Free Resources for Program Evaluation and Social Research Methods

This page lists FREE resources for program evaluation and social research methods.  The focus is on "how-to" do evaluation research and the methods used: surveys, focus groups, sampling, interviews, and other methods.  Most of these links are to resources that can be read over the web.  A few, like the GAO books, are for books that can be sent away for, for free (if you live in the US), as well as read over the web.

Protecting the public   Visit here first!  This page has links to information about human research protection practices, research codes and guidelines, rights of the public, professional standards and ethics and others related to protection.  I hope the links listed here are very helpful, because this is stuff to which all researchers should pay serious attention.

Basic guides   These have very plain and clear descriptions of what evaluation is. Useful to introduce people to evaluation.


Methods - books, manuals, guides to research methods and evaluation

Approaches to evaluation  , politics of evaluation and logic models.

Survey methods

Sites specifically about sampling

Methods - Qualitative

Policy Analysis

Research about research methods   Journals, individual papers, conferences, etc.

General methods, and links that don't fit elsewhere

Links to links   Sites like this one, that link to resources for evaluation and research methods.

Gao books  on survey design, statistics, content analysis, other methods topics.

Statistics, design

Data Issues. Quality, usability, etc... I'm working on this one.

Free software for statistics, and a few office suite packages

Presenting statistical data and preparing research reports

subject areas you need to know social psychology, organizations, other

Free Statistical Tools on the Web   brief review of free statistical resources. 

Insights   insights about evaluation from various people. only a few so far.

Training  on line training courses.
Featured sites

What is program evaluation: A set of beginners guides

MandE NEWS mailing list
talk to other evaluators about evaluating international aid.

Real World Evaluation
Share ideas for conducting evaluations of international development projects under less than ideal conditions.

Country Led Evaluation mailing list

Free statistical software

Got something you'd like me to feature? Let me know.

Other sites of interest

Feed the hungry at

Pictures, movies, virtual postcards, midi music,  for kids to look at or listen to.

Not mine, but consumer info.

Find many resources about evaluation at any of these links portals


Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research,
 Evaluation Portal: Link Collection,
 WWW Virtual Library: Evaluation,

American Evaluation Association: Online resources list,
 Le site Portal de L'evaluation dans l'espace francophone,
CDC Evaluation Working Group resources,

About this site

This site is listed as a link from the American Evaluation Association, the Canadian Evaluation Society, the International Association of Survey Statisticians, OECD and Unicef.  Click here for a complete list of sites that list this site.

The evaluation site is an ICAAP  supported site
ICAAP is: The International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication

Many of the sites listed on the evaluation site were found by looking at other sites related to evaluation, for example, the Free Management Library, CDC's site, and through others.  Some were also found by looking at general sociology sites.  We are thankful to all of them.

Send feedback or comment to us at   gsociology at yahoo (dot) com
This site was created by Gene Shackman, Applied Sociologist.

Click here for information about me.  Also, if you link this site to yours, could you please let me know?  I would also be very interested to find out if you find this site useful.

This site had been prepared using Netscape Composer and Mozilla and now seamonkey.

Disclaimer:  All of the work on this site was done at home, using our home computers and home time.  This site does not represent the position of any organization, and in our work on this site, we do not represent any organization. We are not affiliated with or supported by any organization, except that the site is hosted by ICAAP, and we are grateful for their hosting.

The information made available through links at this web site are provided as a public service.  Information and links at this site are for educational purposes only, and are not intended to be advice or suggestions for any action or inaction.  Any actions taken by visitors to this site are totally the responsibility of the visitors.  Material on linked sites does not necessarily reflect our opinions, nor do we assume any responsibility for the content provided at these linked sites.

Privacy policy:  ICAAP, the host, keeps count of who visits this site.  The info they collect includes what web sites refer people to this one, and the type of browser.  They and we (gene and ya-lin) don't make any of their information public, and so far as we can tell, ICAAP does NOT collect any info that can personally identify any visitors.  The counter we use also does not collect any personally identifying information. If there are any problems, let me know.

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