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Coastal and Marine Geology Program Internet Map Server:
U.S. Pacific West Coast

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program
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U.S. Pacific West Coast Internet Map Server

Map Server Description

GIS Data Catalog

GLORIA Project Description

Download GLORIA Digital Mosaics

GIS Data Publications

Field Activities

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Internet Map Server Description

Image showing U.S. Pacific West Coast Internet Map Server default map view.

U.S. Pacific West Coast Internet Map Server default map view. Click here for a larger image. Image will open in new browser window.

The U.S. Pacific West Coast Internet Map Server contains published data layers and information from the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program. An example of the default map view is shown at the right. The most striking data layer is the 250 m resolution digital mosaic of the GLORIA (Geologic Long-Range Inclined Asdic) sidescan data collected in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the U.S. West Coast. These data were acquired during a major field study conducted in 1984. A data layer indicating the Coastal Vulnerability Index showing the potential of coastal change due to sea-level rise is also available.

In addition to the GLORIA sidescan data, some multibeam backscatter and shaded relief imagery collected during various coastal mapping surveys are also available for viewing. Locations of these surveys are available and are shown in the default mapview. Other basemap data layers relative to the specific mapsite have been compiled from a variety of public domain sites and are also available for viewing and download.

Within the Internet Map Server, data layers have been grouped within category headings. Clicking the appropriate data folder will expand or collapse the folder allowing the individual data layers to be displayed. Data layers may be "turned-off or on" by selecting the visible button beside the layer name. The map view will automatically update. A complete description of the available data layers and links to download the data may be found in the GIS Data Catalog.

internet map server hyperlink tool icon Hyperlink properties

The data layers listed below have associated hyperlink properties. When the data layer is selected as the active data layer, selecting the hyperlink activity will result in the associated information being displayed in a new browser window.

  • index - When accessing the U.S. Pacific West Coast Internet Map Server, a user may browse the 50 meter full-resolution images of the individual 36 GLORIA mosaics by utilizing the hyperlink tool.  With the "GLORIA mosaic index" selected as the active data layer, select the hyperlink tool from the tool menu at the left of the map view.  When active, click within the outline of the selected mosaic.  The individual mosaic will be displayed in a separate browser window.

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, November 08, 2007, 03:00 PM