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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health


Automatic Term Mapping (continued)

The Journals Translation Table contains:

If you searched for the journal of cell biology, for example, PubMed would translate this as "J Cell Biol"[Journal] OR "the journal of cell biology"[All Fields]. [Show Me]

What if a journal name is also a MeSH heading -- Cell, for example? PubMed will first check in the MeSH Translation Table, find all matches (in this case, the terms cells and cellular phone) and stop the mapping process. The search will also include [All Fields], therefore it will find the journal name, but the results will include many more citations than from the journal, Cell. [Show Me]

Consider using the Search by... feature of Advanced Search to find journal titles that might be confused with subject terms.

Searching for journal titles in the Journals Database will be covered in a later module of this course.


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Last reviewed: 28 April 2009
Last updated: 19 March 2009
First published: 20 March 2001
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