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i-MapNJ Geology is an interactive mapping application that provides information about New Jersey's Geology, Aquifers, Wellhead Protection Areas, Earthquake Epicenters, Abandoned Mines and more. Updated Earthquake Epicenters layer August 2008. New Municipality search feature added to 'Find' tool.

  • The geology of New Jersey is uniquely diverse and interesting. There are four physiographic provinces (Valley and Ridge, Highlands, Piedmont, Coastal Plain) each with distinctive rocks and landforms. In addition, Glacial deposits mostly of Late Wisconsinan age (about 20,000 years old) cover the surface in the northern-most part of the state.
  • Ground water is the primary drinking and agricultural water source for the residents of New Jersey. Ground water is contained in porous rocks and sediments called aquifers. They are recharged by rainwater and interact with other surface water bodies such as lakes and streams. In New Jersey, ground water resources are evaluated and the distribution of the aquifers wellhead protection areas are mapped.
  • New Jersey has experienced many small earthquakes in the past decade. The State Police and NJGS work together to identify high earthquake hazard areas and plan emergency response under a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant.
  • New Jersey has a long history of mining for iron, copper and other minerals. Abandoned mining operations pose surface stability problems that must be addressed.

To start using i-MapNJ Geology, Click on the "Launch i-MapNJ Geology" button in the upper left hand corner of this page.

Please Note: i-MapNJ is best viewed with Internet Explorer 6.x or higher. i-MapNJ utilizes POPUP windows for display of query results. You may need to disable POPUP blocking software you have running on your computer to ensure proper functionality of this application.

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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2008
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: August 19, 2008

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