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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter IV  

Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor



Part 452  

General Statement Concerning the Election Provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959




Subpart C  

Coverage of Election Provisions

29 CFR 452.19 - Executive functions.

  • Section Number: 452.19
  • Section Name: Executive functions.

    The definitional phrase ``a person authorized to perform the 
functions of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or other 
executive functions of a labor organization'' brings within the term 
``officer'' any person who in fact has executive or policy-making 
authority or responsibility, although he may not occupy a position 
identified as an officer under the constitution and bylaws of the 
organization. Authorization to perform such functions need not be 
contained in any provision of the constitution or bylaws or other 
document but may be inferred from actual practices or conduct. On the 
other hand, a person is not an officer merely because he performs 
ministerial acts for a designated officer who alone has responsibility. 
The normal functions performed by business agents and shop stewards, 
such as soliciting memberships, presenting or negotiating employee 
grievances within the work place, and negotiating contracts are not 
``other executive functions'' as that phrase is used in section 3(n) of 
the Act. However, a directing business representative or a business 
manager usually exercises such a degree of executive authority as to be 
considered an officer and, therefore, must be elected. The duties 
normally pertaining to
membership on a bargaining committee do not come within the phrase 
``other executive functions.'' However, persons occupying such non-
executive positions may be ``officers'' if they are ex officio members 
of the organization's executive board (or similar governing body) or if 
the constitution or bylaws of the union designate such positions as 
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