Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 1-15: Annual U.S. Motor Vehicle Production and Factory (Wholesale) Sales

(Thousands of units)

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Production, total 7,905 11,120 8,284 8,987 8,010 11,638 9,767 8,790 9,691 10,855 12,239 11,995 11,830 12,131 12,003 13,025 12,774 11,425 12,280 12,087 11,960 11,947
Passenger cars 6,703 9,335 6,550 6,717 6,376 8,186 6,078 5,440 5,667 5,982 6,601 6,340 6,083 5,934 5,554 5,638 5,542 4,879 5,019 4,510 4,230 4,321
Commercial vehiclesa 1,202 1,785 1,734 2,270 1,634 3,452 3,690 3,350 4,025 4,873 5,638 5,655 5,747 6,197 6,448 7,387 7,231 6,546 7,261 7,577 7,731 7,625
Factory (wholesale) sales, total 7,869 11,057 8,239 8,985 8,067 11,467 9,775 8,795 9,747 10,857 12,189 12,023 11,916 12,223 12,112 12,127 12,527 11,108 U U U U
Passenger cars 6,675 9,306 6,547 6,713 6,400 8,002 6,050 5,407 5,685 5,962 6,549 6,310 6,140 6,070 5,677 5,428 5,504 4,884 U U U U
Commercial vehiclesa 1,194 1,752 1,692 2,272 1,667 3,464 3,725 3,388 4,062 4,895 5,640 5,713 5,776 6,153 6,435 6,699 7,022 6,224 6,964 7,143 7,467 7,767

KEY: U = data are not available.

a Includes trucks under 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), such as compact and conventional pickups, sport utility vehicles, minivans, and vans, and trucks and buses over 10,000 pounds GVWR.


Factory sales can be greater than production total because of sales from previous year's inventory.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


1960-2005: Ward's, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures 2006 (Southfield, MI: 2006), p. 3.

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