Topic: Digestive Diseases (DD)
Title: Liver Abscesses and Hydatid Disease.
Author: Krige, J.E.J.; Beckingham, I.J.
Source: In: Beckingham, I.J., ed. ABC of Liver, Pancreas and Gallbladder. London, UK: BMJ Publishing Group. 2001. p.29-32.
Availability: Available from BMJ Publishing Group. BMA Books, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WCIH 9JR. Fax 44 (0)20 7383 6402. E-mail: Website: PRICE: Contact publisher for price. ISBN: 0727915312.
Abstract: Liver abscesses are caused by bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infection. This chapter on liver abscesses and hydatid disease is from an atlas of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Topics include the etiology, microbiology, clinical features, laboratory investigations, and treatment of pyogenic liver abscesses; the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of amoebic liver abscess; and the presentation, diagnosis, treatment of hydatid disease (caused by the dog tapeworm) in humans. Most patients with pyogenic abscesses will require percutaneous drainage and antibiotics. A cause can be identified in 85 percent of cases of liver abscess, most commonly gallstones, diverticulitis, or appendicitis. The chapter concludes with summary points of the concepts discussed. 8 figures. 4 table. 3 references.

Format: Book Chapter
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Digestive System Diseases. Abscess. Liver Diseases. Diagnosis. Symptoms. Etiology. Patient Care Management.
Minor Keywords: Patient Selection. Complications. Drug Therapy. Surgical Techniques. Diagnostic Tests. Prognosis. Bacterial Infections. Parasitic Infections.
Publication Number: DDBK09018
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