Topic: Digestive Diseases (DD)
Title: Appendicitis in Children: New Insights Into an Old Problem.
Author: Gregory, T., ed.
Source: Patient Care. 34(5): 183-188, 191-195. March 15, 2000.
Availability: Available from Medical Economics. 5 Paragon Drive, Montvale, NJ 07645. (800) 432-4570. Fax (201) 573-4956.
Abstract: Acute appendicitis is the most common reason for emergency abdominal surgery in childhood. Despite strong emphasis on early surgical intervention, the morbidity and mortality of acute appendicitis in children remain high. This review article clarifies the symptoms to look for in the patient's history, the signs to assess during the physical examination, and the degree of confidence to place in various laboratory tests and radiologic studies. The authors reiterate that a thorough but speedy evaluation is essential when examining a child with possible appendicitis. Recent studies show that in ambiguous cases, computed tomography (CT scan), especially when performed with rectal contrast, is an excellent adjudicator. The authors review the anatomy and physiology of the appendix, then detail each step of the physical examination. After a discussion of the appropriate laboratory tests, the authors remind readers of the more common pediatric illnesses that mimic appendicitis, including gastroenteritis, constipation, mesenteric adenitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ovarian cyst, and pneumonia. 8 figures. 2 tables. 22 references.

Format: Journal Article
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Digestive System Diseases. Children. Appendicitis. Diagnosis. Diagnostic Tests.
Minor Keywords: Morbidity. Gastrointestinal Diseases. Anatomy. Physiology. Appendix. Abdominal Pain. Symptoms. Epidemiology. Patient Care Management. Physical Examination.
Publication Number: DDJA07704
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