Hazmat PublicationsSafety Assistance Office Locations2004 Emergency Response Guidebookhazmat PresentationsHazmat Transportation Secuirty Awareness Training Module
2004 Emergency Response Guidebook

The DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) has become the nation’s “most wanted” first response guidance document since its early beginnings in 1973. The ERG is designed to aid first responders in:

(1) Quickly identifying the hazardous material(s) involved in a transportation incident.

(2) Protecting themselves and the general public during this initial response phase of the incident.

The ERG is updated every four years to maintain its reputation as state-of-the-art technical guidance. Since 1996, PHMSA (formerly RSPA) has produced the ERG jointly with counterparts in Canada and Mexico, resulting in one source recognized for use throughout North America.

2004 Emergency Response Guidebook

To access these files, click on the Guidebook.

ERG 2004 Mobile

ERG 2004 Mobile is designed to run on Pocket PC personal digital assistants (PDAs) and Windows-based personal computers to allow first responders maximum flexibility to access and use the information contained in the guidebook. These files replicate the information available on our website concerning the 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook

To access the ERG 2004 Mobile files, click on the CD-ROM.

Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders

WISER is a system designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. WISER provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment and suppression advice. WISER is available as a standalone application on Pocket PC PDAs, Palm OS PDAs, and Microsoft Windows PCs.


To access WISER, click on the WISER logo and scroll down.

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