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What We Are Doing

EPA employes viewing flowers in a greenhouse

Region 4 employees tour a pilot-scale peanut biodiesel refinery operated by the USDA Agriculture Research Service near Dawson, GA.

EPA Region 4 works with our agriculture partners and other interested parties to achieve environmental improvement and promote sustainable production of safe, abundant supplies of food, fiber, horticultural, and energy products. Our Regional Agricultural Strategy identifies several priority activities including promotion of the following areas:

Environmental Stewardship

  Perdue Clean Waters Environmental Initiative

  Pesticides Programs

EPA employes viewing flowers in a greenhouse

EPA employees tour a floriculture operation to hear about problems with pests becoming resistant to approved pesticides.

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Environmentally Sustainable Energy Technologies and Climate Change

  Southeast Diesel Collaborative (SEDC)

Picture of several people standing on top of an in-ground anaerobic digester at a dairy farm.

Region 4 employees are standing on top of anaerobic digester used to generate methane at a dairy in Georgia. The tan-colored digester is 16 feet deep.

Farm to Energy: Anaerobic Digestion

The Agriculture Workgroup sponsored a field tour to the Wright Family Dairy in Baxley, GA. The dairy, which milks over 1000 cows per day, has the only operational anaerobic digester at an animal operation in Georgia. The dairy barns are flushed daily and the manure is sent to the anaerobic digester. The digestion process produces methane gas. The gas powers a generator to make electricity that is sold to a local utility. The digested material is pathogen free and is passed through a screw press to produce bedding material for the dairy barns. Liquids removed by the screw press are used to flush the barns.

  Carbon Offset Initiative for Swine Producers in North Carolina

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  Strategic Agriculture Initiative (SAI)

  Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) for Agriculture

  Resource Conservation Challenge

  Gulf of Mexico Program

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Clean and Safe Water through Watershed Protection

  Priority Watersheds

  Nonpoint Source Section 319 Grant Program

  Water Quality Trading

 Environmental Justice Farmers' Initiative

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