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CAMD Home D&M Home Help Data Definitions Fact Sheet

Emissions Data in Smoke Format

Report Definitions
Description Year File Size (KB) Last Update
Hourly Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) data files formatted for use with the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) modeling system.

IMPORTANT: The files posted on this site are for use with SMOKE version 2.3 and later versions only. These files will not work with prior versions of the SMOKE system. SMOKE version 2.3 is available at the Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Center Click the "Models" link at left, and follow the instructions on the web pages to register and download SMOKE.
2007 317753 08/05/2008
2006 313586 08/05/2008
2005 319462 08/01/2008
2004 320356 08/01/2008
2003 309767 07/31/2008
2002 305361 01/17/2007
2001 267930 01/17/2007
2000 270843 01/17/2007
1999 239968 06/18/2007
1998 218679 01/17/2007
1997 200768 01/17/2007
1996 52254 01/17/2007
1995 53908 01/17/2007

Emissions data in smoke format are now also available on our ftp site (ftp.epa.gov/dmdnload).

Last updated in 2008.
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