assault from the pressures of extensive development. They are threatened by human waste, increased bacteria and rising nutrient levels that can lead to shellfish beds closing, increased algae blooms, unpleasant smells and in some cases the death of fish, all of which hurts the tourism and fisheries of the region. Twenty years of data collected by the Salt Ponds Coalition has demonstrated the kind of pollution facing the ponds. But the coalition's volunteer work sampling and analyzing the pond, educating the public and working to preserve the ponds has also begun to turn the tides. Through direct mail, presentations, press, websites and special events like the safari program for kids, the Salt Ponds Coalition has helped educate the public about human impacts on the ponds. The coalition has also opposed potentially damaging development. The great success of the coalition has meant more members and more grant money working for the health of Rhode Island's ponds.

The 300 Committee Land Trust
The 300 Committee was established in 1985 by residents of Falmouth to help the town save 300 acres of open space in celebration of the town's 300th anniversary the next year. After that was accomplished the committee continued to preserve land and is now a well-established non-profit land trust, protecting natural land in an area with frenzied development. Last year, the group's input for a Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan helped the town better manage wastewater that has been damaging coastal ponds and shorelines. This year, the 300 Committee helped draft the legal documents and applications for a record number of properties that gained conservation restrictions. The group also created a website that has trail maps for hiking areas and histories of conservation land. Altogether the committee has helped preserve more than 2,000 acres of open space. Much of the land is maintained by volunteers in the committee's stewardship program who create trails, haul debris and remove invasive plants.

Vermont Land Trust
With 44 staff members in the state, Vermont Land Trust has worked for 31 years to protect working farms and productive forestland and to encourage community projects that enhance a town's quality of life. With development threatening Vermont's rural character, the land trust has worked to prevent loss of working lands and to protect natural resources and public access to recreational spots. A total of more than 460,000 acres of land has been protected by the trust, which has completed at least one project in 228 of Vermont's 255 towns. As part of its work, the trust has conserved more than 650 working farms, created a coalition to establish a quasi state board that helped the nonprofit community create 7000 units of affordable housing and conserve more than 325,000 acres of land and has partnered with dozens of towns and local land trusts on projects that help communities preserve their quality of life and sense of place.

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City of Boston
The city of Boston has shown its commitment to a greener community in many ways in recent years. Last year Mayor Menino ordered that the city not only aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 7 percent below 1990 levels by 2012, but also reduce GHG by 80 percent by 2050. In January of that year, Boston had become the first major city to use zoning to require that private developments of more than 50,000 square feet be planned, designed and constructed to meet US Green Building Council LEED building rating system requirements. Later that year, the mayor announced a project to plant 100,000 new trees by 2020, increasing the city's tree canopy by 60 percent and reduce the urban heat island effect. That summer, the city, with a federal grant, established the Solar Boston initiative to create a comprehensive infrastructure for expanding solar energy in Boston and in December of that year, the city's plan to reduce its contributions to causes of climate change.

South Burlington Stormwater Services
South Burlington Stormwater Services Division, the first municipal stormwater utility in northern New England, began two years ago and has two outstanding years of environmental successes. The division has made South Burlington a model for managing water quality. The division uses high quality operations, education, collaboration and cutting edge science to carry out an outstanding program of system maintenance, capital project construction, customer outreach and assistance and enforcement. The division grew out of the city's recognition in 2001 that it faced huge and complex stormwater issues, including failing systems in older developments and significant phosphorus pollution in Lake Champlain from runoff. After four years of working to get the financial, political and technical strength to move forward, the city formed the new division with an operating budget of $1.1 million. Staff have rebuilt catch basins and pipes and eliminated dozens of illicit discharges and connections while working to educate the public on stormwater issues. In short, the region's first Stormwater Services Division exceeded even the most optimistic expectations.

Connecticut Department of Public Health
Ron Skomro, Brian Toal, Kristen Day

Three employees in Connecticut's Department of Public Health set out to protect school children in their state and ended up transforming the way art clay is labeled and sold. Ron Skomro, Brian Toal and Kristen Day of the state Department of Public Health learned through careful investigation that some students in Connecticut were being exposed through their art classes to asbestos, which is linked to lung diseases. They found that clay made with talc, which contains asbestos, was being sold and used in many schools and institutions in the state. The department told schools to do inventories and work with suppliers to eliminate clay with talc. One major clay supplier voluntarily agreed to stop shipping art clay with talc and to exchange previously sold clay. The DPH asked the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission to review the issue of talc in art clay. As a result, the Art and Creative Materials Institute, which works with the Consumer Product Safety Commission, told its members it can no longer sell talc-containing clay with the "non toxic label."

Maine Clean School Bus Team
Maine Department of Environmental Protection

In 2003, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection worked with the Maine Department of Education and Maine Association of Pupil Transportation to establish the nation's first program to retrofit school buses to reduce harmful diesel emissions. The organizations did this by encouraging less idling, more use of cleaner fuels and engine retrofits. Their model program inspired similar efforts throughout New England. The Maine Clean School Bus program was one of 17 proposals selected in 2003 from 120 projects for an EPA grant for upgrading school buses. This half million dollar grant helped 21 mostly rural districts establish bulk purchasing for diesel oxidation catalysts to retrofit 266 buses, reducing harmful particulate matter by about 20 percent. The state matched by replacing 180 buses and then retrofitting more than 400 more buses. The team was able to beyond their initial grant proposal and to create a program that has been a model for the region and the nation.

Maine Children's Water Festival Planning Committee
Wendy Garland, Rob Sanford, Irwin Novak, Linda Woodard, Sarah Plummer, Lynne Richard, Beth Pratt and Susan Breau-Kelley

Eight members of the Maine Children's Water Festival Planning Committee are being recognized for their work in the annual festival, which educates more than 800 Maine children about environmental issues related to water. This festival, in place since 1993, educates students in a state that depends on clean water for drinking, fishing and tourism. The committee is made up of representatives from the state Department of Environmental Protection, the Portland Water District, the Maine Drinking Water Program, the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Maine Audubon Society and the University of Maine. All of the members of the committee directly teach children on water issues, using the festival as a chance to visit classrooms throughout the year. Today we recognize and thank Wendy Garland, Rob Sanford, Irwin Novak, Linda Woodard, Sarah Plummer, Lynne Richard, Beth Pratt and Susan Breau-Kelley.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Jane M. Firth

Jean Firth has led the way in developing brownfields in Maine by creating a strong program of environ-mental assessments and cleanups. Her work with small and sometimes isolated communities in rural Maine has been especially noteworthy. She developed straightforward materials to explain the state program and encourage communities to apply for grants. The results have included a cleanup of three generators at Generator House in Long Island, which will be replaced by a community center and town hall; the cleanup in Perry of the Sipayik Corner Store, which is owned by the Passamaquoddy Tribe; and the removal of asbestos from McCain's Factory in Washburn. All three of these projects were in rural areas where even one contaminated property can cause problems for a community's growth. Jean's ability to understand the concerns of developers while keeping her eye on environmental concerns has let her make many "common sense" cleanup decisions that benefit the community. Jean's dedication and ability to work with a wide range of stakeholders is key to her success.

NH Volunteer Lake Assessment Program
Two volunteers began the New Hampshire Volunteer Lake Assessment Program in 1985 to play a role in protecting one lake. By 2007, the organization was enlisting more than 500 volunteers to protect some 175 lakes and ponds. The organizations make it possible for state biologists to assess long-term quality of the state's lakes and to help residents and visitors play a part in protecting water quality in the lakes they use. By sampling water regularly, volunteer monitors help create data and a history of the water quality that is critical for protecting and improving these bodies of water. Before the NH Volunteer Lake Assessment Program, 50 lakes and ponds were sampled every 15 to 20 years, making it impossible to determine long-term trends. More than 20 years of data has let the state and local lake associations develop long-term water quality trends, identify pollution sources and put in place ordinances and management systems to protect the state's water and its future.

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Business, Industry & Professional Organizations

Boston Red Sox / Natural Resources Defense Council
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has teamed up with Major League Baseball, and with our hometown Boston Red Sox to help address the significant environmental issues associated with bringing tens of thousands of fans together at dozens of stadiums nearly every day for six months at a stretch. NRDC developed a "Greening Advisor" for MLB to use and apply across the country. Tapping in to the expertise and advice of NRDC, the Red Sox have initiated a major, 5-year effort to make Fenway Park one of the greenest destinations in baseball. With NRDC's help, the Red Sox organization is setting strong but attainable goals, such as to recycle the majority of plastic drink containers used in the park, and to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by 20 percent. The Red Sox have enlisted local university students to make up "Green Teams" who will be present at every game at Fenway to roam the stands and to facilitate fans' "recycling on the go" of their plastic cups and bottles. The Red Sox have also enlisted the talents of their greatest resource – their beloved World Series Championship team – to record announcements to be played over Fenway Park's public address and video screens, encouraging fans to do their part to care for the environment by recycling at the ball park and at home. While many teams are going green when building a new stadium, the Red Sox organization has made a much more difficult commitment: to transform a 96 year old historic ballpark into a modern, green, environmentally-friendly place. Other projects underway include installing solar panels to help heat hot water and installing energy-efficient LED lighting displays in the park, which use just one-tenth the power of equivalent, traditional lighting displays. GO SOX!!

EBSCO Publishing
By supporting environmental causes within its company, EBSCO Publishing has let its employees know that protecting the world's resources is an important part of the company's culture. In addition to comprehensive recycling, motion sensor lights and long-lasting light bulbs, the company has given employees reusable shopping bags, tree saplings, water bottles and coffee mugs. Some of the largest projects undertaken by EBSCO, an on-line publisher of research databases, have been quantified. Solar panels installed in 2007 will remove 37,000 pounds of CO2 emissions a year. In addition, the EBSCO host data center, which operates around the clock, uses energy efficient servers in a building that uses smart building technologies. These changes are expected to reduce energy use by a fifth. All company cars have been converted to hybrids and the company has supported public transportation by giving a 100 percent reimbursement to employees who live in the state and commute by train or bus. As a result, a fourth of the employees take public transportation to work. Now EBSCO is hoping to share its knowledge of green ideas through its own databases.

Massachusetts Facility Administrators Association
School facility managers deal with environmental issues ranging from bugs and pesticides to asbestos and drinking water. And they must work with staff, principals and parents in the school district. The Massachusetts Facility Administrators Association, founded in 1972 with members from 140 communities, provides facility managers with information and exchanges to help them carry out their mission to improve the health and safety of schools. In 2005, the association received an EPA Healthy Communities grant to develop a professional development program. In 2007, the association launched this training program to enthusiastic response. In the trainings, facility mangers establish their baseline compliance and then develop systems to apply new information. Materials, such as topic handbooks, as well as training sessions on individual aspects of the job, have helped facility managers in a variety of school districts, from rural to urban and from public to private. With this program, Massachusetts became one of the first states in the country to offer formalized environmental training for facilities managers.

New England State Water and Wastewater Agency Response Networks (WARNS)
About 1,500 public water supply systems were hurt by hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the south. New England has recently faced flooding that threatened the safety of our own supplies. The New England State Water and Wastewater Response Networks involve utilities, associations and states establishing mutual aid programs. These programs will allow groups to exchange information and work together when an emergency hits. Based on lessons learned, the federal government recognizes timely responses must happen first at the local and state levels. Utilities helping utilities in mutual aid is clearly the most expeditious way to deal with water emergencies. When Bethel, Maine lost its water supply in a landslide, Auburn's Water District came to its aid with staff and tractors to build a temporary impoundment. This case study will now be played out throughout New England as mutual aid programs start up in each state. No other part of the country took on the challenge of simultaneously establishing response networks in all states. Because of this progress, New Eng-land was designated a national pilot to develop the first Inter-State WARN.

Pottle's Transportation, Inc.
New England businesses rely on truckers to carry goods, but truckers create half the emissions pollution in New England. When EPA founded SmartWay Trans-port Partnership in 2004, Pottle's Transportation jumped on board, quickly learning that saving fuel not only helps the environment, but also the bottom line. New technologies used by Pottle's earned it the best fuel efficiency score possible from EPA. The 139 trucks in Pottle's fleet have reduced emissions by about 11,000 tons of CO2, nearly 13 tons of NOx and about a third of a ton of particulate matter. They have saved more than a million gallons of diesel fuel driving 14 million miles a year. Tractors equipped with bunk heaters and auxiliary power units have helped reduce idling. At the same time Pottle's pays drivers to use electrified truck stop technology, when available, and limits tuckers to driving 65 miles per hour. In addition, cabs are streamlined to reduce wind resistance. Pottle's monitors driver idling via satellite and drivers get a dividend if they help Pottle's achieve a target. Drivers received more than $29,000 in 2007 through this incentive program. Oversight, training, cab comfort technology and the incentive program are making idling a thing of the past, even in Bangor, Maine. Finally, Pottle's managers have been generous in sharing information to help other truckers.

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Environmental Leaders of the Future

EPA New England PEYA 2007 Winner
Michael Browne

Photo of Michael Browne When Michael Browne, Boy Scout Troop 5, Milton, MA, was ready to begin his Boy Scout Eagle project, Michael wondered what happened to all the lead fishing weights that were lost. Once Michael discovered the harmful affects of lead on the environment, Michael knew he could make a difference and his project topic was decided.

Lead poisoning is one of the leading causes of death among many of our most beloved waterfowl and raptors. Studies show that up to 52% of loons, 25% of bald eagles and 31% of trumpeter swans die from lead poisoning every year. The waterfowl ingest the lead when they scoop up lead weights along with the small pebbles from the bottom of ponds to aid in digestion. The lead breaks down in their bodies and makes them unable to defend themselves, eat, or care for their young. Raptors such as eagles get poisoned when they eat the dying waterfowl or catch fish who have ingested lead weights. Lead is also hazardous to the humans who handle the lead. Many, many anglers talked about biting down on the lead split shot to attach it to their line or having lead residue on their hands after handling the weights.

Michael applied for grant money and also received donations of money and materials from a variety of sources. Using his grant money and material donations, Michael and his Troop assembled over 700 sample weight packages which included a business-card size insert outlining the dangers of lead in the environment and the safe alternatives. He also created a full-color brochure and a 3 foot by 6 foot banner to educate anglers.

Michael and his Troop then attended local fishing derbies, where they handed out the brochures, exchanged lead weights for the packets of environmentally safe alternatives and talked to anglers about the dangers of lead in our environment. He sent out press releases and called local environmental organizations. At the derbies, he collected 43 pounds of lead weights.

Through multiple newspaper and magazine articles, he reached thousands of New England anglers. He presented his project at the Massachusetts State House in June 2007 and was invited to speak before a legislative committee in September 2007 in support of a Senate bill banning lead from fishing. His project was selected by Field and Stream Magazine as its first Boy Scout "Heroes of Conservation" award, and he reached an even greater audience. Michael Browne created a project that not only included his favorite hobby, but greatly benefited the environment and educated his fellow fisherman on reducing the use of lead weights and provided a safer alternative.

Along with being selected as the Region 1 President's Environmental Youth Award winner, Michael and four members of his Boy Scout Troop have been invited to represent the United States at the United Nations Environ-mental Program, Volvo Adventure. Browne's Eagle project, "Get the Lead Out of Fishing," will be presented to an international panel of judges in Gothenburg, Sweden in May. Fifteen teams of teens from around the world will spend a week talking about what teens can do to make a real impact on the environment.

Three projects will be chosen to receive funding to continue and expand their project. The Boy Scouts and their adult leaders and chaperones will spend time touring both Gothenburg and Stockholm, taking in many museums and attractions and meeting people from all over the world.

Michael is a member of St Agatha Troop 5, Milton, Boston Minuteman Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The other Scouts who will go to Sweden are: Alex Jamal and Graham Strang from Milton and Robert Hudson and Matt Morris from Quincy. These Scouts assisted Michael with his project.

The president's Environmental Youth Awards have been presented annually since 1971 to honor students in kindergarten through 12th grade who develop projects that help protect local environments and promote local environmental awareness in their communities. Each year, contestants submit applications along with the summaries of their environmental projects to EPA's regional offices. Regional panels judge projects on environmental need, accomplishment of goals, long-term environmental benefits and positive impact on local communities. The panels also consider project design, coordination, implementation, innovation and soundness of approach, and the students' effectiveness in presenting the projects.

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President's Volunteer Service Award

President's Council on Service and Civic Participation sealWe are proud to honor the New England recipients of the President's Volunteer Service Award

President's Volunteer Service Award MedalsThis nation has a long, proud tradition of volunteer service. The President has called on our government to recognize the importance of volunteerism and to honor those who have made serving others a central part of their life. We at EPA have responded to that call and are actively encouraging volunteer activities that lead to a healthy and sustainable environment.

America's continuing shift to a "green" culture is due, in part, to the tireless work of women and men whose initiatives are promoting environmental responsibility where it matters most -- in their communities. We applaud their commitment to their friends and neighbors, to their municipalities, and, most of all, to leaving the air cleaner, the water cleaner, and the land better protected for future generations.

The President's Volunteer Service Award was created by the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation. The Award is available to youth ages 14 and under who have completed 50 or more hours of volunteer service; to individuals 15 and older who have completed 100 or more hours; and to families or groups who have completed 200 or more hours.

Our New England President's Volunteer Service Awards recipients have collectively given nearly 5000 hours of volunteer service and we are honored that they are with us today. By recognizing these dedicated "doers" we encourage others to join them in making our country a better place.

More information about the President's Volunteer Service Award


Fred Grimsey
Fred Grimsey co-founded the Save the Rivers/Save the Hills grassroots environmental organization dedicated to water quality improvements in the Niantic River Estuary in Waterford and East Lyme, Connecticut. Fred has served more than just as President of the organization but also as the inspiration and call to action. Representatives from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection describe Fred as someone who "walks the walk". For example, Fred put personal finances, as well as considerable sweat equity, to outfit a boat to provide a free portable pumpout facility at a marina dock and achieve necessary approvals for a sewer line connection to service that facility. These two actions went far to meet the local requirements of the recently designated No Discharge Area for the Niantic River and the Connecticut coastline.

Fred led the effort for protection of the last large undeveloped shoreline parcel in the southern Connecticut coastline, the Oswegatchie Hills along the Niantic River in East Lyme. Fred was a passionate and informative participant in the development of the Niantic River Watershed Protection Plan. Fred further chipped in to address a key plan recommendation to establish an outreach campaign for all watershed communities through success-fully applying for and receiving a Watershed Assistance grant from Rivers Alliance of Connecticut to initiate a local train-the-trainers network. He has been a big reason for the growing success of the (now four) annual Niantic River Appreciation Day, with the 2007 Kayak Regatta attended by 125 kayakers and volunteers.


Albert E. Sandecki
Al Sandecki is a well respected, active community member involved in the Callahan Mine Superfund site in Brooksville, Maine. Al has a deep and abiding commitment to ensure an appropriate, successful reclamation of the tidal estuary negatively impacted by the past operations of the open pit mine and he has written and collected reams of historical data on the site and provided copies to EPA New England.

Al is Chairman of the Holbrook Island Sanctuary Corporation and the Friends of the Holbrook Island, a citizen's support organization that administers a successful, ongoing internship program for high school, college and graduate students.


Patrick J. Foley
P.J. Foley has shown that change often begins when one person stands up to do what is necessary. Foley began by recognizing the degraded condition of the Hough's Neck salt marshes in Quincy. Realizing that restoring the marshes would bring back fish and waterfowl, benefitting the entire city, he began taking action. After cleaning the marshes behind his house, he began holding neighborhood meetings to discuss marsh restoration. When support swelled to over 80 people involved, his action paid off with a $4 million federal grant to restore 750 acres of wetlands in Hough's Neck. U.S. Representative William Delahunt credited Foley with spearheading the effort and building the support to make the grant a reality.

Thanks to P.J.'s efforts, Quincy will have better commercial fish stocks, enjoyable open space, improved tourism, better flood control, trash abatement and pesticide-free mosquito reduction.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Rivers Management Program

Michelle Hamm, Contoocook River and North Branch Rivers Adair Mulligan, Connecticut River Joint Commissions
Camilla Lockwood, Exeter River
George May, Souhegan River
Charlie Ryan, Amnmonoosuc River
Michele Tremblay, Upper Merrimack River
Chip Boisvert, Swift River
Elizabeth Evans, Isinglass River

The New Hampshire. Rivers Management and Protection Program (RMPP) is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2008. The RMPP embodies a state and local partnership that includes 15 designated rivers, covering over 800 river miles and including over 50% of New Hampshire's communities. At the heart of the local level involvement are the Designated River Local River Management Advisory Committees (LACs). The LAC members are nominated by their community and appointed by the Commissioner of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) to serve and advise DES, their river corridor communities and other state and federal agencies on matters pertaining to the management and protection of the river and its outstanding characteristics and resources.

LAC members are volunteers who meet on a monthly basis to discuss issues relevant to their river. They spend countless hours outside of meetings reviewing permit applications, meeting with local officials, performing site walks, conducting water quality monitoring, hosting river festivals and many other activities. Each LAC member, and the LACs as a whole, has contributed thousands of volunteer hours in the 20 years of the RMPP.

Rhode Island

Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone

Frank Matta, President
Sandra Belliveau
Alice Clemente
Frank Geary
John Marsland

The Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone represents two active and effective organizations that merged in 2006 to enhance their capacity to restore the Blackstone River and its urban watershed. While both bodies had been successful individually for years prior to this merger, their first joint year demonstrated the enormous value of joining forces to achieve a common vision. Countless volunteer hours were spent in monitoring the water quality of the Blackstone River; leading river clean-up events that removed over 10,000 tires and cleaned a stretch of the river from Pawtucket to Woonsocket; developing specialized outreach tools to enable the public to participate in permit hearings, zoning decisions, and other official actions; and providing small scholarships to middle and high schools to support environmental projects.

The most outstanding effort, however, has been in leading the installation of fish ladders at the first four dams on the Blackstone. The Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone has successfully engaged a range of partners to work across state and agency lines to create a powerful vision of a reborn shad and river herring fishery. Their energy has resulted in making people "believe" in the rebirth of this historic urban river.


Beverly Bruhn Major
Beverly Major is Chair of the Vermont Connecticut River Watershed Advisory Commission, and has represented agricultural interests on the Commission since its founding in 1988. She has given freely of her time to the Connecticut River Joint Commissions (CRJC) and to CRJC's Wantastiquet Region River Subcommittee.

Currently Town Librarian in Westminster West, Mrs. Major is a retired teacher. She is also chair of the Westminster School Board and chair and founding member of the Windmill Hill Pinnacle Association. She has served on the State School Directors' Board, and on the boards of the Extension Service, Brattleboro Community House, and the local board of civil authority. Her family owns the dairy sheep cheese-producing Major Farm in Westminster. For 17 years she led a large and very active 4-H club in her area.

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Special Recognition

New England Performance Track Facilities

Performance Track Logo The 62 New England facilities that are part of EPA's National Environmental Performance Track program voluntarily achieve environmental improvements that exceed required compliance levels and focus on specific improvements to minimize their environmental impacts. The members utilize environmental management systems to strengthen their performance, publicly report on their progress annually, and perform outreach to their local community. Since the start of the program in 2000 through 2006, the New England Performance Track facilities that accepted the New England "Energy Challenge" decreased their greenhouse gas emissions by more than 62,457metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (MTCO2E). Additionally other commitments to Energy reduction saved 583,466 mmBtus of energy. Facilities have collectively reduced water consumption by 188 million gallons, reduced materials use by 13,692 tons, and protected 8,639 acres of habitat...

The following are the New England Performance Track facilities:


  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Wallingford
  • Covanta Bristol, Inc, Bristol
  • Covanta Company of SE Connecticut, Preston
  • Covanta Mid-Connecticut, Inc., Hartford
  • Covanta Projects of Wallingford, Wallingford
  • King Industries, Inc., Norwalk
  • Pratt & Whitney – Cheshire, CT
  • U.S. Postal Service:
    • Hartford Processing and Distribution Center
    • Hartford Vehicle Maintenance Facility
    • Bridgeport Post Office
    • New Haven, Vehicle Maintenance Facility
    • Southern Connecticut Processing and Distribution Center, Wallingford
    • Stamford Processing and Distribution Center
    • Stamford, Vehicle Maintenance Facility
    • Waterbury Vehicle Maintenance Facility


  • Bath Iron Works, Bath
  • Fairchild Semiconductor Corp., S. Portland
  • Interface Fabrics Group, Guilford Facility
  • Fraser Papers Ltd., Madawaska
  • Lyman Morse Boat Building, Thomaston
  • Louisiana-Pacific, Houlton OSB, New Limerick
  • Pratt & Whitney North Berwick Parts Center
  • U.S. Postal Service:
    • Eastern ME Processing and Distribution Facility, Hampden
    • Southern ME Processing and Distribution Center, Scarborough
  • Verso Paper - Androscoggin Mill, Jay
  • Verso Paper - Bucksport Mill


  • New Bedford
  • Analog Devices, Inc. – Wilmington
  • Covanta Haverhill, Inc., Haverhill
  • Covanta of SEMASS, Rochester
  • DePuy Orthopaedics, New Bedford
  • DePuy Orthopaedics, Raynham
  • Gillette Andover Manufacturing Center
  • Intel Massachusetts, Inc., Hudson
  • PerkinElmer Optoelectronics, Salem
  • Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials, LLC, Marlborough
  • Teradyne (Building 1), North Reading
  • Tyco Healthcare Group LP, Ludlow, MA
  • Sensata Technologies, Attleboro
  • U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod
  • U.S. Postal Service:
    • Brockton Processing and Distribution Center
    • Brockton Vehicle Maintenance Facility
    • Cambridge Central Sq. Post Office
    • Central MA Processing and Distribution Center, Shrewsbury
    • Springfield Vehicle Maintenance Facility
    • Springfield Bulk Mail Center and Processing and Distribution Center

New Hampshire:

  • BAE Systems - Information and Electronic Systems Integration, Inc., Nashua
  • Henkel Corporation, Seabrook
  • Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc., Bennington
  • New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc., Peterborough
  • New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc., Astro Division, Laconia
  • Newport Computer Service, Inc., Rochester
  • U.S. Postal Service
    • Manchester Vehicle Maintenance Facility
    • Portsmouth Post Office
  • OSRAM Sylvania Products, Inc., Hillsborough
  • Vectron International, Hudson

Rhode Island:

  • John Crane, Inc. Cranston RI Div., RI
  • Naval Undersea Warfare Center Div, Newport
  • Stanley Fastening Systems, East Greenwich
  • US Postal Service Rhode Island Vehicle Maintenance Facility, Providence


  • IBM Corporation, Essex Junction
  • Stanley Tools Pittsfield Plant, Pittsfield

EnergyStar LogoENERGY STAR® Award for Sustained Excellence—Energy Promotion

Northeast ENERGY STAR Products Initiative
Lexington, Massachusetts

Sponsors: Cape Light Compact, Connecticut Light & Power, Efficiency Maine, Efficiency Vermont, Long Island Power Authority, National Grid, New Jersey Clean Energy Program, New York Energy Research and Development Authority, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, NSTAR, Public Service of New Hampshire, The United Illuminating Company, Unitil, and Western Massachusetts Electric Company

The Northeast ENERGY STAR Lighting and Appliance Initiative unites diverse program sponsors across seven states for one common cause-to reduce energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions by promoting ENERGY STAR qualified products. In 2007, the initiative built upon past efforts to further advance the market with qualified lighting and appliances and to educate consumers about the role of energy efficiency in climate change.

ENERGY STAR® Award for Excellence in Energy Promotion

Efficiency Vermont
Burlington, Vermont

Efficiency Vermont is an independent, non-profit organization created by the Vermont Legislature and the Vermont Public Service Board to help Vermont residents save energy, strengthen the economy, and protect the environment. Efficiency Vermont is receiving ENERGY STAR recognition for successfully building the whole-house contracting industry in tandem with its energy efficiency education and marketing efforts since joining Home Performance with ENERGY STAR in 2005. Home Performance with ENERGY STAR is now recognized as the premiere energy efficiency service throughout the state.

ENERGY STAR® Award for Sustained Excellence—ENERGY STAR® Products

GE Consumer & Industrial
Fairfield, CT

GE Consumer & Industrial — a global business and industry leader in major appliances, lighting, and integrated industrial systems for more than 125 years — continues to demonstrate leadership in the ENERGY STAR program with its commitment to developing innovative technologies and national marketing initiatives. Working in more than 100 countries, GE provides products and services from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing, and security technology to medical imaging, business and consumer financing, media content, and industrial products.GE is being recognized for aggressively increasing its focus on ENERGY STAR qualified appliances and compact fluorescent lamps in conjunction with its ecomagination initiative. This is the third time GE has received ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence recognition.

ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year—Energy Efficient Program Delivery

National Grid
Westborough, Massachusetts

National Grid is the leading utility in Massachusetts, committed to delivering energy efficiency to its customers. National Grid is receiving ENERGY STAR recognition for transforming the home improvement market and making energy efficiency upgrades and thermal shell improvements more accessible and affordable. National Grid uses a well-planned, results-oriented strategy for home improvement. Massachusetts' homeowners are informed at every point of contact regarding the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR initiative and how it can save them money on monthly energy bills, help reduce environmental impacts, and make their homes safer, healthier, and more comfortable.

ENERGY STAR® Award for Sustained Excellence—Energy Promotion

Danvers, Massachusetts

OSRAM SYLVANIA is a worldwide leader in lighting sources and systems. The company is being recognized for its promotion of energy-efficient lighting. This is the third time OSRAM SYLVANIA has received ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence recognition for its leadership in the development of compact fluorescent technology. Key achievements include: Expanding its line of micro-mini products using T2 technology and making impressive reductions in the mercury content of its CFLs; helping the 2007 ENERGY STAR Change a Light Campaign by sponsoring both the Bus Tour kick-off event at Disneyland and a second event in Boston, MA.

OSRAM SYLVANIA continues to set the standard both in using ENERGY STAR in its own promotions and in partnering with other ENERGY STAR partners in cooperative promotions around the country.

ENERGY STAR® Award for Sustained Excellence—Energy Management

Raytheon Company
Waltham, Massachusetts

Raytheon Company is a technology leader specializing in aerospace defense and related supply systems. This is the first time Raytheon has received ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence recognition. The award honors Raytheon's outstanding accomplishments, from its corporate-wide energy management program to the creation of a true energy efficiency culture among the company's 73,000 employees. Key accomplishments include: Reducing energy consumption on an absolute basis by close to 12 percent over the past 5 years, despite an increase in revenue of $6.6 billion and enrolling more than 1,500 employees as Energy Champions.

Raytheon has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its U.S. operations by 33 percent per dollar of revenue from 2002 to 2009 through EPA's Climate Leaders program.

ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year—Service and Product Provider

TRC Energy Services
Windsor, Connecticut

TRC Energy Services is a division of TRC Companies, Inc., that provides feasibility studies, energy audits, building commissioning, and measurement and verification. It has managed thousands of energy efficiency upgrade projects over the past several years. TRC began its partnership with ENERGY STAR working with 60 K-12 schools in upstate New York through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in 2003. Since then, TRC has expanded its ENERGY STAR efforts across the country and facilitated energy management at thousands of locations.

ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year—Energy Efficient Program Delivery

The Joint Management Committee representing Massachusetts New Homes with ENERGY STAR®

Sponsors: Bay State Gas, Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, GasNetworks, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, National Grid, New England Gas, NSTAR, and Western Massachusetts Electric.

The Joint Management Committee representing Massachusetts New Homes with ENERGY STAR is a multi-utility effort receiving ENERGY STAR recognition for excellence in energy efficiency program de-livery. Key accomplishments of this joint effort in 2007 include: Exceeding its annual goal by 50 percent and constructing 1,466 ENERGY STAR qualified homes, and achieving more than 758,700 kWh of energy savings, including 1,645 kW of summer and 1,546 kW of winter peak demand savings for homeowners in Massachusetts.

The Joint Management Committee has also promoted the value of ENERGY STAR qualified homes to more than 213,000 consumers and homebuilders through magazines and print ads, and recruited more than 500 builders into the ENERGY STAR program through seminars, advertisements, training, and trade shows.

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