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2009 AgSTAR National Conference
Hilton Baltimore
February 24-25, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland


Day One – Tuesday, February 24, 2009

8:20 AM

Welcome (PDF, 6 pp., 170 KB)
Kurt Roos, Team Lead, AgSTAR, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)

8:30 AM

Developments in Climate Change Policy (PDF, 21 pp., 236 KB)
Dina Kruger, Director, Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA

9:00 AM

Keynote Address
Earl M. (Chip) Jones, III, Senior Vice President, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Dean Foods Company

9:30 AM

Policy and Other Challenges to Anaerobic Digester Systems

History and Current Status of Manure Anaerobic Digester Systems (PDF, 7 pp., 157 KB)
Kurt Roos, AgSTAR, U.S. EPA

Expert Panel Discussion
Moderator: Chris Voell, AgSTAR, U.S. EPA

  • Steve Dvorak, GHD
  • Dennis Haubenschild, Haubenschild Farm Inc.
  • Danny Kluthe, Olean Energy
  • Marcus Martin, Martin Machinery/Gen-Tec LLC
  • Norma McDonald, Phase 3 Renewables
  • Dan Scruton, Vermont Department of Agriculture
  • Scott Subler, Environmental Credit Corporation

11:15 AM

Making a Digester Project Work Financially
Moderator: Chris Cassidy, USDA Rural Development

1:30 PM

What Are People Co-Digesting and What is the Outcome?
Moderator: Mark Moser, RCM International

3:15 PM

Corporate Leadership in Digester Systems
Moderator: Garth Boyd, Camco International

4:30 PM

Value-Added Opportunities from AD Systems
Moderator: Jack Martin, Hall Associates

Day Two – Wednesday, February 25, 2009

7:30 AM

Pre-Conference Ad Hoc Roundtable Discussions

8:30 AM

Manure Digesters in the Swine and Poultry Sector
Moderator: Prince Dugba, Ph.D., P.E., Smithfield Foods Inc.

10:00 AM

Pipeline Quality Gas from Digesters
Moderator: Chris Voell, AgSTAR, U.S. EPA

11:30 AM

What's New in the Carbon Credit World – A Panel Discussion
Moderator: John Crenshaw, Eastern Research Group

1:30 PM

Tracking the Performance of Anaerobic Digester Systems
Moderator: Jack Martin, Hall Associates

2:30 PM

New Horizons for Biogas Use / Closing Comments (PDF, 26 pp., 3.1 MB)
Chris Voell, AgSTAR, U.S. EPA

3:00 PM


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