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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health


Automatic Term Mapping (continued)

Again, the first place PubMed looks for a match for your search is in the MeSH Translation Table. This table contains:

1. If the term renal transplant is searched, PubMed will find a match for this in the MeSH Translation table.

2. Renal transplant is a synonym for the MeSH term, Kidney Transplantation.

3. PubMed will search using the MeSH term as well as the term originally entered. In addition, both the entered term and the "mapped to" MeSH term will also be searched in All Fields. [Show Me]

PubMed automatically searches the MeSH headings as well as the more specific terms underneath that heading (if there are any) in the MeSH hierarchy. This is referred to as exploding the term.

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Last reviewed: 28 April 2009
Last updated: 9 February 2009
First published: 20 March 2001
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