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Pesticide Establishment— Registration and Reporting Questions: Registration

For individuals required to register their establishment and file a report on pesticide production, EPA has prepared the following answers to commonly asked questions.

General Information

  1. Who is required to register as a pesticide-producing and device-producing establishment?
  2. What if I produce other types of products?
  3. Must I register my establishment if I only custom blend pesticides for my customers?

Bulk Repackaging
Custom Blenders
Shipping Pesticides


1. Who is required to register as a pesticide-producing and device-producing establishment?

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2. My company receives pesticides in large containers and transfers the products to smaller containers with new labels. Do I need to register as a pesticide-producing establishment?

Yes. Any change to the label or container of a pesticide (or device) constitutes "production" and must be done in a registered establishment. In addition, repackaging of bulk pesticides into minibulk tanks or other reusable containers constitutes "production" and must take place in a registered establishment.

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3. Must I register my establishment if I only custom blend pesticides for my customers?

An establishment where only custom blendingactivities take place does not have to register as a pesticide-producing establishment or report production.

An establishment that custom blends in addition to other pesticide production activities, must register as a pesticide-producing establishment and report production only for the other pesticide production, not the custom blending activities.

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