USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program National Point Source Research Meeting

January 26-29, 2009, San Diego, California

Welcome Agenda Presentations Posters Logistics/Lodging Research Background


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Toxics Substances Hydrology (Toxics) Program National Point Source Research Meeting will be held January 26-29, 2009, in San Diego, California. The meeting is being held in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Technical Support Project, which consists of the Engineering Forum, Ground Water Forum, and Federal Facilities Forum, and provides technical assistance to Regional Remedial Project Managers, Corrective Action Staff, and On-Scene Coordinators. The meeting will provide a valuable opportunity for the exchange of information, technology, ideas, and priorities among researchers and stakeholders. To manage the size and cost of the meeting attendance is by invitation only.

For additional information on USGS Subsurface Point-Source Contamination - Research Background

Meeting Goals

The meeting will provide a valuable forum for exchange of information, ideas, and priorities among researchers and stakeholders. The specific goals of the meeting are to:

  • To provide a forum for transferring technology and information produced by Toxics Program's research on subsurface point-source contamination to stakeholder managers and scientists responsible for managing and remediating contaminated sites,
  • To gather feedback from those stakeholders on their priority science questions and on the value and applicability of Toxics Program research.
  • To provide information needed to help determine the future direction of the Toxics Program's research on subsurface point-source contamination.

Topics Covered

The Toxics Program conducts intensive field investigations of common classes of subsurface point-source contamination. Currently these field investigations focus on five contamination types:

  • Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers - including investigations at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) research site in Trenton, New Jersey
  • Petroleum Contamination - including investigations at the Bemidji Research Site in Bemidji Minnesota
  • Mixed Volatile Organic and Low-level Radioactive Wastes - including research at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in the Amargosa Desert, Nevada
  • Landfill Leachate - including research at the Norman Municipal Landfill in Norman, Oklahoma
  • Fundamental Plume Transport Processes at a Wastewater Effluent Plume - The Cape Cod Research Sites, Mass. Military Reservation, Massachusetts

The meeting agenda has more information.


Keynote presentations will be given on crosscutting issues that focus on using scientific understanding of key environmental processes as a basis for informed decision-making regarding site remediation, monitoring efforts, and performance evaluation. The emphasis will be on rapid, cost effective site characterization focused on key decision-making and effective action.


A pdf version of the full agenda is available for download (112 KB).


Sunday, January 25, 2009

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Registration Table is Open - Hotel Lobby

Day 1

Monday, January 26, 2009 - Pacific Ballroom A&B

7:00 am Registration Open (Hotel Lobby)- Morning Refreshments and Snacks
8:00 am - 8:45 am

Opening Remarks, Meeting Goals, and Background on U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Subsurface Point-Source Contamination Research:

  • Eric Reichard, Director, California Water Science Center, USGS
  • Matthew Larsen, Associate Director for Water, USGS
  • Herb Buxton, Coordinator, Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, USGS
8:45 am - 10:45 am Session 1 - Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers: The Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, N.J.
10:45 am - 11:00 am     Break - Refreshments
11:00 am - 12:00 noon Session 2 - Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination: The Bemidji Research Site, Minn.
12:00 noon - 1:15 pm     Lunch (On your own)
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm Session 2 (Continued) - Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination: The Bemidji Research Site, Minn.
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm     Break - Refreshments and Snacks
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Session 3 - Contamination by Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Wastewater Effluent: The Cape Cod Research Site, Mass.
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Poster Session I: Posters on additional research on issues covered during the day and methodological advancements. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Posters are up all day.

Day 2

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 - Pacific Ballroom A&B

7:00 am Registration Open (Hotel Lobby) - Morning Refreshments and Snacks
8:00 am - 10:00 am Session 4 - Contamination from Landfill Leachate: The Norman Municipal Landfill, Okla.
10:00 am - 10:15 am     Break - Refreshments
10:15 am - 12:15 pm Session 5 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste and Other Mixed Wastes in the Vadose Zone in the Arid Southwest: The Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS), Nev.
12:15 pm - 1:30 pm     Lunch (On your own)
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Keynote Talks - Elements of Efficient Science-Based Approaches to Site Management and Remediation:

  • Contaminant fate in unconsolidated aquifers--Thoughts on determining the relevant physical transport processes at a field site, by Denis R. Leblanc
  • Toward Taming the Complexities of Fractured Rock Aquifers, by Allen M. Shapiro
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm     Break - Refreshments and Snacks
2:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Keynote Talks (Continued) - Elements of Efficient Science-Based Approaches to Site Management and Remediation

  • Identifying the relevant biogeochemical processes at sites impacted by organic contaminants, by Isabelle M. Cozzarelli
  • Development of conceptual models for reactive inorganic contaminant transport, by James A. Davis
  • Using process understanding to assess the feasibility and timeframe of remediation by natural attenuation, by Barbara A. Bekins
  • Using process-based environmental research to design effective site remediation strategies, by Francis H. Chapelle
4:45 pm - 5:00 pm Next Steps: Discussion of the agenda and goals for the next two days.
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Poster Session II: Posters on additional research on issues covered during the day and methodological advancements. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Posters are up all day.

Day 3

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

7:00 am Registration Open (Hotel Lobby) - Morning Refreshments and Snacks
8:00 am - 9:30 am

Panel I: USGS Project Leaders Review Future Research Directions - Pacific Ballroom A&B

  • Claire R. Tiedeman, Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers: The Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, N.J. (Presentation Slides)
  • Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination: The Bemidji Research Site, Minn.
  • Denis R. LeBlanc, Contamination by Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Wastewater Effluent: The Cape Cod Research Site, Mass.
  • Jason R. Masoner, Contamination from Landfill Leachate: The Norman Municipal Landfill, Okla.
  • Brian J. Andraski, Low-Level Radioactive waste and Other Mixed Wastes in the Vadose Zone in the Arid Southwest: The Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS), Nev.
9:30 am - 9:45 am     Break - Refreshments
9:45 am - 11:15 am Panel II: Federal and State Partners Discuss their Priority Research Needs - Pacific Ballroom A&B
  • Skip Chamberlain, Office of Groundwater and Soil Remediation, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Javier M. Santillan, Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment
  • Michael A. Singletary, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southeast, U.S. Navy
  • Paul Hadley, Department of Toxic Substances Control, California Environmental Protection Agency
11:15 am - 12:00 noon Open Discussion - Pacific Ballroom A&B
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm     Lunch (On your own)
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

USGS Project Breakouts (meetings to discuss stakeholder input and plan research needs) - Room locations will be announced later

  • Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers: The Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, N.J.
  • Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination: The Bemidji Research Site, Minn.
  • Contamination by Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Wastewater Effluent: The Cape Cod Research Site, Mass.
  • Contamination from Landfill Leachate: The Norman Municipal Landfill, Okla.
  • Low-Level Radioactive waste and Other Mixed Wastes in the Vadose Zone in the Arid Southwest: The Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS), Nev.
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm     Break - Refreshments and Snacks
3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

USGS Project Breakouts (Continued)

Day 4

Thursday, January 29, 2009

7:00 am Morning Refreshments and Snacks
8:20 am - 8:40 am Summary of EPA Ground Water Forum Research Needs and Priorities - Pacific Ballroom A&B
8:40 am - 9:40 am USGS Facilitated Q&A Session: Facilitators will ask questions and open the floor for discussion - Pacific Ballroom A&B
9:40 am - 10:00 am     Break
10:00 am - 11:00 am EPA Facilitated Q&A Session: Facilitators will ask questions and open the floor for discussion - Pacific Ballroom A&B
11:00 am - 12:00 noon Open time for personal contact/discussion - Pacific Ballroom A&B
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm     Lunch (On your own)
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Toxics Program Strategic Planning Committee Meeting (USGS project leaders, committee members and managers only) - Room location will be announced later

A pdf version of the full agenda is available for download (112 KB).


Project Session 1 (Monday, 8:45 am - 10:45 am)
Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers: The Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, N.J.

Contamination in fractured-rock aquifers: National issues, research challenges, and overview of the Naval Air Warfare Center site (Presentation Slides pdf)
- Claire R. Tiedeman

Importance of geologic framework for understanding contaminant transport and designing remediation in fractured sedimentary rocks
- Pierre J. Lacombe

Persistence of separate phase, dissolved, and sorbed chlorinated solvents in fractured-rock aquifers
- Daniel J. Goode

Characterization of contaminant-degrading microorganisms in fractured-rock aquifers
- Paul M. Bradley

Remediation of contaminants in fractured-rock aquifers: Progress and challenges
-Allen M. Shapiro

Synthesis, technology transfer, and future research priorities (Presentation Slides pdf)
- Claire R. Tiedeman

Project Session 2 (Monday, 11:00 am - 12:00 noon)
Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination: The Bemidji Research Site, Minn.

Effects of remediation at the Bemidji, Minnesota Crude Oil Spill Site (Presentation Slides pdf)
- Geoffrey N. Delin

Transferability and application of Bemidji Site Science -- Forensic work at a long-term railroad-diesel oil spill site in Mandan, ND
- Frances D. Hostettler

12:00-1:15 Lunch

Project Session 2 continued (Monday, 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm)

Long term progression of natural attenuation of petroleum LNAPLs
- Barbara A. Bekins

Integrated investigation of natural attenuation processes at a crude oil spill site, Bemidji MN - Closing gaps in conceptual models and quantification of degradation rates
- R. Ulrich Mayer

Application of knowledge gained and tools developed at the Bemidji Site to a crude oil spill site in Cass Lake, MN
-William N. Herkelrath

Project Session 3 (Monday, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm)
Contamination by Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Wastewater Effluent: The Cape Cod Research Site, Mass.

Site description, research approach, and hydrologic processes
- Denis R. LeBlanc

Biogeochemical processes and the importance of geochemical zones (presentation slides)
- Richard L. Smith

The role of pH and sorption on the fate and transport of metals and minor elements
- Douglas B. Kent

Occurrence and fate of trace organic contaminants and PPCPs
- Larry B. Barber

Subsurface Bacterial Transport: Chemotaxis
- Ronald W. Harvey

Project Session 4 (Tuesday, 8:00 am - 10:00 am)
Contamination from Landfill Leachate: The Norman Municipal Landfill, Okla.

Spatial and temporal migration of a landfill leachate plume at the Norman Landfill Research Site
- Jason R. Masoner

Long- term biogeochemical evolution of a leachate plume from a closed municipal Landfill, Norman, Oklahoma
- Isabelle M. Cozzarelli

Assessing microbial activity in the laboratory and the field and its influence on organic matter quality in a shallow anoxic aquifer: Lessons from the USGS Norman Landfill Site
- Joseph M. Suflita

Implications for anaerobic methane oxidation: The Norman Landfill and beyond
- Victoria Parisi

Endocrine disrupters in contaminated ground and surface water: Application of new technology (GCxGC/ToFMS) to the determination of nonylphenol isomers
- Robert P. Eganhouse

Natural attenuation of landfill leachate contaminants at the ground-water/surface-water interface, Norman Landfill Site
- Michelle M. Lorah

In situ investigations of kinetic controls on sulfate reduction at hydrologic interfaces within a contaminated wetland-aquifer system
- Tara Kneeshaw

Project Session 5 (Tuesday, 10:15 am - 12:15 pm)
Low-Level Radioactive waste and Other Mixed Wastes in the Vadose Zone in the Arid Southwest: The Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS), Nev.

Overview of the Amargosa Desert Research Site: Field laboratory for the study of arid site processes (presentation slides)
- Brian J. Andraski

Factors and processes affecting water and gas flow in desert unsaturated zones
- David A. Stonestrom

Monitoring and modeling tritium transport in an arid environment (presentation slides)
- Brian J. Andraski

VOC distribution and flux estimates adjacent to an arid waste-disposal site
- Ronald J. Baker

Unsaturated-zone transport of mercury from an arid waste-disposal site (presentation slides)
- Michelle A. Walvoord

Tritium releases to the atmosphere adjacent to an arid waste-disposal
- C. Amanda Garcia

Use of results and continuing research (presentation slides)
-Brian J. Andraski

Keynote Talks (Tuesday, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm)

Contaminant fate in unconsolidated aquifers--Thoughts on determining the relevant physical transport processes at a field site
- Denis R. Leblanc

Toward Taming the Complexities of Fractured Rock Aquifers
- Allen M. Shapiro

Keynote Talks Continued (Tuesday, 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm)

Identifying the relevant biogeochemical processes at sites impacted by organic contaminants
- Isabelle M. Cozzarelli

Development of conceptual models for reactive inorganic contaminant transport
- James A. Davis

Using process understanding to assess the feasibility and timeframe of remediation by natural attenuation
- Barbara A. Bekins

Using process-based environmental research to design effective site remediation strategies
- Francis H. Chapelle

A pdf version of the full agenda is available for download (112 KB).

Workshop Location

hotel imageThe workshop will be held at the Holiday Inn—San Diego—On The Bay in San Diego, California, on January 26-29, 2009.

Reservations and Registration

Registration for the workshop is a two-step process. Each attendee should register for the workshop and make individual reservations with the Hotel (details follow).

Hotel Reservations

Hotel: Holiday Inn—San Diego—On The Bay
     1355 North Harbor Drive
     San Diego, CA 92101
     United States
     Front Desk: 1-619-232-3861
     Fax: 1-619-232-4924

A block of rooms has been reserved for the meeting under the group name "USGS-EPA." Please register individually by either calling Passkey Reservations at 888-233-9527 or via the Web at  Please remember to request the "USGS-EPA" group. The cut-off date for group reservations is Friday, January 16, 2009.  Any requests received after that time will be placed on a space available basis. The Hotel requires a deposit equal to the first night’s guest room rate to confirm each reservation.  Individual cancellations will be accepted up to 48 hours prior your arrival date with no penalty.  After 48 hours, individual or engager, depending on who is responsible for said guest’s room, would be charged for the first night's room and tax in full.

Group Room Rate:
A special group room rate was contracted with the Hotel for the workshop. Room rates are for guest rooms only and are subject to the prevailing room tax and applicable assessment set forth below. Room rates for 1/22 – 2/1/09 are:
     Single Rate                 $147
     Double Rate                $147
     Triple Rate                  $162
     Quad Rate                  $177
Guaranteed bay view rooms are $40.00 extra. These rates are based on the prevailing FY 2009 Federal Government Per Diem rates for San Diego.  Rates may be adjusted to match the current Federal Government Per Diem.

Taxes and Service Charges:
  Room rates are subject to the prevailing Transient Occupancy Tax, Tourism Marketing District assessments, and California Tourism Fee, which currently are 10.5%, 2%, and 0.09% respectively (totaling 12.59%). Federal and State of California employees are exempt from Transient Occupancy Tax of the City of San Diego. To receive the exemption fill out a City of San Diego Request for Transient Occupancy Tax form, and give it to the Hotel when you arrive. Food and beverage, as well as all Hotel purchases are subject to state sales tax, which is currently 7.75%.

Check In/Check Out:
  Check in time is 3:00 p.m. and checkout time is 12:00 p.m.  Guests arriving before 3:00 p.m. will be assigned rooms as they become available.



The closest airport is San Diego International Airport—Lindbergh Field (SAN).

Airport Shuttle

The Hotel provides a complimentary airport shuttle. Please contact the Hotel at 619-232-3861 upon arrival to arrange for pickup.

Driving Directions

Driving directions to the Hotel are available on the Hotel's transportation Web page.


The Hotel charges a parking fee of $22.00 per night for each vehicle parked at the facility.  Valet Parking is also available for $28.00 per night.


The Hotel is a few blocks away from the San Diego Amtrak Train Station (SAN). The Hotel also provides shuttle service from the train station. Please contact the Hotel at 619-232-3861 upon arrival to arrange for pickup.


The Hotel is near the County Center/Little Italy and Santa Fe Depot stations on the San Diego Trolley.

Federal Government Per Diem

Currently the FY 2009 Federal Per Diem Rate for San Diego, California, during the workshop is $147 for lodging and $64 for M&IE.

Registration Cancellation

If you are unable to attend the Workshop and need to cancel your registration please contact David Morganwalp at 703-648-5720

USGS Toxics Program Research on Subsurface Point Source Contamination

USGS research on subsurface point-source contamination (SPC) is designed to improve the management and remediation of subsurface contamination plumes from sources such as leaking underground storage tanks, industrial spills, and discharges from waste-disposal facilities. The research brings together large interdisciplinary research teams, including scientists from across USGS, other federal agencies, universities, and industry, to address representative contamination types. The research sites are field laboratories maintained in some cases for decades, and are sought out by many outside researchers for the opportunity to conduct research in a highly characterized, instrumented, and maintained environment. What we learn at these representative sites is then generalized to other similar sites across the nation. In essence, the philosophy is that knowledge and tools gained from significant investment in infrastructure and research at typical sites will yield significant cost savings via innovative approaches applied at numerous similar sites across the nation.

Since its inception in the early 1980's, this research has been conducted at about 12 major field research sites. Currently, research is ongoing at 5 sites: the Amargosa Desert Research Site (mixed low-level radionuclides and other wastes); the Bemidji site, MN (a crude oil spill); the Norman OK Landfill (municipal landfill leachate); the Trenton Naval Air Warfare Center, NJ (solvents in fractured rock); and the Cape Cod site on the Massachusetts Military Reservation (treated effluent and fundamental transport process research). More information about past and present research, as well as information about the many important contributions of this research, is available on the internet at


Subject to change. Please check back for updates. Presenters are indicated by an asterisk after their name.

Poster Session I (Monday, January 26, 2009, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm) - Pacific Ballroom A&B

Contamination by Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Wastewater Effluent: The Cape Cod Research Site, Mass.

Contamination by Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Wastewater Effluent: The Cape Cod Research Site, Mass.

  • No. 1 - Lead tracer tests in the Cape Cod sand and gravel aquifer, by Gillian M. Fairchild* and Douglas B. Kent
  • No. 2 - Impact of variable chemistry on arsenic transport in ground water, by Douglas B. Kent*, Richard L. Smith, Denis R. LeBlanc, James A. Davis
  • No. 3 - Occurrence and turnover of nitric oxide in a nitrogen-impacted sand and gravel aquifer, by Richard L. Smith*
  • No. 4 - Denitrification-coupled iron oxidation in cultures from Cape Cod, MA, aquifer sediments, by Deborah A. Repert*, Richard L. Smith, Douglas B. Kent, Laura K. Baumgartner, Charles P. Hart
  • No. 5 - Response of ground water bacteria from Cape Cod, MA, to low concentrations of antimicrobials, by Jennifer C. Underwood, David W. Metge, Ronald W. Harvey*, Larry B. Barber, Michael T. Meyer, Deborah A. Repert, and Richard L. Smith
  • No. 6 - Subsurface fate and transport of 4-nonylphenol, 17β-estradiol, and sulfamethoxazole., by Larry B. Barber*, Michale T. Meyer, Lisa Fogarty, David W. Metge, Ronald W. Harvey, Sheridan K. Haack, and Denis R. LeBlanc
  • No. 7 - Effects of sulfamethoxazole on ground-water microbial communities in the Cape Cod aquifer, by Michel T. Meyer*, Lisa Fogarty, Larry B. Barber, David W. Metge, Ronald W. Harvey, Sheridan K. Haack, and Denis R. LeBlanc
  • No. 8 - A 20-year history of contaminant distributions in the Cape Cod treated-wastewater plume, 1988-2007, by Charles P. Hart*, Jennifer G. Savoie, Gillian M. Fairchild, Deborah A. Repert, Richard L. Smith, Douglas B. Kent, and Denis R. LeBlanc
  • No. 9 - Natural restoration of a treated-wastewater plume in the Cape Cod sand and gravel aquifer, by Gillian M. Fairchild, Megan Chaisson, Jennifer G. Savoie, and Luke A. Parsons (Presented by Denis R. LeBlanc)
  • No. 10 - Treated-wastewater constituents in porewater at a pond-bottom permeable reactive barrier, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, by Timothy D. McCobb*, Denis R. LeBlanc, and Luke A. Parsons
  • No. 11 - Examining the role of topological factors in controlling the hydraulic conductivity of granular deposits through the analysis of geophysical well logs: Results from the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Site, by Roger H. Morin*, Denis R. LeBlanc, and Brent M. Troutman

Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers: The Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, N.J.

  • No. 12 - Optimized enhanced bioremediation through 4D geophysical monitoring and autonomous data collection, processing, and analysis, by Fredrick D. Day-Lewis*, John W. Lane, Jr., R.J. Versteeg, W.R. Major, T.C. Johnson, and K.E. Wright
  • No. 13 - FLASH: A program for flowmeter analysis of single-holes, by Carole D. Johnson*, Frederick D. Day-Lewis, Frederick P. Paillet, and Keith J. Halford
  • No. 14 - Cross-borehole flow tests and insights into hydraulic connections in mudstone and sandstone, by John H. Williams*, J. Alton Anderson, Carole D. Johnson, and Pierre J. Lacombe
  • No. 15 - Integrated geologic and surface geophysical site characterization at the Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ, by William C. Burton* and Karl J. Ellefsen
  • No. 16 - Importance of geologic framework for understanding contaminant transport and designing remediation in fractured sedimentary rocks, by Pierre J. Lacombe*, William C. Burton, Thomas E. Imbrigiotta, Daniel J. Goode, Claire R. Tiedeman
  • No. 17 - DNAPL removal from fractured rock using thermal conductive heating (TCH)-treatability study and TCH demonstration pilot progress, by Carmen A. Lebrón (U.S. Navy), Bernard H. Kueper (Queen's University), Gorm Heron, John C. LaChance, and Devon Tarmasiewicz (TerraTherm, Inc.), Pierre J. Lacombe*
  • No. 18 - Bioaugmentation in fractured rock--A long-term pilot study at the NAWC site, by Scott R. Drew* and Mary F. DeFlaun (Geosyntec Consultants), Pierre J. Lacombe
  • No. 19 - Modeling bioaugmentation and TCE remediation at the NAWC Site, by Gary P.Curtis*, Paul A. Hsieh, Mary F. DeFlaun, Thomas E. Imbrigiotta and Claire R. Tiedeman
  • No. 20 - Using tracer tests to identify transport pathways and residence times in fractured rock--Implications for remediation, by Allen M. Shapiro*, Claire R. Tiedeman, Daniel J. Goode, and Paul A. Hsieh
  • No. 21 - Modeling the effects of hydraulic conductivity heterogeneity on contaminant remediation at the NAWC Site, by Paul A. Hsieh*, Claire R. Tiedeman, and Allen M. Shapiro
  • No. 22 - Using ground-water modeling to determine flow paths and rates in fractured rocks at the NAWC site--Implications for monitoring remediation, by Claire R. Tiedeman*, Pierre J. Lacombe, Daniel J. Goode, Paul A. Hsieh, and Allen M. Shapiro
  • No. 23 - Monitoring microbial community structure before and during bioaugmentation at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) Site, by Julie D. Kirshtein*, Thomas E. Imbrigiotta, Claire R. Tiedeman, Daniel J. Goode, and Mary A. Voytek
  • No. 24 - Laboratory microcosm studies assess dechlorination in groundwater from a bioaugmented TCE-contaminated site at the former Navel Air Warfare Center, by Elizabeth J. Jones, Julie D. Kirshtein*, Thomas E. Imbrigiotta, Claire R. Tiedeman, Daniel J. Goode, and Mary A. Voytek
  • No. 25 - Techniques for measuring the spatial and temporal variability of ground-water geochemistry, chlorinated solvent contamination, and bioremediation progress in a fractured rock aquifer, by Thomas E Imbrigiotta*, Daniel J Goode, Claire R Tiedeman, and Allen M Shapiro
  • No. 26 - Change in biogeochemistry and chloroethene degradation potential with depth in a fractured bedrock borehole at NAWC, by Paul M. Bradley* and Francis H. Chapelle
  • No. 27 - Monitoring Natural Biodegradation of TCE in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks Using delta 13C of TCE and its Degradation Products: Estimating Isotopic Fractionation Factor under Field Conditions, by Kinga M. Revesz*, Allen M. Shapiro, Claire R. Tiedeman, Daniel J. Goode, Pierre J. Lacombe, and Thomas E. Imbrigiotta
  • No. 28 - Field methods for characterizing retention of chlorinated solvents in fractured-rock aquifers--Screening for separate phase, and sampling dissolved and sorbed phases in the rock matrix, by Daniel J. Goode*, Thomas E. Imbrigiotta, Allen M. Shapiro, Pierre J. Lacombe, and Claire R. Tiedeman
  • No. 29 - Impact of mineral weathering processes on groundwater geochemistry and hydrology, by Majorie S. Schulz*

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination: The Bemidji Research Site, Minn.

  • No. 30 - Loss of volatile hydrocarbons from oil at the Bemidji, MN site determined by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, by Mary Jo Baedecker, Robert P. Eganhouse*, Barbara A. Bekins, and Geoffrey N. Delin
  • No. 31 - Methanogenic biodegradation of n-alkanes and n-alkylated cyclohexanes and benzenes in the Oil Spill Long-term Study Site at Bemidji, MN, by Frances D. Hostettler and Barbara A. Bekins*
  • No. 32 - Microbially induced temperature changes in a petroleum hydrocarbon plume, by Ean Warren and Barbara A. Bekins*
  • No. 33 - In situ measurement of hydrocarbon biodegradation rates under iron-reducing conditions, by Isabelle M. Cozzarelli*, Barbara A. Bekins, Robert P. Eganhouse, Ean Warren, and Hedeff I. Essaid
  • No. 34 - Tools for quantifying biodegradation and transport in a methanogenic aquifer--Bemidji Toxics Program, by Rich T. Amos, K. Ulrich Mayer*, Barbara A. Bekins, Geoffrey N. Delin, and David W. Blowes
  • No. 35 - Modeling of reactive gas transport at the Bemidji Crude Oil Spill Site - An effort towards quantifying fluxes, contaminant degradation rates, and source zone longevity, by Sergi R. Molins and K. Ulrich Mayer*
  • No. 36 - Monitoring dual-pump remediation of a crude-oil spill site, by Geoffrey N. Delin*, William N. Herkelrath, and S. Lounsbury
  • No. 37 - Impacts of remediation at the Bemidji oil-spill site, by William N. Herkelrath*

Poster Session II (Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm) - Pacific Ballroom A&B

Low-Level Radioactive waste and Other Mixed Wastes in the Vadose Zone in the Arid Southwest: The Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS), Nev.

  • No. 1 - Dispersion of contaminants by barometric pumping, by David A. Stonestrom*, David E. Prudic, Michael J. Johnson, and Tyson Smith
  • No. 2 - Diurnal distillation for management of water resources impaired by non-volatile toxic substances, by James E. Constantz* and Greg O. Mendez
  • No. 3 - Modeling water movement in desert soils--Implications for waste isolation, by C. Amanda Garcia*, Brian J. Andraski, David A. Stonestrom, Clay A. Cooper, Jirka ŠimÛnek, and Steven W. Wheatcraft
  • No. 4 - Natural perchlorate in precipitation, soils, and plants at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, by W. Andrew Jackson, Brian J. Andraski, David A. Stonestrom, Srinath Rajagopalan, and Emily M. Taylor
  • No. 5 - Geologic framework characterization--A key task in identifying controls on contaminant transport, by Emily Taylor*
  • No. 6 - Resistivity imaging of hydrogeologic features that may control contaminant migration, by Jeffrey E. Lucius*, Jared D. Abraham, and Bethany L. Burton

Contamination from Landfill Leachate: The Norman Municipal Landfill, Okla.

  • No. 7 - Electrical resistivity imaging to map contaminants in an alluvial aquifer, by Jeffrey E. Lucius*
  • No. 8 - The use and comparison of a floating pan to measure evaporation from small limited-fetch water bodies, by Jason R. Masoner* and David I. Stannard
  • No. 9 - Using a wheel-mounted GPS system for rapid data collection and DEM model creation, by Marvin M. Abbott and Jason R. Masoner*
  • No. 10 - A water balance model to determine ground water - surface water fluxes in a contaminated aquifer - wetland system--The Norman Landfill Research Site, Oklahoma, by Itza Mendoza-Sanchez, Mantha S. Phanikumar, Jennifer T. McGurie, Jason R. Masoner*, and Isabelle M. Cozzarelli
  • No. 11 - Temporal variations in the chemical and isotopic signature of a leachate plume at the Norman Landfill Toxics Research Site, Norman, Oklahoma, by Jeanne B. Jaeschke*, Isabelle M. Cozzarelli, Martha A. Scholl, Scott c. Christenson, and Jason R. Masoner
  • No. 12 - Identification of nonylphenol isomers in landfills and waste water, by Caixiang Zhang*, Robert P. Eganhouse, Isabelle M. Cozzarelli
  • No. 13 - An alternate hypothesis for the anaerobic oxidation of methane, by Victoria Parisi*, Lisa Gieg, Kathleen Duncan, and Joseph M. Suflita
  • No. 14 - Identification of reactive geochemical species associated with abiotic tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene reductive dechlorination in well-defined microcosms, by Xiaoming Liang, Yiran Dong, Tomasz Kuder, Lee R. Krumholz, R. Paul Philp, Elizabeth C. Butler
  • No. 15 - Using sulphur isotopes to look at sulfur cycling in an contaminated alluvial aquifer at the Norman Landfill Research Site, by George N. Breit, Michelle Tuttle, and Isabelle M. Cozzarelli*
  • No. 16 - Evaluating nutrient fate and redox controls in ground water in riparian areas, by Michelle M. Lorah*, Isabelle M. Cozzarelli and J. K. Böhlke

Research on Contaminant Transport

  • No. 17 - Enhanced bioremediation of chlorinated solvents at the ground-water/surface-water interface, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, by Michelle M. Lorah*, Emily H. Majcher, Mary A. Voytek, Elizabeth J. Jones (USGS), Duane Graves (Geosyntec)
  • No. 18 - Bench- and field-scale studies to assess the vulnerability of a sole-source, karst limestone aquifer in southeastern Florida to contamination from Cryptosporidium parvum, by Ronald W. Harvey*, David M. Metge, CL Osborne, Allen L. Shapiro, RA Renken, JN Ryan, KJ Cunningham, and LL Landkamer
  • No. 19 - Cryptosporidium parvum transport through variably charged soil, by A. Mohanram, C. Ray, Ronald W. Harvey*, David W. Metge, Joseph N. Ryan, Larry B. Barber, and J. Chorover
  • No. 20 - Use of microbial-sized microspheres for estimating Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts transport within Russian River (Sonoma County, CA) bank filtration sediments, by David W. Metge*, Ronald W. Harvey, George R. Aiken, and R. Anders
  • No. 21 - Research methods to identify and assess sources of ground-water contamination to streams, by Katherine Walton-Day*, Briant A. Kimball, Robert L. Runkel, Kenneth E. Bencala, Suzanne S. Paschke
  • No. 22 - Characterizing aquifer interactions at the Standard Chlorine of Delaware USEPA Superfund Site, New Castle County, Delaware., by Michael J. Brayton*
  • No. 23 - USGS borehole flowmeter testing and applications in limestone in Indiana, by Martin R. Risch* and Randy Bayless
  • No. 24 - Use of diffusion samplers to monitor both inorganic and organic chemicals in ground-water at contamination sites, by Thomas E. Imbrigiotta*
  • No. 25 - Applications of fiber optic distributed temperature sensors for delineating GW/SW interactions, by Fredrick D. Day-Lewis*, Carole D. Johnson, R.D. Henderson, and John W. Lane, Jr.
  • No. 26 - Bedrock depth mapping through spectral analysis of seismic noise, by John W. Lane Jr.*, Denis R. LeBlanc, and Gillian M. Fairchild
  • No. 27 - Rapid subsurface site imaging using a non-contact stepped-frequency electromagnetic system, by John W. Lane Jr.*, Carole D. Johnson, Troy Brosten, and Eric White
  • No. 28 - USGS technical support of the ground-water cleanup at the Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, by Jennifer G. Savoie*, Denis R. LeBlanc, Timothy D. McCobb, Donald A. Walter, and John P. Masterson
  • No. 29 - Perchlorate sources and biodegradation, by John Karl F. Bohlke*
  • No. 30 - A brief introduction to the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program's mission, goals, and accomplishments, by David W. Morganwalp*

As of 1/23/2009

A pdf version of the full agenda is available for download (112 KB).

More Information

For more information on the meeting please contact Herb Buxton


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