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Agency EMS Policies

EPA’s Position on EMS

EPA’s EMS Policy
EPA's Environmental Management System Implementation Policy signed by Administrator Christine Todd Whitman on May 17, 2002.

EPA’s December 15, 2005 Position Statement on EMSs
Recently the EPA reissued its Position Statement on Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The revised Position Statement reaffirms the Agency's long-held opinion that implementing an EMS will enable businesses, agencies, and other institutions to improve their environmental performance and business competitiveness.

Our Position Statement reaffirms our leadership and support for the voluntary adoption of EMSs. It also reflects the learning that the EPA has gained both by promoting the use of EMSs to others through their programs and through the implementation of EMSs at 34 of their own facilities in locations across the nation.

The Position Statement also clearly defines the principles that the EPA will use to guide its efforts in promoting the widespread voluntary use of EMSs.

Strategy for Determining the Role of Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) in Regulatory Programs
This document is our strategy for addressing the question of whether-and if so, how-it may also be appropriate to consider EMSs in the context of the Federal regulatory structure, either to improve the design of regulatory programs, to encourage the use of EMSs, or both.

Fact Sheet (PDF) (1 p, 81K, About PDF)
Strategy for Determining the Role of Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) in Regulatory Programs. Provides a brief overview of EPA's strategy for determining the role of EMSs in Regulatory Programs.

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